Friday, January 11, 2013

Paris Hilton Left Out In The Cold

I feel it is my mission in life to tell you things that will make you smile. So, with that theme in mind, Paris Hilton and her boy toy were at the People's Choice Awards the other night. Even though they showed up after the broadcast started someone decided they could come in. That was a bad move. The good move was that they made them sit away from all the other celebrities. They actually had to be near people who had jobs. I know, I know. It was frightening for Paris. So frightening in fact that she got up after just a few minutes with her boy toy in tow and went outside to smoke. You know, away from the people who actually get paychecks. She thought it would be a quick trip. Turns out it was way longer than she anticipated because security would not let her back in. No in and outs at the event. Not even for Paris Hilton. Especially not for Paris Hilton. She pleaded and cried and did the don't you know who I am thing at multiple entrances but none would let her back in. Way to go security. Love it.


  1. Pathetic - she's a little long in the tooth for this kind of thing, no?

  2. The whole "Don't you know who I am" thing tends to work better when you're actually someone.

  3. I'm so happy I could shit rainbows.

  4. This is the best day ever.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Remember when Michelle Trachtenberg threw a fit at the Batman premiere because her seats weren't good enough and they moved her? How funny is it that Michelle Trachtenberg can pull that off and Paris Hilton can't? LMFAO (or if I was Paris, LMAFO. Seriously, on a red carpet last year she said "I'm so excited to come out and see my friends, LMAFO"). Bitch, please

  7. Ha ha, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person!

  8. Such justice! Remember when she & kartrashian walked past Tara Reid when she couldnt get in at a club and snubbed her?? Ohhhh how the "mighty" have fallen. Yessssss!!!

  9. Awful person and dumb as dirt. Think about all the advantages she started out with, what a waste.

  10. Enty you sure did brighten up my morning. I can't wait for the day when she completely disappears. Anyone who uses the "don't you know who I am" bit isn't worth the time to print stories. Unless it's something like this where they get snubbed. :D

    1. When is this womanchild going to start her life?

  11. I wish this had been on a Monday, that would totally make my week. Oh, the computer's broken, the copier is jammed, I later my notes, traffic jam, Pap smear? Paris Hilton GOT TOLD by a security guard!! Hahahahaha!

  12. Yeah, trick. They DO know who you are. Get to steppin'. LOVE IT!!

  13. I wish these bitches would just go school and become nurses or accountants. I might care about them then. Please let one of the Willis girls be smart enough for med school.

  14. Oh Karma Karma Karma. This is a nice piece of payback for Paris having treated those around her so badly for so many years.

  15. hahahahahahahahahahaha *stops, wipes tears of happiness from eyes, catches breath* hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  16. The people have spoken and the People chose to not let her ass back in.

  17. This gives us hope that someday the Kardashians will become persona non grata also.

  18. What a way to end a crappy week. Hahahahahaha. I'm schadenfreuding all over the place right now.

  19. Remind me, how much is she paying that boy toy (who looks young enough to be her son) to tweet nice things about her?

  20. Jamie, something like 10,000 a month..

    Hahahahahhahaha- I love the payback this bitch is getting for all her shitty behavior.

  21. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *going to high five random co-worker*

  22. How old is Paris...30ish...if she has to pay a man at that age she really has nothing much to look forward too..

  23. "Don't you know who I am?"
    The first time I heard someone say that was in WKRP, the ''Turkeys Away" episode.
    Les Nessman says it to a shoe salesman--you can imagine what the shoe man did. ;-)
    If it dont work for the Silver Sow Legend, it aint gonna work for you, Paris!

  24. Good stuff.
    It does make me smile.

  25. TGIF ! I don't get why these guys date that skank? While I've dated men younger than me, her age of 31 and his age of 21 SHOULD be a huge metal disparity in maturity. Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking about! I hope he wears body condoms. So glad to hear they got kicked out although apparently they tried to cover it up on their Twitter feeds.

  26. *mental* not metal

  27. Love it, can this security rove all locations in major cities to stop linz from entering too.

  28. Love it, can this security rove all locations in major cities to stop linz from entering too.

  29. Lovely! Yesterday LiLo and today Paris. Love it! Thanks Enty!!

  30. A friend of mine is a maitre d' at an upscale restaurant, he told me about a local news presenter who went right to the head of the queue and demanded a table, pulled the "do you know who I am" thing. My friend said "yes, and you have my condolences". Never piss off a quick-witted queen.

