Friday, January 18, 2013

Robert Wagner Refuses To Talk To The Police

Now that there is a fresh coroner report with evidence showing that Natalie Wood was beaten prior to her death, Robert Wagner has decided he no longer will talk to police who are investigating the case once again. Uh oh. Wagner's attorney says that his client has spoken to the police numerous times in the past 30 years and has nothing left to say. Of course it is very strange that he is willing to talk to them for 30 years and then when they have some questions he has not had to answer before about the beating she took before ending up in the water he suddenly decides to get quiet.


  1. Who does he think he is, Lindsey Lohan?

  2. No, juvenile Enty. It is not strange.

  3. He has gotten away with it this long, why talk now??

  4. There is nothing they can do now, he got away with it. How can they tell there were bruises so many years later? From photos?

    Is anyone ordering that Going Clear book on Scientology? Just ordered after watching this interview about a family that escaped:

    1. Can someone make this clicky? I don't know jow

  5. Enty,you know nothing!

    @Crystal: +1

  6. Well, if the police keep dredging this up, they must have some idea who killed her; after all, there were only 3 other people on the boat, so if she was murdered, it is most likely Wagner, as he'd have more of. Motive than Walken or the captain...

    But, that being said, I think 30 years after the fact, unless the other two people unite & both come forward saying it was the third person & they kept quiet all these years for whatever reason, I don't see how they can charge anyone with murder. I mean otherwise, without two corroborating (sp?) eyewitnesses, how could you prove murder beyond spevulation at this point, especially if at leadt

    Two of the three stick to their original story...(sorry for the weird spcing, typing comments on here on my iPad sometimes doesn't let me go orward again fter I back up to fix an error for some reason...)

    1. Rick- u can correct. I had same problem. When you are finished, click done. Now you can place cursor where mistake was and delete, clicking the x key in lower right. You have to click done and go back in for every correction tho. Incentive to type better, lol

  7. I just bought "Going Clear" on iBooks today! Already read about 100 pages (well, iPad "pages", LOL). So far, it's an interesting read...I already know a lot about Scientology, but e's doing a good job of covering the "Basics" for the uninitiated while still throwing in some tidbits & a good narrative style to keep those in the know interested while he goes over the basic stuff in the beginning...

  8. They can always court order him to co- operate.

  9. I wouldn't talk to them either under the circumstances.

    I'm not saying I know what he may/not have done however it pisses me off when people are deemed "guilty" because they won't talk to police and/or they invoke their 5th amendment rights. Do uou know how many times the police take what someone innocent says, twist it around and suddenly they're "suspects" and their lives become hell? In the same vein, it pisses me off when the police and/or the public deem someone guilty because they aren't mourning "properly". Everyone mourns differently.

    I reiterate, my rant has nothing to do with what happened to NW since I have no idea what took place that night.

    (Sorry about the OT rant :P)

  10. @Pogue, a court cannot order you to give up your 5th amendment rights.

  11. Rick, That's good to know there are some new things covered. I've read many stories but I know there's more. There have been several stories about children being kept in horrid conditions. I don't know how there haven't been raids and arrests for that.

  12. LOla: What are 5th Amendment rights? I'm not American....

    1. 5th amendment states you have the right to refuse to answer questions in court of law on the grounds it may incriminate you. So person is asked question, and replies, i plead the 5th.

    2. Pretty sure that "taking the 5th' is invoked in trial or grand jury proceedingds. I don't think this is invoked prior to trial, as it could signal a guilty mind. People can refuse in answer questions and when they request a lawyer police must cease questioning. But I'm being silly. LaLa land is the legal equivalent of Candyland.

    3. Pretty sure that "taking the 5th' is invoked in trial or grand jury proceedingds. I don't think this is invoked prior to trial, as it could signal a guilty mind. People can refuse in answer questions and when they request a lawyer police must cease questioning. But I'm being silly. LaLa land is the legal equivalent of Candyland.

  13. This just makes me sad. The little girl from Miracle on 34th Street and her "prince" were finally making it work. She had such a hard life and I bet it wasn't much different from Sophia Loren's. (I am sure I am not the only one who has heard these stories of her being an escort?!?). always loved Hart to Hart even if I was a toddler when it was on. I had a crush on RW myself. Who knows what happened, and it makes me mad that RW won't cooperate, but how many times have they questioned him now? Starting to feel more like a witch hunt!

