Saturday, January 26, 2013

Burt Reynolds In Intensive Care

The headline sounds way more dramatic than it probably is, but Burt Reynolds has been hospitalized in Florida with symptoms of the flu, his reps said yesterday and the 76-year-old star is currently being treated in intensive care. Before there was the internet and the 24/7 gossip news cycle, Burt filled up volumes for The Enquirer. They should be paying his medical bills for as much money as he has made them over the years. Get better soon.


  1. Oh, that sucks- get well, Burt!!!

  2. wishing him well and everything but that photo? lol....Its hard to believe he was considered THE sexy symbol back in the day with all that lack of um Man Scaping. He would never fly with the ladies and gays in 2013...too masculine and low maintenance...

    1. Oh he still flies with this lady...and always will. I get the feeling I'm not the only one.

    2. As far as this lady is concerned, That's a MAN baby!
      My main gay on shift with me agrees, he says "I don't want pretty & delicate, I want a MAN!" So... Now I know we'd be after the same dudes!
      Hope that he feels better soon. ICU for flu (esp for at risk groups) is always a big deal, so fingers crossed he responds well.

  3. Remember when he was on Golden Girls? Love me some vintage Burt Reynolds! Get well soon!

  4. OMG! I remember when that spread came out. Was it Cosmopolitan? Playgirl? Everything was strategically hidden with the arm. Here I had grown up with no men and really wanted to see what it looked like. I am still fascinated by them. Get well Burt.

  5. My grandmother used to read the enquirer like the bible and would leave them for me when I would visit. I guess that is where my love all things gossipy came from.

    And boy is Enty right, Burt was always on the front page of some tabloid. The Burt & Loni Anderson divorce was World War III for the papers.

  6. I was hoping Enty would mention Burt. I totally remember when that Cosmopolitan came out - I just snatched it right up and kept it in a drawer for 20 years or so. Back in the day he was the epitome of HOT. Even though he's done some crazy stuff, I've always loved him. Get well soon Burt!

  7. prolixe, thanks for the memory !!!! Sherry, OT, I loved Ava Cassidy...

    1. Agent. You saw my post from the other day. She was amazing. Sadly discovered her too late to see her live. Came from an ex in the music industry since I used to be a singer. Found her biography at a yard sale.

  8. Interesting - I am older than dirt but I distinctly remember this photograph included a cheroot or some type of tobacco product that Burt was smoking at the time. Shame that history gets airbrushed.

  9. Thank you for that photo. He was beautiful back then, hair and all. We have swung too far to the other extreme nowadays. Get well soon.

  10. That is a very good point Enty!

  11. Get well, Burt!!!

    Oh yes! I remember well when this spread came out: my Mom and aunts acted all scandalized but little Reesie was sneaky with the covert lip-reading and what they said privately was very, very different from what they said to my older girl cousins and my sisters. ;)

    For the record, my covert lip-reading skills are no longer what they used to be.

  12. It's interesting that just 30 or 40 years ago, body hair was considered to be sexy. I've never been into much body hair but I kinda miss it. Am I so strange in that?

    1. No, no you're not Reeses. I enjoy the man au natureul.

    2. Late to the party, but just a third from me - I want a man to look like a man. Plus, I've been brainwashed because I'm married to a dude making the transition to full-fledged Sasquatch. I wouldn't know what to do with some hairless wonder.

    3. Frufa. LOL...I also reside with Bigfoot. And yum to hairy!

  13. The flu is hospitalizing people left & right in Florida... especially seniors (sorry Burt, I'll always remember you as the Bandit, but it is what it is)


    1. Burt is a long time resident, so people have compassion for him here in FL. For the rest of the older population,nobody cares.

  14. @ReesesPeace - I've always liked hairy men - I don't care if it isn't stylish right now. And @Unknown - I think the cheroot was in his other hand.....

    @OReally - yeah - he's on my free list forever. Mr. B knows if Burt comes a'knockin - I'm gone.

    1. Hahaha!! That's awesome! I think Burt has the same sex appeal as Sean Connery. It doesn't matter how old they get, they still have their mojo.

