Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NRA Launches App Which Allows Kids To Shoot At Coffin Targets

Just one month after the massacre at Sandy Hook, the NRA has launched its new free app for iPads and iPhones. It allows children as young as 4 to shoot at targets which resemble coffins. The more you shoot and hit, the more weapons are unlocked and you can even pay to unlock weapons such as the same assault weapon used in the school killings. The app, released yesterday is called NRA:Practice Range.


  1. Replies
    1. Yee haw. - Kelley (damn phone won't log me in)

  2. WTF? As an Australian I cease to be amazed...

  3. Ugh. The NRA should just eat a dick.

  4. Video games are not real life. I thought we had already decided this? Video games are too violent- we have decided that too....

    Looks like target practice to me....Skeet shooting is a National pastime- even in the Olympics!

    Don't buy it if you don't like it- consumers RULE.

  5. The NRA makes apps? Seriously? WTF is wrong with them!?

  6. Poor, poor taste. Absolutely insensitive,disgusting and tasteless.

  7. Oh My God. Unbelievable. It's no wonder people get pissed at them.

    My oldest boy was telling me about a game he heard about called 'Postal', which is a mass murder game, for all intents and purposes. Even kids know these scenarios are in bad taste and just plain wrong.

  8. At the risk of starting a shit storm, which is something I typically don't enjoy doing, I feel I'd be remiss if I didn't share this article:


    1. And please know, I'm the wife and mother in a gun-owning, hunting family of boys. But we as a country need to look long and hard at the necessity of semi-automatic weapons.

    2. Thank you Fru - <3

    3. Can someone make it clicky? I want to read it but I only come to this site on my phone since this site seems to be death for comps and iPads.

    4. @Frufra, yes! So true! I'm going to read that article you posted.

    5. Thanks for sharing Frufra! Here's the article made clicky - Noah Pozner

      We all need to look at these pictures and KNOW for ourselves. Noah's mom is a brave woman for sharing this with us (althought this article doesn't have the actual pics). Would you feel differently about these weapons once you saw the destruction they can do? Bush outlawed photos from the war so the American people could stay clueless, but you can see them on foreign news networks. I think your perspective changes when you see photos of dead bodies lying in the street and the jaw missing from a sweet 6-year-old boy. If you're willing to carry such a weapon, you better be able to look at the destruction it can do. If you don't have the stomach to look, then give the semiautomatics back to the professionals where they belong. These guns do not belong in the hands of civilians.

  9. The timing is bad on this, obviously, but I don't think Sandy Hook happened and the NRA went, "A-HA! LET'S DEVELOP A FREE SHOOTING GAME!" These things take a little time, and I'd imagine it was pre-scheduled to be released around now.

  10. I'm glad you posted the link. I read that yesterday and ran out of Kleenex.

  11. Yes, yes, the elites have decreed, there is too much violence in our society. So just as the NRA should not release a video game with violence, Hollywood will follow suit, and release bowdlerized versions of Django, Zero Dark Thirty. I look forward to Hollywood's living by the rules they decree the rest of society must live by; of, they will be giving up their armed bodyguards, yes? Because their live and safety is NOT more important than mine? No? Oh, sorry, yes, the decrees are for the LITTLE people. And of course, they are all flying commercial (or not at all) because of carbon emissions of private planes, yes? ANd they have given up all their spas and monstrous pools (Celine Dion) which are wastes of water...

    And of course this entry about Sandy Hook has f*ck all to do with gossip, but apparently Enty or the apparatchik posting for him on the east coast these days can't resist the political commentary. Cuz we are so relevant to society, gossip is.

  12. If this game didn't come from the NRA, would you all be up in arms about it? I would speculate that you wouldn't. Go to the app store and see how many games like this that you can purchase. You've all become just like Pavlov's dog - trained to drool at the mention of the NRA.

  13. Thanks for the link Frufa. That was heartbreaking, but good for her for sharing that. People should know about the damage done.

  14. How long's the wait for Android?

  15. This settles it. They are out of their twisted, depraved minds. Criminals, every one.

    @nightowl, Epic Fail, and you know it.

  16. @Priscilla & @nightowl- thank you.

    We call the NRA Na-Raa, thanks to our long haired San Francisco living friend- who wears a bright red trucker hat that says NRA on it around SF, just to see the knee jerk reactions out of the libs in his town.

  17. I think we can ALL agree that if nothing else, the hypocrisy is disgusting. In their big press conference, the NRA blamed video games for gun violence. How do they explain this??

  18. So Christinel... you're cool with a game that is designed specifically to get four-year olds to shoot at coffins? What kind of sick f*ck are you?

  19. Frufra that was heartbreaking. There are no words.

  20. I'm sorry, the adorable six year old without a jaw gets in the way of your logic.

    Nobody is going to take away your guns. What might happen is that access to that kind of ammo might be restricted.

  21. This is just manipulative bullshit. Enty, in your headline you state that they are shooting at coffin targets and then in your post you state coffin like, which is it?

  22. A Law needs to be passed to outlaw mental illness, since that is the true cause of all the horrifying violence, it will work as well as trying to outlaw any type of weapon, magaizine, video game, movie or ammo. Give me a break with all of this other crap.

  23. @Phoenix - So also, Epic Fail for Django Unchained, Zero Dark Thirty, Gangster Squad, heck what about an Epic Fail for all the violent TV shows out there? Breaking Bad, bad on you. Homeland, tsk, tsk.

