Sunday, January 06, 2013

Intoxication Arrests - Josh Brolin & Thomas Gibson

The fact that Josh Brolin was arrested for Public Intoxication on December 31st does not really shock me. We all know he is a drinker and he has been arrested previously while drinking. He was with a bunch of his guy friends so he decided to spend it with them instead of his wife. That one is a little surprising but I think they go back and forth on their relationship a lot and I think Diane Lane gets tired of all the drinking. Lets face it. If you are the kind of person who has been arrested more than once for some kind of public intoxication issue, then you have a drinking problem or are not a good drunk, which is not a good person to be. You think Diane is probably tired of it?

Arrested this morning was Thomas Gibson. He tried to drive through a half-marathon which was being run last night downtown. Don't ask me why. It probably seemed like a good idea at the time they scheduled it. Anyway, Thomas was told he couldn't drive through an area and to turn around. He didn't and then police realized he had probably been drinking and gave him a sobriety test. I think the fact he wanted to drive through the barricades after being told no was probably a good indicator.


  1. Josh was such a cutie in Goonies. It gives me sadsies that he's a drinker and a hitter.

    1. But he's white,they'll 4give him.His step-mom is Striesand who's a feminist as well.So when stuff like this happens..." Its a private matter"

    2. I dont care what colors anyone is, abuse is unacceptable. Period.

    3. Tell it to the feminists and the DV advocates.

  2. I feel bad for Diane Lane. I really like her.

  3. I try to only remember Josh Brolin from the Goonies days, but man I fucking hate that guy. Get out, Diane! Just run.

  4. About Thomas Gibson, authorities said: "Gibson was driving in downtown Los Angeles at around 1:00 AM when he attempted to drive through a part of town that had been sectioned off for a half marathon. The race had already gone through that part of town (it started at 9:00 PM) but the area was still blocked off."

    So no, he didn't try to drive through the marathon.

    1. A marathon at 1am? Wtf?

    2. I totally agree with you auntliddy! WTF! Go drinking like everyone else!!!

      Seriously, that just seems like the last thing I would ever ever want to do with my evening ;)

    3. The fact that it's a HALF marathon makes it all the more hilarious. I guess closing down LA traffic for a marathon during the day just isn't an option!

    4. It's was a New Years Half Marathon. The point was or it to be at night. The time limit is 4 hours, and it didn't actually start until 9:15pm, so the race was technically still in process. The city had those streets closed from 5pm to 4am. It's not like it was a secret, or he didn't know the streets were blocked off.

  5. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I wonder if Brolins whole crew of drinkers resemble him. Its kinda odd that Greg looks like him. Yeah.....he will always b Greg...

  6. I love Thomas Gibson. He can do shots off of my belly all day & night.

  7. Replies
    1. I love how they're dressed nearly identically and the Mail says he looks hot but she could have made more of an effort. :eye roll:

  8. Reno- i dont feel sorry for diane. Every interview she goes on and on about how wonderful he is and how lucky she is to have him and how everyone woman should have a chance to be his wife. Umm, no thanks. You keep your alkie wife beater for yourself. Many people im sure have tried to help her see the light, but she is deaf dumb and blind when it comes to him. Ugh, this prob will not end well.

    1. She's a strong woman not a victim.She dated Bon Jovi,that oughta tell you something.Prolly carrying his hair products around all the time and got tired of that shit.

  9. And thomas gibson? I love him!!!! This has to be an isolated incident, please god!!! Remember, they put away that bossy bitch on bau for boozing, dont let it happen to you!!!

  10. What a great way to start Sunday!!! *just kidding*

    Having known a few people arrested for public intoxication - Enty should have said "If you are the kind of person who has been arrested more than once for some kind of public intoxication issue" OVER THE AGE OF 22!!! Ok maybe 23.

    Everyone over 23 can be full-on judged! And no it wasn't ME!!!

