Thursday, January 24, 2013

High School Student Comes Out At Award Ceremony

The standing ovation is great.


  1. Wow. Good for Jacob! Proud of you!

  2. Yay! That's awesome! I wish more high profile people would come out. I get that they think it might hinder their careers, but being in the closet gives ammo to people who think that being gay is something that's shameful or abhorrent. It's not!

  3. @VIP Preach it! Could you imagine having to announce to the world your personal bedroom's insane and no one's business

  4. Go Jacob. Glad he had such a good response (but damn people need to learn to stop talking when someone is giving a speech! Sheesh!).

  5. Yay Jacob! Great speech!

  6. I don't get the need to announce it, much less the standing ovation. For what?

    I'm guessing it's a generational thing.

  7. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Amen VIP Blonde! Here here!

  8. I'm more impressed by people who out themselves before they're beyond the reach of oppressors.

    I love George Takei, but it's less brave for him to have come out in his late 60's than say, Graham Chapman who came out in his forties.

    Regardless, it's fucking insane that here it is 2013 and we're still having these sorts of conversations.

  9. brave kid. Good for him. Hope life treats him kindly after this.

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  11. @Syd, I'm assuming you're from an Western European country. It has never been like that in the USA with regard to gays being allowed to live openly. It wasn't until just a few months ago that President Obama abolished Don't Ask Don't Tell which basically forbade those in the military to even mention the subject.

    That said, Go Jacob!

  12. Gah the people in the background were getting on my nerves, shut up already!

    Whooo Jacob! We can learn a lot from these kids, minus not shutting the frack up when someone is giving a speech.

  13. Coming out to a bunch of people you may never even see again isn't really something I would call brave. I was openly gay all through high school. A catholic boys school, no less, in the mid 90's. I was also fat and ethnic. Maybe I was lucky, I don't know, but my parents taught me to be exactly who I was from day one.

  14. That's so great, that the students cheered him!

    Maybe there are kids in that class who don't like gays, carry bad opinions or whatever, but they might have been friends with this guy. It's a good eye-opener, someone in this audience or in a similar place realizes that gays aren't so terrible after all, and a little less hate exists.

  15. This was unthinkable back in my day.
    Congratulations to the man, it's my hope that one day, things like this will be completely unnecessary.
    Because it's not who you love, it's the fact that you love and are loved in return.

  16. I just kept wanting to tell all of those people to shut up while he was talking! How Rude!

    I'm guessing this really wasn't a surprise to everybody there, but I understand he was trying to make a point to be yourself and not be afraid. It was very sweet.

  17. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Way to go!

  18. Hilarious that people are saying he's not so brave. Gimme a break....every time someone comes out, it makes it easier for everyone else. Who cares how or when they do it?

    1. Maybe if you're living in an episode of Seventh Heaven or something.

  19. What a brave young man. So happy for him and the love and pride he obviously has from his family.
    Now if everyone could be this open, understanding and accepting, perhaps more young LGBT would feel able to be who they are instead of who they feel they have to be.

  20. Why is it anyone's business if he is homo or hetersexual? Did the girl that won Best Actress go up and give a speech about how she was coming out that she loves guys?

  21. Good for him!!!
    A few years ago I got a text from my nephew, who was 15 at the time. It just said
    'make sure you watch the 6 o'clock news'.
    It was gay pride weekend and the news were covering the parade.
    Then the reporter stopped a boy and his mother to ask who they were there to support. It was my nephew and his mam!!!
    He said 'well, I recently decided to tell my family I am gay so my mam is here to show the world how proud she is of me'.
    He hadn't said anything to us yet. We all suspected it but it was his business to tell us, or not tell us.
    I was so proud of him. I rang him straight away to tell him how brave I thought he was. He said it was the most free he had ever felt.
    He is now a councillor for young people in his area who are struggling with their own sexuality.
    Sadly not everybody has a family who love unconditionally.
    I love him for being true to himself and for showing others that there are people who understand.

  22. Loved the standing ovation but seriously I could have used some subtitles. With everyone talking over his speech it was bloody annoying as hell.

    But yeah, one day hopefully it won't matter who sleeps with whom. (Unless of course they are married to someone other than you.You know what I mean though.)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Anonymous1:21 PM

    cant wait for the day that ppl dont have to OUT themselves in fear of someone else outing them. That its just a regular part of life. No shocks No awe No discremination (sp)

  25. @Its just u: Love your story! And 'Mam' sounds like a dolly!

    I can't imagine what everyone in gossip circles would have to talk about if being gay was no biggie. At least 50% of Enty's entries alone are on the subject.

    So hypocritical to claim to support gay rights, but then make $$ off stirring the pot & adding to humiliation. Not cool imo.

  26. Either the mic wasn't loud enough or the folks in the audience were unbelievably rude, but that was a great speech. WTG, Jacob.

  27. ITA with everything @Sherry said!

  28. I loved this and reposted it! How courageous!
