Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 4, 2010

#4 - This B list female R&B singer with some decent hits was so wasted at party last night that she pulled a Verne Troyer. She couldn't find the rest room so went to a corner, lifted her dress and took care of her business right there.



  1. I hope she was singing R Kelly while she did it.

  2. She is so trashy. Damn.

  3. How she managed to get herself famous is beyond me. Plenty of other classier talented singers out there.

  4. She needs to stop partying and learn hot write and read.

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    B list?

    1. That's what I'm saying. In what world is she B list?

  6. Lol meant to say how. I guess I shouldn't be talking lol

  7. Hey! She wasn't' smokin weed or gay marryin. Don't judge!


    1. Lol, ethorne!

    2. Just because someone is against gay marriage doesn't mean they hate gays.Fantasia didn't say anything wrong.

  8. What is her deal?!

  9. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Right on E thorne! That was her most recent story that came out, for those that didn't know, she said she was better than gay married people or pot heads, and not to judge her. I don't like how she sings anyways, it's more tortured scream yoko ono stuff as far as I'm concerned. I get that you've had devastating pain in your life, welcome to earth, we all have! But I don't want to hear your vocal cords relive it on stage. She's got some major issues, I hope that she gets some meds, some professional help, some time, space, etc. She's squandered all that american idol fame and opportunity. But Broadway shows are HARD YA'LL!! I can't handle the hectic schedule!!! It's called the entertainment industry bitch, you get what chances you can when you're hot, do your best, smile and say thank you, in the hope that maybe you're one of the lucky few to still get work based on your past great attitude and work ethic, once youre older and less attractive and no one remembers or gives a shit about you. I would have though a poor black woman would have known how harsh the world is and how much you have to work for each opportunity that comes your way!

  10. Lotta unfortunately this one is "our" fault. She is a product of the American Idol machine.

    1. @J, Did she win? Please don't tell me she won AI? Who voted for her?!

  11. Took me a minute to figure out who this was. And then that made me very happy. Maybe she couldn't READ where they were.

  12. lol I hate this trashy skank. I saw an episode of her reality show and she tried to kill herself on camera by swallowing a bunch of pills....and that voice and those songs.....

  13. I stopped watching American Idol becuase I couldn't stand Fantasia and couldn't believe all the fawning she would get. She sounds like a drowning cat. So happy he career hit the skids.

  14. I have been this drunk before, but I at least had the decency to stumble outside first.

  15. Heh, claiming to be better than potheads when you're named after a movie that inspired quite a few LSD trips in the '60s. You go, girl.

  16. @prolixe- that made me choke on my pretzel, lol

  17. she should hang with Paris ...

  18. They can pee in unison at an upcoming Snoop party, Agent! Perhaps they could perform a duet while peeing on the carpet.

    1. Puggle, throw in Ke$ha and they have a trio. Or an ad for Depends.

  19. Dave Chappelle singing like R Kelly: I want to pee on you. Yes I do.

  20. Don't forget Fergie peeing the cargo pants backstage.

  21. @Lotta---yeah she won and beat out Jennifer Hudson that season!!!!

    1. @Derek, GTFO! Oh man our nation really screed that one up!

  22. Lotta I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yes, she did win. It was years and years ago so maybe America's judgement has improved since then. HA! Who am I kidding, it's only gotten worse. At least we didn't vote for Carly Rae Jepsen to be the winner, like our Northern neighbors.

    1. @J, LMAO! You're going to get our Canadian friends all riled up! It's really crazy though how you would think someone like Carly is 16-18 but in reality is 27! (I picture Swifty going the same route) Then you look at someone like at Adele who you would think is a lot older and is only 24.

  23. I think she's incredibly talented, but I think she has a hard time getting along with people.

  24. @agent Awww I like Kesha. lol

    1. Dragon, she is a member of peeing and twittering club:) I don't dislike her:)

  25. I seen a drunk black chick peein in the frozen food aisle of convenience store in Daytona during Bike Week years back. I didn't turn away, I stood and watched for a minute. She was waaaaay hotter than Fantasia. Wish I had a cell phone camera back then.

    1. OMG.....just made me heeve and laugh at the same time... LOL :-/

  26. Lotta ITA, the girl does age well. And hey, look at some of the people us 'Merican's have chosen to win our competitions! I still think Carly may be the worst though, no offense Canadians!

    Count at first I thought you said you had been a drunk black chick peeing in an aisle.

  27. I like Carly Rae too. (I pretty much like everyone). I don't watch Canadian Idol, it's not as exciting as American Idol. I didn't even know she was Canadian for a long time. Most people who become successful move to the States bc that's where all the jobs are and big record companies. They just can't make the same money up here, and I don't blame them a bit.

    Yes, she is very young-looking. I thought she was just a teenager the first time I saw her picture.

  28. I hope Da Brat didn't have to witness that as well.

  29. "Guuuurl, please!" (God, I love The Soup.)

  30. She is a train wreck with no self esteem. That doesn't take away the fact that she is talented. She won that season without question. She may be B list in R& B world not "mainstream".

  31. You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl.

  32. You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl.

  33. This is disgusting.

    Fantasia is one of the many "never were" Idols, right up there with that Soul Patrol guy who played the harmonica and looked 55 years old, and Ruben Studdard, whom I last heard about not even because of music but because he was going to go on a diet publicly, and then quit after two or three days. Dopey show, dopey winners.

  34. What does poor and black have to do with anything! I read how many posters on here make fun of the way some r&b singers sing. R&B is steeped in tradition and thats the way most of them sing. Its cool if u dont like it but i see soo many people on hear actually making fun of them that it can be offensive. Just my two cents.

  35. Hey. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go, I guess.

  36. Krissie I can think of only two or three who were actually successful, depending on if you consider Kellie Pickler's career successful nowadays. I don't understand why people still audition, it doesn't you get you fame and world wide eternal recognition and love.

    Shit I would go for X Factor and that $5mil prize.

  37. @nettalovesrobin

    I know. It's a part of the R & B tradition, that takes great virtuosity and lots of practice. Improvised runs are a form of musical expression and feeling.

  38. There are lots of American Idols who have become successful, not all of them winners, just off the top of my head, there's Adam Lambert, Kelly Clarkson, Jordin Sparks, Carrie Underwood, Ruben Studdard, Katherine McPhee, Clay Aiken, I'm sure there are a few I missed.

  39. @JSierra and Tuxedo Cat, I know some others have been successful (who could ignore that damn Jennifer Hudson singing about Weight Watchers every time you turn on the TV, ugh). I was talking about the winners. Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson are the only really successful people who actually won this thing, far as I know.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hello! David Cook!

  42. Reno is he the bald one with the goatee?

  43. Fantasia is B?? Really???? The girl from American Idol who cannot sing???? If she is a B then I must be a C even though I am no way famous.

    She always seemed like a diva on AI. She screams instead of sings.

  44. J No, you're thinking of Chris Daughtry.

  45. @Renoblondee

    Yes, I couldn't remember his name. He's still making records and touring, I think.

  46. classless and disgusting.
