Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chelsea Handler Makes Ryan Seacrest Squirm

Ryan Seacrest was on Chelsea Handler's show last night. She tried to get him to talk about his relationship with Julianne Hough but he just gave some cliche answers. Ryan would not answer any questions about getting married or engaged or kids. Instead he tried to get Chelsea to answer the question who responded by saying, that she was not the one trying to prove to people that they are straight. Point to Ms. Handler. She leads 15 love.


  1. She's an asshole but props to her for going after Seacrest on this.

  2. I watch Chelsea every night, it was funny and he took it all in good stride. Chelsea has always made it clear she isn't intrested in marriage or kids, at least she doesn't play that hollywood game like her BFF Jen A.

  3. Can't believe she said that. Glad he took it in stride. What else could he do.

  4. I can not STAND her or Kathy Griffin. They are not funny.

  5. I like that she says what other interviewers wont say. I find it refreshing.

  6. That was mean of her. I dont understand why comedians have to push the envelope( kathy griffin) to be ediger and funnier. Just becyour own hilarious self, its enough. Why does she have to make him squirm? Not everyone lives out loud like she does. And trudy when i say i am no fan of his.

    1. I have no idea in thr world why i appently added the word trudy there!! Sorry!! Lol

    2. And the correction is even worse!!! Quitting....

  7. There's not even a hint of wit from Chelsea or KG. They are trying to be female shock comics. Embarrassing. But they are making the $$$.

  8. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I'm no Seacrest fan, but it's his business how he wants to live his life. If he feels he needs a beard, fine, and I don't feel bad gossiping about it, but to be called out about it on national tv is too much. The final word on Seacrest's sexuality is his own and he doesn't have to answer to anyone about it.

  9. The 'comedy' is their way of masking a character disorder imo. It doesn't take talent to be an a-hole at another person's expense.

  10. I find Chelsea's show a 50/50 crapshoot. When she is in a good mood, its very funny naughty enjoyable. When she is in a bad mood-hungover,strungout,whatever-she just picks on everyone and the show takes on a miserable tone. Which at my house is good for CONAN on TBS.

  11. I'm no fan of Seacrest, but I dislike Handler even more. Anyone who courts attention by putting others down (or in this case, sneakily trying to 'out' them) is an F in my books.

  12. I used to watch Chelsea every night, until WWHL went 5 nights a week. Then I went with that instead. I recently watched a new episode of Chelsea, and afterwards had to call a friend and ask, "Has she gotten meaner, or am I just not used to her anymore?" I much prefer Andy Cohen these days :)

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      VIP me too! Its WWHL now for me I don't enjoy chelseas show anymore its too mean, Andy puts me in a much better mood before I go to sleep. Unless he has the Jersey Shore people on, then its Conan for me too.

  13. I cannot stand this hag. Why do people have to prove or disprove their sexuality? All of the innuendo and outing is just homophobia in my opinion. I particularly hate it when out bloggers do it.

    I LOVE Michael K., but I really don't care if Jake G(don't feel like looking up the spelling)is straight or not. If he IS bearding (and that's a big IF) it's between him and the beard. If she's okay with it, fine. And what? Men can't be bisexual, only hot women like Amber Heard?

    I always get the feeling that people just want to bring someone down and instead of saying he's arrogant or untalented they say that he's gay.

    It just reinforces the impression that gayness is something to be ashamed of and the worst thing you can accuse a person of.

  14. Um, what? Points for prying into peoples' private lives? Making insinuations about their sexuality then sitting back and laughing at them when they have to prove a negative?
    No points for that. It's not "journalism," it's not "news," it's not our business. Also, it's not civilized.

  15. People want to know if someone has a beard because they don't want to be lied to. That's why people care. It's not about the particular orientation (in many cases)of the person, it's about the bullshit these celebrities and their PR teams feed to the masses, and the desire to learn the truth behind the mystery.

  16. Hounding celebs about their sexuality is not going to encourage shy lesbians and wallflower gays to come out.
    I have such contempt for people like Chelsea Handler, Kathy Griffin, Bruce Bibby, etc. etc. who think gay baiting celebs is somehow a "public service," and wrap themselves in the cloak of ostensible good intentions while profitting from publicizing salacious gossip.

  17. If you don't want to be lied to, don't ask about things that are not your business.
    It's really that simple.
    You're not entitled to the information.
    So don't pretend to be all stunned and amazed, surprised and outraged when people keep their private lives private by any means necessary.

  18. I like Chelsea also when she's in a good mood but yeah, sometimes she seems crabby and less than generous with her people..

