Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blind Item #5 - People's Choice Awards

At a party after the show this former B list all movie actress who has slowly dropped to a C despite her A list name recognition and appearances in some of the biggest movies ever said her last boyfriend broke up with her because she always cried when they were having sex. She says she doesn't even realize she is doing it but it really freaked him out.


  1. Was Emma Watson at the awards show?

  2. Then I guess her. :)

  3. The women that I date cry before sex.

    1. I've cried after sex........

    2. I cried when my knee dislocated during sex......shudder..

  4. Emma Watson won a People's Choice Award for "Best Dramatic Actress" in the "Best Dramatic Movie." She's also been working pretty consistently since her "One Big Role," in movies including "My Week With Marilyn," "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (which she personally got greenlighted,)Sofia Coppola's upcoming "The Bling Ring," a cameo in Seth Rogen's upcoming "This Is The End" and Darren Aronofsky's upcoming "Noah."

    That may not qualify her as "A-list," but it's sure as hell not sinking from "B" to "C." Also she's still with her boyfriend of about a year, Will Adamowicz, having been photographed out walking in Central Park, in New York with him on Tuesday.

    Missing on too many cylinders.

    1. Winning a People's Choice Award is the same as winning an MTV award, maybe a step below.

  5. That is soo hot. Is Emma of age yet? I need to know how guilty I should feel while fapping to this story.

  6. Yeah really, Emma is NOT fading, it's not her.

  7. Take my underage wife, please! *badump-bump*

  8. Wasn't there a blind a while back where the guy said he broke up with his girlfriend because she cried during sex? Is this the same person, just told from her POV?

  9. Charis - I think the blind you're thinking of is where the woman sings during sex!

  10. Need to change your technique, dude!

  11. I thing laughing would be worse. Or pointing and laughing.

  12. I like the Kiki guess.

  13. Maybe it's Zooey Deschanel and she cries AND sings at the same time. What a freak scene that would be!

  14. Sounds to me like he's just doing it wrong

  15. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Whoaaaa Count Jerkula.... whoooaaaa. fapping to an underage girl crying during sex? this and your post about demi's b hole fur is fucking nasty. You're creeping me out man. Really creeping me out. It's not funny to joke about fapping to underage girls crying during sex. You're not funny. Your comment wasn't funny, and it wasn't cute. If pedophile/jerking off/b hole comments are all you do then you're not welcome here. At all. I'll be waiting for you to start back pedaling.

    1. Ho. Lee. Shit.

      Yes, the Count is tacky, but sadly makes me laugh knowing it's all his shtick- but your comment had me crying with laughter once I read about Demi's bhole fur. Had to read it to my Husband. No offense, I hear whatcha screaming, but it was still highlarious

  16. Anna: At first the Count bothered me too but that's the way he is. It's a joke, bad one but still his sense of humor. Best to skip over his comments cuz they're gonna be like this mostly.

    Scarlett Johannsen?

  17. Don't feed the trolls y'all.

  18. @Sherry I feel the same about Count. He actually cracks me up quite a bit.

    Anyway, with that, I do not have a guess.

  19. Relax, she's 22. I Googled her before I made the comment to make sure.

  20. Anonymous1:43 PM

    It's not funny AT ALL, especially how we had the article about that Klaus Kinski guy raping his daughters since they were tiny children, and no I'm not going to relax. Stop with comments about jerking off to underage girls crying while their being raped and I won't get pissed off at you. Dumbass.

  21. Anonymous1:45 PM

    oh please emma is grown..let the man frap in peace lol

  22. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I mean rape as in statutory rape by the way. Considering all the pedo and abortion blinds we get here for disney and nickelodeon tweeners/child stars I really don't want to hear about some guys getting excited about a girl crying. It's not cute, and it's not funny.

  23. way to ruin a thread. its a joke, sarcasm. if you dont find it funny, move on. Me and my friends joke like this all the time. very British sense of humor. you don't like it? couldn't care less....

