Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blind Item #4

This B list celebrity recently got engaged. She hated the ring though. Had her boyfriend return it and she is having one designed that she will pay for and say was designed by her boyfriend. Jeweler has been picked and will be mentioned in return for a substantial discount. Apparently the boyfriend has been really hurt by all of this.


  1. Is that why we haven't seen Olivia Wilde's ring?

  2. Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudakis.

  3. If it weren't for the B list part I would say JWOWW. I kind of think she may be considered B though, despite our objections.

  4. BTW, that was a completely dick move to pull on her part. If you love each other and he bought that ring with all of his love that is all that should matter.

    1. He needs to trade her in.For the duration of the marriage,he'll never be able to please her.

  5. @Jsierra It says "celebrity," not actress, so I think you got it with Jwoww. She's in the mail twice today. Good job!

  6. @Sierra, I agree, and he doesn't designate her man as anything.

  7. Lotta - I agree to a point. I mean it could have been hideous!!!

    I say this. If your dude doesn't know you well enough to get you the right ring... Spell future doom!!!

    *overly dramatic cackle goes here*

    1. @dia, Lmao! That's another thing, if he doesn't know your taste in jewelry by now, is the next step really an engagement ring?

      I say this because so many people rush into to things and are shocked when it doesn't work out. (I'm talking about my brother in law BTW not trying to offend any lovely readers)

    2. Totally agree...he should have known her need for control alittle better....and her taste in jewelry..come on you know she probably pointed out a dozen or so rings when dropping the marriage hint.

    3. Some guys just never get it. I've been with my guy 4 years and he still picked the ring he liked

    4. As in. " I know you liked that one, but I wanted to surprise you!"!" Yeah. With one i dont like. Good job, lol. Its alotta money, and if you can find a kind caring way way to say u dont like it and wld like to change it i say go for it. Most men could not care less about jewelry. But dont hurt his feelings! Or you go to have it sized or cleaned, , and omg you see a setting you never dreamed you wld like better than the one he got, but u do!! Point bring there are very tactful ways ofdoing it. And i dont think its any barometer of the future sucess of the relationship, anymore than you know knowing his favorite footballer is.

  8. I didn't notice it said celebrity but Jwoww did a magazine cover with her flashing her ring a while back. It had pink diamonds that's how I remember it.

  9. I wouldn't trust a man to know my taste to buy a ring that I would be wearing forever. In the UK, the couple go and choose the ring together. The man buying the ring alone must be why so many Americans get a solitaire diamond.

    1. No! I is / was a DeBeers marketing scam focused on Americans! I just read about this the other day.

    2. dia, love it !! I opted for no diamond.

  10. Jennifer Aniston. Justin proposed with that giant, in faceted looking ring. Her taste in jewelry tends to lean toward the delicate. She may want a large rock, but that one looked like it was straight out of the quarry.

  11. BTW - if I ever do get a ring from my guy I won't complain bc it would really really hurt his feelings. He has good taste though.

    My coworker got a huge rock. She hated it but wears it anyway. She married a sensitive man too. (She rides the bus every day in PDX, so... Kinda scary with that huge rock). She would of been happier with a car!

  12. What a #%@$! Save your input for on the wedding rings, Unless this is a Carcrashien ploy to up your fading popularity/ego and there is no wedding... Nah.
    Not You, Olivia Wilde, it would cheapen all your "Will f*** for Work" all nighters. BTW? Use a Classier font for your signs. May I suggest Blackadder ITC?

  13. Kelly Osbourne? She's a celebrity right. She's supposedly ring. Usually shows off about everything else. Plus could her boyfriend afford what she's used to?

    Sure Sudekis could afford a decent ring.

    1. Saw her online sans and engagement ring. Since it says celebrity, I co-sign 100%!

    2. Kelly is engaged again?! This is totally her, I retract my previous guess.

    3. @Maxine--I love how you think that just because a guy can afford a huge rock that it must actuallly be nice and something she likes. Sorry, buy some of the ugliest, gawdiest rings I've ever seen were monstrosities that probably cost as much as my condo. Money don't equal good taste! ;)

    4. @Jolene Kim K's is exactly everything you described! 2 million dollars and the thing was hideous!

