Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jenelle Evans Is Pregnant Again - And Keifuuuuuh Is Not The Dad - Probably

When I think of a high quality parental couple, Jenelle Evans and whoever her husband is this week are not exactly what I would call poster children for said couple. Apparently the heroin addiction of both did not stop the conception process and Jenelle Evans is pregnant again. Considering her addiction and arrest record there is no way the state is going to let her keep her baby when it is born which means that Jenelle's mother better be ready to have another baby. I hope Jenelle doesn't think she is going to get to keep this baby. I bet she does. Her husband already has a baby he never sees because of his addictions and the mother of the baby is supposed to also be a stripper who does a lot of crack. Considering there is a good possibility both could be in jail or moved on to other people and jail before the baby is born, this is not one of the better ideas the couple had.


  1. Aw, how sweet! Jenelle is getting her mom a new baby for Christmas!

  2. Time for another MTV abortion special, please. Please.

  3. I know her Mom is obnoxious but I feel sorry for her, because she's gonna get stuck raising another kid and Jenelle is completely ungrateful. She should just take those kids, move away, and get a restraining order.

  4. @seaward, please tell me you're joking? I guess I can't say I'm surprised that MTV would really do something like that.

    1. @Lotta They did once have a "very special episode" of 16 and Pregnant where one of the girls who had previously been on got pregnant again soon after the first time, and chronicled her decision to get an abortion (not one of the Teen Moms)

    2. @VIP- Oh Lord, I just don't know how I missed this! I googled it to see who it was but I don't even remember her. I read the article on Radar and it seems to me that Courtland(no quotes from Jenelle whatsoever) is pretty sure they are keeping the baby.

  5. It will always baffle me that you need a license to drive, but you don't need one to be a parent. This bitch needs her tubes tied.

  6. These teen mom shows remind me of human circuses. They get people who are high risk and let the public watch the train-wreck.

  7. How sad this trash can pop out kid after kid while I know people, good people, who cannot have children :-(

  8. I know Supermom---I want that baby.

    It makes me sad that people don't appreciate their kids---that so many of us childless spinsters would do anything to have just one healthy baby.


    1. :-( I'm sure you'd make a much better mom than this twit!

  9. I'm all for personal freedom, but it's tricks like this that make me think that it wouldn't be the worst thing if some people were just castrated against their will.

  10. I feel for anyone with an addiction, but I also feel like people who are addicts and do not actively use birth control should be penalized someway, somehow. I know my want for this is completely ridiculous, but bringing a child into this world when you can't even get your own shit together pisses me off to no end. Hopefully this girl gets off the drugs. I'm not a fan of abortion, but if this isn't a case for one I don't know what is. Maybe she would give the baby up for adoption. So many healthy people have trouble conceiving and then this sort of person pops them out like nobody's business. Crazy.

  11. I'm normally pro choice, however, in this case, shouldn't forced sterilization be imposed?

  12. This country is so out of control. If someone has lost custody of their children, why the hell do we let them keep whatever other children they push out? This whole "every baby is a blessing" crap is getting on my nerves - that child won't be born into a good life, and just because Babs is good enough to raise Jace doesn't mean that we should be creating a society where we just have scum pumping out babies and handing them off to others. Ridiculous and horrifically angering.

  13. Those kids have no hope with those genes. I'm with supermom. - it's those like us that would be great moms who can't have kids

    1. It's a shame..I'm sure you'd be be a much better mom too.

  14. i feel your pain, greenmountaingirl. it just seems like there should be a way to keep morons like jenelle from reproducing but sadly, there isn't.

    why do people like her have to be so damn fertile?? it's just not fair.

  15. Yeah Amy in MI, we would be great moms.

    I see you have a dog. I have three cats who are smothered with affection, to within an inch of their lives!

    -libby in IN.

    1. Thanks Libby and Supermom. I only tried getting pregnant w an ex while I was on clomid and it didnt work ( thank god - the guy was a douche). Unlike these fools I won't get pregnant just for that - I want to be with someone that I love and will raise the kid with

      And yes the dog is my baby. My nice ex and I share custody lll

  16. maybe Jennelle's mom would not be so obnoxious if she didn't have to raise Jace and deal with Jenelle's never ending bullshit in front of the cameras. Barbara is probably resentful of the fact that at her age she cannot have a moment of peace- thanks to MTV and the sideshow they paid for. I wonder if Barbara gets any financial reward or if Jennelle and however she is running with gets all the cash?

  17. Anonymous7:00 AM

    With her record, I can't believe that she won't be jailed for at least the duration of the pregnancy for either the health of the baby or for parole violation but likely for both and whatever else she'll do before she get's locked up.

    As for sterilization, they do have several methods of longterm birth control implants as an option.

  18. Hopefully Babs gets a lot of money from Jenelle, especially since she is the only one taking care of Jace.

    Ay yi yi I can't believe she is preggers. I don't understand why it is so hard for these girls to use contraceptives.

    I once had a debate with my new boyfriend at the time and my best friends boyfriend about how they believe the pull out method to be more effective than any other contraceptive. Their reasoning is if they get it out in time, there will be no sperm anywhere near the vag. Needless to say I broke up with him a short time later. Also because he told me he believed all gays deserved to burn in hell. Quality west Texas man right here y'all

  19. I live in the same area of NC as Janelle. They basically give away birth control for free here because we are considered something of a rural indigent county. There are huge and very accessible resources for her. I have no sympathy for her.

  20. My sister is a surrogate, recently pregnant for her second IP's (Intended Parents). Both this couple and the previous one have a financially secure, stable and loving home - and both couples have been trying for years to have a baby. The heartache and pain they have suffered is soul crushing, especially when you hear of people like these having babies, born into addiction and poverty.