    Seriously though, a friend of a friend (I swear) was thrown in the drunk tank during Portland's Santa-Con. I was sick with a cold and couldn't go or i wpuld havevwitnessed it myself. GF was a hot mess fighting with cops after she passed out on in the street. And yes she was more like 43! Damn!

    PS - used to crush hard on Josh Brolin but not now with all the alcohol. Mean drunk are no fun to be around straight or sober.

  11. Josh's mugshot is enough to make me run... I think he's really handsome, but damn, man, you're SCARY.

  12. Diane Lane ages so well. I want your secrets!

    There is a video of a drunk driver just plowing through a bike race. I'll post the link but be warned, it is disturbing. Safe for work, not safe for your heart.

  13. I have a huge crush on Thomas Gibson. For some reason I think he'd be really dirty in the boudoir.

    It's such a shame that Josh Brolin is such an SOB. He is handsome and a good actor.

  14. Wasn't there just one domestic dispute, and everything was dropped? I don't feel bad for Lane. None of us know exactly how their relationship works, but somehow it does.

    1. Chris Brown only had one domestic as well but his tan lines are deeper.

    2. @just...The difference is actually SEEING the horrific results of the beating vs hearing about a "domestic dispute". It is totally the pictures that sealed it for CB.

    3. True,seeing is believing but the Facts are they both had domestics.

    4. Are we really competing as to who has been more abusive???!!!!!

    5. No,just the fact that some get passes while others get crucified due to skin tone.

  15. oh thomas why?! : (

  16. This doesn't surprise me about Josh, but it does about Thomas. I love him on Criminal Minds and I'm happy to see a picture of him smiling, since it's not part of his job description.

  17. Josh Brolin was publically intoxicated on Dec 31 - New Years Eve.

    I'm pretty sure there were alot of us drinking on New Years Eve.

    Non issue, he gets a pass on this one.

  18. I watced that video of a car plowing through a race. Ugh!

    Enty didn't say their blood level. I know I know , it's still DUI but we all know one can push us there.

  19. MrWolf - lots of us were publicly intoxicated on New Years, but most of us weren't acting like a big enough asshole to get arrested. Trust me, cops have enough on their plate that night to go looking for mildly drunk people to pick up. He had to have been making quite a stink to go down on NYE.

  20. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Diane lane dated my cousin for three years. If she lasted with him that long, I doubt anything Josh Brolin could do would ever repel her, though she might walk for other reasons (or he might).

    Diane is a street-smart kid who grew up in NYC, not some waif.

    1. Diane is a street-smart kid who grew up in NYC, not some waif.
      LoL,same thing you can say about Rihanna.These women aren't pushovers.You can add evelyn lozado and Hope Solo to that mix.
      Some couples get off from fighting.Don't know why but they do.

  21. Just Curious, you ONLY comment when it is in regards to abused women. I hate to single people out, but it is beyond ridiculous. All you do is point out that the woman is no push over, and men always get a bad rep. Your misogyny is over the top. If you are going to troll, at least be entertaining, and not repetitive.

    Stick a fork in me, I am done!

    1. No,I only comment when I feel like it.I'm more prone to say something when there's a racial disparity that folks won't acknowledge and pretend to ignore.

      Of course you'll say I'm a misogynist but will call Madonna,Kris Jenner and Hillary strong empowering women.
      Funny,I've yet to hear you call me a LIAR.

      And no,I won't stick a fork in you,that might be considered aggravated assault.You're not catching my black ass with that charge.I'm smarter than Chris Brown.

  22. This happened New Year's Day evening, not New Year's Eve. Which means he probably started drinking on New Year's Eve and never stopped. I am sure she could do better, but relationships are strange things.

  23. "Greg" got arrested for a DUI?!

