Thursday, January 24, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Ewan McGregor showing off a new beard at LAX where hopefully he ran into
Natalie Portman so they could have a Star Wars reunion.
Ginnifer Goodwin shows off her home.
Anne Hathaway has made some interesting fashion choices recently. Lots of pants.
Harry Styles hits up the ATM.
Jessica Alba at Sundance. Another movie. Another waste of money.
Jane Lynch gets mobbed at Sundance.
Jason Statham and Rosie make up long enough for Rosie to go to the premiere of Jason's new movie.
I don;t know if it is the angle or pants, but Kirsten Dunst looks like a giant here.
A great Louis C.K prank.


  1. Dunst's long flares + shoes w/2"+ platforms are what make her look tall. Boys - sheesh.

  2. Anne's husband looks like a bit of a mouth breather. Reveal on Jason and Rosie? What was the blind?

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      It was a few days ago girlfriend sick of boyfriend going to gay clubs it was within the last week they were a popular guess

  3. Lol at Louis CK!

    I love Ginnifer Goodwin. I think she's freakin' adorable.

    I will also go ahead & declare my new found love for Jessica Alba. I think she's great.

    I watched The Fugitive the other day & noticed for the first time that Jane Lynch is in it.

    Anne H...Barf!

  4. Ha! Thanks for the reveals.

    Annie doesn't want to flash the vag again. Or is it something sinister?

    OT: Manti Te'o just denied the gay rumors on Katie.
    Katie: "Are you gay?"
    MT: "No. Far from it. Faaaaaaaar from that."

    1. He's totally gay! What straight guy dates a girl for a year without meeting her, having sex or cheating because of the lack of sex. Girls would be lining up for a payday if he had been with any. I think he knew the girl was fake but fake or not she was the perfect beard.. well until she wasn't.

    2. Hahaha, you gotta see this guy's face when he answered the question. The whole interview is pretty blah but I'm glad she asked that. They're playing "voicemails" right now.

  5. Love Ewang! And that Louie prank is hilarious.

  6. LOVE Jane Lynch. So glad she's always working.

    What does Alba do again? She was a horrid presenter on the GG's. So wooden and just blah.

  7. Rosie a reveal on the actress whose boyfriend keeps going to gay clubs to "keep from getting mobbed"?

  8. @that's what I thougth Fiesty. I think it is Jason.

  9. Nice catch Feisty and Dragon

  10. I love Jane Lynch! Read her autobiography and am so happy she's successful.

  11. Louie CK is so on my list! ♥ (my husband thinks I'm nuts)

  12. Dont yhink the louie prank remotely funny. And dont shiw us any more of stiyles, his only claim to fame is dating swifty.

  13. Natalie Portman for the sexless-desired-by-Star-Wars-fans actress.

  14. Reveals galore, me thinks....

  15. Harry Styles is walking by the ATM... what does renew your contract mean? I think of that like cell phones or cable bills...

    Methinks the above is correct, lots of potential reveals here.

  16. Kirsten's legs do look so looooong in those pants. Lots of maybe reveals here!

  17. I don't understand the Jessica Alba hate. She's at Sundance with Amy Pohler premiering A.C.O.D. which it's one of the better films showing at the festival.

  18. Auntliddy, Harry Styles is a member of the #1 boy band in the world right now. I think they are probably more popular than Bieber amongst the youngsters. I sure wouldn't say Taylor is his claim to fame.

    1. Uber clearly, boy bands are waay out of my wheelhouse- i dint even know that!!!!! Lol

  19. No hate for Alba but let's call a spade a spade. She is not talented. She's beautiful. She seems like a great mom. She seems like a nice lady.

    She can't act. She comes off as wooden when she tries to act.

  20. how is the louis ck "prank" funny? what am I missing? putting aside using his picture and accusing him of criminal activity, it also discusses peeping on underage girls--again, how is that funny or even clever? I get that he can look like a thug, but really...

  21. Ewan and Jason in one post? Be still my beating heart!!!

  22. I love louis ck!! He is a white mexican like me. Yay for us.

  23. I love louis ck!! He is a white mexican like me. Yay for us.

  24. I dont get the Louis CK prank either!?!

  25. Double post! You will rue the day you messed with me publish button. RUE THE DAY!

  26. I saw nothing else after the Ewan picture, love that man!

  27. Love that pic of Ginnifer Goodwin!

    I know Jane Lynch is sober, but I bet she was fun to knock back a few drinks with back in the day!

  28. Anne H. looks horrible in that photo jeez. What's up with that. Her husband looks wide awake compared to her. So she wears a lot of pants lately...reference to a blind or just saying she wears the pants in her relationship. well no kidding.

  29. Jessica Alba cannot act, I agree. She isn't bad, she just isn't good, if that makes sense. She is gorgeous, so she has that! Harry Styles needs to stop slouching. In every picture I see, he is always doing it. I sound like my grandma, but I don't care. It doesn't take much effort to stand up straight.

  30. @Pookie, at a premiere recently, she flashed her vagina while getting out of a car. With pants on, she doesn't need to worry about that happening.

  31. Loving the not-so-subtle reveals today Enty.

  32. I don't understand the implication about Anne wearing pants. That is strange because...?

  33. I think I am the only person who thinks A. Ginnifer Goodwin is annoying and B. that Louis CK is not funny at all. His SNL was one of the worst ever.

  34. Lilo, you aren't alone. I don't know why, but I find G Goodwin just too... something. Boring? Cutesy? I don't know. Her character on Once Upon a Time annoys me to no end.
