Wednesday, January 09, 2013

James Franco & Ashley Benson Make Fun Of Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez

Ashley Benson and James Franco have never been fans of Selena Gomez and they accidentally posted a video of them mocking the Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez relationship. James deleted the post, but even though it was only up a few minutes, it is the internet and now it is everywhere.


  1. I was actually thinking of James Franco for that blind about the one night stand with the underage co-star but all of the Spring Breakers are of legal age. I wonder what Selena was like on set.

  2. what idiots. dear james, grow the hell up. your freaks and geeks days are long gone (sadly).

  3. Oh that's right I forgot they were in that together. I thought the Selena Gomez dig was way random, but it is Franco.

  4. He is how old, exactly? Why is he hanging out w/20-year-olds?

    1. Exactly what I was going to say. he's too old for this shit. so is she for that matter

  5. Please, I doubt this was "accidental". Franco is a famewhore who has not been getting much press lately and Ashley Benson is barely known. They're riding on the wave of publicity that Justin and Selena have gotten to try to stay relevant.

  6. Well, that wasn't funny. I don't know what's sadder: that I watched it or that Franco learned the lyrics to a Bieber a song.

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Funny? Yes. Accidental post? No way. Though, according to some previous blinds on other site s, Franco probably wouldn't mind being Beiber's boyfriend.

  8. i don't follow Bieber's career but i love the sound of "Boyfriend" song but Franco is a few old to do this joke

  9. Soooooo NOT worth 3 minutes of anyone's time.

  10. Anonymous9:49 AM

    This video wasn't funny, but I can appreciate a wacky personality. James is a very talented actor. It would be interesting to hang out with him, I'm sure. Although I have a feeling I might regret it. Lol

  11. How do you unintentionally post a video? Yes, it was intentional but why bother taking it down? Not like anyone is going to sue him for doing it. I wonder why he doesn't like Selena.

  12. Franco is a putrid piece of humanity.

    1. But not for this video (which I haven't bothered to look at) .

  13. Great going Franco, now I don't want to watch Spiderman ever again.

  14. Just fun with the camera. Lighten up. Buncha debbie downers around here.

  15. He obviously took the video down after a few minutes to negate a chunk of accountability. It was a calculated move though I couldn't guess the motivation. James Franco is a douche. A handsome douche but a douche all the same.

  16. I thought James Franco was so cool going on General Hospital a few years ago, but ever since he botched his hosting gig on the Academy Awards, I feel this guy is a No. 1 loser. Making fun of a co-star and her bf? What is he, 12?

    See this is why the internets piss me off. Everyone thinks it's ok to act a fool and spout off EVERYTHING they think and feel. Fuck off!

    I mean really, would a normal person go online and start trashing their co-worker and that co-workers significant other. Because that's basically what this moron is doing.

  17. I don't really care about Biebs or Gomez, but James Franco is making himself look like a bigger idiot than usual. He's in his mid 30s. Too old to spend this much time mocking a couple of annoying tweeners who are almost half his age.

  18. I think the video is stupid and boring. Doesn't Franco have anything better to do than make fun of a teenager?

    Also...didn't realize he and Ashley were close friends. How did that happen?

  19. @crila16 - Ashley and James have been dating for awhile.

  20. Selena probably didn't fall for his James Franco-ness when they were filming so he developed a vendetta against her.

  21. what in the franco. LOL

  22. @cam, you're so right. It's sad Franco took the time to learn Beiber's song....these two are dating? They make a cute couple. Honestly, I don't know who either of them are, except for the blinds here.

  23. Publicity stunt. Funny how it is leaked right before PLL returns and just before Spring Breakers is released.

  24. I would feel more sorry for her for getting stuck with this asshat if she hadn't sucked so bad on 'Days.' I have residual ill-will.

  25. Wow. I use to respect Franco, even defended him in his early d-bag behavior, but now, no way. To put so much effort into someone you supposedly dislike, really? He really had those words down, like he practiced in the mirror for hours. He's either jealous, has an intense crush or both. On Justin, not Selena.

  26. I didn't feel like he knew all the words... I thought it was cute minus the bootycopter

  27. I don't really see how this is offensive. He's pretending to sing a song and dressed like that dillhole. So what?

  28. Considering I think Biebs is worthy of getting mocked and Selena is asking for it to keep dating the guy, I don't feel bad for them. I also like James Franco. I don't know why, I just do. I also like Ashley Benson. This just looks like some people having fun. Just don't get why the whole posting unintentionally crap. Just own that you made fun of them...

  29. James Franco.. Creepy but hilarious.

  30. This guy is like 30 something and he is doing bad-girl jokes about a 20 year old? I am betting she refused to sleep with him and he is all pouty. He is going on my "must kick his ass" list

  31. This is the first time I've heard this...I usually avoid this crap ... though still stick up for him(Justin) visiting sick kids ... that he's in his 30's and he has nothing better to do than make fun of a little puke like Justin...

  32. I think it's quite fun apart from all the close ups of Ashley's bum. Definite publicity though, Pretty Little Liars returned again this week and she is vying for the number one spot with Lucy Hale.

  33. God I'm so sick of their "relationship" already. On New Years, she posted a picture of them together (accidentally of course) and then deleted it shortly after as well.

  34. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Put the bong down Franco. Grow up and have a real relationship.
