Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Lance Armstrong Going On Oprah To Reveal All

I can't think of a better place for Lance Armstrong to admit to his drug use than on Oprah. She won't ask any followup questions and if he has a bunch of things to plug like a new book or project, then Oprah is the place to do that. The interview will be 90 minutes and broadcast on January 17th. It is not so much that Lance cheated in a sport where the top people seemed to have always cheated, it is the fact that he sued everyone who accused him of cheating or trashed the reputation of people who accused him of cheating. He threatened and intimidated with lawyers to hundreds of people and that is the reason to dislike him. They were trying to reveal the truth and he just hammered them down while making millions of dollars doing exactly what they accused him of doing.


  1. I wish that he had the guts to be interviewed by someone who would ask the hard questions, lets admit it this will be a 'woe is me' interview justifying what he did (if he actually admits anything and doesn't just use it as a grandstand to say he did nothing, against all evidence)

  2. He's just trying to make himself look like some kind of martyr.

  3. My mother's neighbor went through a cancer episode that was pretty scary. When he survived, he and his wife threw themselves into Armstrong's charity and were totally all "Lancy Armstrongy" for a long time. Then the weirdness, and the 20 yr old starlet chasing, and the allegations. By now, they don't even want to hear his name.

    I think that if Armstrong hadn't allied himself with the fight against cancer, no one would care, but his immoral and unethical behavior (and his "que cara dura" "I refuse to be honest" attitude) have been his own undoing.

  4. Reason # 2896 to hate Oprah. Lance Armstrong is an arrogant, lying pig, and leave it to that starfucker Oprah to try and get some attention from it. There is no "rehabilitation" for this assclown and it's insulting to think he's "rehabilitated". More like he's broke and can't stand that he's not still universally worshiped. He needs to live his life paying the consequences for being a jackass.

  5. and today i read that he tried to 'donate' $250,000 to the USADA before their probe of him. they saw it for what it was---a bribe---and turned it down. this guy. just go away, lance. you're done.

  6. Lance Armstrong was mean to Sheryl Crow...and I love Sheryl Crow. Haven't liked him since and to me he's a complete snake. He can confess all he wants...but it's only for publicity and forgiveness so he can go back to making more money.

    It will also probably work, judging from the way Hollywood forgives so easily. Chris Brown, Polanski...everyone but O.J.

  7. I hate this fucker. Please excuse my language.

  8. Lovin' all the Lance Hate. I'm so glad to see this liar finally be exposed. God bless his children - I hope they have a good support system and good mommas, so they can succeed in life despite having this dude as a father.

  9. Meh. This won't save him. Oprah ain't Oprah anymore. She's almost a big a has-been as he is.

  10. @kcqueen is so right on. Oprah is pathetic and so is this guy. He is a liar and a cheat and should in NO WAY be idolized for it. Remember how Oprah was appalled at that guy who wrote the bio and it turned out to be fake? She was all over that shit, but here's another guy, almost same situation, and she's on the bandwagon. Simply because she's got the upper hand here (that other guy made her look the fool) and she thinks her ratings will be through the roof because we all think he'll confess on camera. He won't, and hopefully no one will watch the show. Oprah is SO over, she just needs to take her toys and go home.

  11. Why would an interview with Oprah make a difference? At this point, how can you believe a word that comes out of this guy's mouth? About ANYTHING?

    I remember when he was dating Kate Hudson - they were papped constantly and he was ALWAYS looking straight into the cameras with his chest puffed out - you can tell he just LOVES the celebrity. Can't get enough of it. Funny how you can tell by the way someone looks at the camera whether they really don't give a rat's behind or absolutely adore the attention - he falls into the latter along with the Kardashians and the Lohans.

    But I think what really got me was how he had three kids with his first wife, all via AI because he had the cancer and had to freeze his sperm prior to treatments, then told Sheryl Crow he couldn't have kids and dumped her, then turned around and Miraculously!! had two more kids NATURALLY!! with his new girlfriend. Granted, I understand that he could have medically gotten his swimmers back, but really? That fast? Something never smelled right about that. (And after 6 years of personal unsuccessful infertility treatment, I know what I'm talking about.)

    It just seemed like the lies never stopped.... I don't think Lance Armstrong even knows what the real truth is anymore.

  12. He has some major damage control to do. This should be interesting, but I doubt it will do much to redeem him.

  13. Exactkt Silly Girl.

  14. I don't think any money should be taken away from charities but he should be made to surrender all his earnings. this fraud should not be living like a king when honest, hard working people struggle to get by

  15. I cant stand him and agree with the above poster who said "oprah isnt oprah anymore".

  16. He has a lot of back-pedalling to do, so he might as well get started...

  17. I've heard a lot of people in Austin (his hometown) think he's an arrogant douchebag.

    Go away, Lance. I'm sure you have enough money to retire quietly.