  14. I don't think it makes her a witch. I'll be dead honest, I got engaged in December and I hate my ring. It is not in my taste at all. I chose not to tell him that, but I really don't want to wear this forever. It's a strange position to be in.
    I knew he was ring shipping and asked if he wanted to do it together and he declined, so I showed him photos of things I like. He did not take them into consideration and chose a ring that he would like. Lets just say if he was a woman he would be a very sassy granny.

    1. Ouch! This reminds me of that episode of SATC where Carrie hates the ring Aiden is set to give her and she finds out Miranda helped pick the ring. If you gave him hints that even worse. Upgrade in a few years in the question???

    2. We will see. If he will be hurt I will keep my mouth shut. I'm not a ring person anyway so whatever. It's not the biggest deal in the world but if I have one ring on my hand I want to love it. Such is life.

    3. My parents weren't so well off when they got engaged, she describes her engagement ring as a rice ring (diamond that small)... so when my dad finally got more successful , he'd upgrade her ring and/or buy her different rings for anniversaries , bdays.. Nice fun tradition. Maybe something you can incorporate. My past anniversary my husband did an upgrade for my engagement and I loooooooove it. Or You can just keep your stone and change to a new band? It's the years together that matter. U will see as the years pass you by....

    4. My parents weren't so well off when they got engaged, she describes her engagement ring as a rice ring (diamond that small)... so when my dad finally got more successful , he'd upgrade her ring and/or buy her different rings for anniversaries , bdays.. Nice fun tradition. Maybe something you can incorporate. My past anniversary my husband did an upgrade for my engagement and I loooooooove it. Or You can just keep your stone and change to a new band? It's the years together that matter. U will see as the years pass you by....

    5. Truthfully I'm not as vain as it sounds. Either the ring will grow on me or I'll stop caring. It's hardly the biggest thing, I think I'm self conscious from everyone asking to see my hand. After the engagement talk dies down it will bother me less. (When I don't have to pretend I just love it)

    6. I'm not "in love" with my ring. It's almost right, but the mount sticks out too much and gets caught on stuff. He picked it out 'cause he thought I'd like it (it's a vintage 1910's ring) so I've never said anything. Got pregnant on the honeymoon and it hasn't fit since. This was fifteen years ago and still happily married.

    7. I'm not "in love" with my ring. It's almost right, but the mount sticks out too much and gets caught on stuff. He picked it out 'cause he thought I'd like it (it's a vintage 1910's ring) so I've never said anything. Got pregnant on the honeymoon and it hasn't fit since. This was fifteen years ago and still happily married.

  15. Yikes Sarah! Sorry :(

    1. Hey, it could be worse. I have you guys to tell! I know you won't betray me! Haha

  16. Maxine, bingo. UK Daily Mail...

  17. Just wait until someone mentions a BF-designed ring in Us, People, In Style, In Touch, Pro Wrestling Illustrated, etc.

  18. Ingrid, you so smart! Hope life's treating you well ;)

  19. I picked out my own ring after finding out how much he was willing to spend (we went together, of course). If you're going to wear it forever, you should be able to get what you like. Although I am thinking of trading in the wedding band for something different - I don't think he'll care (except for the cost, of course).

  20. My husband knows his taste is questionable ;), so he took me to pick the ring. No biggie.

  21. Sarah, how awkward! I feel for ya. Amazingly my previous boyfriend picked out the most gorgeous engagement ring. The Opster went with simple. And Ms. Wonderland some people do pick out a ring together. Smart thing would be to have something symbolic when you proposed and then buy the ring after.
    Also the 2months pay is bullshit! Marketing crap.

  22. Damn I thought I actually got one, but I think this round goes to Maxine.

  23. My ex-husband picked out a yellow gold, swirly engagement ring that was very much the opposite of my taste (I like white gold, delicate, antique-style). This was after he asked me to show him what I liked when we were at a jewelry store helping a friend choose a ring for his fiancée. I did ask him why he chose that ring style when I had shown him my style. He said he didn't like my style so he picked something he liked. This was a perfect example of how our marriage went. After our divorce, I took the diamond and put it in a new setting. I call it my divorce ring.