  24. In regards to this, I was telling my husband that Josh Brolin is an a-hole (b/c of the stories we all know). I had also recently told him that Dennis Quaid is a cheating jerkass. He's like, "is there anyone in Hollywood that you actually like?" I managed to come up with Hugh Jackman and RDJ. :-)

  25. I bet Jon Bon Jovi is laughing at Diane Lane. Remember she inspired "You Give Love A Bad Name."

  26. No, I am telling it to you. I consider myself a feminist and do not need to be told you are a major misogynist.

    1. ARE you feminist??? One of those buffet fems,pick and choose who you'll boycott based NOT on the crime but whether the guy is cute or how much money he donated to the local women shelter?
      I think you're more opportunist than feminist. Just a hunch.

  27. @betteroff: okay chief, SPILL IT!! want the deets and the dish. diane lane has been my girl crush forever and i loved her since outsiders and rumble fish (and even that kenny rogers racing movie). so serve us up some hot scoop on her - please!

    she is so pretty, stylish, and seems so funny. why in hades does she limit herself to brolin? why would any woman like that go for a mean drunk? just dont get it. i liked a few bad boys myself, but never violent or disrespectful ones. what is the attraction?

    1. She dated Bon Jovi.Prolly got tired of guys foolin' with their hair more than she does so she went with Brolin.He puts hands on her at least one time that's been documented but she's a trooper.Just like a battered wife,they never leave.

  28. That 1AM marathon sounds like some hipster bullshit.

    They were all wearing Cosby sweaters, headbands and giant glasses without frames.

    1. Ingrid - best comment of the day, hands down.

  29. Anonymous12:12 PM

    No one but the people involved in that kind of relationship know what's going on, the dynamics, why she stays, etc. Don't judge unless you've been there.

    1. Kinda like Hope Solo and her dude.
      I heard Rihanna is moving in with Chris.

  30. Gross. I look down on Rihanna so much for so many reasons.

  31. The half-marathon was already over. They just hadn't moved the barricades yet. It's one of the most annoying facets of LA life. I don't blame him for driving around them, since the event was already over. He probably got caught after a few beers at dinner or something.

    Gibson lives in San Antonio with his wife and kids. A party boy he's not.

  32. Chicago does an annual 'Late Ride', where miles of city streets are closed for a charity midnight bike ride and also closes LSD once a year for bikes. I think it's GREAT when cities do that kind of stuff. I get to experience and see my city from a different perspective. And, ya, I TOTALLY understand why anyone would claim getting drunk on a Saturday night is so much better than running 13+ miles...(rolls eyes)...

  33. I don't think Josh is a mean drunk, I think he's been used to getting what he wants all his life like a lot of kids from well off parents. I think he's also very talented and isn't recognized as much as he should be.

  34. So the whole point of justcurious is to incite some sort of racial war in the comment section of a gossip site? Way to go everyone for not taking the bait. Nothing in this post has anything to do with Chris Brown.

  35. You're giving me too much credit.Some nappy-headed fool with an opinion can't incite racial hostility.yeah,its easy for me to throw racist,cr*cker to every person who doesn't agree with me.That's too easy which why I stick to the FACTS.

    Again,no one has yet to call me a liar based on anything I've said because they can't.

  36. @Butter, I think I am the only one so far who has taken the bait. I have noticed him making these comments months ago, and he has been bugging me since. I've noticed him commenting more about violence towards women than I have race. Sorry to veer this off into a completely different direction!!!

    @JustCurious, your opinions are your opinions, not lies. You truly do not seem incredibly intelligent, so I am dropping this issue with you.

    1. I don't keep with your posts about race or anything else.If I see an interesting comment,I don't pay attention to the OP.

      Sometimes,white people like you need to be called on their hypocritical bullshit.
      As I said,you can't call me a liar when it comes to race /gender because I tell the truth and can back it up with fact.I'm more truthful than anything you'll learn in sensitivity training.

      "You truly do not seem incredibly intelligent, so I am dropping this issue with you."

      This is prettymuch the 2nd time you've said that but like a battered wife,you keep coming back for...

