Thursday, January 24, 2013

No Means No


  1. And then they cat was like, "Hey man, be cool."

    I'm gonna miss my puppers for the next 5 days on my business trip :(

  2. Awwww. If only my pups could get that message, instead they lick her to death.

  3. That is sweetness personified! If it way my cat he'd have slapped the poor puppy until his paw gave out. My cat is an asshole though.

    1. Munch, I have never heard anyone call their cat an asshole. I can't stop laughing.

    2. Mine is an ass, but he's also lazy. So it evens out. The two dogs are still a little scared of him.

  4. So cool...And Amber I know you feel. When I go away I sooooo miss Lucy and Ethel (cats).

  5. LOL! Munch.

    I have a cat named Tidbit, and she does what we call the 'international message for no'

    She puts her paw on the other kitties forehead. When the kids are being annoying, I will put my hand on their foreheads! No means No! works like a charm ;)

  6. @JoElla - We snap at the dog to break his concentration when he's being a jerk, and I've started snapping at my BF when he's being a butt out of habit :/ I apologize right away every time lol

  7. @Maja - your av is super cute! Fun fact: I cannot wink, nor can I cross my eyes.

  8. Thanks Amber! I can do both...and I do, often...*LOL*

  9. That was cute! Love your new avi Maja!

  10. Yes! so cute.
    Maja I love your new avi as well.
    I can wink, cross my eyes and raise one eyebrow. All usefull skills.

    When younger I often included a wink with a smile, amazing the results that gets!

  11. What a cute video - thanks, Enty for posting it.

    My cats aren't that polite - they box the dogs in the head if they get too close, too fast.


    I've got one of those, too, and it's the littlest one.

  12. What a good kitty! Mine smacks the crap out of our dog. Usually he deserves it, since he's either trying to nibble her neck, or clean her face. She has no qualms about him cleaning her booty though!

  13. Aww, I love animal videos! So cute.

  14. I have a doxy and he's an ass. He would shred that cat if given the chance. Yea, he's not nice like that sweet puppy in the video!
