Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Matt Dallas Has Come Out - Announces Engagement To Boyfriend

Matt Dallas has spent most of his acting career as the lead on Kyle XY. yesterday morning he went on Twitter and announced that he is marrying his boyfriend of three years. This is the first time that Matt has publicly mentioned he is gay or given any indication that he is gay. I like hi style. Just go to Twitter and say how happy he is to be engaged to his boyfriend and leave it at that. No big Kneepads cover story or anything like that and just live his life the way he wants to live it. I think it is great that he came out and hope that he feels a sense of relief about it. It is not exactly like he was hiding it. if you asked him, he would tell you, but still, how many people who watch his show are going to run into him and get to ask him.


  1. Never heard of him, or kylexy, but hey, mazel tov!

  2. Yay!! Have a happy life!! I wish more celebrities would do this.

  3. Years ago that douchebag Perez would post pictures of him with other guys and hound him for being "in the closet." Good for him for publicly coming out on his own terms.

    1. Perez is a big effing bully. More people need to call him on his shit.

  4. Enough...I can't take it. All the hot men in Hollywood are batting for the other team. This is so unfair. Women already outnumber men 20 to 1. All the hot guys are dating other guys. If I ruled the world, all hot men would be in love with me.

    1. I'm pretty sure this is Wilmer thought processes about women yet he's a pig and you're comment is cute.

  5. LOL @crila! Congrats to him!

  6. I read about this yesterday - he was also on the short-lived Eastwick.

  7. Perez in his misguided good intentions thought if you forced actors out of the closet it would make society deal with homosexuality. Matt Dallas was high on his list of targets, Zach Quinto and Neil Patrick Harris were on his hit list too. Nice that they were all able to come out on their own terms and the world didn't end for them career wise.

    At least Perez realized he was being a bully about it and cut it out.

  8. I had a huge crush on him when Kyle XY was on air. He was just too cute. But I tought everybody already knew he was gay.

  9. Lol I thought he was already out. Oh well congrats on the engagement.

  10. @timebob - I think you may be the first person I have ever seen to say Perez has good intentions! :)

  11. My mom loved that show. Good for him and congrats! His man is hot and he has a cute dog.

  12. I only saw one episode, but congrats! It's a shame he didn't feel comfortable being publicly out until now.

  13. Good for him! @Crila, yes!

    I think Perez will always be a bully. I bet the reason he quit the outing was because GLAAD or some other group told him to knock it off or they'd knock him from his pap perch.

  14. Awesome. That's the way to do it!
    Congrats to Matt and his fiance.

  15. @crila16 LOL but I don't get that mentality its not like if he was straight it would improve your chances. In your fantasies he can be whatever orientation you want.

  16. I think it's great. Congrats to them and best wishes for their future together.

    Perez is/was a flaming cram the gay down your throat variety.

  17. @Amber I am basing it on his interview with Howard Stern talking why he would try to force people out of the closet. He really wasn't trying to hurt them or their careers he wanted everyone to come out no matter what and help the gay movement forward. It was miguided at best. Everyone has to come out on their own terms in their own way.

    I think Ellen got to him on the bullying and to stop drawing penises on people's faces. Which a penis on Paris Hiltons face is always funny.

  18. Perez seems to be a far happier person now. He's taking care of himself, and is not drunk-posting, etc.

    He used to be so mean, but he is way way better, I agree. I sort of wish he would turn his comments off - it's turned into trollfest.

    He seems better since Jennifer Aniston called him out, too, for being unnecessarily nasty. I didn't realize that Ellen had talked to him also...

  19. Like that this is now a BAU type of announcement. Congrats.

  20. the more beautiful they are, the gayer :*-)

  21. Aw, never heard of the guy, but respect and props to him for just announcing it as the happy news that it is. Wish him much happiness.

  22. Azealia Banks posted some pretty shitty things about Perez on Twatter. I guess karma had it coming, but she went pretty far.


  23. Fuck Azealia Banks and her music I never heard of. Calling anyone a faggot is wrong and disgusting. Then she tries to spin it saying a faggot is not a homosexual but a man that acts like a woman? So women are less than men? Nice to throw your own gender under the bus to try to dig your way out of it.

  24. Once I found Dlisted I never ever read Perez Hilton again..Gawd people hated him so much and were not shy about posting it. It was too much childish crap. However no one should ever be outed especially by another gay person. Not everyone can be happy being out. It's too stressful if they have extremely religious family or other extenuating circumstances.

