Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

**Note** I really thought I revealed this before Whitney passed away but I can't seem to find it. If it is a repeat, I apologize, but there are more coming.

April 1, 2010

This former A list singer. Oh, wait. Well, I guess she is still A list. Yeah, still A list, but more on reputation. Anyway, this singer was at a concert this week. Not actually performing, but just in the audience. Right there in the audience she pulled out a crack pipe and lit it up. No worries at all. Yes, it was dark and other people were smoking other things, but to actually pull out a crack pipe? Problems. She did look like she was enjoying he concert though.

Whitney Houston


  1. RIP Whitney. Too bad you couldn't conquer your vices

  2. Poor Whitney -- I still can't believe she's gone.

  3. In the famous words of Whitney Houston "Crack is Wack."

    RIP Whitney.

  4. I wish she could have battled her demons. That woman's voice was proof there's a heaven.

  5. All these years, we thought when Whitney said "Crack is wack" it was a bad thing. Apparently to Whitney, "wack" is a positive thing. Wack is dope. Oh wait...(too soon?)

  6. I don't think too many people guessed anyone else but Whitney for this blind.

  7. I stand corrected. We had Amy Winehouse and XTina mentioned as well.

  8. I haven't heard anything lately about her daughter Bobby. Since she and her fiance/brother split up. I hope she is back with her grandmother and someone is providing a stable enviornment for her so she doesn't follow in her mother's footsteps and has a chance at a normal life as possible.

    1. I dont think grandma did such a goid job with whitney, so not so great for bobbie either. Poor kid.

  9. Don't feel sorry for her.People of Whitney's status don't believe they have addictions.

    1. Nobody suffering from addiction believes they have a problem. It's a disease and sadly most people aren't able to overcome it.

    2. Peter - I beg to differ. That is one of the most ass backwards statements I've EVER heard. Many, many, many people who suffer from addiction are very, very, VERY aware they are addicts! This knowledge only adds to the shame cycle of addiction.. You don't want to use, hate yourself for using, but many times with a physical dependency you can't stop using without help. Have you ever seen an alcoholic without booze on day 2 or an opiate addict without H or pills on day 3? It's not pretty. And YES.. Many of us do recover!! I was addicted to pain pills for almost a decade. I celebrate a year clean of opiates in three days. Please try not to make such broad generalizations in the future. You just come off uneducated and smug.

    3. Well said Alicia!

    4. Alicia - Two of my husband's siblings (brother & sister who live together) are addicted to pain pills. Please share how you were able to get off the pills. We are all at a loss about what to do. Maybe a solid suggestion from someone who has been there will help.

      Congrats to you on your anniversary!

  10. @timebob, I saw pics the other day of Bobbi Kristina and apparently she and Nick are back together. She's nearly 20 and has access to her money. Im sure she will never be under the same roof with Cissy again especially if she feels Cissy is trying to control her out of her own guilt over not being able to save Whitney.

  11. LOL @ Lotta! God, I remember when she first died, my friend had a facebook status about it. I wrote "crack is whack" under it. I immediately felt like an asshole, and knew I would get flack for it, so I quickly deleted it.

  12. Anonymous11:11 AM

    We all thought this was her at the time. No one else is an A List singer that would be likely to be smoking crack in public. I don't get how someone can ever think that that's ok.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      She thought it was ok coz her brain was fried, high on crack

  13. Do not blame the mom for her adult daughter's bad decisions to smoke crack. This drives me insane. At what point in life are people held accountable for their own stupidity and addictions? Whitney was well into adulthood when she picked up the crack pipe...that is on her.

  14. What Alicia said.

    Peter, I won't jump up your ass because you obviously don't know what you're talking about, but THINK before type and again before you press that PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT button.

    Congrats, Alicia!

  15. "Nobody suffering from addiction believes they have a problem."

    That's not true.

    And yeah, we all guessed Whitney for this one though Amy's name did come up, it was Whitney for the win.

  16. So sad, what a waste. I was always hoping for a comeback :(

  17. I'm so proud of you, Alicia! I have been able to wean my dependency on pain pills down by 50% over the past year but I've still got a way to go.. The irony.. I left the live-in bf who got me hooked on them because he was an addict. He's been clean for two years and is newly engaged. I'm still fighting it.

  18. Thanks guys:)

    And I don't mean to jump on Peters ass.. I realize he's still young and perhaps didn't understand what he's saying or the connotation of it..

    Best wishes NL! It is a long road but a great journey starts with the first step.. Or some jargon like that :-) congrats on taking the first steps. Lowering your dose will definitely help the acute stage of your detox. I'm sending the universe lots of good thoughts for your future.

  19. Alicia: I'm so very proud of you and so happy! Yay you! January 10th was my 5-year free from Percocet and Soma. I was addicted for 8 years, after spending most of my 30s clean and sober. I did not set out to become an addict...that's bullshit. I'm so freakin' happy to be off of the meds.

    NL: Keep on keeping on, babe!! You CAN do it and your life will be so much better. Don't give up on giving it up!! =)

  20. why is death referred o as passed away. Is our society afraid of death. I am noticing more in the media. A person died, its par of life, why so afraid to say it?

  21. Reeses: congrats on 5 years!! Please tell me year two is better than year one and year five is dandy?!

  22. Alicia. I can't lie to you or anyone else: it isn't easy, but nothing worth having is easy, is it? I can tell you that I'm grateful to be ALIVE. There's no doubt in my mind I would be dead if I hadn't stopped. The addiction to Rx took me to hell and it took everything I have in me to get out of it. I can look at my reflection in the mirror now without cringing. I *see* things clearer now. I appreciate things more now. Yeah, it sucks to feel things, the anger, the hurt, the fears we all have, the hurts to feel, but that is part of living. Feel it, deal with it and move on!!

    1. I honestly understand.. I've told people getting off the Rx is akin to taking a stroll through Hell. The upside is knowing you have the strength to make that walk. I'm happy to be alive too:) it beats being a zombie anytime! Congrats to your five years and thanks for being all inspiring and stuff!

  23. Congrats everyone on your sobriety! It is a really shitty, hard thing to do but worth every second in the end. At least you know you have a big support system of crazy, gossip obsessed, obese cat ladies!

  24. @Illinois Fan. Forgive me butting in.
    Do your in-laws WANT to quit? If they don't want to quit, there really isn't a whole lot anyone can do. You can try an intervention, but I highly recommend professional help with that. For me, personally, I hit rock bottom. My best friend came to MI from NY and when she saw me, she told me (Reese is a nickname), "Theresa, I don't even recognize you anymore. You're a shell of your former self." It was actually a lot of things...boom, boom, BAM! And, I only had 2 choices at that point: Do or die. Literally.

    Don't sugarcoat things. Do be blunt, but be loving (if that's your nature.) If you give ultimatums, prepare to follow through.

    I wish you and your family all the best luck in the world. xoxo

    1. @Reeses, thanks for your support. Several family members are working to make them understand they have a problem. They are justifying their addictions because they both have physical issues and they are in pain. But there are other ways of managing pain besides popping oxycontn like candy. I'm so glad to hear that there is hope for them if they want to do it.