  24. I'm with Sarah and SusanB. My husband told me we should go design a ring together because he wanted to make sure he chose something that I would love, seeing as I would be wearing it for the rest of my life, not to mention how much a guy spends on it. I basically designed the setting with him and he chose the actual diamon without me.

    If a guy wants to pick out an engagement ring by himself and surprise his girlfriend, that's fine, but then he should at least consult her on what she might like/not like and keep that in mind when choosing a ring. It's not a $50 sweater, it's a huge investment that SHE wears every day for her whole life. Having a good idea of what my engagement ring looked like before I got it did not take out the romance or the specialness of getting engaged in the least. Why some people think it does is surprising to me (my mother in law was one of those people...HA).

  25. My husband designed my engagement ring and had a friend who is a silversmith make it. It is very special to me even though it doesn't look very fancy. My wedding ring is made with fire opals but it is very fragile for daily wear.

    I have friends who have had their engagement rings reset with larger diamonds because they wanted one bigger than everyone elses. The boyfriends/future husbands were always hurt by it.

  26. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I have had the same antique engagement ring and band that we got on eBay together 13 years ago. We didn't have much money I love it, I've had t repaired twice. For our 10 year anniversary he wanted to buy me a new set we went to three or four jewelers and I didn't see anything I liked as much as my 250 eBay one. We went to Grenada for a week instead and had a wonderful time. Time with your loved one is much more precious than a diamond.

  27. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I have had the same antique engagement ring and band that we got on eBay together 13 years ago. We didn't have much money I love it, I've had t repaired twice. For our 10 year anniversary he wanted to buy me a new set we went to three or four jewelers and I didn't see anything I liked as much as my 250 eBay one. We went to Grenada for a week instead and had a wonderful time. Time with your loved one is much more precious than a diamond.

  28. Kelly Osbourne. she was in the daily mail yesterday as it hit the press she got engaged and yet was photographed without her ring. FTW!

  29. Brookyngirl, Kelly makes more sense to me than JWoww, because I can't imagine anyone being surprised that JWoww would do something like this. Also, would any jeweler want her associated with them?

  30. Maybe I'm weird (OK, you all KNOW I'm weird...), but I really don't like this whole "popping the question w/ring in hand" business--first of all, how do you know she's even going to say yes in the first place? Yes, perhaps if you've been together for some time and have discussed the matter, but sometimes it seems as if the whole ring business is designed to pressure the woman into saying yes because hey, he bought this bigass ring for you, so you'd better go along with it... (I have the same attitude towards most public proposals, FWIW.) Secondly, the whole "2 months' salary" business is complete horseshit; I would never expect anyone to spend that much on a piece of jewelry for me; much better for the man to decide in advance how much he can afford to spend, let the woman know, and then go out shopping together. (If you're not willing to admit you can't afford a rock the size of Gibraltar, or you don't think she'd accept anything less, why the hell do you want to marry her in the first place?) I'm kind of picky about my jewelry (silver-toned only, thank you), but I also tend to prefer estate pieces that usually wouldn't cost the same "arm & leg" as a new ring, and it just seems more romantic to me to first propose, and then go find something wonderful together. Then again, I'm 51 and probably doomed to be single for life, so my opinion probably doesn't mean bupkes on this issue...

    1. I tend to prefer estate pieces or vintage style jewelry also. So much more detail

    2. ITA Robin! And weird is good!

      I remember my grandparents had simple bands with their initials engraved inside. All this new hoopla over the giant ring and the perfect proposal. Blah Blah. It's all marketing to make us mortals feel inadequate.

      And when did wedding dresses become white and bland. I want some color!

  31. Off-Topic

    This got me to thinking of the Mr. Bean episode where his long-suffering girlfriend thinks she's getting a ring for Christmas and ends up with a framed advertisement for the ring instead.