    And good for this guy and the ability to get married. Must be going to NY to do it. Hope they have a long and happy marriage.

    1. Same! 0nce I discovered Michael K.... It was bye bye Perez!

    2. Me too! After I read D Listed I never bothered going back to Perez. I also got so sick of Perez promoting his pet projects and favorites.

  25. Perez Hilton getting all pissy because someone called him a gay slur is rich. He uses those same terms himself. He called the Black Eyed Peas manager a "f*ggot" and got punched in the face.

    He admits it here fast forward to about 1:15

  26. Hahaha @crila ..

    @ sherry - Ita .. I was reading Perez until about four years ago when he started making fun of the bald patch on fergies head. My daughter suffers from trichotilamania ( a hair pulling OCD condition ) and I had had enough at that point. Finding Dlisted was a breath of fresh air.

    Good on this kid coming out. More please!

  27. Shit my link doesn't work lemme try again.

    Perez is a hypocrite

  28. Congrats to Matt and his fiancé!

  29. Anonymous9:35 AM

    THANK GAWD someone is finally saying that Perez is full of shit, a hateful, forcefully outing hypocrite! I personally feel that there is no reason to out someone. If they are ready then let them come out on their own, trying to force people to come out is cruel, heartless, vicious, spiteful, and hurtful to people that aren't ready/ or who don't feel their career can handle that kind of a game changer. What about Jason Statham? He's " suspected" according to a couple of blinds, but hes' a macho action star, how is his career going to hold up to coming out if he is indeed batting for the other team? Perez is just a vicious hateful mean spirited bully that has become what he hates most, the bullies that created him. I cannot stand his whining, high pitched, effeminate, wa! wa! poor me, fake bullshit about calling the Black eyed peas tour manager a faggot. I couldn't even get through three second of the linked video where he's whining about getting hit. I used to religously go to his website to get up to the minute gossip, but the cocaine doodles, the penis doodles, the crude, nasty captions, just became too much, too unsavory, too uncomfortable, childish, judgemental, petty, obnoxious. That's why I love CDAN. Enty writes in a mature, thoughtful, charitable, honest, open, balanced way. Not like he's the bitchiest try hard queen in the turkish bath trying to out squeal and over-emote every swishy hairdresser and interior decorator in town.

  30. Lets never forget the mental image that John Mayer made out with Perez Hilton in front of Jessica Simpson.

  31. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Oh and a big Congratulations to the guys getting married!!! Agree that it's a great way to come out, although he actually could have gotten some good p.r and press, name recognition if he'd done a kneepads story. He kept it classy though, good for him and his fiance.

  32. Congrats to Matt and on his engagement! I'd like to come out and publicly state that I'm straight! Not a shocker and who cares, right?! Live and let live. Glad he's comfortable enough to come out. Sad that he felt he needed to 'not' come out. Good for him. Hope you have a long and healthy/happy marriage!

  33. Don't know who he is but congrats.

  34. Good for him and Blue, that's lovely.

    I know some people throw around "normalize homosexuality" like it's a bad thing, but I do believe that bringing it out of the closet and, yes, "normalizing" it helps remove the stigma and shame. I like this slippery slope.

  35. I hate the fact that people have to "come out". I never had to "come out" as heterosexual. But, in a way, I agree with Perez (though his way of doing it is horrid) that if more people do live their lives publicly the way they want that it will be better for the society as a whole. People are scared of what they don't perceive as normal, so let's make it as normal as possible!

    And congrats to him and his fiance!!!

  36. I heard he was with the guy who played Lohan's crush in mean girls. Jonathon something. He was really hot.

  37. I was also a Perez reader until I found DLusted, typo and it stays! Lol

  38. That's all Perez talked about, making out with John Mayer, for months. That's when I stopped. He repeated the same shit. I'm glad to hear he has gotten better.

  39. timebob is incorrect. Perez(gross)Hilton outed NPH.


  40. Ablake read what I say before you "correct" me. I said Perez tried to out NPH before he came out. I'm outing you as stupid.

  41. Good on you, Matt!

  42. Sure thing timebob. You're still wrong. Why not read the article I posted?

    Oh, I suppose it's easier for you to namecall. Well good on you :)