    My sister has 2 kids and wanted to help other families become, well, families. She's a superhero :) after this one she'll have a sibling to her first surro, then she's done, but wouldn't it be lovely if surrogates weren't necessary for people who genuinely wanted kids?

    I pity that poor baby.

    1. That's great :-) I have a friend who has 3 children and 2 year almost 3 years ago had twins for a couple. Very selfless!

  21. JSierra - yah the pull-out method is such an effective method (insert my eye roll here). Glad you kicked that turd to the curb!

  22. Miz--Great story. Your sister is a kind of 'everyday saint'. To give such a gift to others---WOW.

  23. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Miz, your sister is an angel. Good for her. My husband and I have been trying for years and now have to make the hard decision of adopting, surrogate or give up. Its extremely sad. The problem with this twat giving her baby up for adoption is most likely that baby will have either mental or physical problems that will cause pain to the child and adoptive family for years to come. So sad she should of been sterilized in jail.

    1. - Katydid, hugs. After seeing it from my sister IP's, I sympathise with your pain right now. I hope you get the solution you need, and welcome a child into your home soon.

  24. JSierra: re "pulling out"--my mom tells the tale of how my great-grandfather was bitching because they'd had another kid (my grandmother), griping "I pulled out, goddammit!" to which great-grandma shot back "Well, Marguerite's walking around as good as anyone!" (Gotta love exceedingly plain-spoken yankees, eh? Welcome to my gene pool!)

    And yes, it drives me nuts that people who don't want and can't care for their own kids seem to be able to pop them out boomboomboom, but so many other people who desperately want children and who would be wonderful parents can't have them. (Let's not forget that both parents being addicts isn't going to help this kid's prenatal development unless mom gets clean and stays that way, which can be done--crimony, even Courtney Love managed to get it together once she found out she was pregnant and knew she was going ahead with the pregnancy, and Frances seems to be doing pretty well, so it is possible if you're determined.) *shakes head*

  25. I'll pass on your comments to my amazing sis :) she was on a BBC documentary during the pregnancy of the first surrobub, and even filmed the labour! Crazy brave bitch ;)

    I'm so damn proud of her : D

    My heart breaks for those who desperately want kids and have to read this shit, far too often. Apart from the fact we'd be living in 1984-world, I do sometimes wish children were a privilege and not a right in cases like these. Then the people who actually wanted them, who would care for them and provide as best they can, would have no issues having them.

  26. Someone needs their tubes tied........

  27. This is pretty disturbing, especially since we know she's addicted to opiates. I hope to God she kicks soon or that baby's going to have a hard time.

  28. Oh man...I've been out of the gossip loop for a bit so I didn't know about the heroin, but I know enough about this girl that her having ONE child was a huge mistake and she is a SHITTY mother. This is awful.

  29. Wow, free birth control and they still couldn't get it together? That's just sheer laziness and stupidity.

    @ Libby - If you're a spinster I'll send you a grey cardigan. Oh, and start wearing your hair in a bun, please. You already have the cats; you just need to start yelling at those kids to stay off your lawn if you want to fit the Scooby Doo cookie cutter spinster mold. :)

  30. Hey RQ!!! *waves maniacally* How's RocketPrincess?

  31. Miz - Your sister sounds like a lovely person. God bless.

  32. She couldn't give up a Kesha concert to handle her probation violation and she was freaking out over giving up pot. I don't know how anyone thinks she will be able to give up heroin while pregnant. I almost hope that they (the state) can just adopt this kid out.

  33. Hey Mango!! RocketPrincess is at home with her two day a week nanny now that I'm back to work....this is my third day back actually.....and by "work" I mean "CDAN". Missed you!

  34. At least methadone is safe to use during pregnancy. Silver lining?

  35. @katydid - my husband and I were where you are now for a while. It is such an overwhelming and all-consuming process. I'm so sorry you are there now. If it provides any hope, after four years of fertility treatments (clomid, injectibles, IUI), we were ready to abandon ship and made an appointment with an adoption attorney. I got pregnant about 2 months later. We had some secondary infertility issues as well, but I now have a 4 year old and a 7 month old. Keep your head up - I'll be thinking about you!

    At RQ - welcome back!

  36. I hope they can put her in a rehab facility for the duration of her pregnancy to protect the baby.

  37. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Thanks KLM that's great to hear. I'm only 35 so I have a few years left to try its so tiring mentally though. Congrats on your success I'm sure your little ones know how much you cherish them. You're very sweet.

  38. Margaret Sanger must be turning over in her grave over these stories like J.

  39. katydid - Good luck with all you are going through. I know hearing people say they understand may not be enough to get you through this, but I REALLY do understand.

    It took me and The Hubs four years to get prego. I went to the fertility clinic three times and would just leave in tears. It was so hard for me to accept that maybe we needed help with this but at the same time I was not willing to do the fertility treatments. Meanwhile, The Husband was really down in the dumps. Honestly, I think our fertility problemos were harder on him, which made me feel AWFUL. I had pretty much given up, convinced we would enjoy our lovely nieces and nephews but NEVER have our own. And then, I peed on a stick that was actually positive.

    If you want to know how we got preggers - I rolled on my stomach after doing the deed. My OBGYN nonchalantly mentioned that my uterus was inverted at my checkup, so he suggested rolling over. LMAO.

    Sorry that this is majorly long. xoxoox.

  40. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Thanks Susan this sounds just like our story I've done the legs over my head trick but now will try the rolling on my tummy. The best they've been able to come up with is that alone we're fine but together his sperm and my uturine fliud don't mix well, basically my fluid "kills" his sperm. Its definetly a toll on a marriage, makes you feel like you're not supposed to be together but its stories like yours and others that have so generously shared on this site that gives me hope. Thanks for all your kind wishes and words.
