Thursday, December 27, 2012

Weight Watchers Wants Their Money Worth From Jessica Simpson

Although Jessica Simpson will not be on Weight Watchers during her pregnancy, the company still plans on running all of her ads even though the final ad has her all covered up and no one really knows if she lost the 50 pounds she has claimed to lose. Weight Watchers will run all these ads for the foreseeable future even as Jessica continues to gain weight during her pregnancy before our eyes. The company says that Jessica will use the program after she delivers the baby and her doctor says it is ok for her to start using the program. I think Weight Watchers should just cut their losses and revisit it after her pregnancy. They should find some normal people who have pounds to lose. They cost less and they can become big stars like Jared for Subway.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I don't see what the big deal is. They paid her money, let them run some ads that she already did for them. She's going to follow the program with her Doctor's approval once she's given birth, so how is this bad for anyone? She's a big name and that attracts more attention from women looking to lose weight, as opposed to a normal person, that's why they had to pay her the big bucks. This isn't a big mystery.

  2. I love the going on a diet while pregnant. The tagline could be, "so she doesn't blow like she did with the last one."

  3. How many points is a bag of Cheetos?

    1. Have you tried Loaded Baked Potato Pringles? Damn! If you like Cheetos...

  4. Jessica..just stay away from buttered Pop Tarts. That's just gross!

    Okay, my lovely CDAN'ers...I'm off to go for some testing in a desperate attempt to get this vertigo under some kind of control. I'm nervous and anxious; the last time I had this testing it sent me into a 6-month long vertigo hell where I wasn't able to stand up due to loss of balance. Much love and peace to you all. <3

    1. Reese, take care. From a hearing impaired friend:)

    2. Hope you feel better!

  5. best of luck reeses! sending good vibes your way! we will keep you in our thoughts/prayers!

  6. Nooo... Buttered Pop Tarts? That sounds disgustingly... Intriguing!!!

  7. Remember when the rumor started going around that she was knocked up again, I think Us magazine broke the story and no one really believed it. Does this mean they are becoming reputable again?

  8. Good luck @Reeses! My sister had a bout of Vertigo and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

  9. @Reeses, fingers and toes, doll!!!

  10. All the best @reeses get well soon

  11. Best wishes Reeses! Good luck!!!

    Vertigo is a very tricky complicated issue. Acupuncture can sometimes reduce symptoms while your docs get to the bottom of the cause.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  12. Weight Watchers should have included a clause in the contract stating that if Jessica regained the weight within a year or two - for *any* reason - she'd have to give the money back. If they didn't, that was just a bad business decision.

  13. Jean Nidetch lives near me. She'll be 90 this year and maintains her goal weight!

    1. She is the founder of WW..I forget how young some of you are:)

  14. Jessica needs to get on that Hot Cheetos and Takis tip.

    Good luck, Reeses!

  15. Reeses - good luck!

  16. Good luck, Reeses! Sending lots of love your way!

  17. Has anyone had the flaming hot munchies yet? That shit actually got me to eat sun chips and i loooooathe sun chips.

  18. @ReecesPeace - I had vertigo about 10 years ago that I couldn't get rid of. A specialist put me on Elavil, usually used for depression, and it was noticeably better in days, gone in a week. I stayed on a low dose for 6 months and I've been fine every since.

  19. I know I'm randomly wandering around topics today. It's dead at the office and I have no real direction in my thought today since I've been marooned indoors with a 3 year old and 6 year old for the last 3 days. I apologize in advance for my current inability to discuss things on an adult level.

  20. @disco - I've never tried the hot munchies, but I love sun chips. I appreciate your current state of disability ;)

  21. Oh they're royally pissed....

  22. Buttered pop tarts were my fav food as a kid. Unfrosted pop tart in the toaster then a light layer of melted butter. Mmmmmm.

  23. Weight watchers is supposed to teach you how to eat healthy for life. She could implement those ideas while expecting this time and gain only the recommended amount by her dr's. I hope she learned a lesson from her last pg. She looks great again would be ashame to gain 70lbs again.

  24. @Reeses - best of luck! A friend of mine had vertigo for almost a year & it was really hard. Be well!

    Breakfast food in general doesn't agree with me, but buttered pop-tarts? Imma go gag...

  25. I know hillary duff doesn't exactly have an hourlass figure because of her with her kinda wide shoulders and abdomen but if they had picked someone like her, they would not be such a joke. She did not appear to constantly use industrial strength spanx and tunics.

    I don't blame them.for sticking with this considering the obscene amount of money they paid. But if she pulls any of the same crap. Having her next commercial from the neck up. Joke's on them.

  26. For goodness sake, the only people who have anything to be mad at her about would be Weight Watchers and they seem to be ok with her being pregnant again--or they are making the best of it--it's life--she is a young woman and she is having another baby--that happens to a lot of women--so they can go through that with her and help her on the other side and use her story to get more members. If anything this will keep her from eating crappy during this pregnancy when she knows everyone is watching her--and hopefully she will have less to lose after the baby is born.

    When Weight Watchers asks her for their money back--THEN there will be a story.

  27. Good luck Reeses!

    I saw a WW commercial last night where she said she was pregnant again.

  28. Good luck Reeses hopefully you can find some relief soon.

    I don't get the Jess hate, she is harmless on the celeb scale. *shrugs*

  29. She definitely lost 50 pounds, I think that's pretty obvious here compared to the photos right after she gave birth.

  30. Good luck, Reeses! I've had troubles on & off w/vertigo myself, so I understand at least some of how you feel. *fingers crossed that everything goes well*

  31. @ Reeses - Good luck!

    Why didn't WW withhold payment until JS reached her target weight?

  32. I can't say I feel bad for Jessica. Earlier in her career when people talked about her weight she talked about how she loved her curves, loved to eat, wouldn't try to kill herself to be skinny. Then she got Dukes of Hazzard and everything out of her mouth was about being fit, healthy and her weight loss. Then when she gained weight around the time of the mom jeans photo, again with the "I loves to eat" and "not trying to fit into the hollywood, size 0 mold". Guaranteed, had she not gotten pregnant again, she'd be on every magazine about how she lost the weight and in a bikini. She has made her weight an issue for most of her career. Live by the sword...

  33. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Best of luck to you @Reeses! Make sure to keep us updated!

  34. Seems to me Weight Watchers is missing a great opportunity IF Jessica was willing to go on a board and for the right price and vanity sure she would - why not develop a doctor approved program for pregnant women so that they don't gain too much weight but eat well enough for the baby. I think a lot of women would appreciate that kind of guidance. Better off not gaining too much weight in the first place during the pregnancy especially for those women who gain too much weight with previous pregnancies or get pregnant in the middle of a weight loss program.

    Jessica is the classic yo yo dieter and it screws up your metabolism big time.

  35. She may not have lost all of the weight but clearly she's lost quite a lot. She's not super thin but she looks normal and healthy. I think women like her because she seems relatively normal (well...). She gained a lot of weight and she's sometimes struggled to take it off (even with lots of help) just like so many other women. And I have to say, intentional or not (probably not) I think seeing her weight loss progression has seemed more real to people than the "I'm fat" and then 3 months later, POOF! "I'm thin", no effort people.

    That said, hopefully she'll stay a little healthier weight-wise this time.

  36. LottaColada, you know the saying: "Even a broken clock is right twice a day." If Us says every female celeb is preggers, they're bound to be right every now and then.

  37. If she wasn't all covered up in the commercial her weight loss would be more believable. She did take off weight, but it is very difficult to tell how much weight she lost in that outfit.