  32. When my son finally decided to propose..he lived out of state and had me take her to pick out two rings of her choice in his price range....he did not tell her when she would get the ring or which ring he would choose....4 months later he secretly came to town and woke her parents up at 4 am....knealed beside her bed woke her up and proposed...she cried and got the ring she secretly hoped he would pick....they were married a little over a year from that day! She later told me it wouldnt have mattered what kind of ring he got her....she loved him and waited seven years to get her man! just wanted to share a true love story....not a selfish celebrity biotches idea of what a love token should be

    1. I love that your name is Grammy and you use the word biotches :)

    2. I love that your name is Grammy and you use the word biotches :)

    3. @grammyCC - That is so beautiful and romantic. And I must say, sounds like you did a great job raising your son. What a smart cookie!

  33. I can't knock whoever this is, because I had an almost identical situation happen to me. I suppose I'm shallow, but I do plan on spending the rest of my life with him and feel I deserve to have something that I like. Did it hurt his feelings? Yeah, a little. However, we went together to pick out a new one and he actually picked out the one I have now! Apparently, he got the things I wanted in a ring confused with the things I didn't! Guys have problems with listening, who knew?! Lol. He said he felt that the ring I have now is so much better than the one he originally got. We laugh about it now! To me, why would I not want to be honest with the man I'm going to marry? Hiding feelings to the man I love spells disaster more than his ability to pick out a ring.

  34. I love the idea of proposing with a solitaire and then going in together to choose the setting. Fortunately for me, my husband listened to what I liked and gave me a lovely ring, but as dopey as it sounds what really makes it wonderful to me is that it's The token of his love and commitment.

  35. I love the Kelly Osbourne guess @Maxine! You called it! And @Sarah, it's awful that you don't like your ring, but the visual of "a sassy granny" made me lol, and I hate typing that acronym! When we were getting married, mr be's family gave us a bunch of tiny cut diamonds and one that was slightly bigger for us to use. I couldn't imagine what to do with them, so I asked to see the original setting (the family thought it was ugly and old fashioned), and of course it was an amazing Art Deco white gold set that I fell in love with. (And now I am that girl who ends a sentence with a preposition, grrr...)

  36. aww, i feel for the guy :( hopefully she was kind in her suggestion that she'd prefer something else.

  37. I Think that is what got my ire up...not that she was ungrateful (She has the right to have input on her ring) but that she handled it so BADLY. She rejected the ring, redesigned it AND spread a lie that it was all his doing because SHE was worth it. Way to comemmorate the moment...

  38. I am the only one that would have kicked her to the curb for acting so badly? If she is that insensitive and greedy now, what is she going to be like later?

  39. @Jolene I don't think that he would have taste because he has money but the blind states that "she will pay for it". If she hated the ring and was honest he would've returned/exchanged/got a new one.

  40. I don't like jewelry--big rings-- I'm so clumsy, always smacking my hand in the door facing, etc. I'd be terrified of knocking some big rock out its setting. I'd never take it back though,except for sizing.

  41. When my now ex and I were still doing the on off thing he got into his head during one of our break ups that what I really wanted was to be married. So he went out and bought a ring and made an idiot of himself while doing his best impersonation of a stalker. The thing is, he picked out the ring, and it had rubies on either side of a diamond, and really wasn't my style of jewelry at all. It hurt even more because his ex wife had an engagement ring that was rubies and diamonds--just more tasteful. I refused the proposal..just because he was an idiot and told him years later that it really pissed me off that he wasn't more original in his thinking when it came to jewelry. I should mention that he is very controlling, and doesn't like anyone's input on anything.

  42. My husband and I were on hard times and saving money when we got engaged. We picked out a little solitaire with an extremely flawed cut, it was seriously like $150. But that flaw would catch the sunlight and throw out rays of pretty colors just for me....I loved it and never ever hated that it wasn't something more grand.

    1. That is so sweet @Brenda L. I'm sure your husband is so lucky to have you.

  43. I love how all the ladies are all for a ring change and the fellas are all for ditching the girl. Just shows how different we really are!