  37. Compared to some, Just Curious seems like a rocket scientist. I guess it's subjective. But I'm quite liking the idea of a rating system based upon "intelligence", thanks for the idea :) Still in a good mood BTW.

    1. LoL,this is a gossip blog.Anyone who gets their panties in a wad over my keystrokes is definitely short bus ridin' material.

  38. Anonymous2:27 PM

    @justcurious.......instead of attempting to brow beat strangers in being teambreezzy, perhaps u should haunt his twitter page andconvince him to get some help. IMO he has problems. With personal space. I saw a video on u tube of Kevin Hart and breezy doing a dance parody. At onepoint Kevin got up in his face and Chris looked like be wanted to sock him
    It was being filmed as a joke, but apparently breezy is not the fun loving type. He will assault again.......

    And hopefully u wont b able to pin THAT one on rhianna.....

    1. I'm not a fan of Brown.I like some of his songs but never $upported him through buying his music,etc.
      I am a big believer in 2nd chancer especially with young brothers because I know society won't give them one unless they got a ball in their hands.
      I don't browbeat anyone with my posts no more than Enty browbeats us with the public good deeds of fellow wifebeaters as the Baldwins,Sheens and Penns.
      If Brown had Sheen's rap sheet,I'll say throw him to the wolves.
      No,I don't care for Chris'behavior,the tats,twitter rants or hooking up with Rihanna (although that is funny) but I don't care for Sheen's attitude either.
      Go look at any of his past interviews,Sheen has done within the last 2 years,he has a shitty attitude.No one ask him about his womanbeating.He always painted by the media as an party animal...not a beater.
      We know by Enty's post that Sheen and wife still love their drugs.When was the last time Sean Penn was questioned about his womanbeating? I remember an old interview Penn gave that he admitted to "...twisting a few wrists."

      Hey,do you think Brolin has hit recently?
      You think Charlie ain't popped Brooke?

      Chris,Charlie and Josh,they all will hit again,right?

      When they do,which ones will you forgive?

      If I blame Rihanna,will you blame Diane and Brooke? What about Solo?

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

      You are not bringing a sensible argument. All I see is more "Chris is a victim" logic. The true measure is to stand up, admit fault and work towards correcting HIMSELF. NOT making excuses, whining and deflecting attention. Chris is acting like a self entitled punk who thumbs his nose at everybody and wants an easy out. Not buying it. Some of us raise our "brothers" to believe in personal responsibility.
      U seem to care more about his persona than him. Where is he? Why are YOU doing his dirty work?

    3. Where is Josh,Sean and Charlie? Why do you let them get away with so much?

      If you hang Chris Brown,make sure Josh,Sean and Charlie are hanging right beside Chris.

      If you boycott Chris,boycott Charlie.
      How does Charlie get fired from one job but gets another one?
      Why is Josh gettin' movie roles?
      Why aren't you boycotting the sponsors?
      Where are your online petitions?
      Women like you are the reason Charlie/Josh keeps getting work,no matter what he does,you'll look the other way.

  39. You know, as I've said many times on this site...claiming bigotry where none exists has the unfortunate effect of diminishing true bigotry.

    I'm confident this will fall on deaf ears, however...

    @justcurious...your concern for racial bigotry might be better directed towards true bigotry, like the subversion the right to vote or educational/income disparity than in defending a scumbag (no matter his race) who is a documented woman beater with anger management problems.

    1. "..claiming bigotry where none exists has the unfortunate effect of diminishing true bigotry." the sista who lit herself on fire and blamed the Klan.
      But sometimes as with Chris and any white woman beater,race plays a part in the public's opinion.
      If I say woman beater and the first names that you think of are :Chris,Ike,Rick and're racist as hell.

      "..than in defending a scumbag (no matter his race) who is a documented woman beater with anger management problems."

      Are talking about Charlie Sheen or Sean Penn (back when he would hit people for taking his pictures)?

