Friday, January 04, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Date night for Kirsten Dunst and her boyfriend.
Katie Holmes is down to her final few performances of Dead Accounts.
Lindsay Lohan stumbles out of a London club last night.
After getting her lips de-plumped, it looks like Lisa Rinna has gone back and got them plumped again.
Miley Cyrus shows off her new dog which she got to replace the dog that was killed by Liam Hemsworth's dog.
A man shot a documentary in the Arctic and built himself a special see-thru cage to protect himself. This is what it was like when a polar bear spent 45 minutes trying to eat him because the bear could smell him.


  1. Afterward, he spent 2 hours cleaning the mess he made in his pants (as to why it took so long, have you ever tried changing your pants outside in the arctic winter?)

    1. And remember Spike what you do in the privacy of your own pants is nobody's business.

  2. That looks like a reveal; Miley's dog killed by her bf's dog. Was a blind about a tweener losing someone/something a while back and the detais being sketchy.

    1. That's what I thought. Sad. Poor dog!

  3. Most popluar guess was Miley and her dog.

  4. I'd be so worried that the cage wouldn't hold indefinitely. Yikes!

  5. @Shit You Can't Buy, was it a blind item? I thought that it was a non-blind story about her dog dying under mysterious circumstances. This is the reveal of the circumstances, I guess.

  6. I think the bear has a cavity. That was an awesome shot of his open mouth.

  7. The man with the polar bear looks remarkably calmer than I would. I think I would be drinking vodka, curled up on the floor, crying.

    Cute puppy Miley has, sad to hear about her other dog.

  8. I probably sound like a broken record but Miley gets a new dog like every month.... Where are the rest of her pets? Thank you enty for revealing what really happened with the 2 year old yorkie who had sudden "health complications."

    1. On her Twitter and Instagram, daily. Seriously. She takes craploads of dog pics. Ziggy, the rescue dog she got Liam attacked the little Yorkie mix, Miley gave him back to the dog rescue place to re-home in a family with no o ther pets or small children, just to be on the safe side. Animals are animals, sometimes they hurt other animals or people, sadly. No telling why he was a rescue to begin with. Sad story.

  9. kiki's boyfriend is cute.

    lindsay wasted all that money on her lips and new botox, and it looked good for what? a day?

  10. Yeah, it was a thinly veiled blind about a tweener not being totally honest about the circumstances surrounding a recent death.

    I'm not about to blame Miley for this one though. Dogs, like people can sometimes just snap. It's sad, but it's not like she was running a dog fighting operation.

  11. Why is it "Kirsten Dunst and her boyfriend" and not "Kirsten Dunst and Garrett Hedlund"? Why does he just get relegated to the status of "boyfriend" rather than being referred to by name? Why isn't it "date night for Garrett Hedlund and his girlfriend," then? (Yes, I'm more of a Garrett Hedlund fan than a Kiki Dunst fan. Was it obvious?)

    1. Exactly. Garrett definitely seems more relevant .

    2. Yes. this is exactly what I was coming here to write! What the heck is Enty'a beef with Garrett Hedlund?? It's the same as him always writing "Derek Jeter's girlfriend" instead if Minka Kelly.

  12. That guy had to have great faith in his equipment! I've read that Polar bears will track and hunt men, I'm surprised he gave up after only 45 minutes. Must have already had a snack somewhere.
    Miley, forewarned is forearmed, keep the puppy away from Liam's dog. You need to be there when they are introduced, and watchful, some dogs just see little dogs as prey. I do see you've chosen a larger breed this time.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The polar bear is actually kinda cute. Awww!

  15. The polar bear is actually kinda cute. Awww!

  16. @Cathy: Yeah, that was the blind I was talking about :)
    Popular guess was Miley's dog being killed by one of her other dogs, but guess it was one of her bf's dogs. Still very sad.. Hope this new doggie is safe.

  17. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to be in that car thingy with the polar bear!!! That is some scary shit!!!

    1. Exactly, and you couldn't pay me a million dollars to subject myself to that much snow!

  18. That's an awesome shot of the polar bear.

    Lisa's lips still look big but no longer gross looking like they used to.