    My Grandmother gave me her engagement ring for my 22nd birthday (she thought it was my 21st) and it is a simple small diamond in a small gold band. I absolutely love it, I think it is beautiful and will keep it forever. But hell naw I am not using that for my actual engagement ring, I have this weird stigma against diamonds and refuse to own/buy any diamond jewelry, other than this ring obviously.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You guys go check out blind item #1 about Jeremy Renner (allegedly), I found some hilarious comments on Dlisted about CDaN.

  44. Really hope this isn't Matt and Kelly but they were my first thought too. Matt and I worked together a few years ago and he is one of the nicest people I've ever met, just a super sweet, awesome guy. Could definitely see his feelings hurt if this is in fact them. Hope that if he has in fact proposed that Kelly is the sort of girl to be proud enough to wear whatever he picked and could afford, because there were a few other girls (and probably some guys) at work who would have been showing off a Ring Pop if it meant it came from Matthew. His sense of style is super cool and low key, maybe if it is them then it just wasn't blingy enough for her...but mazel tov! Hope whomever is involved in this is able to work it out.

  45. I agree that this is Kelly Osbourne. Knowing her, she would have had a pic of ring released already and it's funny there has been no pic released.
    I am sorry that some of you ladies did not like your rings. Robin, I do agree with you. I do not think a proposal needs to happen with a ring in hand nor does a ring have to cost 2 months salary.
    My husband consulted my best friend and his one sister who is obsessed with jewelry for my ring. I was happy with what he selected.

  46. dia: The white wedding dress didn't really come in bigtime until after Queen Victoria's wedding in 1840, when she wore white lace & satin (IIRC); since she was the young, stylish queen and trendsetter, it caught on with people who could afford to buy a dress that would most likely only be worn once. Everyone else just wore whatever their best clothes were, and more often than not those were various colors. (In the middle ages red was very popular; later on blue and silver were big, but there was never really an established color for wedding dresses before Victoria, and I suspect that it took fancy wedding dresses going mass-market and being worn by a large percentage of the population for people to get really uptight about it having to be white. Seriously, there were brides getting grief for wearing, say, a very pale blush pink gown...because, of course, this meant they weren't a virgin. *rolls eyes*)

    JSierra: I know what you mean about not wanting blood diamonds; that's one of the reasons I tend to prefer estate/vintage jewelry. Yes, maybe the source was unsavory back in the day, but at least it's not currently causing suffering...

    1. Thanks for all the info Robin! I've learned so much today. Don't need to wear white. Make sure I do my brows, eye lashes and lips! And stay out of bad lighting :)

      Enjoy your Sunday!!!

  47. My man picked out my ring. I was super embarrassed by it first it's way to fancy for my taste. I'm more of a sterling silver plain band and I got a 3 big rocks and small tiny ones over every space of the band one.

    I would never have told him to take it back though. He asked me though if I wanted to. But he picked it cuz he thout it was special like me... It's grown on me a lot and m not embarrassed by it anymore of hitting it off things either lol.

    But I know the jeweler told my hubby most guys take the woman in to pick it out just in case

  48. nice call Maxine! maybe the fiance should trade Kelly in for an upgrade

  49. @Sarah, now I need to see pics of your ring LOL.

  50. I wouldn't want a ring that I am supposed to wear every day forever picked out by my boyfriend. I am very picky about what I like and I don't think he would be able to figure it out, especially if he went to one of the popular jewelry stores.

  51. Olivia Wilde looks like a bitch.

  52. Along the lines of rimgs everyone have yours cleaned and checked at least once a year. Your jeweler will also check the mounts. Why just a week ago I was looking at my ring because the mount seemed off. Then plop, my diamond fell out right at that moment! Thank God with the help of a coworker I found it.
    I wondered if it was bad luck and was foolishly looking on Google to see if that was an omen
    Stupid to be so stuperstitous (sp?) Huh?

    And then I was laid off.

  53. But even though I lost my job (and what feels like a large part of my dignity) I kept my diamond!

  54. sherry, huge layoffs everywhere. I am so sorry you and Robin are going through the experience.

