Thursday, January 03, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 4, 2012

I guess that is one way to make money off a wedding. What celebrity couple had a recent wedding paid for by a network and then turned around and had a cash bar and kept all the money from the sale of the booze? Classy.

"Bachelorette" Ashley & J.P. Rosenbaum


  1. I love that I have no idea who these people are.

  2. They probably figured that when they split up, they'll have to return all the gifts, but the cash from the bar is theirs to keep.

  3. Nice one! I admit, I watched the wedding special. It was pretty cute, especially JP's kisses!

  4. I knew it was them!

    I'd just like to add that this is way cool of Enty to give us a bonus day of reveals. He said he had about 10 extra he wanted to reveal and we are way past that!

  5. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Would we expect any less from a Bachelor or Bachelorette? These people put their supposed "marriages" and " weddings" on display for money, not surprised.

  6. I thought it was Mario Lopez. Still wouldn't put it past him.

    @LottaColada, I've been thinking the exact same thing. I like all the bonuses.

  7. are you sure they weren't coached by the Kuntrashians on how to put on a wedding?

  8. Thanks Enty!

    What dicks. It's one thing to have a cash bar because you can't afford to thoroughly intoxicate all your guest. It is quite another to have a cash bar because you want to make some money of your big day.

  9. Gross and greedy. On the other hand, at my wedding we only had beer and wine; if guests wanted hard liquor they had to purchase it. We didn't keep any money though, and only did this because of the inordinate amount of alkie guests on each side!

    No fights were had, so it worked.

  10. Ooh. Taxable income, baby. Report them to the IRS.

  11. Ok, while 99.9 % of The Bachelor shows are fake ass I am pretty protective of these two. They're seriously the real thing. And adorable as hell. They both still work real jobs and didn't move to LA for more fame. Leave them be! I'm taking our my hoops and slicking up people!

  12. The IRS reads gossip sites, for real. They have scanners set up that bring in searches of celebrities and IRS related topics. hehe.

  13. Hi guys

    Loved the reveal day and today's bonus reveals. I don't comment much but I've been lurking over a year.

    It's unusual to have a free bar at a wedding in Ireland, the custom is usually the father of the bride buys one round of drinks for everyone. But that's usually thousands of euro anyway and each table is filled with free wine.

    1. Irishnurse , Happy New Year !

    2. Thanks agent !!!
      Many happy returns!

  14. That was Just a little unrelated piece of useless info :-)

    Keeping the money from a bar is so tacky.

    Ps can I hire someone across the pond to wipe out that kartrashian and her rapper girlfriend, all my news is about her pregnancy, WE DON'T CARE GO AWAY YOU BRASS

  15. Good for them! They weren't going to get jipped by ABC! Smart couple, love them!

  16. I'm w/RenoBlondee on this one. Please leave them alone. How could they get a ca$h bar past ABC?!? I call BS on this one. But if it IS true, Reality Steve and/or Wet Paint will be all over it...

  17. having a cash bar is the #1 way to keep your booze happy lush friends in control. And tv cameras? Ya, I would be charging $20 a hi-ball with my relatives.

  18. Add me to the list of people rooting for this couple. They are the real deal. They could easily have done the fame whore thing, but they didn't. They went back to their own lives, and I can't be upset at them for using abc to pay for their wedding. I'd do it if they would only call me back! The cash bar is a little tacky, but there could easily be more to this story. ABC sounds cheap for not covering this expense, frankly.

  19. @lottacolada, I agree, when he said ten blinds yesterday I was worried I'd be bored today. Thanks enty!

  20. The way I interpreted this is that abc DID pay for them to have an open bar, but they decided to treat it like a cash bar, by having guests pay for the drinks so that they could pocket the money for themselves.

    I agree with jax that cash bars are a good way to keep people from drinking too much, but since they didn't pay for a single thing for their wedding, if that were their only motivation, they could have donated the money to charity.

    They weren't getting "jipped" by abc (I hate that term, btw) - they were ripping off their friends and family.

  21. In the US Weekly that covered the wedding it mentioned a cash bar after 9pm. So they weren't completely ripping off their guests.

  22. Where I live, the only times a cash bar is at a wedding are if the couple getting married can't afford an open bar, or if the bride and/or groom is a recovering alcoholic. And I'm talking about average people-not rich. If these people had their wedding paid for by ABC, this is just tacky. I d

    1. Anonymous4:24 AM

      Even if they didn't have it paid for, it was tacky. Both of them made a pretty penny from the show and subsequent interviews, and cash bars really are only acceptable in the scenarios you outlined.

  23. to be honest, its their wedding and they can do what they want. Just because ABC paid for their wedding dosen't mean they are well off.

    Ashley is working on a dentistry residency, which are not paying positions (unlike MD residencies). JP works in construction....enough said.

  24. They had to invite all these other contestants to their wedding. I mean, wouldn't you want to charge Ali for a drink? Well they did!

  25. These two are the real deal, the chemistry was oozing out of the screen when they were on the show!

    I don't know about them pocketing the money - I never heard of such a thing! Exactly how would they go about this? So many questions?

    P.S. The Bachelor starts Monday Yeaa:)

    I know I am cheezy....

  26. Good for them. My gang could drink anybody right over a financial cliff. You want it, you buy it or bring a bottle in your purse (Mom) or have an ice chest in the trunk of your car (Dad).

  27. Yikes. I'm not a fan of cash bars, but I see the point about alcohol + TV cameras. Although if someone really wants to get drunk (and who doesn't at a wedding reception?), they will pay and still act a fool.

    Is there any way possible they donated the money?? I was thinking I'd read her registry was set up for charity donations?

    Why am I defending these people? :-/

  28. If they did pocket cash, expect ABC to be suing them in 5-4-3-2... They would never let this happen.

    In related news, Reality Steve just got slapped by ABC once again. I love his site and spoilers, I actually enjoy the show more - due to the spoilers, but he is such a condescending a$$hat that I am glad he is getting taken down a few pegs...

  29. ^ I totally agree, re: Reality Steve. I found him to be too long winded as well in his posts. And yea, he's a complete asshat.