    Where is the outrage over the release of the latest Far Cry or Assassin's Creed video games? They are much worse than this app and released right after Sandy Hook.

    Admit it, you all have become what the (as Priscilla said) elites want you to become. Bark baby, bark.

  24. @amber, maybe not, however the NRA themselves blamed violent video games in wake of the sandy hook shootings. So...they changed their minds or it doesn't apply to their violent video games.

  25. @SueRH, exactly. The hypocrisy is blatantly apparent to all except the selfish and cowards.

  26. My favourite game is age of empires. an old one I know. I haven't conquered any civilizations in real life ... yet

  27. And if passing a law made people stop doing bad things, why are people still murdering other people? It's against the law, right? Or to put it in terms more of you may get, since marijuana has been illegal for years in this country, none of y'all have ever used it right?

  28. @nightowl, we are talking about the NRA doing this on the heels of their campaign to derail the effort to ban assault weapons for public consumption among other common sense measures to help curtail deadly weapons getting into the wrong hands.

    Neither you nor they are fooling anyone with your devious logic.

  29. So shooting at a target is violent Onyx? They aren't coffin shaped targets. They are shaped like targets at gun ranges, simple as that. Unlike what you've been told, target shooting is not violent. Again, you've all done as you've been trained, truth be damned.

  30. The NRA simply refuses to accept responsibility for their action and this proves they don't get it....

  31. Agree with nightowl & Priscilla. The hypocrisy of the public is amazing. I've seen some of those violent video games - this one is a lot tamer than most of them. I do agree, the NRA really shot themselves in the foot with this one though (sorry, couldn't resist the pun)

  32. When they banned alcohol, did it stop people from drinking? When they banned marijuana, did it stop you all from using it? No. Banning "assault weapons" won't stop criminals from getting these weapons. Criminals are going to commit crimes. Making them illegal will only step up the violence associated with purchasing them. Isn't that what you all told us about the "drug war"? Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites.

  33. Coffins. Never mind that the NRA blamed gun violence on video games. Then they release a violent video game for 4 year olds. Because every home needs a Bushmaster next to the broom.

  34. Nightowl, your just trolling and not actually addressing the valid points people have posed in this thread. I don't think the majority of us relate violence in television or games with violence in real life, at least thats certainly not the point im trying to make, but please tell me why they are allowed to blame violent video games and then realize one of their own one month after the fact and not receive any backlash?

    Oh right oh noes gobermentz gonna take yer guns!

  35. Ah jeez. Some people have no sense of timing.

    Thanks for posting that Frufra, it was hard to read but I agree with Noah's mother. We can't glamorize it and water it down, that will not change anything. I personally feel like there is a lot of shade surrounding Sandy Hook, something just isn't sitting right with me and I don't believe what we are being told about the incident. Now I am going to catch shade, but everyone is entititled to their opinions and this is mine.

  36. I wonder how big a weapon would NRA supporters say is too much? At what point do you think it really is out of hand? Grenades at the grocery store? Missiles? Machine guns? Because you know, people are going to die anyway so everyone should just holster up, right? Gun instruction by third grade? At what point does the NRA think they have lost their friggin' minds? You can justify anything if you love your bullets enough I guess.

  37. First of all Onyx, I have been on this site a lot longer than you have. No troll here. Second, I have no responsibility to anyone here to address their points. No one is addressing my point except to say "oh noes, teh enRa is going to kill us all". Your betters must all be proud that they taught you so well.

    And until you play that game, how do you know it is violent? How many of you have actually gone target shooting? Nothing violent about it. No more violent than paintball.

  38. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think those things look like coffins at all. If Enty hadn't said that they looked like coffins, the thought would never have crossed my mind.

    I think that the NRA should have waited a longer while to release this, when it wouldn't garner so much attention. I think Amber's right that this has probably been in development for many months.

    Anyway, it's a game about target practice. If parents don't want their children playing it, they should be the ones to stop them. Personally, I'd be much more concerned about a game that lets players shoot at human targets--and those games exist.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Target shooting is awesome nightowl. Just ask Adam Lanza.

  41. Entywarded, Do you want to know what it is like to look at your sister's neck when it has been stabbed 28 times and her head left nearly decapitated? By a kitchen knife? The Dude is right, sadly. I want all medical records released, but no, that won't happen. Big Pharma is embedded in the govt more than the NRA. You want to be afraid and paranoid? Research it.

  42. Seriously people, they are targets. They are for training.

  43. At my school, we learned gun safety in sixth grade. Everyone I know owns at least one gun. The last murder here occurred nearly 40 years ago - and that was committed by someone from a different state. Guns do not equal violence. Violent people equal violence. Ask those hundreds of thousands murdered in Rwanda with machetes.

  44. The fact that the NRA app game has automatic weapons is a slap in the face to those families who lose loved ones in mass killings. The NRA, apparently made up of self-proclaimed "smart" people, didn't realize what was in the game? Give me a break. No one will believe it.

    One thing that bothers me is that the NRA is not just a club anymore, it has become a lifestyle and a brand. The extreme views have become synonymous with personal freedom. You have the right to bear arms. What about the people who have to live with that? -- People that have to live in a society where anyone with half a brain has permission to carry a gun? What about their right to safety?

