Friday, January 04, 2013

JJ Abrams Makes A Wish Come True

In the last week on Redditt, a bunch of people got together and passed along a message from a man who was trying to contact JJ Abrams on behalf of one of his friends who is dying of cancer. The man who is dying is a huge fan of Star Trek and before he died he wanted to see the latest movie. JJ Abrams came through and invited the dying man and his wife to a screening of the uncompleted movie. Pretty classy move by JJ. The wife, who posted a thank you note on Redditt, says the movie is amazing.


  1. Good on JJ. Or should I say DYNOMITE!

  2. I have always heard wonderful things about JJ. Absolutely love him.

    Hope everyone had a happy new year!! Love all the reveals Enty. I was in Spain for a drunk vaca so am just now catching up on everything!

  3. I'm so glad to be seeing some really nice things these HWood people are doing lately, instead of acting foolish. I've heard JJ is really awesome too.

  4. I have always heard wonderful things about JJ. Absolutely love him.

    Hope everyone had a happy new year!! Love all the reveals Enty. I was in Spain for a drunk vaca so am just now catching up on everything!

  5. JJ, I now forgive you for Lost.

    What an incredibly nice thing to do. And go, Reddit friends -that's dedication!

  6. God, I have such hots for the Quinto in that get-up! Holy hell!

    I love John Cho, just not in the Sulu role. Nobody flame me---I was excited that he was cast, but then he didn't 'fit' the actiony sequences. JMO.

  7. Truly heart warming. I'm glad this wasn't a blind item.

  8. Haha yes JJ- all is forgiven for Lost!

    The man actually went to see The Hobbit because the first nine minutes of Star Trek were to be shown but he went to the wrong viewing or something. That's how the Reddit started.

    I'm so pumped for this movie, I grew up the daughter of Trekkies!

  9. Enty always spells Reddit wrong and it annoys me. Regardless, wonderful to read this and so so so awesome for that man!

  10. I'm going to miss Fringe so much! I also love learning that folks I like are nice in "real life". I'm sure it was a great time, and a wonderful memory for the wife to always have of her husband.

  11. Also JJ invited Randy Pausch (the professor who while dying of cancer wrote a book called the last lecture) to film a cameo for the first Star Trek movie. He was a super huge fan. Its in the begining of the film (aka the part with Thor!)

  12. that's so amazing, thanks JJ!

  13. JJ Abrams is a class act all the way.

  14. I can almost forgive Alias now

  15. wow, it's good to know that there are still kind, caring, selfless people out there in Hollywood. With all these blinds one can only think it is a giant, shallow hell hole sucking all the kindness and morals out of all who pass.

  16. This warms the cockles of my heart.

  17. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Classy guy who loves what he does and loves seeing others get joy from it.
    Way to go JJ

  18. I absolutely loved Abrams' Star Trek (not just for introducing me to Thor) and I hope this one will be just as good if not better. I have always heard JJ is an all around cool cat, and I'm glad to get some outside Hollywood confirmation of that!

  19. Love love love JJ! I just got Super 8 for Christmas and watched the special features about how he got his start... really good story and he just seems like a true stand-up guy. This proves it.

  20. This really was so nice of JJ, especially because directors are usually so guarded about the movies when they are unfinished.

  21. What a great story! That makes me want to see it more :-)

  22. Love JJ! Love me some Star Trek! Loving the reboot, esp bc of all the new hotties!

    I always think of the first film with a joy and sadness. It came out right before my dad died (we were sci fi and astronomy nerds together) and I remember telling him how much I loved it. Love you dad! I don't think he got to see it, but now he can zoom around the final frontier as much as he wants!

    *sniff, sorry for the sad story on top of the happy story*

  23. Love JJ Abrams...and he's hot.

  24. Confirmation that JJ is a great guy. His 'decent human being' rep just gets stronger all the time.

  25. i needed this. you can be a nice man, mr abrams

  26. It takes a special person to take an individual interest like this - what a nice guy.

  27. This great of JJ to do. I too forgive him (mostly) for Lost. Karl Urban in a Star Trek helps with this also. *drools*

  28. Once again, JJ Abrams proves he is a class act. I read that the man got a DVD of a rough cut and had to sign disclosure agreements. JJ called him and told him to understand that this is a rough cut and to not be disappointed with it. No complaints from the sick man at all.

    Love, love, love JJ!