  31. Excellent Munch.

    And look at her stupid ass pose.Oh wait, that's to hide the wonk eye.

  32. Someone taking their order at a restaurant needs to use the line, "And what will your son have?" That ought to torque her shorts.

  33. Wow, Paris is really throwing the chops... That guy (who I know absolutely nothing about) looks 19-21... Paris is my age and this desperation is totally pitiful....

  34. I can hardly wait until I read one of these about Kim Kartrashian.

  35. Why all the hate? It baffles me that another human beings misfortune would "make someones day". What has Paris Hilton ever done to any person on this blog to hurt them or their loved ones? Some say people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian are ruining the world, well i truly believe its all the hatred like this here that is the true root of ruin.

  36. Sad world. People try to love more and hate less...

  37. I hope Kimmy Kardashian is paying attention...this is her in a few years. Famous baby or not...

  38. Chrissy, why do you have hate in your heart for a complete stranger? Why do any of you gain pleasure from another's pain, when you sit and complain about how terrible this world is maybe consider your part in it all. Are you adding to the love or the hate, the progress or regress, the rise or the fall?

  39. I have no hate in my heart for her, honestly. I feel nothing for her...I just look at cold hard facts. I'm sure she is a very nice person, but her kind of 'fame' doesn't last, Paris is an example of that 'fame'.

  40. Ok, I agree your comment wasn't hateful, it just frustrates me to see people who relish in the pain of others. And why are you concerned about her fame? Sorry to be crass I just wish people would love more regardless of there level of fame or not.

  41. hahahaha! stupid bitch. remembering when this piece of trash and brandon davis paid a homeless man $20 to pour a drink on himself, and then laughed. she was cut off by her own grandfather for being so embarassing (think the sex tape was the final straw for him). yay to security. thanks enty!

  42. If I wasn't interested in the fame of random individuals, I wouldn't hop on gossip blogs. Honestly, these blogs are a fun little diversion, and most of the time I don't have an opinion. This time, I just couldn't resist ;) I'm basically a lover not a fighter. Many blogs I don't comment on, or even READ the comments because they are so hateful towards people. This one is quite tame and safe, and my fellow comment leaver's are quite 'G' rated compared to most. :)

  43. Was there an international conspiracy to keep them out?

    The town of Viipuri was ejected from Finland.

    Viiperi was ejected from the Nokia Theatre.

    Nokia is a River in Finland!

    So was there a conspiracy???

    Hell no! They weren't let back in because Paris Hilton sucks, and the world knows it!

  44. @Derrick Treadmill

    Derrick, I understand what you're saying. Celebrities such as Paris Hilton think they are above the law, and the rules of common courtesy. Kim Kardashian became famous because of a sex tape! Neither of these women are nice to others. They take advantage of their positions.

    I don't think it's hatred that people feel so much as frustration with celebrities who act as if they are above acting (sorry am repeating myself) civilly, kindly and generously. They could be using their celebrity for so many good purposes.

  45. ITA@Derrick, but Chrissy Buns response was wonderfully graceful considering she was not the one spewing the "hate".

    Maybe I don't know about all that Paris is done, but I think about Kimora's daughters and what sh$ts she is raising them to be and I say, chances are Paris's grandfather was taking a swipe at how his granddaughter was raised to be. Honestly, had reality t.v existed back then like now, don't you think Mrs. Hilton would have been on the Kris train? He probably voiced his opinions internally and was never heard and cutting her off was his way of saying,"way to raise a fuck up of a human being" (if she is that bad). In any case, as far as human beings go, she doesn't even make it into the spectrum of "horrible".


  46. @French Girl, nice link chica! You used to be so reserved in your comments, but you've grown quite opinionated over the time I've been on this site. I love it. I always pay attention when you make a comment! :)

    P.s I liked when Paris admitted she used to be way too skinny and starve herself and that she now wants to be healthy. She has stuck to it too, she hasn't bounced back to skinny. I think she is trying to grow up, but within her journey/history.

    Her boyfriend is gorg and it sounds like he really loves her-we all deserve that, no? (unless you are an abusive, evil person)....uhmmm don't mention I said that when I snark the shit out of Jennifer Aniston!

  47. @Munch: LOL!! :D

    i LOVE that i dont know her boytoy's name or ever heard about him, she's WAY less relevant than KK nowadays, who would have believed it??!!