    The only people who should have automatic weapons are the military and the cops.

    My boys all love video games, BUT they didn't have toy guns, and they didn't play shooter games until they were at least old enough to understand what the games are about. My oldest one plays Halo, and the usual military games. He couldn't believe it when I told him about the NRA app. Kids even know when something is not right.

    Little kids should be playing Pokemon Snap-type games and Disney games -- not games with automatic weapons as an unlockable component and shooting at coffins. Who thought that was a good idea. How macabre and inappropriate.

  45. @Elizabeth, I'm not exactly an NRA supporter, but I grew up around guns and I've been target shooting before. Aside from weaponry that is dedicated to hunting, I feel that the only guns that are necessary are ones that will let you protect yourself, your family, and your home. Anything more powerful is unnecessary.

  46. BTW, I have guns in my house and know how to shoot.

  47. Actually Elizabeth, I don't need to ask Adam Lanza. I enjoy target shooting myself. I have never turned a weapon on another human. Target shooting does not make you violent. The fact is there are bad people in this world. They will kill. They will find a way to do it.


  48. @nightowl..



    Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals.


    THIS is what the NRA is doing, and hense the well founded objections to it.

  49. So Tuxedo, your son has no problem shooting and killing a person in a video game, but damn, that target in the NRA app is just a step too far? Sounds like he's been trained too.

  50. Lol, I guess that's what I get for trying to bring logic to a gun fight. Did you know, if guns were banned, Abe Lincoln would still be alive to this day?!

    (Oh and nightowl, I like guns)

  51. Hey, guys, pardon my salty language--But fuck off about Mental Illness in general ----99.9999% of mentally ill people never harm anyone, and usually only themselves if they do.

    The point is HOW MANY can be killed so quickly with automatic rifles & high-capacity magazines, by the very very few who want to murder.

    But is IS so much easier to stigmatize millions by linking them with the murdering jack-holes, and declaring the only solution is to cure something that is incurable.
    Got it.

  52. I think there are parts of the country so right wing and violent that I don't belong with them any more. When the NRA defends assault weapons, blames violent video games, then releases a violent video game two weeks later, and just weeks after 20 little children are murdered and six months after 70 people are shot in a movie theater, all logic has gone out the window. Other countries have far far less gun violence than the US does and it's because they have far fewer guns.

  53. devious


    Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals.

    - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -

    @Phoenix - Right back at you. How about Colorado putting the marijuana initiative on the ballot at the same time as the Presidential election? Don't think that wasn't timed to get the youth vote out to vote for pot legalization?

  54. It is an APP for a phone. FOR A PHONE.

    Are we really allowing a APP FOR A PHONE to prode us into thinking the entire future of the human race is going to shoot themselves up?

    People please. Teach manners, teach responsibility and TEACH your children to think for themselves.

    Adam Lanza used his Mothers weapon to kill- he planned it and made it happen- the NRA doesn't have any link to the crime, anymore than the drug company that filled his medications does.

    Stop BLAMING and instead educate your children that they are resonsible for THEIR ACTIONS.

    IT is a PHONE APP!

    1. Christine!, I don't agree with you re the NRA (in other words, I'm not a member, nor do I support their views), but I do agree that it's silly to get worked up into a lather over this app.

  55. I'm guilty too, but I think the 'randoms' who ONLY show up on certain subjects, should be ignored.

    (Pssst...I mean nightowl. Dedicated trolling, and nothing more.)

  56. Person that murdered my sister attempted the insanity defense. Didn't work.

  57. Elizabeth, I live in a right wing area with tons of gun nuts. I would compare our violent crime rate with Chicago - a place with the strictest gun laws in the nation. Know your facts before you spout hate speech about fellow Americans.

  58. Look, a joint isn't going to unlawfully kill a multitude of innocent victims in a matter of seconds.

    Again, devious logic, but I'm done.

  59. @nightowl... owning a gun and practicing shooting targets is one thing... But the NRA has released this shooting game designed for toddlers in the shadow of one of the most gruesome school shootings in the history of this nation. And that says a lot about their lack of compassion, heart and soul. And if you support them releasing this game now and think it is just harmless, then that says a lot about you.

  60. Whatever libby. Just because I only post at certain times makes me a troll. Because you are a dedicated gossip commenter, your opinion counts. You all have driven off many of my favorite commenters (TexShan being one of them) because she dared break from your all lib, all the time beliefs. She was a long term commenter and was given the same treatment that I am.

  61. Nightowl, I get that you're a troll but nothing I've said is hate speech.

  62. @cc Did I saying the timing was smart? No it wasn't. But this sensitivity thing doesn't fly with me. Did we ask that U-Haul stop advertising after Timothy McVeigh blew up the federal building in OK City with a rented truck? No. My issue with this is that you all let yourselves be trained to attack at the name NRA. If someone else put this out there, NOTHING would be said. And how many of you went out and actually read the details on the app? Nowhere does it recommend that toddlers be given this app to target shoot. How about parental responsibility? I would never let my toddler buy ANY app, let alone a shooting app.

  63. No Phoenix, but bath salts might. Drugs can drive people to kill, but I always hear people on here stating that we should just legalize drugs.

  64. And funnily, I don't even support the NRA. I don't support ANY group that uses their money to buy off politicians - big pharma, etc.

  65. @Frufra- I am not a NRA member or supporter either.

