Friday, December 07, 2012

Your Turn

Did you love a boy band? If so which one?


  1. Hanson. I still maintain that Middle of Nowhere is a solid album.

  2. I’m aging myself here, but I was totally and utterly in love with Duran Duran...Might not be your conventional boy band, but we didn’t have NKOTB in 1985.

  3. Nkotb, then Nsync, now One direction. I'll never grow up

  4. Back Streets Back, ALRIGHT!

  5. Replies
    1. Back atcha. And I shan't apologize!

  6. Menudo, I was a Robby Rosa fan.

  7. Back in the 60s, the Beatles were a "boy band" sort of, so that was mine. Although I did like Herman and the Hermits, too. Then in high school, drifted into early heavy metal so the boy band phase was over for me.

  8. The Eagles. What? Doesn't work?

  9. New Kids and then Duran Duran. Are they really a boy band though?

    DD will always be my favorite. I finally got to see them in concert last year. Awesome show! Their last album was the best they've released in years.

  10. I'm 32, so NKOTB. By the time the rest of them started popping up in the late '90s, I had already moved on to grunge and was SO MUCH COOLER THAN THAT.

  11. NSync had some really good songs!


  12. Duran Duran then INXS.

    I'm certain that there is an alternate universe where Hutch is alive and we're married.

  13. New Kids on the Block. Grew up a Jordan girl but I went off him on The Surreal Life, and whenever I've met him he's been kind of fill of himself. I'm now all about Donnie.

  14. I liked BSB. Never liked nsync. As cheesy as they both were nsync's songs were intolerable to me.

  15. Replies
    1. Bros were my first, too. I didn't realize they were popular overseas. I wonder if Matt does the classics at his Vegas show

  16. Only if the Bay City Rollers count. Other than that, no.

  17. Ok, no, never cared about boy bands. The closest I ever came was a freshman year of HS obsession with Wham! Well, I maybe still think George Michael is the best ever ever, ok?

    But Menudo makes me think about Ricky Martin - good God, that man was pure sex when he came out with that Vida Loca shit. Doesn't matter what team you play for or what team he plays for - he was pure sex moving around up on that stage!

  18. I was introduced to Duran Duran byy babysitter when I was 8. Then it was on to nKOTb

  19. Same here with Bay City Rollers. Do the Osmonds or Jackson 5 count? I did have a crush on little Michael...

  20. oh, this takes me back. I was best friends with a girl who was wild about NKOTB (and the Coreys, and our junior high student body president). I mean, wild. We were watching NKOTB videos and she would squeal and roll around on the floor. I was 13, too, and remember just staring at her and wondering what the hell was wrong with her.

  21. So funny...I was like heck no I never liked a boy band. But uh, I suppose the fact that I had every I of my walls covered with Duran Duram posters and obsessively watched MTV for a glimpse of them means that I did.

  22. I have NEVER liked Boy Bands, not even when I was a teen; I have always had taste!

  23. Milli Vanilli and Wham!!! I still love them so much.

  24. Duran Duran. Pop princes, if not considered a boy band. Nick! John!

  25. The Beatles years after they broke up, of course. :( I was so obsessed with them, and still am, to a certain extent. Then years later, I secretly listened to my daughter's Back Street Boys CD's. They were catchy, okay?

  26. I came on here to state my case for Duran Duran and so many others had already said them. Good taste, guys!

    I did love BB and nSync too even though I was in my twenties. Fun stuff.

  27. Frufra!!! I absolutely LOVE George Michael, have since I was about 9 & Wham! was big. I had SUCH a crush on him. *sigh* He even got a shout out on my one time only facebook post of things/people I was thankful for last month. :)

    When I was in junior high, everyone else was into New Kids-my friend Dana and I were listening to Led Zeppelin and The Doors.

  28. Curlyhair, I was listening to Duran Duran and Weird Al in junior high. lol

    1. Nice Vicki! My brother is a HUGE DD fan, he saw them a couple times within the past year and he said it was one of the best concerts ever! They didn't come anywhere close to where I live or I would have gone!

  29. NSYNC! NSYNC! NSYNC! Ohh man...from 4th-8th grade that was my life. You couldn't see my walls because they were covered in posters I would rip out from J-14 and Bop. My 1st three concerts were Nsync, and my mother tells me those were the worst nights of her life, haha.

    I'm not afraid to admit this but I'm still not recovered from them leaving me hanging in 2002, and I still await their reunion. C'mon Justin, we're just waiting on you. I tell myself this every so often...yes, i'm cool.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. If Motley Crue counts as a boy band, my answer is YES!

  32. Yes, the one, the only, the beatles!!!! I was 14! So in love with john! Good funny memories!!

  33. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Duran Duran, because I am Mrs. John Taylor afterall...