    1. Oi oi - nothing British about that thank you very much!

    2. Oi oi - nothing British about that thank you very much!

  24. Gee, the first thing I thought of was "Surrender Dorothy," which is what I posted in response to the singing-during-sex one.

  25. I bet Kaley Cuoco supplied this blind

  26. HMMM how about Sandra Bullock??

  27. COuld be worse. They could watch tv or read while having sex.

  28. I've cried after some (bad) sex too. Actually I understand it's quite common. Most women hide doing it however.

  29. A guy cried on me ONCE after sex. He said he missed his ex wife!!! They divorced over a year prior. I also didn't find him attractive enough to stick around. Total turn off.

  30. I cried after te best sex of my life! Too much emotion and passion and bam-tears. I was mortified, he was very understanding and sweet.
    Too bad that one didn't work out ..

  31. Flo: Which have you won?

    The fact remains that in the couple of years since the end of "Harry Potter," she's worked steadily, her personal involvement led to a movie being made, and both that movie and her performance in it won awards.

    That's pretty much the opposite of a career "sinking slowly." If this blind is accurately describing its subject's career path, then it's not about Emma.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I think the Count made a facetious comment intended ridicule the actress' apparent immaturity.

    And I don't blame the boyfriend for leaving her behind either.

  34. @Lauren, count me among the demented because I thought so too.

    @Anne, you too can learn to manage your anger. Look into it.

  35. I have been lurking every day for 11 months now & was looking forward to finally coming out of the shadows & joining in. There are so many things I enjoy about this site (especially, the reader's camaraderie). I didn't think this would be my first comment, but I couldn't keep quiet on this one. Over the last year, I have read so many stories about the various forms of abuse so many women have encountered in the entertainment industry (as well as some of our readers). Many of us wonder how it could be so prevalent, why no one steps in to stop it, where are her parents, etc. We express outrage that the person who leaks the story did so to a gossip site instead of going to the police. In another post today, we read about & discussed Kinski & Polanski with contempt & disgust. Then on this thread, when Count Jerkula comments "jokes" about getting off to underage girls, people think it is "cute" or "amusing". I find no humor in it & was surprised to see people take up for Count Jerkula. There is no humor in rape, abuse, or pedophilia. Allowing and even supporting people who attempt to joke about such horrific tragedies is how things like Steubenville happen. Where dozens of people thought what was being done to that poor girl was hilarious. They watched, filmed, & laughed instead of helping her or contacting the police. They thought it was funny. Rape, abuse, molestation, incest, pedophilia, any type of violence against women is nothing to joke about & the more we allow misogynistic people to turn it into a source of humor, the harder it is for victims to come forward & begin to heal.

  36. Emma Watson is 22 years old. Part of the joke is that she is of age and I'm ignorant.

    There is nothing in the blind about rape or abuse or violence towards whoever the person it is about. It says she cries during sex. Consensual sex with her former boyfriend.

    There is no correlation between what I said and a rape being filmed and laughed at.

    Please break up your comments into paragraphs or bullet points, it makes them easier to read/follow.

  37. Thanks for the welcome, tamarind. And thanks to Count Jerkula for the commenting tip.

    I understand that Emma is actually past the age of content (& I don't believe this blind to really be about her, although I don't have a new guess).

    Whoever this blind is about, it seems to me that she is dealing with some type of sexual trauma from her past (Why else would she be crying during consensual sex with her boyfriend? It happens more often than one would think). I thought it was misogynistic to joke about getting off to a girl who is in some type of emotional trauma/pain (regardless of whether she is of age or not).

    Yes, your comment isn't about rape. But joking about getting off to an "underage" girl is pedophilia and getting off on her pain is sadistic. I'm not saying you would actually do it in real life. I just think joking about things that are so traumatic for the girls & women who have lived through them, is more than ignorant or insensitive. It makes light of issues that affect more women than most men realize.