    I am an American who has a brain, has a backbone and common sense.

    I prefer to let people act and then judge, vs regulating them to the HILT.

    I expect people to act decently, and to treat others with respect. NO APP is going to change behavior of a person, nor is a law, not even a Presidential Honor going to change a persons behavior.

    It is a PHONE APP!

  66. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Woo hoo, this IS an interesting thread. I'm glad that I'm not the target today. Let's be real with ourselves and realise that this is a gossip forum, guns aren't going anywhere, we ARE manipulated by the media, we ARE acting like pavlov's dogs, slobbering at the suggestion of the NRA trying to get your kids to shoot coffins!! Come on people, don't be so easily manipulated. Think for yourself. The vast majority of Americans support gun control on assault weapons, there is no debate about it. Hunters don't want assault weapons, citizens don't want assault weapons, only gangbangers and gun nuts thinking there's an imminent zombia apocalypse want assault weapons. Everyone just calm down, let's not turn on each other. We are all still going to be here tomorrow. They're not coffins,they are mounds of dirt, there's no cemetery, no headstones, nothing to indicate it's coffins. Absolutely nothing. You're really trying to be inflammatory with this post Enty, and playing on people's fears, paranoia, shock, horror and pain at tiny children being mowed down by a lone gunman who was off his rocker in some mentally disabled way. Guns are stupid, we don't need guns, but it's a part of the constitution and they're not going anywhere. It makes sense for a Government that might want to control us, corral us, and hurt us in the future to not want private citizens to be armed to the teeth. The Government wants to be the only one armed, they want you to turn in your guns, don't play in to their hands by shouting that guns are evil and are murdering children. Think for yourself. Read the signs. Don't just follow what people are telling you to think. Be critical, be aware, it's ok to have your own opinion, and it's ok for me to have mine. That's the great thing about living in a free society. We are going to get through this issue, and we are going to be stronger for it.

  67. @nightowl, I believe that the only drug people on here have supported legalizing is marijuana which is very different from bath salts, heroin, or meth. And I don't think that all commenters even support legalization of pot.

  68. Oh for fucks sake when will the CDAN popularity contest be dropped.

    There are a lot of points I agree with, on both sides of this argument. It is hard to be strictly on one side or the other, and because you are doesn't mean you support violent killings. Because you see no problem with a smart phone app does not mean you support mass shootings. There is no black and white with this subject, only grey.

    Some people are simply born with a darkness and violence within them. Mental illness may play a part, but how are we to know. Just like some are born filled with love and compassion and the urge the help others, some are born with hatred and sorrow and the urge to hurt and destroy others. We can't stop these types of children being born, we can stop gun control all we want but these people will still be here.

  69. nightowl, no one is trained to attack the NRA. They brought the focus of national attention upon themselves by demonstrating that anything short of a deadly weapon free-for-all is off the table. It's irresponsible for what should be obvious reasons.

  70. Look at Enty stir the pot.. People are on one side or another of this debate. I choose not to take the bait. Not one of my opinions will sway the other side towards my belief system. It's good to see people on this forum not name calling or degrading others for their beliefs though.. We've come a little way..
    The truth of the matter is no matter what side of this debate you stand, for better or worse these gun laws are going to be enforced , ammo will be ( and currently is ) limited and big change is in the wind. I for one am not focusing on what my fellow Americans believe.. I'm keeping both eyes on our oh so honest government

  71. "TexShan being one of them"


    that says it all right there.

    America, where entitlement to own guns you'll never use in an imaginary shootout at the OK Corral far outweighs the innocent lives of 6 year olds and movie goers alike. Fuck yeah!

  72. And I have never once heard anyone on here lobby for the legalization of anything other than weed. Don't put words in our mouths to help prove your point.

  73. Having a different opinion does not equal being trained or brainwashed, etc., to believe that.

    I believe in the right to have guns. I don't like guns, don't have one of my own, but I get why we have that right.

    The NRA blamed video games for school shootings, then makes a video game where you shoot things. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard! Do they not hear themselves?

  74. Anna Nawnamizz- thank you for your common sense post.

    1. Agree, and Christine!, sorry for assuming that you are pro-NRA. My mistake.

  75. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I believe that most of us are in favor of legalizing POT, nothing else.

  76. TexShan and I were friends, made peace, respected each other. SOMEBODY doesn't read here much. lol---Just as i guessed.

  77. @JAX- the movie theater in CO was showing a movie where guns were used. ALOT. Batman was a very violent movie, no?

    I dare anyone to produce a person who is glad any shooting has taken place. Supporting the right to own a firearm does not mean you, at the same time, think hurting/maiming/killing another living being is right.

    We are responsible for our own actions.

  78. fuck Nightowl if you're going to debate, learn how to stay ON TOPIC and relevant, WTF does weed have to do with guns? Or fucking UHAUL?

    Forget apples and oranges, you are comparing apples and a ham sandwich.

    Not falling for your anti gov comments, your tinfoil hat is showing.

    "Gubberments gonna kill us all!!!"

    annnnd scene. later kids. :)

  79. Ya know, I was just thinking about how it had been pretty calm here the past couple of weeks. Everyone getting along, holiday spirit abounding. I 'spose we were due for a good disagreement.