  19. As a dog lover, I hate to hear about anyone's pet dying under most any circumstances. But, in Miley's case, I say let's give her as much benefit of the doubt as possible. My brother's dog was killed by his other dog, and while tragic, it wasn't anything but a terrible accident. The dogs were in the backyard playing, while my brother was at work. As doggie buddies do, they were wrestling around, and the smaller, female's teeth got hung in the larger, male dog's collar. The female panicked, and ended up strangling her much larger companion trying to free herself.

    Long story short - horrible accidents happen, even to the most responsible pet owners. And my brother's dogs no longer wear collars while unsupervised.

  20. As for the Miley dog situation, a quick search led me to discover they apparently gave away the dog responsible for the other's death. And they're not sure if it was a malicious activity or just playing gone wrong.

  21. Those arctic photos are giving me flashbacks of Luke Skywalker fighting off the Wampa snow creature.

  22. HA HA HA HAH A!!!! Yes, Miley is running a viscious dog fighting ring.

  23. Frufra: Sad, horrible story.

    I love how Lisa Rinna got her lips deplumped nut you never see any pictures that prove that. And now she's back to the old way. Why?

  24. Miley's puppy is adorable--she better be on point with this one!
    I thought that was Demi Lovato exiting the club with Lindsay (horrors!)

  25. Lindsay's lady friend reminds me of Roxy from Basic Instinct

  26. Yay Bear. Looks like me trying to open a child-proof medicine bottle.
    First, reason with the bottle. Second, try to muscle it.
    Third, holler.

  27. If my boyfriend's dog killed my dog Id lose it and kill the dog with my bare hands. I dont know about you other dog lovers but Id take a pit bull to the face for my baby. Ive gone after dogs snarling like a lunatic before because they tried to bite him. He's just a big hairy clown. But his mother is a raging psycho, the dogs in the neighborhood say, so we better fuck off.

  28. Haha, polar bear guy shit his pants, @Spike, exactly what I was thinking. Id giggle while it was running down my leg, that viscious predator is adorable. I wonder if that's what I look like to the chows in my neighborhood. I hope so. ;)

  29. Lisa's lips were much much worse than that. They were horrendous!

  30. I know this is bad as I doike her acting, but i hope Kiki and Garrett Hedlund don't get married or anything so I can keep my fantasies about him alive, even if it is in only in my head hahah. I'm fan girl over him like crazy :p

  31. It wasn't Liams dog, it was Miley's bulldog Ziggy who attacked Lila. Shit situation though. My best friends dog recently killed her grandmothers Pom. The little dog was a feisty one and charged the big one. The big one can be pretty territorial, but had always done well around the Pom, nevery any issues. So she attacked and the Pom ended up dying a few days later. It's so sad, but accidents happen.

    But damn, she did replace that dog pretty quick.

  32. How many fucking dogs does Miley have? I hate people who collect animals (I'm looking at you, Wonky).

  33. Katies shoes match her dress. The chances that the shoes cost less than 2k are slim to none. The chances that she will ever wear the shoes or the dress again, about the same.
    Oh to be that rich.

  34. The guy with the polar bear is Gordon Buchanan, wildlife photographer. I'm a big fan. he also made a programme about walking with black bears in Minnesota. Can't wait to see this one.

  35. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Canned man anyone? Don't you hate it when you can't find a can opener. Poor Polar Bear. Dead accounts is a good title for a Katie Holmes broadway failure, I hope she can figure out something to do for the rest of her life. If people aren't going to see her now, then when will they? Her best hope was for a rich benefactor to marry her and take care of her the rest of her life, and then she cocked up her settlement from TC. Katie, Katie, Katie. She doesn't have the looks or talent to be anything other than a Wife/Mom to a meal ticket child. Sure she's more likable going it on her own, and God knows living with Tommy Girl had to be like stabbing your eye with a fork every day, but could she have not walked away with more cash? A house? Something? I applaud her, but I worry for her financial future.

  36. Anna, just curious, how do you know Katie didn't get a good settlement?

  37. Interesting spelling for anonymous. Very clever

  38. Wasn't Miley's dog, Enty's favorite celebrity Dog?

  39. I have to ask:

    Would you put a cheeseburger in a locked, see-through box in front of a starving person?? 'Cause that's how I read these photos (probably the bear, did, too).

    Poor bear.