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Susan B me too. I love a hairy chest there's just something manly about it. That goes for mustaches and beards too. The hubby has been growing his out because we're going skiing in a few weeks, he says it's itchy as hell but I won't let him touch it. Grey facial hair is even sexier...
      Burt In Smokey and the Bandit was gorgeous and I caught part of Boogie Nights the other day and he was still pretty sexy then. Best wishes to him.

  15. Aw, timebob, my grandma used to buy the Enquirer and Star all the time too. I know that's where I got my itch from! Burt Reynolds is one of those interesting people who's a real failure as a human being, but you just can't help but love him. Get well soon, Burt!

  16. I hope he gets well soon. It is hard to believe he's 76 years old. I think he's still pretty damn sexy. Thanks for the glorious photo, Enty:)

  17. Poor Burt! He will always be a little hottie to me.

  18. RP - I miss the body hair too. All this manscaping feels too feminine. And women getting waxed is creepily like being a little girl instead of a grown woman

    1. YES! to the women waxing part. And the manscaping part. But I wonder about the female waxing trend, too - so girlish.

    2. I agree. I kinda wonder about guys that like that pre-pubescent look.

  19. As a young one coming up in the 70's reading Grandma's Enquirer, Burt was a bit too uber masculine for me. He has always seemed like a parody of a gay biker to me or maybe gay bikers are a parody of Burt. My husband is a big fan of his movies though. Get well soon Burt.

  20. Get well soon Burt.

  21. When I saw this story yesterday, they had a recent picture of him, and god is his face horrifying. He looks like he's made out of silly putty. I think (hope) in 10 years, we're going to look back at this plastic surgery craze and ask what the hell people were thinking. Not that a lot of us aren't already asking that, but it must not be getting through, because people are still doing it.

  22. What IS up with us now not liking hair of any kind except on top of our heads? Women use extensions galore for that, but shave every inch otherwise. Men wax and shave every inch too. When did that happen and why?
    Get well soon sexy Burt!

  23. @Mooshki: I totally agree. When I was younger, I used to say: I'm gonna get this, that and the other done. I'm still not thrilled with *this, that and the other* but I've made peace with it. It is what makes It makes me sad when people mess with their faces and mess with what makes them unique.

    Truth is we are all imperfectly...perfect! ;)

  24. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I definitely don't want pretty and delicate, but Burt always came off smarmy and conceited to me, like he thought he was God's gift. I guess to some women he is!Mooshki's right, he got some REALLY bad discount work done.

  25. I always loved Burt's laugh. I remember that pic. My mother bought that Cosmo, she thought he was HOT. Lol. Smokey and the Bandit was my favorite show as a kid. That car, Sally Fields, Jerry Reed, Burt, the dog, the sheriff, ah, magic. I hope he gets better soon. Burt's getting on up there, and the flu is hard on the aged. As for the man scape , I like a little grass on my playground.


    1. I was just getting ready to pay homage to Smoky and the Bandit. Burt was one sexy man, and Sally Field was adorable. Wish they could have made it. They seemed fun and really into each other..

  26. Also surprised the bear rug hasn't been an issue, since Uma's fur coat was.

    1. This pic is decades old. I think Uma' s is more recent. Fur was not only acceptable back then, it was a status symbol.

  27. He's not a very nice man but my mom always thought he was "foxy", bless her heart.

  28. I get a bad feeling about this.

  29. TMZ is reporting his fever broke and is being moved out of ICU but it was touch and go for awhile.

  30. Sally Field totally hit that.

  31. I loved that he was so close with Dinah Shore. He was younger than her, and a major Hollywood dude, yet he wasn't afraid to let everyone know they were together. She was awesome too.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Is this the same burt who used to date Lance Rentzel and abuse women cause of his inner anger at never being able to come out the closet?

  34. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Loved him in cannonball run.

    Get well soon, Burt...

  35. Burt's never really done it for me. I just don't get his appeal. I do, however, like my man to look like a man. I've actually threatened to withhold services from my husband when he suggested "manscaping"
    My only hairless exception would be CM Punk. :-)

  36. I LOVED gossip from the Enquirer. It was all about Mike Walker. Loved the JFK JR stories!

  37. I don't like all the manscaping going on these days either. A totally hairless man....ick.

  38. Not that I really wish him ill, Team Loni. He's always sounded like a total asshole.
