Thursday, December 20, 2012

Your Turn

Did you keep your resolutions you made at the beginning of the year?


  1. Yes! My resolution was no more resolutions.

  2. Sure did, I resolved to eat more bacon enty.

  3. No but I made it a month & a half. Not very good - Will try again this year, you can't try to quit smoking too many times. :)

  4. No. I still have not found Shelly.

  5. Um, no. But I made a resolution midyear to dress up at work more, and that one I have kept.

  6. I have never in my life made a new year's resolution,

  7. Yes! I resolved to lose 30 pounds & lost 34 (so far).

  8. I resolved to have more fun:)

  9. I was already awesome, so I didn't make any resolutions.

    This year, my resolution is to fit into my damn wedding dress.

  10. Date Sports Stars
    Revised - Date more
    Revised - Get a date
    Revised - stop crying while masturbating

    1. I just spit coffee! LOL!

    2. @Anish - Jimmyjane Form 2. You're welcome ;)

  11. Don't make resolutions, make determinations!

  12. My resolution Every year is to
    Always lose weight And I never do lol

  13. Didn't make one last year. I think this year's will be to drink more, and like Lori, have more fun! And ring in the New Year with Ab Fab :)

  14. Not good with keeping resolutions.

  15. @ Anishinaabeg, that made me spit coffee on my computer screen :)

    Too funny!!!!

    Sucks to be you huh??? :)

  16. Not sure if I made any last year but if I did I am pretty sure I didn't keep them:)

  17. @Agent*it - good resolution - I'll join you on that next year!

    I didn't even bother this past January - I never keep them.

  18. @Roman Holilday, :) Yeah, well the pickings are slim in my home town, but that's nothing that another brandy bean chocolate can't fix. Good think I love to read!

  19. I don't believe in New Years resolutions. If I decide to make a change, it starts the day I decide it.

  20. I don't make resolutions on NY day, I pick random dates during the year and that seems to work for me. Ex - I picked August 12, 2011 to quit smoking, and I did. Use the patch correctly - it really does work. This year I will pick a date in February to lose that 10 pounds I gained due to stress.

  21. Not this year but a few years ago I made (and kept) the resolution to "drink more whiskey".

    I'm already preparing my 2013 list. It's gonna be hella long :(

  22. No because I suck and obviously want to be broke ad carry around this extra 30 pounds.

  23. I don't even remember what mine were!

  24. Yes, I did run my half marathon!

  25. I didn't lose any weight... But I didn't gain any either. And after breaking up with an emotionally abusive douche, I think that's a decent feat

  26. @Veech - yes actually that's pretty remarkable. Good for you!

  27. No! And im glad!! I dont hv to think of any new ones!! Lol(for the record, i was going to learn spanish!)

  28. I haven't made any for years, much happier.

  29. I didn't make any, which was a mistake. This year I'm going to make a few resolutions. They've worked very well for me in the past, and I seriously need to get my sh*t together.

  30. @VIPblonde, LOL! Christmas is, ahem, coming!

  31. Great job @Jazzy and @mesew! My resolution was also to lose weight, and I lost 80 pounds. I want to lose another 20, but I'm back in my high school jeans, not too shabby for being 34.

  32. Anonymous2:48 PM


  33. Congrats to those who kept their resolutions!

    Mine was to run 1,000 miles this year. I made it to 580 before my knees wouldn't cooperate anymore (sucks to be 29, right?) then we got knocked up, which I took as a "please, chill on the exercise" sign.

    No resolution for 2013; just hoping to not have a nervous breakdown as a first time mommy. :)

    1. Good luck!
      Remember to take time for yourself.

  34. Mine was to train harder & improve on my Warrior Dash time. I did by 20 minutes.

  35. Stay off of Facebook.

    Debating whether to go back on the 31st (since it was a leap year), just to check in with some friends and tell them I'll see them again in a year.

  36. I didn't make one this past year, but I continue to do the two from the years previous. Parking in row 4 as far away from the store as possible... no excuses. I always know where my car is and I am forced to get a little extra walking in. That's become obsessive. And recycling. We're on year 3 of that. Got the whole family participating. This year I'm going to add composting. I'm so glad I gave up the 'gotta lose weight' resolutions of the past! Finally successful!

  37. No resolutions last year. This year will be different. Need to tone up and find another job. Oh shit, that sounds like too much.

  38. What resolutions? Failed miserably at everything I attempted.LOSER!!

  39. #IdleNoMore my resolution is to stop being so damn bitchy..menopause is just an excuse. Lose the weight I gained since I quit smoking at the end of October, I have to admit the comments made on "Your Turn" about smoking made me examine the reasons why I did..and laugh more, and have more fun.

  40. Shit, bloody hell it was about last year's resolutions..okay I resolved I would not kill my former boss, he's still breathing his toxic venom so I guess I kept it.

  41. Mine were to be healthier and for the most part, I have been!