  40. And I'm not quite sure where you're getting that Josh Brolin is getting a pass from people (and I remember CB getting no more than a slap on the wrist, btw)....

    1. I clearly the Josh Brolin came and went under the radar.No ones mentions it.Sean Penn gave a shout out to Josh when he won for "Milk" no DV adocates said a thing.Did Josh get boycotted at anytime? Did his movie career stopped? He's been in W ,Jonah Hex and Men in Black.Did he skip a beat??

  41. @just...I don't think you'll get a pass for most of those people on this site. Rage against the society that puts ALL of these people on a pedestal,and then hands them money, fame and adoration, hand over fist, while they continue to act in morally (and often criminally) reprehensible ways.

    Chris Brown has had second and third chances to at least SEEM contrite for his actions and instead has chosen to give a big "fuck you" to everyone, continuing to show a total lack of control over his anger and saying it is no one's business. But it IS my business, it is society's business when someone who engages in a criminal action continues to get a pass because he is a "brother" or because he is talented. There are some crimes that I will never give a pass to people for...beating the hell out of someone, barring self defense, is one of them (hello, Olivier Martinez).

    Again, I understand your anger at a criminal justice system (and society) that often punishes minorities far more harshly than whites (and I agree with that premise) but it just seems odd to continue to use someone who is a documented woman beater and continues to show a lack of self control as your "cause celebre".

    1. You're writing too many damn posts while I'm watching the game,lol.
      I'm not asking for a pass from a gossip blog.I'm not Obama,I don't need white validation.

      I just point out the double standard when it comes to race and gender.

      As I said,you can call me this and that but I've yet seen anyone call me a liar.

  42. And I would point out re the Josh Brolin/Chris Brown comparison...

    Josh Brolin was arrested for misdemeanor domestic assault but was ultimately not charged (which also says that Diane Lane had no visible injuries). Chris Brown was arrested (and pleaded guilty) for felony showed that Rhianna had the holy shit beaten out of her.

    Josh Brolin is undoubtedly an asshole but he has never (to anyone's knowledge)beat he fucking shit out of Diane Lane (or anyone else). Chris Brown, irrefutably, has.

    1. Josh Brolin was arrested for misdemeanor domestic assault but was ultimately not charged (which also says that Diane Lane had no visible injuries)

      So does this mean that Diane LIED or was this a case of he said/she said? Which would paint Diane as a POS for calling the cops on him.

      All I know is that your boy Josh who you see so much good and truth in because he looks like your white husband,brother,son,etc got a DV (no matter the degree because the feminists hate that plea bargin shit as well) charge just like that nappy headed negro with the tatts BUT only one has been scrutinized.

    2. It means chris brown got busted because of photos, and josh brolin got away with it. Who can predict public opinion? People look at sheen and say, oh thats charlie. Who knows why. No one is giving penn a pass or any other abuser a pass. The reason brown/ rianna situation resonates is because we saw the pictures, we know what happened and yet they are back together. People cant understand that. And please spare me the crap about we dont know how their relationship works. We know exactly how it works- one fight will end up with her badly injured ir dead, because men are simply stronger than women. And how on earth do u know what color anyone here is anyway??!!

  43. Anonymous4:21 PM

    @just...u are not willing to listen to anyone else. U want Chris to b a victim. He isn't. Sorry...

    1. Charlie ain't sorry either.
      No,I don't Chris to be a victim.Personally,I don't want him kissing yt folks asses either.
      Be a man,own your shit.Cater to your audience that got you there first.Put out good music.I rather see Chris in the studio than twitter ranting.
      But is he doing anything that Charlie ain't doing. Charlie's smoking the crackpipe and Chris is pipin' Rihanna.

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      @just....a thought provoking summation, btw. Lol

      U r doing Chris a GREAT disservice expected from someone who's teambreezy. ;-)

    3. You're doing Josh a great deal of service by sanitizing his "flaws"

  44. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Whine whine whine

    1. You ain't lyin' ...I never understood how a group of people BORN with so much act so disenfranchised.
      White people,SMH

    2. What the heck are white people born with? You think if your skin is white, you cant be poor, or hungry, or raped, or have their heart broken, or get abused? Think before u write something like that, for godssakes.

