Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

July 10, 2012

What married Real Housewives - BH wife really needs to watch her husband more closely? If he was dirty dancing with that much younger woman and rubbing her ass and telling her how hot she was while the Bravo cameras were filming all around him, then how do you think he is behaving when they are not around?

Paul Nassif


  1. Yeah!! Becky's got it right!!

  2. I don't know any of the Real Housewifes but love that both of the reveals so far have been from 2012

    1. Jules, most of them will be from July's reveals through now.

    2. Good to know, thanks Rickatoo

    3. The reveals go in chronological order from the last reveal date til today.

  3. Happy new year all. Reveals and west wing episodes all day.

  4. Replies
    1. Hey hey lady! My good friend just joined our 1st Aunts Club yesterday. Thought of you when she called me to give the good news.

    2. Awe that's so wonderful! Congrats to her and have a great new year!

  5. Lol I was just reading thru the comments on the original post, and I love Kimberly's play by play of the guy outside her office on bath salts.

    Thanks Twinkle!

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    SHOCKER! Not. Can Paul and Adrienne both just go away? Happy New Year CDAN's readers!

  7. Nothing will make me feel bad for Adrienne

  8. Just can't care for the RHOWherever.

  9. Since everyone is disclosing their viewing choices, ill be watching Sons of Anarchy in between blinds, and mentally undressing Jax. If I'm lucky, he will undress himself at least once! (If I can't like the bad ones in real life anymore, I at least get a tv boyfriend!)

  10. Already knew it, but I love the reveals anyways.

  11. I can't stand Adrienne anymore.

    1. Pushing daisies marathon on amazon prime being my choice viewing for the day..... Had to add that in. :)

  12. Sarah - I just finished season 4 of SOA, and one of the episodes opens with a nicenfull body rear shot of him in a shower. Yummy.

  13. Its The Walking Dead for me today...and not just because I feel that way today.

  14. Hi and happy new year/reveal day to all the witty CDANers, although this is my 3rd reveal day, I had yet to post anything. This is my new "new years" routine now, slept early last night and now, CDAN, a fire and a bottle of pink champagne! All while flipping between twilite zone and pineapple express. The good life. Eggs benny coming up. Thanks all of you for helping me laugh through difficult times.

  15. I love SOA! I went into labor last year during an episode and all my co-workers tease me its why I named my son Jackson. It was not the reason but certainly added to the appeal of the name. Love/Hate Gemma! Katy Segal should have gotten many an Emmy nom

  16. This is not what REVEAL means to me....less want-a-be's and more A list gossip reveals PLEASE

  17. Well he can rub on anyone's ass now that they are getting divorced. And the play by play of the bath salt guy from the work window was fascinating that day!
    I had to go to Dallas for weeks to get some rare surgery so have been out of it in more ways than one, but feeling pretty good today and since I have to lay flat for 2 more weeks a perfect day to devote to my CDan!

  18. No one is holding you here if you're unhappy with the content MISCH...

  19. I still would love to get all us WA state peeps together for drinks and gossip some day. I have event space I can get at Wine World right off I-5 in the Udist. It will be another month till I can drive from surgery but think about it. You can e-mail me and I can get an evite out next month or so. marykgra@yahoo.com, put CDAN in the field so I will not think you be spam! I am just so happy I woke up pain free today 9 days after this radical surgery, well at least for now. In a few hours the pill posting me kick in! Happy NY!

  20. Opie good luck to you in this new year.

  21. Adrienne has such a sour look on her face, and since we joined the 21st century and now have Netflix should we start with SOA or breaking bad? Never seen an ep of either show some couch time is on the menu today!

  22. I've only ever heard the names of e of these housewives from his blog. I've never seen one second of this show.

  23. E Gee B, go for Breaking bad first you will NOT be able to stop, then SOA, great show but just NOT as amazing as BB.

  24. I forgot how many Real Housewife blinds there have been. Well, I've never watched those shows, but I guess after today I'll know all of their dirty little secrets!

  25. Yay @opie - what a good way to start 2013! I very much dislike Adrian this season on RHOBH. Plus I think Paul is a douche but don't believe for a minute that he was abusive. I think a lot of folks thought this was Kyle's hotty hubby, if i remember correctly!I am watching the mummers parade out of Philly streaming live on my computer while CDAN'ing. Happy New Year and reveal day peeps!

  26. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Start with breaking bad it's a great show and addictive when u watch back to back episodes on Netflix

    1. All in, it's what we are doing after dinner, thanks!@katydid!
