Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough at the premiere of Safe Haven. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it will bomb.
Kristen Bell hiding the baby bump under her sweater.
Lady GaGa doing some shopping and dressed almost normally.
Speaking of shopping, Ryan Gosling gets his middle of the night Coke fix on (why buy three and not a six pack?) while
Eva Mendes wanders the streets walking the dogs.
Not sure what Rita Ora was thinking when she wore this to Paris Fashion Week.
Salma Hayek is dressed way better for the same show.
Sandra Bullock takes Louis to get his hair cut.
Ariel Winter has enrolled in regular school and hangs out with her new friends.


  1. man you cant even walk ur dog without be stalk

  2. Every freaking time I see Josh Duhamel's name, it sounds like bechamel in my head.

    Lady Gaga shops at the Salvation Army store?

    Not liking Salma's outfit. She's gorgeous and love her curves, but the dress doesn't flatter her figure. And the boots, no.

  3. Rita Ora looks unwashed.

    Kristen Bell is such a cute girl, but her comfy lounge outfit is doing her no favors.

    I would like Gaga's outfit better if she were wearing different shoes.

    I have no idea how Josh Duhamel can stand to look at fug Fergie's face.

  4. My God, Hough looks awful. Makeup looks too severe w/the dress; dress is unflattering; shoes do NOT work. Her hair is cute, though, and her eyes are so sparkly.

    1. I love this haircut! It's really cute and flattering.

  5. The girl to the left of ariel looks like bristol palin.

    1. Sleaking of bristol, she had the face sugery, isnt it time to change her name too? It always reminds me of a cleaning product!!!

  6. Come on Enty, Safe Haven could be the new Notebook. *snorts* You need actual talent to recreate the magic of The Notebook.

    Speaking of The Notebook, Ryan had the sodas because one is for him, one is for Eva and one is for me. It's true folks, I am their third wheel.

    That last pic makes me happy. Ariel was being deprived of any normalcy by get own mother, so sick.

  7. considering that Safe Haven is Nicholas Spark film Im sure it will make some money.

  8. back off Lotta - that man is mine (i am willing to share with Eva -shes hot)

  9. I am also willing to share with Eva, but I'm sorry @Canadachick, I've beat you to it ;)

  10. Damn, all of these reality stars and sorry a#$ 'musicians' are ruining Paris!

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      @pini seriously! why the hell is rita chlamydia there?

  11. Yeah, I think Safe Haven will do just fine since it's a Sparks book. He's got rabid loyal fans! He lives very close to where I live too btw.

  12. 'Hey libby, I got an odd number, so I guess you and I have to share....'

    sigh. He looks hotter in pap pics than in any posed shot, to me.

    1. @libby - true story. That is one pretty man there.

  13. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I saw the Safe Haven preview the other night and thought "what a turd" but I still never saw The Notebook either. My idea of a romantic movie is Wild at Heart.

  14. I lurve Wild at Heart! Nic Cage has been worthless since.

  15. This Random Photos should be called "Worst Dressed"

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I feel like Gaga is channeling Lana Del Ray, and I that is one style I would NOT want to pinch. Your closet is safe from me, Gaga!

  18. Saw the preview for Safe Haven last night - woof woof! That looks like a real dawg. It might do OK at the box office, but I'm thinking other movies don't have to worry about Safe Haven hogging up all the award nominations.

    I second the above posters who say Julianne H. has a cute haircut.

  19. Actually, I like Gaga's outfit (well, not the shoes)--it looks very '70s to me somehow--but I'd wait until spring to wear it rather than pull it out in the middle of winter.

    Speaking of appropriate winter attire, I feel compelled to point out to the CDAN "turtlenecks=serial killer" contingent that Jeremy Renner has, once again, been seen in a turtleneck, this time on Live with Kelly & Michael this morning; it was black, worn w/a long black wool overcoat, and looked quite spiffy. Considering how cold it is out here in the northeast lately and that he looks and sounds as if he's nursing a cold and exhausted to boot, though, I personally think he's allowed to bundle up if he wants or needs to...besides, didn't Steve McQueen wear a lot of turtlenecks? Can't start prepping too soon, you know. ;-) (Don't know how it is in NYC today, but here in Boston it's fucking freezing, and only getting colder... *shiver*)

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      @robin i like her entire outfit. if the dress didn't have any sleeves and it was warm outside, i'd try to copy it x)

  20. @Robin
    Shit, I think I was the one who criticized Gaga AND started the turtleneck witch hunt! And to be honest, it's not lady Gaga's dress that is totally bugging me, but the fact that she just seemed to morph into Lana Del Ray. The hair, the clothes, everything! I REALLY don't care for LDR. Please tell me we can agree on at least this! Just kidding. To once again honor Mr Conrad Bain "It takes different strokes to rule the world"

  21. Here's what Rita Ora is thinking: "Hey Rihanna, top this!"

  22. I'm loving the dress on Gaga personally. Yeah the shoes are over the top but the dress is very pretty and feminine.

  23. Sunny: Don't worry, I don't think Gaga's turning into LDR; she's just merrily marching along to the beat of her own drummer (who must be playing 16/11 time or something, I swear...)--it's LDR who's trying to rip off Gaga! As for the turtleneck witch hunt, I just figured I'd head off any speculation at the pass, you know. :-)

    (That's what happens when you're an actor who's a bit too damn good at their job when playing a serial killer, you know...and let's not forget his own mother couldn't bring herself to speak to him for a good 2 weeks after seeing the movie. Really though, if he were going to get THAT into the whole murderer bit, surely it would have happened by now, eh? ;-)

  24. Kristen isn't trying to hide her bump she thinks the bump/sweater/leggings combo is cute - which it totally is on tall, skinny pregnant people. Short, stocky people come out looking like that - I speak from experience. I felt beautiful, but never made as many delusional fashion choices as I did in those 9 months. And I grew up in the 80's so that's really saying something.

  25. I guess this is the badly dressed batch. I will think of them as the outtakes.

  26. Bell is about my height, perhaps an inch or so taller. Short people cannot pull off some outfits that tall folk can. That picture is proof.

  27. Every time I read Lana Del Rey's name (esp. on CDAN for some reason) I hear Kristen Wiig saying it in character in "The Californians" and giggle uncontrollably. :p
