Thursday, January 17, 2013

Paris Hilton Gets A Quick $300K From Denmark

Apparently this month is the return of D listers who should have been no listers. First there was the return of Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt on Celebrity Big Brother for which they were paid $500K and now Paris Hilton is set to appear on Danish television in Paradise Hotel. She only appears in a few episodes that were shot months ago in Mexico and she was paid a whopping $300K for her little bit of work. It is really tough to make these people completely disappear when productions in other countries seem to think they still have some value and then pay them a ridiculous amount of money to appear for such a short amount of time and give them a public platform to earn even more later.


  1. She looks like she just got teabagged.

  2. Her lips look like a prolapsed rectum - sorry for the graphicness but I'm so over this herpetic sore of a woman....

  3. I hope that hand is intending to strangle her.

    1. You guys are cracking me up today!

  4. Was that in American dollars? Maybe they paid her in Danish money? Either way, that was $300k too much.

  5. Didn't her face used to be an oval shape, and the lips. The descriptor 'bee-stung lips' is taken to a whole new level here.

  6. Her lips remind me of that In Living Color skit where Jim Carrey played a female bodybuilder who used a curling iron on her lips to plump them up.

  7. Wow, that photo looks like a sad, sorry middle-aged drag queen on the stroll in Phuket.

  8. She got paid $300K to give people herpes? I wonder how much these people would pay Pam Anderson?!

  9. LOL @ all these comments!

  10. Great pic Enty! You should use it more often!!

  11. Haha Jeneral I had forgotten about that episode! And yes she looks just like it, too.

    Paris looks like an aging hussy.

  12. I don't understand what's happening with her mouth.

  13. I would much rather have her chasing fame in far away countries which keeps her out of America for as long as possible.

    Keep following you dream Wonky! (in guam, haiti, wherever, etc..)

  14. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Yes anywhere but here. Good god her face is completely jacked up she looks like Ellen Barkins older sister!

  15. LOL took the words out of my mouth!

  16. LMAO @ Sugar.

    She is awful.

  17. As long as they keep her...

  18. Paris have her lips done or was she cracked out when she did her make up?

  19. Haha I read the title & thought, "She did the whole country for only $300k? What a deal!"

  20. I can't stand her anyway (nobody can!), but I don't get the lips. Artificially plumping your lips has NEVER...NEVER looked good. Do they really look at other fake lips people and think they look good?

    If your lips aren't Jolie big, move on. You have what you have. If you get them done, you'll look like a fucking freak.

  21. She doesnt look well. When is her real life going to begin? Isnt she like32 or something?

  22. The parts of her face look stuck on like a Mr. Potato Head!

  23. I love that pic, when she had the hemorrhoid lips!

    I can't believe anyone pays this skank for anything anymore....

  24. I wish I could get paid to vcay in Mexico for 300 grand! Just think of the education my daughter would be able to receive! And also be able to live reasonably comfortable for about 8 yrs on top of that!

  25. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The lips, LMAO, those LIPS! I too can't STAND her. It's gotta be strange to be so universally hated and maligned.

  26. LOLOL @ comments

    I was going to say something about her lips too, but you guys took what I was going to say LOLOL

  27. I have to say, I remember when Paris was fucking EVERYWHERE the way the Kardashians are now, and I thought we'd never be rid of her....and then just poof! Overnight she was gone. I'm kind of surprised she went so easy (for a fame-whore). It gives me hope.

  28. Maybe she's allergic to strawberries.

  29. I'm from Norway, and she is on the norwegian version of Paradise Hotel as well..! sad..

  30. All them lips gonna do is create a larger canvas for a herpes sore.

    I'm tellin you Paris, embrace your inner trash and be the face, er, cooch of Vatrex.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. You know when you lay your head down and put pressure on your eyeball, you start seeing a big, blue, glowing donut? Her lips look just like that!

  33. OMG, those lips!! Taylor Armstrongesque. Default picture, Enty!!

    She was on TMZ recently and said that "they" ask her to do another reality show "every day." Mmmmhmmm

  34. why the fuck are you still running stories about the Valtrex Vagina? You're worse that Perez Hilton for fuck's sake.