  38. dfj43q0iur74y8dQJUFIH3Q

  39. There s a French humorist, Pierre Desproges, who had a very sound saying: "You can laugh about anything, but not with anyone"

    It s a wisdom that s often lost on the Interweb.

  40. Sound sage advice babo.

    It reminds me of a university professor of mine who proffered words of wisdom which I think applies to all sides of the argument here:

    "It takes a pound of common sense to utilize each ounce of intelligence."

  41. Leigh, THANK YOU. I agree with what you've said.

    PIV is inherently violating to women in a patriarchy. Women cannot withhold consent any more than they can give consent to an act that essentially puts them at risk for pregnancy, diseases and death. Not in a rape culture.

    maleviolence. wordpress. com

  42. )(&^&%#@#$%{)(*^&%$(*

  43. First time commenter, looooong time lurker; Leigh, I had th EXACT same reaction to reading Count Jerkula's remarks. I also didn't think it was actually fuuny, either.

  44. I have a simple fix for all the lurkers coming out of the closet to register their horror over the perceived indiscretion of a few words.

    Get your minds out of the gutter.

  45. Anonymous9:43 AM

    No one's mind is in the gutter Phoenix, on the contrary we're all talking about this in a mature, open adult way. Jerkula was the one talking about jerking off. Not I. Your comment doesn't hold any water, telling lurkers commenting that THEY are the oness thinking wrong thoughts? How does that make any sense? When they are talking about violence against women? How does that relate to the gutter?
    Alot of the blinds, and many recent pedo/rape/incest articles here and internationally hurt and offend women to their core, and victimize us. Part of the mechanics of sexual violence is that a child or woman is physically/psychologically/emotionally overpowered, so when someone brings up the topic in an insensitive way, I think that it makes alot of women feel aggressive and a need to speak up, stand up and be more forceful than they usually would. Telling people who are offended by something that their minds are in the gutter has nothing to do with anything. I think we are just collectively processing alot of the recent rapes and also pedo stuff that is on this site, and in the world. I know I am. It takes a while for me to process, mull, and come to peace with some of these kinds of blinds and high profile stories. Take a look at some of the pictures of thousands of people protesting the
    Delhi gangrape. In a country where rape is blamed on the victim, and most women kill themselves out of shame. She was riding on a bus with her boyfriend, she was gang raped by man men, then raped using a metal pole and died because of internal injuries to her intestines and internal organs. I'm not saying that we need to censor anyone, or that Count Jerkula is a horrible insensitive, well, jerk. It bugged me about him saying, this is so hot... If he finds that funny, or if people here do, then that's fine, that's kind of what makes things funny, that they are inapropriate/wrong/ not socially acceptable. It is his shtick, and thinking about the Demi comment does put it all in a neat package that shows he is just doing this to be shocking and get a couple of laughs. I am willing to let it go as his personal sense of humor, nothing more. But by the same token try to understand that I found these comments personally upsetting because of my own experiences, feelings, and associations. I identify with Demi's downward spiral after heart break, and I was feeling hypersensitive because of the Kinski article, and Jerkula's comments hit a raw nerve. If this is the kind of site where people laugh about someone jerking off to an underage girl crying during sex, then maybe this isn't where I want to be. I found it insensitive, and it bothered me. Do I not have a right to say so? If he can say those things, then I can tell him what I think of his comments, fair is fair.

  46. Anonymous9:44 AM

    many men

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Anna, you went on an angry rant half cocked, and did it in an abusive, totally inappropriate way - the same thing you accused him of - and went even further, as if you decide who's welcome here and who isn't.

    You are so wrapped up in your cause(s) you can't see the forest for the trees. I have no use for that, so save your breath in the future.

  49. Emma Watson was not under age when I wrote my comment, or when she allegedly cried during sex with whoever may have dumped her before that awards show.

    Demi was on a downward spiral long before Ashton came around. The 1/2 million worth of procedures prior to Striptease should have been enough of a tip off to that for everyone.

    Current back and forth aside, I am glad my comments brought some readers out from the shadows and look forward to reading your comments on other topics.