  55. Olivia Wilde has been wearing a vintage engagement ring, yes? Bosworth flashes hers constantly. Don't think it's either of them. I like the Kelly Osborne guess. My husband bought me the very exact platinum setting from Tiffany that I wanted, so I can't complain. My sister's husband designed hers, and she changed it. It was beautiful - a platinum setting with sapphires flanking a large, round center stone - but it was too massive for her petite hand, and she doesn't like round brilliant cut diamonds. She kept the basic idea of it but made it more delicate. I don't think there's anything wrong with what this celebrity did. You have to wear ot everyday of the rest of your life. You should at least like the thing.

  56. Really people? Lets not complain about getting a ring that isn't your style. Just be happy he took the time to go pick something out...probably sweated over it for hours, days, months. Saving up to buy something he probably thought you would like or maybe he liked it and thought that it would remind you of him when you looked at it.

    I would NEVER give a ring back after someone that I loved gave it to me, even if it was hideous! How selfish. Do you love the person that gave it to your or the ring??

    Oh, and lets say women had to buy the ring and do the big proposal...something so spectacular that our man wouldn't be disappointed. Something HUGE. Then after all the effort on your part to make it special, your now fiance asks for the receipt to the ring so they can just exchange it. I am sure you would either be so pissed off you'd give it to him, or cry yourself to sleep.

  57. If I were the guy in the blind, I would really rethink marrying someone like the girl in the blind (i keep saying blind because I don't want any women above to think I meant them).

    I could definitely see this being Olivia Wilde, but there are the others too.

    It sounds as if she is the famous one in the relationship, and what she did was really sneaky. I don't blame the guy for being hurt, because she is already putting her own wants ahead of his.

  58. @Sarah

    You sound like a really nice girl, but if I read correctly, you grew up with ubercontrolling parents?

    I think that rather than your not liking the ring being the problem, it might be that you are afraid of being controlled again, bc he didn't ask you about it.

    I think he probably just wanted to make it special for you and surprise you. This is actually the only time he will probably make a decision without you. I think you're worried that he will be making unilateral decisions throughout the relationship and I really think the ring is a one-time thing.

    Because of your parents you might see his caring for being controlling, instead of just being caring.

    Getting married is so exciting, I think you just want everything to be perfect, and that is a normal feeling, but don't let a nice guy who's a keeper get away because of a ring. Good luck Sarah, you sound like a really nice girl, and your
    BF sounds wonderful.

  59. Hello all, reader and lurker here, never posted before (obviously). I'm just de-lurking for the first and most likely last time to say that I saw Olivia Wilde a couple of years or so ago at the airport. I didn't recognize her at first (this was when she was still on House) and then when I did, she turned around and smiled at me very kindly (I think she knew I recognized her but I didn't approach or talk to her). She was on my flight and before while we waited at the gate, one of the security guards asked for an autograph for his wife and she very happily obliged and I think even gave the guard a pen and piece of paper (no one else asked but I could tell she was very excited to be asked, probably because she wasn't that well known back then). I didn't sit next to her on the plane but she was really nice and quiet then too from what I noticed, no diva-ish behavior whatsoever. I really don't think this is her; just thought I'd de-lurk to mention this because I felt bad seeing comments from people thinking this is her since from what I could tell, she seemed very down to earth and sweet. Of course this was a while ago though, so maybe the fame has gone to her head by now, who knows but I seriously doubt it, FWIW. And this is coming from someone who's indifferent to her otherwise and hated her character on House.

    Loving everyone's engagement ring stories btw, keep them coming! :) *back to lurking*

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. @dia papaya

    Thanks dia. Unfortunately it's the experience of two failed marriages and a long-term 10 year dating relationship.

  62. Great story @librariantobe. I like Olivia Wilde. She one me over on House during that ridiculous story arc. I'm glad she found a nice funny guy bc she does seem like a genuinely nice person.

    @Sherry - I'm am SO happy you found your diamond. It's like your helpers were there with you and made you pay attention to something you wouldn't normally pay attention to. I like it when they do that.