  45. Anonymous6:14 PM

    You haven't changed any minds. We will all go to bed AND wake up disliking CB........

    1. LoL,that white mentality has never changed.A lotta whites think as they did 20...50...100 years ago.

      You're a trip because your posts are predictable,lol.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Jsierra, my daughter had a boyfriend who thought like you. Its not up to u to atone for wrongs done to afro- americans by putting yourself down for your so called inferior dancing and music. Ugh! This is so stupid!

    2. To clarify, jsierra, YOU are not stupid, im just getting to upset about these posts. Im half dead from flu, so i will blame it on that. Lol. Oh and hope no one else gets it, it is brutal.

  47. Good god, no one is sanitizing a thing. People who beat others are assholes, period. Chris Brown continues to act aggressive towards others. The men you have listed have not, at least not in public. That is why Brown gets more coverage. You speak of people moving on quickly after someone pulls a Charlie Sheen. That is the media. It is not me, or the other white women on this board. I find it disgusting Sheen got the coverage he did, since he was clearly in need of major help.

    You need to differentiate the whites you see in the media, and in the gossip columns, from the one you see passing you in a supermarket. You act act as though we think with one, large, white brain. We don't.

  48. Also, I apologize to the readers for my original off topic comment. I didn't think it would go on to a become a debate on white privilege. Lesson learned.

    1. No apology necessary, we are friends that talk stuff over.

    2. Agree 100% with liddy :)

  49. @ curious. I think that while trying to educate others on how media reinforces long held stereotypes and sensationalizes crimes committed by minorities, that using Chris Brown as example has been the reason as to why it has fallen on deaf ears. For example, earlier you stated (I'm paraphrasing bc I'm too lazy to scroll back up on my phone) that if, when you hear wife/woman beater and the celebrities that come to mind are Ike, Brown, etc that you're racist, you made a valid point. Although, I'd say one isn't as much racist as they are ignorant. Why are they so ignorant is what should be asked and who is it (and what are their motives) that continues to perpetuate this grossly skewed perception of minorities. Racism by the 1% and their use of endless resources (media beig only one of these) is what causes ignorance to the masses and without their knowledge. I may be an optimist but I believe racism is something that the younger generations are attempting to snuff out, unfortunately ignorance is still presence. Curious, continue to do your part in opening others' eyes...but if you find one method is not working, reevaluate it and try a new angle. Blessings

  50. @just curious...this is my last comment to you since I tried to have a respectful conversation and that went nowhere. You twisted my words and worse, put words in my mouth and then judged me for the words YOU put there. You don't lie? You lied about what I said and/or implied.

    What you won't see, because I'm "white", is that I largely agree with your bigger point, societally speaking. You clearly believe that because I'm white, I must march in lockstep with all of the others you've deemed "racist". What a sad, small view of people you have.

    "your boy Josh"

    LOL. My boy? Josh Brolin is a dick who needs to get his shit together and act like a 50ish year old man instead of a privileged frat boy.

    "Why do you let them get away with so much?"

    "Women like you are the reason..."

    Charlie and Sean are also egotistical, misogynistic assholes who deserve none of the adulation they get.

    So don't act like you know me and that you know what I am like or where I come from. Don't act like because I share a skin color with a group of people that I must, therefore, be just like those people. Don't act like all "white" people act alike, think alike and are alike. Don't act like we, on this blog have wronged YOU because Chris Brown is an asshole.

    Isn't that what you are demanding of us?


  51. @melpo...yes, for me the first person that comes to mind is Chris Brown. First, it is because of the pictures. Second, because the media keeps bringing it that you are right, but...Third, because Chris Brown himself (and Rhianna) keep bringing it up by tweeting shit like,"ain't nobody's business" and then follow it with a bazillion photos. if you want it not to be my business, quit fucking putting it all over social media where you KNOW it will be reported on (which is what they both want).

