Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No Destiny's Child Reunion At Superbowl

US Weekly had first reported that after Beyonce sang a song or two at the Superbowl this weekend that Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland would join her on stage and that of course would be a Destiny's Child reunion. Michelle Williams says it is not going to happen. She is in some musical and has two performances that day. I guess Michelle is afraid of using an understudy? Maybe she is holding out for a bigger paycheck. What Michelle probably doesn't realize is that Beyonce would be perfectly willing to use a cardboard cutout of Michelle or a hologram. I'm not sure she thinks that Michelle's appearance is vital to the success of a Destiny's Child reunion. Michelle did say the trip recorded a song together before the holidays.


  1. Beyonce is not sharing the spotlight with anyone that day...Lip sync for sure

    1. No way. All about her as per usual. I was watching the Puppy Bowl anyway.

  2. We love you,Bey.

  3. Im sure people will find a way to blame beyonce! I love it!

  4. I really like Kelly. She was on our local morning radio show and was just a doll. They were joking about how the next time she was in Europe would she call the show, and she said yes she would. They were kinda like "yeah right, we'll see". Well, a few weeks later she called in from England. They were stunned! She's great!
    I think I've told this story before, so sorry if I'm repeating to you guys!

    1. I love Kelly, too. She's so down to earth and sweet. None of Beys' pomp and circumstance!!

    2. Anonymous12:00 PM

      @reno kelly's my fave too!

    3. She was on good morning America a few weeks ago. Such a doll. Beautiful too.

  5. Yay! She's a great choice!

  6. I like Kelly the most. She seems very down to earth.

  7. What MISCH said. For sure!

  8. It would be nice to see a reunion but they did ask Beyonce not Destiny's Child. And is anyone really surprised she would not want to share that big spotlight?

  9. They will be all preforming. Michelle is just trying to drum up some publicity of will she or won't she.

  10. I think it was pointed out over at Jezebel that Michelle isn't even booked to perform in that musical 'til after the Superbowl.

    Someone isn't a good liar. Or maybe they just didn't invite her after all. Destiny's Child replacing members not named Beyonce and Kelly again?

  11. What a cruel, cruel world.

  12. Halftime is the only thing I'm going to skip.
    Go Ravens!!!!

  13. Bring the original members of Destiny's Child back. Now THAT would be a reunion!

  14. No way is Fraudoncey sharing the spotlight.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      @wen lol, love the nickname. we have a bet goin on if she's gonna wear her butt pads or not

  15. I don't understand why bey is doing a DC reunion at all. She must be getting something big out of it. Maybe she is afraid that public opinion is hurting her career, so she needs the pr boost? You know it isn't because she misses her besties

  16. What's a Super Bowl?

    JK...I reckon I should root for the 49'ers since I'm in the bay area. And since we have no TV in the country we'll be skipping this even anyway.

  17. I can't stand Beyonce, but I used to love Destiny's Child. Their first album was really good & brings back happy memories.

  18. They'll be there.

  19. You mean there are other people in Jason Statham movies? I never noticed before!

  20. I would watch if Destiny's child was performing. Can't stand beyonce.

    I love survivor and that bootylishious song

  21. The site for Fela (Michelle's play) states that she will not be appearing from Jan. 31-Feb. 3...so there ya go. Back to work day after Super Bowl.

  22. The site for Fela (Michelle's play) states that she will not be appearing from Jan. 31-Feb. 3...so there ya go. Back to work day after Super Bowl.

  23. @ Mooshki, you got me laughing :-)

    I am feeling this is the beginning of the end for Beyonce. A little diva attitude here, a bit of synching there, a mysterious pregnancy, she s pushing a bit too far with her diva schemes and it starting to show.

    You can t keep the A++ at that level all your life Bey

  24. like she's going to share the spotlight at the superbowl, je

    i hope the reunion works, i loved DC. solo beyonce depends on the song. her last album blowed
