Tuesday, January 08, 2013

David Bowie Has Been Heard From

It has been 10 years since David Bowie last released an album. To mark his 66th birthday today, David released a new single and an album is forthcoming. I have to say, the single is way better than I thought it would be. The guy has not lost his mojo. Of course when you have Iman as your inspiration everyday, it is pretty tough to ever lose your mojo.


  1. I adore David Bowie. If I were a man, I'd want to be just like him. I know that sounded weird, but he's awesome.

  2. Happy Birthday Mr. Bowie, how I've missed you so.

  3. I lived him as Miranda on Sex & The City. The music was a little overrated, though... Okay, a LOT overrated.

  4. I've been listening to a lot of classic Bowie lately. He and Iman are the ultimate A list glamour couple.

  5. This will make my husband soooo happy. He is a major bowie fan. I love that his marriage to the gorgeous Iman has lasted so long. Happy Birthday Mr. Bowie and thanks for all the great music.

  6. I love this man. Happy birthday!

  7. Pretty video, but I thought the Stones' comeback single, "Doom and Gloom", was a much stronger song.

  8. YES!!! Love him so much!

  9. bad shit at student level. music and video. stuck back in time.

    just because it says bowie it doesn´t make it better.

  10. Also, what's with the monotone hair dye from the Paul McCartney School of Beauty? I wish these great icons would just accept their age and go grey.

    I've got to believe John Lennon would have gone grey in the most stylish manner possible.

  11. A mournful ballad, almost funeral like. And whats with the weird two headed toll? And who was next to him? I loved the studio they were in. I guess it piqued my interest, but a tad downbeat.

  12. The man has always been amazing. My 13 year old went thru a Bowie obsesssion last year. The likes of what most girls her age go thru with boy bands. She has very evolved and diverse musical tastes for her age lol. I got an education on Bowie,then burned right out. Was not too terribly sad when the phase passed honestly. Too much of a good thing isn't a good thing haha.

  13. Nobody can dis my Bowie. HE IS GOD! I simply pretend the Tin Machine years didn't exist. (Look it up you young 'uns.)

  14. Love Bowie, they live pretty close to me but I've yet catch a glimpse

  15. I love Bowie so much! He was such a beautiful figure in the 70's, like nothing seen before. And the music was even moreso! Take notes, Lady Gaga... musical notes.

    A bizarre thing to do is watch Iman on HSN. She'll sometimes talk about items, like a throw she was selling. "I'll curl up on the couch with my husband and watch tv, snuggle under the throw." You're like, "oh, that's nice." Then you get a mental picture of David Bowie curled up on the sofa, watching TV... and your brain breaks! :D

  16. @Topper-I actually liked Tin Machine at the time. I also like Kurt Cobain's version of The Man Who sold the World. Back in my college DJ days I always started my radio show with DJ.

    1. @Cheryl - me, too. Bowie can do no wrong in my eyes. He blew my mind when I was a kid.

    2. But I want to know who the face on the other head is - anyone know? Kinda looks like Bjork. But I don't really think it's her.

  17. Sixty six and still sexy. I don't even care that he slept with Mick Jagger, I'd still hook that up in a heartbeat.

  18. Happy Birthday, future ex-husband! Tonight I will celebrate by listening to your albums and dreaming of our space-life together.

  19. David Bowie in The Labyrinth was my first childhood crush. I still love him dearly.

  20. Honestly, while listening to this new song of his, all I could think of was Bowie doing his "Chubby Little Loser" song in Extras...


  21. Wow, what a beautiful song. It's so haunting and simple. It usually takes a few listens for me to catch on to a song, but this just took one.

    (I was trying to figure out who the woman is next to him and was wondering if it is the mature version of the girl in the China Girl video.)

    I hope Axl Rose doesn't start up about it sounding a little 'November Rain'ish near the end.

  22. It's intriguing, I don't get all the references and I wonder who the woman is. The song is kind of touching the way he can be. But looking at the video he seems like he's clinically depressed to me.

  23. Form The Independent, UK....

    So it came as a complete surprise this morning when David Bowie released a beautiful new single called “Where Are We Now?”, with an album soon to follow, and nobody knew anything about it. That is until they played the song on the Today programme on Radio 4 – it having been put on sale on iTunes at five o’clock in the morning – and a nation awoke to the strains of a sad, thoughtful man remembering the places he used to go in Berlin in the 1970s.

    Yesterday was Bowie’s 66th birthday, and his voice on the record sings sadly, fondly, about the railway station in Potsdamer Platz, the Dschungel nightclub on Nürnberger Strasse, bridges, checkpoints, department stores, “a man lost in time”, “just walking the dead”.

    “Where Are We Now?” is the sound of a man revisiting the city where he wrote several of his classic albums – though whether he has gone back on foot, or in his mind, is hard to tell. Also, he’s wearing a T-shirt that says Song of Norway on it. Now, in 1969, a woman called Hermione Farthingale, then the great love of Bowie’s life, left him to go and be in a film. It was said he never got over it. That film was called Song of Norway. So what does it all mean? Bowie used to eschew nostalgia, always preferring the new. Now, four years off his seventies, with rumours of ill-health abounding (though always denied), he has created a beautiful new thing by rummaging through in the jigsaw pieces of his life and throwing them around, seeing where they lie.

    The video for the song shows Berlin’s black and white streets, apartment blocks, the Tacheles artists’ squat, the TV Tower. Bowie’s face sings on a sort of Siamese doll in a studio, with a woman’s face squashed next to his (it seems she may be Jacqueline Humphries, wife of the artist Tony Oursler who made the video). Objects from his past, references to other records, crop up around him. Then the lyrics become sweetly, romantically clichéd: “As long as there’s rain, as long as there’s rain, as long as there’s fire, as long as there’s fire, as long as there’s me, as long as there’s you.” It’s such a lovely record. It makes him sound so very… human.