  80. Is there a taser lobby? I might could possibly handle that. But I would probably prefer rubber bands or something.

  81. @nightowl... nice try, but U-Haul is not a lobbying organization pushing laws that allow anyone to own any sort of weapon at all. U-Haul was a product used by a terrorist. The NRA is creating apps like this at this time in history to let the American people know who is in charge of our gun laws... and that would be the NRA.

  82. Confirmation bias thinking is so .... apparent .... :)

  83. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The free app, recommended for ages 4 and up, according to the iTunes rating system, “offers a 3D shooting game that instills safe and responsible ownership through fun challenges and realistic simulations,” says the app’s description. “It strikes the right balance of gaming and safety education, allowing you to enjoy the most authentic experience possible.”
    Users don’t shoot live subjects in the app, but instead are given an M9 handgun and sent to target practice in three immersive shooting ranges.
    The NRA says the app “puts the organization’s broad scope of resources in the palm of your hand – with 2nd Amendment newsfeeds, gun law information centers and educational materials that you can access anywhere, anytime.”
    The app has received three-and-a-half out of five stars in the iTunes store, but has attracted several scathing customer reviews, some calling for it to be pulled from the iTunes store

  84. "America, where entitlement to own guns you'll never use in an imaginary shootout at the OK Corral far outweighs the innocent lives of 6 year olds and movie goers alike."
    What a simplistic, gross and stupid characterization of the serious issues at hand.

  85. Lots of trolling in this thread. Isn't that the point of click bait posts such as this one? Judging from the past year's history of this blog, yup. Did this app drop with disgusting timing? Yes. We can talk ourselves in circles about the NRA, video games, lack of parenting - but it's still just talk.

  86. @Agent**It- my thoughts exactly.

  87. @durrr...you took the words out of my mouth...e does love to bait us...and people don't even hesitate to jump right on...

  88. It's shooting objects and not people? I don't understand what the problem is. I think there are a lot worse games out there, like shooting people games and even movies that there is a great deal of killing. Why are those acceptable?

    Should we also take away the squirt gun games at the carnivals?

  89. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I read back over the posts, and I really don't see what NightOwl said that was all that bad. He/She wasn't personally attacking someone, the only offensive thing I saw was they just said that pot was on the ballot with the president and that wasn't a coincidence, and basically said that we all smoke pot and want it legalized. And we do all talk about smoking and wanting it to be legal. Let's take it easy people.

  90. @nightowl - Does the rate of violent crime in your town rival Chicago or has there not been a murder there in 40 years. Which is it? Two very different stories.

  91. I sort of like this one:

    "Your paranoid fantasies about fighting a rebellion against a theoretical future fascist government takeover do not trump my rights to demand appropriate and reasonable public health policies to stop gun violence."

    Except by and large, people who own guns are usually the fascists who want to force their misguided ideologies on the rest of us. They want to freely come into our bedrooms, but we had better not get near their arsenals. Fuck them.

  92. Well isn't this funny? People like you (deluded progressives) don't believe that violent media can lead to violence but you certainly want to blame guns! Why? Because you don't want to give up your violent media, plain and simple. You want to pretend like you have no culpability in this violent society despite consuming the violent media, and instead blame those "eeeeevil KKKonservative reich winger gun nuts".

    The hypocrisy of you people knows no bounds and the worst part of it all is that you just don't see it...and you never will because you honestly think you are morally superior and righteous. It's like a religion, but of course you don't see those parallels either.
    I'm to the point of being excited about the upcoming civil war because maybe we can finally rid ourselves of you deluded assholes once and for all.

  93. I sort of read that before . Terry Garlock always inspires interesting commentary.

  94. Don't like these type of posts, always brings out the worst. My only comment will be this:

    If we're blaming movies, video games and the mentally ill how come other countries such as England and France have a fraction of our gun violence rate? They also have violent movies and video games and mentally ill people just like us so what's the difference? You guys can figure that out, I have.

    1. The cops don't carry guns in England either though.. Where I live there are more police shootings than civilian on civilian shootings ..

    2. Totally agree Eve! It really is that simple

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Jax you are such a vile, unpleasant person. How do you live with yourself?

    MadLyb, I could not care less what you or anyone does in your bedroom, and 99% of people, even the crazy religious nuts agree. Just please keep it there. Not meaning you can't hold hands or kiss or whatever in public with your significant other, just try not to fuck like dogs in the street. THAT is what people with morals and standards have a problem with. Nobody wants to see fat catladies, broken freaks or gross neckbeards doing it in broad daylight in public, no matter the sex of the participants. So get over yourself and your faux outrage, that shit is getting so old.

  97. So 888 you hate us for not liking guns so you want guns to shoot us and teach us why we should like guns? Or something?

    People in Seattle aren't typically fat. We hike a lot and play with our children and Golden Retrievers.

  98. Oh 888 I see you deleted your longer post. You should have left it up so people could see who you really are. That was...interesting.

  99. @All about Eve

    "how come other countries such as England and France have a fraction of our gun violence rate?"

    Surely not because they have adequate gun control measures in place. Nah, can't be it. Thinking...

  100. Absolutely nothing Nightowl has said is wrong. I actually agree with most of what he/she has said. I find him/her to be quite logical. I actually took shooting class and archery classes at camp when I was little. It was so much fun. I also played many shooting games, whether it was that old hunting shooting game or shooting targets with my friends growing up. Never have I or my friends ever killed anyone.