  34. NSYNC. I seen them 5 times in concert.

    Oh lord.

  35. All of them. *hangs head in shame* I love cheesy pop music.

  36. N"sync, Boys To Men.

    Also Rolling Stones and Aerosmith. I know some people are going what. But these two groups are actually a band and play intruments.

  37. My first thought was "does Duran Duran count?" LOL! Seems there are quite a few of us. Remember the fold-out posters from Bop and Tiger Beat? I was allllllll about Simon. And the videos were so hot! Rio, Hungry Like the Wolf, Reflex.... Remember when Girls on Film was banned because it was too risque?!?! Positively tame by today's standards!

  38. Hanson and N*SYNC. I flirted with the BBoys for a bit, but Lance Bass always had my heart.

  39. Man, you gotta love the music snobs. Doesn't make you any cooler no matter what music you like. I love BSB for the kind of music they sing, same as loving NIN for the kind of music they play and Blake Shelton for his. Those that only appreciate one type of music are truly missing out on some great stuff out there.

  40. Damn I forgot LFO and 98degrees! BBmak and O-Town.

    Jeez I guess in retrospect I really had a thing for boy bands.

    "New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits, chinese food makes me sick. And I think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer, for the summer"

    Quality lyrics right there.

    1. @jsierra love that song, and the JLH Girl on TV. Very sad when Rich died

  41. Dating myself here, but THE boy band when I was young was the Bay City Rollers. I also was very much into the Hudson Brothers too. Not so much a boy band, but definitely on the pages of 16 and Tiger beat, which I read religiously.
    Now, it's pretty much all Aerosmith for me.

  42. The Monkees, bahaha

  43. The ORIGINAL boy band---The Monkees!!!!

  44. Another. Bad. Creation.


    1. @g. strathmore - ABC, BBD, the east coast family...that girl is poi-sonnnnnn

    2. "Never trust a big butt and a smile"- words to live by

  45. The Traveling Wilbury's.

    1. OMG Omama, I have their... cassette:)

  46. NKOTB!
    Went to a concert when I was 11 with two friends. I cant believe our parents let us go alone.
    At some point, I had a crush on each one, except Danny. Dont like the body builder look.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @karrots all kinds of jealous, although I do hope it wasn't with my future husband

  48. 'nsync. I still have my dolls packed away.

  49. What? Only one person mentioned my favorite band. Menudo! Oh-oh-oh. I loved Rickeee. I was also in love with Wham! and New Edition.

  50. The last boy band I loved was The Monkees!!! Yea, I go back that far and farther!

  51. Duran Duran were never a boy band. They were/are an actual group, self-formed, they write their own songs and play all the instruments.

    LOL, I know you guys get that... I just wanted to rant for a minute. :)

  52. Not a single. fucking. one.

  53. Duran Duran when I was really young and the NKOTB. I'm 37. :)

  54. oh Sarah...i got a "snog" from Matt when I met him in 1990. They weren't very big out here but my brother lived in London and would send me the UK magazines.

    And yes, I do follow Matt Goss on

    1. @jax my younger self is envious! You could have sold your story - everyone thought he was gay then

  55. Backstreet Boys! I also remember going to see 98degrees at a shopping centre and Nick Lachey actually touched my hand and I thought that was the coolest.

  56. INXS was a boy band?? .... Loved Michael Hutchence tho...I had a door- sized poster of him and bought some docs since he wore michael...

  57. OMG. I HATED boybands as a preteen/teen...I thought NKOTB were awful, and couldn't stand any of the 90s pop stuff...Britney or whatever. What I liked first was Guns n Roses and I got then realllly into Britpop (Oasis, Blur) and whiny things like Smashing Pumpkins and grunge. But then I moved to Europe and developed an appreciation for cheesy pop. :) At that point I decided it was okay to think BSB was actually pretty good, even though I still only listened to smartass indie and college radio stuff.

    Being honest though, once a mom looking for a cleaner version of power-pop/rock to share , we got totally into the Jonas Brothers. I don't even want to tell you how many times we saw them live. SO I think they were my first?? Then only recently did I get obsessed with Take That's manband era, so they'd be my other...but it was a long evolution. Like reclaiming something I never let myself enjoy as a kid.

    My kid is super into One Direction now, and I approve. I don't think it's necessary for her to be a musically snotty brat like I was. :)


  58. Never. Unless you consider CSN&Y a boy band...

    The one redeeming feature of "Rock of Ages": when Julianne Hough tells the young man how crappy her life has been since they broke up, and, he tells her "I'm in a boy band", and she replies: "You win".

  59. Oh wait, do the Monkees count, because they started out manufactured? If so, they'd be my first, but....nah...

    And rock bands aren't boy bands even if they are all guys, you cheaters! :P And neither are emo bands even though they do kind of feel cheesy, esp when pretty,and I am def a bit embarrassed to admit it when I like them...