    Also hate that it takes 6 minutes to watch a 2 minute clip here. It's crazy slow!

  19. ...saying everyone following a gossip site. Listen, this is why we're here. We're watching the train wrecks, the scandals, the shameful behavior AND judging all of it.

    Be careful stepping off of that high horse. It's a hell of a drop.

    1. Gossip isnt slways mean, and yes, everyone has a line they dont want to cross. And everyones is diff. Trying to out gay people when they dont want be is a peeve of mine. I dont care, and no one else should either!!

  20. I can't hate on Ryan Seacrest - even if he is the man to be blamed for this Krazy Kardashian world that we live in. He seems like a hard worker and puts 100 percent into everything he does, and for that he has my utmost respect.

    I don't care one way or another about his sexual preferences. It does irk me that people are pestered about their gayness or straightness. It's really quite rude! It falls along the same lines as asking a girl if she's preggers or when are you getting married. None of your freakin' business!!

  21. Everybody knows that nothing in talk shows is off the cuff, right?

    Anything Chelsea threw at him, he was well aware of before hand. It's not like she threw him any curveball.

    And there are a lot of rumors Ryan is gay, it's not a secret.

    You have to watch it in context and intent.

  22. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I totally see what you're saying Pini. I never mind gossiping about it on a pointless (but very entertaining) blog with complete strangers because I know it doesn't really matter. But you are right about what the implications of speculating are- "we need to identify who is and is not gay bc being gay is bad- and they deserve the speculation bc of it." It's kind of a catch-22 bc that's why the gay celebrities feel that they need to beard, but by bearding they are also fueling the fire for people like me who just wants to know the scoop bc it's fun, but it's also justifying the people who think that being gay is bad and needs to be hidden. Sorry for long post- just stream of consciousness thought here on a work break. But yeah, definite dick move by handler.

  23. @timebob, exactly. People know how she is and if they were bothered by it, they wouldn't be a guest on her show.

  24. He should have quizzed her in detail about how many & which sexually transmitted diseases she's had to deal with in her life. Why not? If she's asking details on his secrets surrounding sex, she ought to be asked about hers.

  25. @Geebz I get what you're saying, but look at what you listed. Is being homosexual a train wreck, scandal or shameful?

    And I think the outrage over 'being lied to' is BS too. There is no moral justification, I always read comments that make it seem like now that Matt Bomer is out, somehow he's no longer believable as a romantic lead.

    People just enjoy outing people and that aspect of gossip is something I personally dislike. If I am dating a guy who presents himself to me as straight, then I have a right to be outraged. Some actor, who I'm NEVER gonna meet much less date, doesn't owe me a thing.

  26. I love Chelsea. And her and Seacrest share a network; he knew what was gonna happen before he sat down with her.

  27. if you're going to live your life in the public perpetuating a fucking lie, then yes you are going to get asked about it.

    and hello, it's night time. Do Katie Couric if you don't want prying questions.

    Would you feel the same if she asked Tom Cruise?

  28. Agree with Agent*it - Chelsea and Kathy G. just aren't funny usually. Shock humor makes you laugh at the shock of it, not the humor. And it gets old fast.

    And I don't agree with outing people about ANYTHING - sexual preference (including gay, into bdsm, whatever), or money. Although the minor stuff like who is cheating on whom is ok (that's why we're all here, isn't it?) I don't like the ones like trying to guess who the pedophile is because if you guess wrong, you're accusing an innocent person of a heinous crime which just isn't fair.

  29. Holy shit, I actually agree with Amartel. That never happens.

  30. I like Kathy G, but can't stand Chelsea. To me, Kathy makes jokes, really mostly about herself. Chelsea seems to just insult people, like an insult on its own is somehow funny.

  31. You know what you are getting into when going on CH's show. Sometimes I enjoy her, other times not at all. I just can't with KG, at least CH is funny sometimes. BTW, I love WWHL too!
    Sorry for all the initials and caps, it's easier

  32. She makes jokes about this (and Tom Cruise) all the time, so not really all that shocking she had the balls to do it in person.

    And I agree w/ timebob on this topic. He knew what he was getting into w/ Chelsea just like Anderson Cooper knows what he's getting into when Kathy G hosts.

  33. weren't there rumours that Chelsea Handler was doing it with Rihanna?

  34. I agree with Jax. She wouldn't have asked him if he weren't parading his story out there for the world. If you want your dating life to be private, try keeping it private.

    Chelsea is funny and she did drop the topic when she saw it wasn't going to happen.