    Strangely, the second "famous" person I think about tends to be Jackson Brown beating the shit out of Darryl Hannah (which probably shows my age). I never bought anything of his again.

  52. As a generalized statement...

    If you don't @ people, unless you are on the mobile site, no one (including that person) can tell who you're speaking to.

  53. @ Lola. And that is exactly why Chris Brown should not be used as an example. There are good people that make mistakes, and then there are people that consistly show us that they are not one of those people. I don't know Chris and I don't know what's in his heart but what he has shown us has not been good.

  54. @ Lola. I also do not want you to think that anything I said was as a result of your or anyone else's comments other then Curious. I don't disagree with your statements, but if curious' true intentions are to educate then he should see why no one is hearing him rather then get frustrated and become so defensive. When he does that and resorts to demeaning others then he loses any credibility anD any hope of accomplishing what he is trying to do.

  55. @melpo...totally agree. That's what I was trying to say (I'm not saying you were disputing my point), you put it much better. I largely agree about the way black men (and women) are treated vs white men (and women) by the media, the justice system and some segments of society. I mean, a 2 minute google of death row statistics (and prison demographics)bears that out (as does, glaringly, the sentencing guidelines of a crack cocaine conviction vs a powder cocaine conviction).

  56. @ Lola thank you. Sometimes things make sense to me and then when I open my mouth or write it down it comes off entirely different then what I intended. Lol!

  57. This is all manipulative crap.

  58. Auntliddy I am so glad you said that. I feel like sometimes people don't realize that that is what this is. We are so many different people, from so many different backgrounds, and we all congregate here to share our thoughts and beliefs, to hopefully open someones mind to something they had previously thrown away.

    And yes, I deleted my earlier comment because I am a little drunk and don't feel that I said the right things.

    Bottom line, all of us can be assholes, and all of us have treated others horribly. We can place the blame this place or that, but that blame will change and rotate with the time zones.

    Also, Liddy I hope you get to feeling better. The flu is really attacking this season, I read that this is has been the most aggressive strain and despite having the vacc, many are still falling ill. It's time like these that I wish we all lived in the same place and could just watch shit movies and talk about the shit actors in them.

    1. Thanks for kind words:). I would love if we could get together to watch and comment on movies!!!! And I did have flu shot, so I dont know wth happened. Slowly getting better, trying to be positive, lol

  59. its not about race for me i hate most men. men put down and degrade women all day, every day in every fucking city in the world

  60. I think we can all agree that anyone who beats women, kids, or animals is an asshole.

    The end.

  61. "only one domestic" ... for fuck's're being baited people...ignore this asshole...

  62. @just curious

    I don't think you *were* going off-topic.

    Black men seem to be given a conditional pass these days, but as soon as there is an incident of domestic abuse the public develops the memory of an elephant and that guy is forever tarnished no matter what he does.

    When a White man commits a similar act, it was "personal problems" ; "he was partially provoked" ; "he was drinking" ; "this is so atypical" ; maybe whatta jerk....

    I have three mixed-race children. I won't say which race bc that is an identifier for me, and I certainly don't want that.

    I don't know how many times I've been told I'm over-reacting, or the favorite, "imagining things or slights that aren't there".

    White people aren't going to understand the Black point of view until they read and listen and try to understand how the other person is feeling.

    Instead, it's: oh, you're changing the subject, you're off-topic, you're bringing racial tones into it ; you're imagining things ; you're a troll, etc.

  63. I referred to his stance on women in my first off topic post. I had no clue of his race until all of this started. I still stand by my view that his posting regarding women is extremely misogynist.

  64. There's only one race, folks, the human race.

  65. Josh Brolin doesn't surprise me. I'm disappointed with Thomas Gibson.
