Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blind Item #3

I probably did not need to know this or imagine it in my head, but the ex-girlfriend of this LA Lakers player is telling everyone that the player pleasures himself in his sleep. Loudly. Every night. Want me to narrow it down? Foreign born Lakers player.


  1. I have no clue about any sports, but damn! The sheets they must go through!

  2. Wow, That's an embarrassing form of sleeping disorder!

  3. Dont don't know , don't care.

  4. I've done worse in MY sleep, I'm sure of it.

  5. Pay Gasol is from Spain and Nash is Canadian.

  6. The geico caveman.

  7. OMG FSP, your avatar is freaking me out. GAH!

    1. I don't know what you mean.

    2. Lol @ FSP, I keep hearing Adam Sandlers quote from big daddy in my head when I see it. "With his loose skin and old balls....gross!"

  8. Really, no one needs to know this. Have any of these people any discretion as to what is and is not approiate to discuss? Clearly not.

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I'm with Aunt Liddy, this is gross, embarassing, and the most private kind of information, that anybody would be horrified to be the subject of. Plus it's in his sleep, the poor guy can't really control something he does in his sleep. The next thing you know people will be ratting out their significant other's sleeptime farting habits! Wtf kind of bed partner would rush to the phone to report this to a gossip columnist? This is nobody's business, gross and lame. No more sleeping jerkoff blinds Enty!

  10. Cause we all know basketball wags are so honest. However, i find this hilarious. Probably wouldn't if I was the player in

  11. An ex-girlfriend of an NBA player? Well there is a trustworthy source...

  12. At least she doesn't have to feel obligated to always put out.

  13. One thing, since this is a legit sleeping disorder and people shouldn't share anything like this, I hope he dumps her ASAP. What a nasty person, she must not have any affection or empathy for him at all.
    God, they might have money and fame, but who'd want such an emotionally empty relationship?

  14. Kobe is also foreign born.

  15. My ex used to do this but I'm not so sure he was always sleeping.

  16. you come here and read blind items every day, if you are so outraged by this ,then why read ANY? It's ALL private information as far as we know.

    Seems kinda silly to keep coming back to read a site you so obviously have issue with.

  17. w/jax on this. The outrage is a bit much.

    1. Its known as this is my opinion. Surely you've had some in the past.

  18. The guy with the pony bun, paul g

  19. We all know these blinds get gross and private. If you want to read nicey nice, butterflies and fairies gossip, go read shine on yahoo.

  20. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I'll assume you're talking to me Jax, since I seem to be the most grossed out about this. I'm not outraged, I just think it's gross, and not something this person can help. I'd say the same thing to you Jax, since you have appointed yourself high commissioner of the commenting police, always relishing picking on people and calling them out, why do YOU always keep coming on here?

  21. It's Sasha vujacic dated Maria sharapova

  22. Eh, I have had my moments of "outrage" on a particular subject. Different strokes. I don't find this blind gross.

    1. Whats gross is her telling anyone. That he does it is his business. Her blabbing is not cool.

  23. About 25% of the roster is foreign-born: Gasol (Spain), Nash (South Africa), Sacre (who?) (Canada).

    But this is just a sleep disorder, no bad behavior by the guy, so I really don't care.

  24. Kobe was born in Philadelphia when his father was still with the Sixers. He grew up overseas when his father played overseas, but he graduated from a suburban Philly high school in the same general neighborhood as his father's college.

  25. I think this is Pau Gasol too

  26. The funny thing to me is that SHE dated him! He obviously did it more than once,yet she stayed. Please, reveal HER!! I don't care about the ball player, it probably happens more than we'd like to think about! Her telling people though, THAT needs to be outed!

  27. Nash has an ex-WIFE and now a gf. Unless he dated someone else in between (which IIRC he was cheating with his current gf because his wife was cheating on him) this isn't him. As much as I hate Kobe I don't think this is him. He's married, if this was an ex-gf it would have been years ago and if they're refering to someone he "dated" while married (and we know that has happened) it would be "ex-mistress" not gf.

    All that said, I have no guesses.

  28. Eh the only ones that bother me have to do with stuff being done to minors. Even then it's more about the fact that I wish there was proof so that the offenders could be outed. This particular blind pales in comparison.

  29. like nobody done this before lol

  30. Does she slurp up the penis snot after he finishes

  31. My ex used to do this in his sleep also. Of course, he was calling out another woman's name so...