  60. The Beatles, those lovable mop tops!

    Before my time but I love them.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. depeche they started out really teeny bop synth pop

  63. Oh, Boyz 2 Men.. still makes me swoon

  64. Boyz 2 Men for me...

  65. Bay City Rollers then THE Osmond brothers,

  66. @flirtychick74
    I STILL say" Ima hungry muchacho, Ima hungry". Do you know what I'm talking about, or do I just sound crazy?
    Menudo, baby

  67. jackson 5/Jacksons (still like a lot of their music) and Bon Jovi (not so much anymore, what can I say, I was an impressionable teen...)

  68. Duran Duran. Almost got to see them this summer, but the concert was cancelled due to health issues.

    Le sigh.

  69. Started with NKOTB, then Hanson, BSB, NSync... Yah I was a boy band fiend in my teens and pre-teen years!

  70. The Beatles
    Osmond Brothers
    Jackson 5

    Dunno if they are "boy bands" like what we consider today. But I had their albums and enjoyed them.....

  71. Add me to the D2 crowd. I've seen them a few times, but the best was at First Avenue. I went by myself, so I was hanging out with a group of girls, and one of them had screwed Nick in the bathroom during their previous arena tour, lol.

  72. Duran Duran for me, too! I still hope to one day become the second Mrs. Simon John Charles LeBon.

  73. Duran Duran for me, too! I still hope to one day become the second Mrs. Simon John Charles LeBon.

  74. Oh, Hell yeah to the Bay City Rollers! My very first concert, at age 14!
    Right before they came here, Ian left, so I went to one of the first concerts with Patrick. Got to kiss Woody before I got tossed off the stage.

  75. bsb.... "as long as you love me" is a guilty pleasure

  76. Motley Crüe. They kinda qualified, since Tommy was 17 when they started out. Otherwise, the closest thing I've got is Duran Duran.

  77. Okay, Duran Duran were not, and never will be,m a "boy band" you guys. Love them, but no.
    I loved BSB and I was an adult in my twenties, lol. I never got on the NSCYNC train though.
    I was not into boy bands when I was young. Just Wham!. I really don't think they were considered a boy band either. George Michael was the man I was going to marry. *sigh*

  78. I loved Wham!, but thought Andrew Ridgley was cuter than George (what did I know, I was 14).We all know that DD were not technically a boy band but were there any boy bands in the early to mid 80's? New Edition, I guess. They were just not as mature and Brittish as DD. Sorry ladies, Simon is mine. Get in line.

  79. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Jeez where do I start?

  80. no. and i don't get why they are called bands, when no one plays any instruments.

  81. Allteration is why. Boy bands and girl groups. It is silly that they can be called a band when none of them play the instruments.

  82. Nice to see some love for the "Prefab Four" aka The Monkees!

    They were a boy band definitely, but they became much more. Went from being assigned instruments to play onscreen, to actually playing them. So many of their songs were incredible. Echo & The Bunnymen, their hit "Do It Clean" sounds an awful lot like The Monkees' "Stepping Stone." I'm not complaining, though... I love both!

  83. What the what?! Not one of you guys mentioned 5ive?! Oh god, I loved Scott so much (the one with spiky hair). I remember how much I wanted to be his gf when I was in high school *hangs head in shame*

    I also liked BSB, N'Sync, 98 Degrees (Invisible Man *swoon*) and Westlife (how come no-one mentioned them as well?).

    1. @misspeg I have a soft spot for 5ive (Jay!), and Westlife (Nicky!), plus Blue (Lee!), and Another Level (Bobak!) but I don't think any of them were popular outside of Europe.

    2. @Sarah Thanks for coming forward haha glad I'm not the only one! I liked Blue (Fly By) and Another Level (Freak Me) too. Some of my favourite songs!

    3. @misspeg pleasure, I take my boybands seriously! Great songs.

  84. Duran Duran! LOVED THEM! Had all of the buttons, my locker door was covered with their pictures. Going through some stuff recently I found those buttons. Good times!

  85. The Monkees.

    Hey, I'm old.

  86. Lynrd Skynrd and Led Zeppelin, except they were Man Bands.

  87. I never heard of them when they were actually a boyband, but now that they're a manband I am a huge Take That fan. They also have one of the best band stories of all time.

    I also really love 5ive and can't wait for them to get back together next year.

    1. @ariedana What the what?! 5ive are getting back together?! Goes off to Google Land...!

  88. Totally, ariedana, Take That have hands down the best band story, IMO! Even if you weren't attached to their first go round (I wasn't either). Their post reunion albums are so enjoyable and their!

  89. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Backstreet Boys =-)

  90. The Monkees (I think Davey was my first celeb crush)
    The Guys Next Door
