Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former A list reality star and now someone you probably would not want to spend any time has been trying her hardest to get pregnant and thinks it will give her a chance to be on top of the world again. Please do not let her be pregnant. If you have seen the way she treats other living things in her life, you would not want her to be either.


  1. I'm guessing Paris Hilton with the other living things being her dogs.

  2. Ding Ding Ding, I think you've got it!

  3. Paris. Ugh she ruined what would be an otherwise enjoyable episode of RHOBH. Talking about "her" concert. Opening for Jlo. (Outside in the parking lot most likely)

  4. It's Paris. And no, no one would care.

  5. PARIS! Good God.

  6. Paris, obviously. You know what might actually get her some of the attention she desperately wants? Growing up.

  7. Obvously, it's Paris.
    If she has as much STDs people say she has, maybe she would be able to conceive which, in this case, would be a blessing...

  8. Yep, Paris. Supposedly she's been contemplating this for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if she just rented a kid for photo ops.

  9. Great answer Andrew. Yeah hate to admit it but I saw a bit of RHOBH but as soon as Paris came on I changed the channel. Can they see when you do that so they know never to give her any airtime ever?

  10. Paris. I guess she thinks she can get a nanny to do all the hard work while she gets the publicity.

    1. Isn't that what most of these awful things do? When i see someone call angelina jolie such a great mom it shows how gullible people are. This team of nannies will keep you alive. Mommy will be back to take you to the toy store or mcdonalds so you don't forget who i am.

  11. Come on, the easiest way to get her off the media's radar is for her to be in jail for locking her baby in the closet and forgetting about it.

    1. @countjerkula did you respond to the spreadsheet wipeout question yet?

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Super easy, Paris. And by that model she's supposedly paying 100k a month to be seen with her?

  13. Interesting. Now Paris is copying Kim. The wheel has come full circle.

    1. @phoenix Nah, the wheel will come full circle when Paris gets knocked up by Ray J :)

    2. Or if she pees on Ray J

  14. I don't think Paris has the self-discipline it would take to not drink / do drugs for 9 months. One has to be able to look after oneself first.

    1. To be fair - lots of people refuse to give that up when expecting - I don't think she'd be able to do it either, but that doesn't mean she'd avoid getting pregnant because of it

  15. Paris totally deserves some screaming, needy, incomprehensible newborn to be the boss of her.

    Unfortunately, no newborn deserves her, so...

  16. lmao VIPblonde, and would be a tabloid chitstorm too.

  17. Wonky McHerpes for sure.

  18. Considering how many people she's responsible for infecting I be shocked if a living thing could grow in that body..

  19. G-d FORBID Paris get pregnant! I hope all her STDs have made her sterile.

  20. Paris of course. The only thing that surprises me is that she hasn't done it before. She started her slide once her first show was over, and Nicole went and had children and Kim K started getting popular. THEN would have been the time to do the baby thing. So it makes me wonder if she indeed cannot have children.

  21. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Paris Hilton. She's reached the desperation point and will do anything to get back in the spotlight. Isn't she paying that young model to be with her?

  22. Well, if what they say about her vagina is true (didn't she easily slip a cigarette pack full of coke up there in front of someone before a flight?) at least her labour will be easy.

    But in all seriousness...that poor kid. That poor, rich kid.

  23. Nasty visuals RQ! Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.

  24. oh my Rocket Queen, I bout peed over that remark!

  25. Oh dear. Paris for sure. Poor kid. She will treat it like an accessory and forget which nanny she dropped him/her off with after a day or two...

  26. BRB shower to clean the vomit off of myself after these visuals

  27. Being Differ Heidi and Spencer?

  28. I hope to God that she's sterile from cavorting around during her party girl days. Otherwise, we all know she wouldn't be able to give up drugs/alcohol during her pregnancy, and that kid will end up messed UP. It hurts my heart to see babies born with such issues just because their parents were too selfish to adequately care for them in-utero.

  29. RQ: Lil babe looks so sweet! Nice to have you back.

  30. Like @Sherry, I saw Paris on the RHBH last night and started cracking up. When the show first aired they wanted her on but she thought she was too big for the show. Now it looked like she was front and center just trying to get some Real Housewives celebrity! The times have changed and Kim K and her clan should take note. Whether it's Paris or the Hills people, or Jersey Shore, these reality show people always fade away.

  31. @ Just Another Girl - EXACTLY - She was too cool for the Real Housewives show and last night she graced the show by making an appearance, sauntering into the gallery with that bizarro prancing hips first walk of hers. My, how the mighty have fallen.

    That poor, rich kid.

    @RocketQueen - I could be wrong, but I don't think her money is trust fund Hilton money; I think she earns her own bank and it looks like that well is drying up. If she's not already doing it, she's going to be a yacht party girl with Tara Reid very soon.

  32. I'm genuinely surprised she hasn't had a baby yet. after all the publicity and money Nicole Richie got for selling her children's souls.to people magazine, I really thought Paris would have done it sooner

  33. This isn't even blind! I hope I can catch the latest RHOBH epi because apparently I missed it. Or maybe my Tivo recorded it later on I hope! Was going to echo what a few others have said, how she was too good for RHW but not anymore! LOL

    As for her money, I do not believe she really has any 'Hilton" money. Unfortunately she probably has amassed quite a fortune from all her noteriety entirely on her own. Porn flick, perfumes etc. I thought some of her fragrance did ok?

  34. Paris...hands down.

  35. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Paris the plague

  36. Paris. Can't someone implant birth control rods, the next time she's in for plastic surgery? God knows, it would be a public service to the rest of the world.

  37. Thanks, guys!

    Mango - well then I change my second comment to just: "that poor kid" ;)

  38. Parasite should be steralized!

  39. She is a disgusting human being.

  40. Paris is such a trash box. I've met THREE separate guys she's given herpes too. THREE! and one of the 3 passed it to a girl friend of mine. Paris is a cesspool of disease. I swear if she gets pregnant before I do this year, you will see me on tmz for blowing up Hollywood.

  41. @skimpymist: I know not what you speak of. I was working all day and just sitting down after dinner to peruse the site. Hopefully I catch it.

  42. Found it. Taken care of. I didn't mess with the spreadsheet. Thank you for the heads up.

  43. Wiped out celeb spreadsheet=first world problems.