    1. Yes, he is definitely hated in Austin.

  18. the firm i work for paid for him to speak at a corporate event several years ago (when he was still king of the world)

    I thought he was so arrogant, terrible speaker and had nothing to say. But the lemmings in the audience were swaying to every word he said. I pegged him for a fraud years ago.

  19. Sheryl Crow dodged a bullet. I used to think I was in the minority for always assuming that he had cheated. Good to know there are a lot of others who feel/felt the same way...

  20. Looking for redemption in all the wrong places.

  21. Oprah has become the new Geraldo. Those sponsors are gonna sue his other ball off.

  22. his "que cara dura" "I refuse to be honest" attitude.

    I refuse to be honest!

    love it! The next time my ex asks why I shun him, my response will be... YOU REFUSE TO BE HONEST!

  23. His brain is so damaged from all the drugs he wouldn't know truth. Oprah should have steered clear of this. She jumped the shark long ago.

  24. I live in Austin and my husband races bicycles. He has been on rides with Lance. We have many friends who are good friends with him. We have friends who say and had the access to know, without doubt, that he doped for years. Yes, many people here think he is a complete asshole. Myself included. But there are other huge butt-kissers who still adore him. I have always wondered if it's because they want to be in the spotlight which he adores. LiveStrong is a great organization and should be thought of separately from this egotistical ass. The Oprah interview, IMO, will be a fluff piece that puts the spotlight back on her fizzled-out self for 10, okay, 90 minutes.

  25. Yeah I cannot see Oprah asking any hard questions and she really should. She doesn't understand that her fluff has lost her the respect of a once devoted following.

    And Sue in Mo: excellent point about him having kids. I never thought about that. Sheryl definitely dodged a bullet on this one!

    Let's see is Arrogant Armstrong can muster enough balls to be completely honest and contritous. That is the only way he may MAY possibly get back the symapthy of the world.

  26. Remember one nut lance with jake and matt on the yacht whilst on vacay? Hmmm

  27. There has always been some cheating in bicycle races. But, until the 90s, every racer had access to the same material. It was a way to deal with the difficulties of the races, not to take a advantage on competitors.

    When Spanish teams (Once and Banesto) got access to more advanced drugs (EPO, growth hormone...) , they kept the good stuff for themselves, other teams tried to get it through other channels, and scandals and feuds began.

    Armstrong was necessarily on drugs, because his strongest rivals were tested positive at some point. The problem with Armstrong, apart from the threats and intimidation, was that he got access to technologies and methods much more advanced and kept them for himself. Regarding his cancer, there may be a connection with using performance enhancing drugs in his youth.

    And the reason why he's going on Oprah is because Larry King isn't available anymore.

  28. Can't all the people who he accused of lying sue him for slander and defamation, once he admits he did the drugs? I sure hope so. It'll be fun to watch him squirm.

    Who am I kidding? Lance's "apology" will be of the non-apology type. "I'm sorry if people felt hurt by how I acted." I can already hear the words coming from his mouth.

    I still can't hate on Oprah. She has done a lot of good with her charity work, and has inspired so many people. She should never have given up her show.

  29. Anonymous3:33 PM


  30. Is it going to be on Oprah's channel or is she doing some kind of network special?

  31. It is on Oprah's Next Chapter on OWN.

    First stop on the shamed celebrity rehab tour.

    Go on Oprah let her soft-pitch you a few questions and you're on your way back. If it's really bad, she calls in Iyanla to intervene.

  32. Does anyone remember when he did Oprah with Sheryl Crow? They were showing their brand new, fabulous home and you could just see that she was completely in love and he was outta there.

    It was as if that interview made him realize, 'Hey, I don't need this chick, anymore. I can do better'. My Mom and I felt so sorry for her, and you could see it all over Oprah's face and members of the audience that they saw it too.

    He reminds me of O.J., an egotistical asshat who can't give up the attention.

  33. Oprah's flagship hit an iceberg, that's for sure.

    She should realize that if she did a hard-hitting interview, it will bring her a lot of credibility, people will be talking about it.

    Yeah, she has done so before, like with the "vaccines=autism!" guy when he was caught. But she doesn't do that with celebrities, because they won't come on her show anymore. She also did with him because he fooled her -- she gets a point for admitting she was fooled, unlike others.

    He should just own up to his lies. People forgive nearly everything these days. Do some ass-kissing for awhile, do some good for people, he'd be way less hated.

  34. @ Jazzy said... Oprah has become the new Geraldo. Those sponsors are gonna sue his other ball off.

    If you don't think he's entered into tough settlement agreements with these sponsors, you are naive. He isn't going to admit without a legal protection. He certainly wouldn't do so if it meant opening himself up to liability.