  35. You're right Pini. I don't really care who's gay & forgot about that aspect but for the rest...f it.

  36. Whatever you think about her, honestly I could not have resisted making that comment in the moment. Watching that clip, my gaydar blasted through the roof. The jazz hands, the knee touch, the way he was sitting...yes, some stereotypes in there, but please. When a big ol' truck driver-straight guy like me is thinking, "Honey, don't even try" well, it's kind of hopeless. There isn't a closet big enough to hide that much fey.

  37. Meh. I like Chelsea, and like others pointed out - this is what she does. If you don't want uncomfortable questions, or to be made fun of, don't go on her show. It's not like Ryan needs the money or attention, really.

  38. Well he did say they both want kids and a family one day.

  39. I hate when people out people too. I had a friend who was outed and he killed himself. That a lone made me come out to my parents.

    I like Chelsea but sometimes she goes too far.

    1. So sorry about your friend. I hate when shit like this happens.

  40. OK, I watched the clip, and I have to say, that was totally innocent and not at all squirm-inducing for anyone! Seriously - that was a joke and he took it well, gay or not.

  41. I find Handler to be different and sometimes it's nice to get a different "taste", so to speak. All of you saying that it was mean or wrong for her to say that - it's not like Ryan didn't know what show he was going on. People go on these shows to get publicity and a lot of times anything goes. Ryan is no fool; he knew what he was up against. But, Julianne got a little more exposure there, too, huh? Ryan is really putting her out there.

  42. I want her to interview Papa Joe. Ryan brings us Kartrashians. That is all.

  43. I don't like Chelsea, but I'm with Jax with this one.

    He's living a lie and expecting the public to buy it.

    I don't care if he's gay or straight - not my business, but I'd have more respect for him if he didn't do the whole fake girlfriend thing.

  44. I don't really care if he's gay or not; I just wish he would stop forcing the Kardashians on the American public.

  45. @ Amartel - Say what you like about Chelsea but Kathy Griffin doesn't bait gays. A huge part of her fan base is gay and she knows it and loves it and talks about it in her act.

    A few years ago Ryan Seacrest was a blatant misogynist. He's since wised up and cleaned up his act and has become a better interviewer but I'll always remember that he disliked and was dismissive of women and he wasn't smart enough or polished enough to hide it on camera. That and the fact that he foisted those K people on use are enough to make me faintly despise him.

  46. I guess I'm in the minority, but I love Chelsea. Ryan knew what he was getting into on her show. It's on him.

  47. Don't like Chelsea but I'll give her a pass on this, it was just a joke. Ryan will have my undying dislike for bringing us the Kartrashians!

  48. Chelsea Lover right here. Yeah she is an asshole, but so is almost everyone else. The only difference is she gets paid to be an asshole, and we just get shit.

    Not to mention, I just really don't like Ryan Seacrest. He is swarmy in my opinion.

  49. I don't really mind Chelsea, but I don't agree with attempting to force someone out of the closet, if he's even in the closet. Ryan more than handled her though. I'm sure he's used to it by now.

    I think Ryan is bisexual. I saw a photo of him touching Julianne's boob (adjusting her swimsuit?) as she was getting out of the swimming pool. I can see why he's careful though, because he's a host and people seem to judge them more harshly than a regular actor or actress. Especially when he is sort of the (sorry I forget the word) person who took over from Dick Clark.

  50. Bisexual? Perhaps he is, but what I see in that clip is a man who isn't even within shouting distance of bi on the Kinsey scale. What I see is a man who would never touch a boob except clinically. What I see is a screaming queen playing let's pretend I'm macho. Which, sorry, that's a pejorative way of putting it--and I've known some very macho gay guys--but that man has never had a taste for pussy.

    He's allowed his right to privacy, even as a public figure. I got nothing against the guy, I haven't even watched the shows he's on, don't even know of his sexuality except by reputation, etc. But in some fundamental sense the, uh, politics of sexual identity fails when trying to live such an obvious lie. When you go on a talk show and they throw up a picture of your hot "girlfriend"--which was totally by design on his part--and the instinctive reaction of a primitively hetero guy like me is, "Are you seriously fucking shitting me?"...look, you're so far beyond the bounds of credulity it's not even funny.

    Honestly, I'm not hatin' on the guy. It's his life. But you can't bag on Handler for making that jibe. I'd have said something way worse.

  51. I like Ryan Seacrest. He is a class act or at least was when I knew him. He used to work for K101 in San Francisco back in the 90s. After college when I moved back home, I worked there. He was always kind and professional to everyone. There were a lot of dickheads there, but Ryan never lost his temper or threw his weight around. If anything, he seemed asexual. There were never any rumors of men or women with him. He was always ambitious with an amazing work ethic.