    I do believe there is an out of control gun issue in this country...but video games have nothing to do with it. Video games also don't make people kill other people...just like Justin Beiber can't turn girls into cutters. It's a mental thing, it's the way a child is raised in the home and it's a sickness. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

  101. Could a gun supporter tell me how much is too much? What weapon do you feel is just far enough and what weapon do you feel is too far? If you support the same assault style rifles used in Colorado and Connecticut, do you support machine guns in the home? What about those missiles you can shoot and take down planes? Grenades? If you think those are okay, is there nothing that goes too far in your minds since it doesn't matter as long as people are shooting them?

    I would like Jon Stewart to ask this question.

  102. And let's not forget that in a 911 recording in the Colorado shooting they counted 30 shots in a 27 second call for help. More than a shot a second and with a drum that holds 100 bullets, that AR-15 was a very efficient killing machine. Just what every homeowner needs to guard against a burglar.

  103. Elizabeth, see Fru's comments at 8:22 re semi-automatic weapons.

  104. Thanks Agent but I don't get the feeling that is shared by others or the NRA.

  105. @nightowl

    I think four is way too young. My oldest wasn't even interested until he was probably 10 or 11. These are the war games I'm talking about. I don't let him play Grand Theft Auto, or games that aren't military-based.

    I think there's a huge difference between 4 and 10. If he were disturbed he wouldn't be playing the shooting games at all.

  106. @Elizabeth. Both sides have equal and valid arguments. Which side is the right side? you may think your side is the right side, but other would beg to differ. Where is the line drawn and who gets to decide right and wrong and what the boundaries should be without taking away people's rights? I'm for gun control to a certain extent, but I also believe the majority of gun owners, who LEGALLY own a gun are completely responsible and their rights should not be taken away. Again, guns don't kill, people kill. Whether you want to agree with that statement or not...it's a fact. If a person is sick and is going to kill, they will find a way, whether it's guns, bombs or airplanes.

  107. Crila I get that. So is any weapon too much? If assault weapons that shoot more than a shot a second and drums with a 100 bullets are fine, is there any weapon that goes to far?

  108. @666

    I sincerely hope you're posting from an institution for the criminally insane. Where does all the vitriol come from? It's a miracle you don't spontaneously combust.

  109. Here's what I don't understand. When Clinton banned the semi-automatic weapons, did 1776 happen (as Alex Jones says), did I miss the revolution? Did people take to the streets with organized militia?

    Why can't we just go back to the law that Bush overturned? Ban the semi-automatic weapons and let people have all the hand guns for home protection and hunting rifles they want. I don't know enough either way, I just don't get why we can't go back to the original ban. Or is this more about the backlash and hate for Obama?

  110. nightowl, I can't take anything you say seriously. I don't know if you've ever taken a debate class but in mine, the very first thing the teacher taught us was don't keep comparing the opposing side to a dog while trying to make a point. You'll find it fails.

  111. Anything to minimize the fact too many crazies are out wandering among us.

  112. So much for my earlier statement about there being no name calling. Honestly if we put as much zealousy into what our government and media is doing to us than what our opinions of gun control are, I think you'd see a real shift to where our anger should actually be aimed. Open your eyes friends.. These debates are prompted to blind us to the real threats that are out there.. Number one being our dissolving constitution.

  113. There's one point that doesn't seem to get much attention and that's the fact that we're not doing enough for the mentally ill. In the last month, a 20ish male living with his parents and who wasn't taking his medication, got into an argument with his mother over a TV show and stabbed her to death (please note the method of death, knife or gun, is irrelevant). The father stated he tried 3 times to have his son Baker acted (Florida speak for involuntary confinement for 3 days for a mental health evaluation). Why wasn't it followed up on? What happens to kids like this when their parents die and they have no one to take them in, no where to go? We treat abandoned pets better than we treat a lot of the mentally ill. There is a lot of death and suffering that could be avoided if proper mental health care was given, including involuntary confinement when necessary. Yes, involuntary confinement is a slippery slope, but changing gun laws doesn't change that the majority of these people are seriously mentally ill. And I think that the mentally ill are suffering, although they may not think so. We can make all the changes we want in gun law but we still have to attack the root problem. These people aren't going to go away. And if your loved one is killed by someone who is mentally unstable, does it matter if it was with a gun or a knife or a car?

    And I'm a gun owner, but have no problem with banning assault weapons and large clips and having comprehensive background searches.

    1. SusanB - ITA with everything you said. I think we are seeing the unfortunate repercussions of the Reagan era cuts to mental health care. It's finally catching up to us. Mental health is still a taboo issue in the country. And the institutions where this man could have been closed for years. A person can't be committed until after a violent act occurs. Why? Just Why?

      My neighbor is a teacher in a scarier part of Portland. She taught (past tense) the boy that tried to carjack that young woman a few weeks ago (remember that). She said it's so frustrating to have a classroom with children who desperately need mental health services but there is no money and no support. These kids are ticking timebombs. By the time the commit a violent crime, they have had years of documented history.

      Agreed that the root problem is a lack of services to people with mental illness AND their families. Access to automatic weapons just complicates and intensifies the issue.

  114. I didn't mean saying "And if your loved one is killed by someone who is mentally unstable, does it matter if it was with a gun or a knife or a car?" to be an argument for or against gun control. Just saying the method doesn't matter with the mentally unstable. Your loved one is still dead.

