Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 3, 2012

What former B+ actress and now just someone who calls herself an actress and gets cast in movies but no one really thinks she is all that great but does have an A list boyfriend who is also a really bad actor but did do something really well which he has given up because he is convinced he is really good at acting and everyone is afraid to tell him he is bad. Producers for our actress just hope 20 or 30 guys will buy a ticket to see her in a movie. Plus she is cheap now and still a name. Well, just because she is cheap, does not mean her ego has diminished in size. This past weekend she threw a gigantic fit and started screaming and yelling while on the inside probably grateful because she thought there were two or three photographers following her. Turns out they were part of the team of wedding photographers of the wedding our actress was involved in. She tried to cover herself by advising everyone there probably would be swarms of paps because everyone is trying to see when she is getting married and it would be much different than this wedding.

Jessica Biel/Justin Timberlake


  1. He is a really bad actor.

  2. That one was super obvious when first posted. Ugh, I just want to punch her in the face... Haha

  3. No surprise there...

  4. can't stand her.

    Is that irrational hate? Hmmm...

    1. No, it's not irrational. She turns my stomach. There's just something about her. Yuck.

  5. No talent - full of herself, annoying. Readers, you locked it down quick!

  6. I still don't know why he married her we all know she prefers women....so the question is WHY ?

  7. "A list boyfriend who is also a really bad actor but did do something really well which he has given up because he is convinced he is really good at acting and everyone is afraid to tell him he is bad. " Oh Enty I love you for telling it like it is.

  8. I'm going to keep on saying this. Justin, call up Timbaland and make a freakin record. Cause your acting is as bad as Jessica's. And Jessica, you're as exciting as watching paint dry. Instead of throwing hissy fits, use your time productively and go to an acting class.

    1. I wondered why he stop singing as well.Granted,he's more producer concocted than actual talent.

  9. Now that she married to Justified shes NEVER going away. Not a note I want to sign off on but I've got the precious's ( bf ) birthday to attend to. Happy new years all!

  10. I wish he would get back to doing music.

  11. I think Justin finally got the hint he is no movie star and is back recording a new album.

    Meanwhile Jessica is staring into a mirror screaming WHY ANNE WHYYYY NOTTT MEEEE!!!

  12. not a biel fan at all..nothing special or fun about her...but timberlake singing kriss kross in friends w.benefits killed me...probably the only person ever who thought that.

    1. No, me too. That was the ONLY part of that godawful movie I liked.

  13. This nasty trick!

  14. I wish he'd go away. Aside from her great, athletic bod...well, she can go away too.

  15. she is no talent and so manly, very cold looking, unfriendly face. I like Timberlake, but mostly on SNL. I think he acts ok.

  16. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks Justin Timberlake can't act. How does he keep getting work?

  17. Justin should definitely hie to the recording studio because an actor he is not. As for Jessica, she's not a terrible actress but she's never been movie star material. She should go get a job as the hot wife of some schlub on a family sitcom, she'd be decent at that.

  18. oohh I think we all nailed this blind.

    Happy New Year everyone!

  19. They are both horrible actors! Justin go back to the music, and has Jessica ever been good in anything??

  20. I would love to know who told Justin he was a good actor! After the homeless people video at their wedding, clearly it was very different from other peoples weddings.

  21. Anonymous2:41 PM

    They seem like low rent trash. That wedding video with homeless people told you a lot about their friends and who they hang out with.

  22. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I tried to watch her on Letterman or Fallon a few months ago she was so dull and boring my hubby asked that I change the channel he said "why is she still on tv?". She's painfully vapid and now we know she's delusional too zzzzzzzz

  23. I wish Justin would go back to singing & dancing. At least he was good at that.

    I can't stand twunts who think their poo doesn't stink. She was in a couple movies & 7th Heaven. Which wasn't even a good show. Yet she acts like she's the queen of Sheeba. Go get a real job & please go away.

  24. I saw him yesterday in "Trouble with the Curve" and actually didn't think he was terrible.

  25. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Oh and Justin does suck at acting the only reason he did ok in the social network was he basically paid himself, an arrogant kid that got lucky making millions

  26. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Played not paid autocorrect or hangover not sure which one...

  27. JT is a lousy actor. I don't understand how he gets cast in anything. Seriously. I suffered through friends w/benefits and he was terrible. He is good on snl when he is 'in' on the joke but in a movie. Ick. I know we have industry lurkers in here and I would really love to understand.

  28. ok however, ya gotta admit that Justin Timberlake has the comedic gene as he is pretty damn funny on SNL - but now that Samberg is gone .. who knows.

    i have never liked Jessica Biel even though she was born in a town up the road from me. i don't think she's pretty and i don't get what men see in her. meh

  29. Man I like him in In Time.

  30. The original thread is hilarious.

  31. Thank god he's making an album, his acting is god awful and she's no better.

  32. Justin, go back to music. Please!

  33. Jessica refuses to acknowledge 7th Heaven. She wouldn't be a blip on the Timberlake radar if it wasn't for that show. What an asshole.

  34. I don't get how JT is at times,entertaining on SNL,maybe because most of his good skits are musical in nature? Yet he sucks donkey dick HARD in any films I've sat thru watching. And then that poor January Jones, who I really like in MadMen was excruciating in SNL debut. But oh yeah Jessica Biel? Terrible all the way around.

  35. his overacting in the social network was like a train wreck... she is yawn inducing personality and looks... i think he shines in SNL because an uber-inflated ego is an asset in that venue

  36. I admit the two things I saw.JT on he wasn't bad. Still don't want to brave FWB even if Mila is in it. Biel does have an amazing ass though!

  37. I must be the only one who doesn't think he is all that horrible. I liked him in The Social Network. I might be biased though because of of my NSYNC fangirl days. I can't stand Biel, though. She's like the definition of Butterface.

  38. I haven't seem any of his movies, but I have always liked him on SNL and thought he had acting talent based on that. Maybe comedy/improv is more his talent. I loved his "sexy back" too... ;)

  39. I wish he would just make more music. Take back his place as the rightful "Justin".

  40. i don't understand why jessica is always in magazines and on the red carpet. what has she done to make people care about her?