    I'm so sorry about the lay off. I hope this can be a new beginning for you and that you get to pursue your hearts desire. My BF has been through 2 layoffs during the last 5 yrs. The difficult times helped us focus on what was really important and our relationship is so much stronger now! Plus, he found himself a new career path and is much happier now. It can happen. Just feels like crap when you're in the middle of it. Hang in there! We are here for you!!!

  63. @Sherry
    I'm so sorry about the layoff. That totally sucks the big one. However, we all know what a smart cookie you are, and you will land on your feet. I like what Dia said up above me - maybe this will open the door to something exciting that makes your heart sing! I know you love to cook - maybe you can be a personal chef (for a vegetarian, of course!) or open a catering business? We're all rooting for you, and email me if you need to chat :) :) :)

  64. @Sherry

    Layoffs are everywhere, and if you can keep in mine that it is no reflection on you or your abilities, that will help. It's just simple seniority at work.

  65. When it comes to shiny pebble obsession, the guy really needs to defer to the woman. His job is to come up with the cash.

  66. Tux,Sunny(smiles), and Dia: Thanks for your thoughts. As this is the 2nd in two years after exceeding goal perhaps it's the cosmic kick in the ass I need to just start my own business Again ..

  67. Eek. I hated my engagement ring style too, but kept my mouth shut about it for years and just wore it, which is what you do when you love someone. Finally on our 11th anniversary I pretended one of the prongs was loose and explained that the setting was impractical for my job and asked if I could please change it? He said yes and I got the setting I'd always wanted - same diamond, no harm, no foul.

    Of course, I knew I'd be married for a long time, and the woman in this blind will probably be divorced in a few years. I guess she has to please herself ASAP. And for the record my guess is Bosworth.

  68. Oh well. Call me heartless, but if I didn't like the ring, I would probably return it for something else myself. I'm the one that has to wear it everyday. boyfriend would never have to buy me a ring I didn't want, because if he knew me, he'd know how picky I was about my Jewelry and he would also know my style. I completely understood Carrie Bradshaw in the episode when she saw the ring Aiden had gotten for her and she got upset.

  69. Kelly Osbourne. Because she's an ASSHOLE and I can't understand what ANYONE sees in her.

  70. When I got married (the first time), my husband proposed with a ring made special (it was a plain band with a setting for one diamond). My mom gave him a CZ the size she said I wanted (she said she had one and offered it to him, he accepted). he said he would upgrade to a real one the same size when we had the money. Fast forward, he never did it. When I went in for surgery (11 years later), they had to take the ring off for whatever reason and I never put it back on. It honestly was a constant reminder that I wasn't good enough to replace the stone to a real one. HE was good enough to replace his golf equipment every couple of years though. So there was balance (sarcasm). When I ended up getting divorced, some friends asked if I was going to sell the stone for the $$. It wasn't even worth anything.
    My point....the ring DOES matter. Not the size, or the design, but the thought behind it DOES matter. It can probably be really indicative of what the marriage will be like. :(

  71. RocketQueen said...

    Kelly Osbourne. Because she's an ASSHOLE and I can't understand what ANYONE sees in her.

    THIS!!! Can't stand her either.

  72. Yup definitely Kelly Osbourne.
    About the whole ring situation my boyfriend actually saved himself a lot of doubts. We aren't engaged yet, but we have talked about marriage. Financially we are unable to do it right now. But when we broached the subject he asked if I could email him pictures of rings that I like. I'm relieved he asked. And because I'm going to marry him and not the ring I decided against diamonds. I'm going the cubic zirconia route. Looks just as good for way less money.

  73. Yup definitely Kelly Osbourne.
    About the whole ring situation my boyfriend actually saved himself a lot of doubts. We aren't engaged yet, but we have talked about marriage. Financially we are unable to do it right now. But when we broached the subject he asked if I could email him pictures of rings that I like. I'm relieved he asked. And because I'm going to marry him and not the ring I decided against diamonds. I'm going the cubic zirconia route. Looks just as good for way less money.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.