    1. SusanB and Alicia, well stated and I agree. I also read that same story in FL. And it happens all the time. The problem here (in the thread) is the confirmation bias thinking that is about as meaningful to the discussion as a promise of repayment from Lohan:) So Enty, did you see new the new video game that allows players to murder the NRA President ?

  115. you're cool with a game that is designed specifically to get four-year olds to shoot at coffins?

    @cc423 - What four year olds have iPads and iPhones??

    Agent, I'm so sorry about your sister. I lost a sister and it's something you never get over. I think about her all the time. I wish I could say something to make it better or easier, but I can't, but it does help a little bit to remember the great times you had.
    Sometimes something funny about her will pop into my head that I'd totally forgotten about and it's like finding a diamond. Hope that helps. :)

  116. I just downloaded the game for iPad and it's horribly awkward. You have to move the iPad around and they are not the easiest things to hold, even with the covers. The game is probably easier with an iPhone but you have to move either device around a lot in order to score a hit, so I don't see this being a popular game. It's not very user friendly.

    You know, Enty must be loving this. Does he get paid by the comment or the view? I'm picturing him in his basement, rubbing his hands together greedily as the shekels roll in. Keep posting, people!

  117. Mango, I was trying to read about legislation that is being presented tomorrow. The article is on the Washington Post. It has over 4k comments and was published today at 1:24PM. I am out of vino:)

    Don't know how to link, sorry:


  118. Target shooting on an iPhone sounds like a very effective way to teach me how to properly user a gun

  119. Hi, I am Australian so I thought I would put a few thoughts down.

    1) While it has come across as insensitive for the NRA to release this, there have not been protests to demand that all violent video games, TV Shows and movies be stopped, at least for a period of time. I agree that this was probably in the pipeline for a long time. It is the responsibility of the parents/carers of children to ensure they are not exposed to inappropriate images, and if they are, for that to be addressed. Bad parenting and allowing children to grow up in neglect, observing violence etc, is so much worse than these games. There have been studies linking an increase in aggression with playing violent games, but again, as a parent it is your job to nip this in the bud, take the games away, and get them involved with activities that don't cause that reaction. Stop leaving children with people who aren't fit to parent a stuffed toy, let alone a child. Children are privileges, not rights. There are plenty of people who are infertile who would love the opportunity to provide a great home to children who deserve better.

    2) When the constitution was written, people needed to bear arms in many areas of the USA because there was lawlessness. Now there are laws and police. I understand that people still would like guns, but surely a handgun would do for protection (and hunting rifles for those that hunt). There is no need for private citizens to own automatic and semi-automatic weapons.

    3) I know that not all killings are due to mental illness, but I also agree that the ball has been dropped on mental illness. Here in Australia, in an attempt to treat people with respect, we have shut so many facilities and retrospectively have had tragic deaths occur because some people need to stay in mental health facilities for life. It is imperative that places are available for those that need mental health treatment in order to protect themselves and the community.

    Finally, I know America is more than this argument and these images. My husband and I are coming back in July. Thanks for reading.

  120. Obama and Biden will unveil a comprehensive gun control bill tomorrow. It will include:

    - ban on assault weapons
    - expanded background checks
    - implementing more stringent mental health reporting

    No normal law abiding gun owner will notice the slightest difference in their life.

    Aside - my home state of New York decided not to wait on the debate and passed their own gun control measures that include the three bullet points above. Gov. Cuomo signed it into law today. So Proud of them.

  121. @ AndyCane - you're joking, right? This game is NOTHING WHATSOEVER like shooting a real gun, anymore than licking a magazine photo of an ice cream cone is like eating a real one.

    But I trust you were being tongue in cheek.

    Agent, do you drink red or white? and what kind of grape?

    1. Mango, at this point, cyanide. Phoenix, cannot you bother to read the previous comments where this info was previously posted? Or is your ego so blinding that it bedazzles your own eyes?

  122. If you look at the game at itunes, it says 12+, not 4 years old. I learned how to shoot a rifle at 10 at YMCA camp. I own guns, which my retired Marine husband doesn't care for. Which is fine but he leaves me alone for weeks at a time.

    Now at Christmas, my 22 year old son came home; he is in the Marine Corps, had been drinking and thought he was going to handle my new semi-auto handgun. I went off on him. I have two rules in this house about guns 1. You never point a weapon at anyone unless you are going to shoot them 2. You never handle a gun while under the influence of alcohol. He gave me the it's not loaded and I've handled bigger guns than this.

    My house, my guns and my rules.

  123. Why are we still blaming the Reagan era mental heath cuts? Haven't we had time to correct that...in say 20 odd yrs?

  124. talk, talk, talk, you know what matters? Action, and my boy Gov Andrew Cuomo just stepped up to the plate and hit a home run and took action.

    He signed into a law new gun regulations to fortify the state's existing ban on assault weapons ban, limit the number of bullets in magazines and strengthen rules that keep the mentally ill from owning firearms.

    He was the first one to do something and I am so proud to be a New Yorker right now.

    I <3 NY!

  125. @Christine! We've had 32 years. I don't know why they are blaming Reagan at all because the problems started in the early 1970's when State Institutions for the mentally ill were shut down. People who where to ill to care for themselves were put into group homes and the more dangerous ones committed crimes and ended up in jail. Laws were passed making it harder for family members to commit the mentally ill to hospitals for treatment. So they end up living in fear of their ill relative or hoping they stay on their meds.

  126. I'm gonna go play Desert Bus.

  127. Welcome to Chicago, New York.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. re: Agent**It said...
    Phoenix, cannot you bother to read the previous comments where this info was previously posted? Or is your ego so blinding that it bedazzles your own eyes?

    Agent, I didn't notice the link you posted if that's what you're referring to. I'm busy where I'm at and often only sit at the computer for short intermittent intervals so I'm not always able to read every comment in the longer threads.

    The judgmental, rude, and condescending nature of your attitude was uncalled for and egotistical, so apparently you know that of which you speak. I respectfully thank you in advance for focusing your abusive impulses elsewhere in the future.

  130. Wow. I can't believe I am actually going to wade into this .. but I have one thing to say.

    I have a HUGE .. I am talking EL after a week long all-you-can-eat-bacon-buffet .. issue with people who live in the bubble of "People are responsible for themselves."

    You obviously have never had any personal interaction with a person with severe mental illness. For HAD you ever had interaction with someone in the throes of severe mental illness, your delusion would have been quickly cleared away by empiric evidence.

    There are times - I have previously thought myself unlucky to witness [but am now beginning to see that I have been blessed with undeniable knowledge that keeps me from saying things like "People are responsible for themselves"] - when people have come to points in their mental health lives where they are CLEARLY not responsible for themselves. They are hearing voices, they are having visual hallucinations, they are just mentally incapable of having any control over themselves because in some instances they do not even recognize themselves as human beings or the world as a real and actual place. [I dare say that the two young men in our most recent instances of mass murder would fall into this "brand" of "incapability."]

    I have known Schizophrenics who are wandering the streets because there is no help for these people any more. [Thank you Ronald Reagan! They are basically seen as human detritus to most of the people who spout such wise words as "People are responsible for themselves" - right up until one of them pulls off some heinous act that then wipes away all labels of mental illness - and all its complexities - in favor of the far more easy to process "Evil." [Ya .. sure .. Don't strain your brain or anything attempting to understand something complex and not easily pidgeon-holed and neatly filed away in your easy to understand black-and-white ordered world.]

    There but for the grace of providence go America's severely mentally ill citizens .. wandering alone, living in households where family members are at their wits ends because there is no where they can turn for help with ill family members. But .. "people are responsible for themselves."

    No .. I am sorry .. people are NOT always responsible for themselves. You are naive as hell [And dare I finally just say stupid as hell, as well] to think that and I suggest you go work at your local day/drop in center or soup kitchen and experience who these people are and how unconnected they can be and how much you have no idea of what you speak with this blanket "people are responsible for themselves" nonsense.

    As per my usual riff in matters such as these, I am really hopefully the folks in Newtown - and Aurora, for that matter - are getting excellent counseling and tragically not just to deal with the deaths of their beloveds .. but because the "truther" movement has now decided Newtown was a set up by the government. [Google Truther Sandy Hook and prepare to vomit.]

    1. Wow, Wil. Have I told you lately that I love you? Excellent, excellent post. Until people have experienced a family member with mental illness, or worked in the field day after day, they really don't get what you just so eloquently stated. Thank you.

  131. @Wil

    I really liked your post.

  132. The truther asshats are the same ones that claimed 9/11 did not happen. Anon will be the only ones who will go after them. God forgive me, but I blame the mass murderer of Newtown mother for her part in the massacre. This woman was responsible for her son, had all the data, and had MONEY which most families lack to institutionalize him. In FL, it is so bad that they are tying to get the homeless (many of whom are mentally ill) on buses to go back to family members that cannot handle them. They have closed parks where they congregate so they are living under the bridges with those who are sexual offenders and also have no place to live. Yes, I know what true MI ill, having witnessed it and spent many a night sleeping upright in a chair with a gun to make sure my foster son's twin brother did not have one of his psychotic moments. He is now safe, but we had to move him to Idaho. The person that killed my sister, also from a very wealthy family, had previously hit his own sister over the head with an iron rod. Their solution? Move him out of TX to live with wealthy Dad in FL. No charges filed. They tried to turn a diagnosis of MS into an insanity defense. MS is not mental illness, as hopefully, most of you know. Reagan is dead , I don't care that he's to blame because I am alive and I have to deal with it. I wonder how many people that read here actually know who to write to, how to be an activist to assist.I doubt a lot of them because that does involve personal responsibility and personal time. I suggest people look clearly at some of the meds docs are prescribing to their children. They are misdiagnosing bipolar all over the place and those who have it suffer while those that don't have it are at risk because of the negative affects of the drugs prescribed. Sorry for the ramble, blame Wil, you are inspiring me:)

  133. My BFF's brother-in-law was a diagnosed schizophrenic. They were able to institutionalize him when his delusions got out of hand. He was obsessed with money and would call all sorts of banks and government agencies to talk about "hidden accounts" and "gold" and "gold coins". I met him a few times, at large family gatherings, but who knows if he would have ever turned violent? He was diagnosed with a form of cancer and passed away about two years ago. He was very sweet, but who knows what his obsession might have driven him to do if his mother did not have him institutionalized? He was very smart (which was one of the saddest things about it; he was a brilliant student in college when the disease started taking over) and charming and persuasive. His mother did the right thing.