  14. As commenter B626 pointed out in the previous article about this, bruises to the wrists, knees, and feet don't add up to being beaten, so I don't blame him for finally applying the brakes after 3 decades of being cooperative.

  15. Who knows what goes on inside a Hollywood marriage? On a yacht, with LOTS of booze amongst all, and a suspected affair between 2? Does RJ even remember?
    Why ISN'T Christopher Walken blabbing? Does he feel somehow responsible?Is it possible they all drank to the point of blackout? Lets say you did blackout and went with the basic drowning story because of your embarrassment of your way over the line abuse of booze that nite. OR he beat the hell out of and threw her overboard and then untied the boat and let the tide take it out.

    1. Walken says he was asleep and doesnt know what happened.

  16. Suspicious.

    All he has to do is keep saying he doesn't remember. No court can prove disprove whether or not you remember something.

  17. I don't blame him for lawyering up. I sure hope he didn't do it, I always liked him.

    As for the Going Clear book - I'm just waiting for the price to come down a little on Kindle.

  18. Wagner is 82.
    No prosecutor will go after him!
    If the prosecutor is stupid enough to offer him immunity to get him to talk, then he says he did it & they can't do a thing to him, so that won't happen.

    And yeas, it probably was some B&D stuff that caused the bruises & they were magnified by her desperate attempts to get back into the boat.

    He's also rich enough to leave the country & stay in Europe for the rest of his life.
    He would never be extradited due to his age & that the alleged crime was so long ago.

  19. @Pogue...

    It is a constitutional right guaranteeing a person against self incrimination. You don't have to do/say/give anything or any information which might prove your guilt and/or make you look guilty. If you invoke 5th amendment rights, you do not have to testify (even if called as a witness) if such testimony would infer any guilt on you (this also holds true in a court case where you personally are not on trial but where you might be called to testify). This is also the amendment that spawned "Miranda Rights" ("You have the right to remain silent..."). Additionally, in Trammel v U.S.,the 5th amendment was expanded to also mean that spouses cannot be made to give incriminating information/testimony.

    (It is also the "due process", "double jeopardy","eminent domain/just compensation" amendment)

  20. Part of me says let sleeping dogs lie ,but part of me knows justice has to be served. But really, why all the effort in this case? Arent there other cold cases the need investigating. A late night boozefest on a yacht, someone falls overboard. No one can tell anything because they were all out of it! My friend ran pleasure boats trips for years as a captain. He said death by drowning after drinking too much is very common. It happened on his boat once and he was devastated. Never captained again. And he was not at all responsible, but he felt it deeply. Just saying, booze+water= trouble.

  21. We will never know...

  22. *It is a constitutional amendment guaranteeing a person's right against self incrimination.

    (Please use this instead of that rubish of a first sentence.)

  23. Lola and auntliddy: then what's stopping ALL criminals and everyone guilty of a crime from "pleading The Fifth" then to get them out of being found guilty of a crime and punished? Can't they all just say that to try and get out of it by just saying they don't want to incriminate themselves? Sounds like a loophole to me...

    1. Most criminals are dumb, they think they're smarter than the police so they open their mouths and get caught.

    2. Plus sometimes evidence overwhelming. For example, if muder victiim's DNA found in suspects car, thay dont need him to admit it; the evidence speaks for itself.

  24. He won't talk because he did it!

    And unless those books are free, I'm not ordering shite. I can barely afford to eat ketchup these days.

    Here is the link Elizabeth posted.
    Here is the link pheonix posted

  25. I just hope this isn't a case of a DA or Detective trying to make a name for themselves by flogging the dead body of Natalie to the media and nothing to show for it.

    If they have proof to prosecute then arrest him and have a trial.

    I don't care if Robert is 82 or Christopher is 69. If either of them murdered or helped cover up after the fact, then they or he should stand trial for his/their actions. There is no statue of limitations of murder, you are never to old to go to jail either.

  26. Pogue just because they plead the fifth it doesn't mean that the entire case and all of the evidence is thrown out the window. It just means that the person being tried is keeping their mouth shut.

  27. Most smart people (or people with a good lawyer) DO plead the 5th.

    It is up to the state to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, with or with out a confession.

    (As an aside, the 5th amendment also protects a person from a charge of perjury for entering a plea of "not guilty" in a court proceeding.)

  28. uh if she was beaten before her death then that is new information, the case is reopened and Wagner sure as shit answer some questions.

    I don't really give a shit if he was 100, the man murdered his wife, let's be real. None of this adds up.

    he can plead the 5th all he wants, it won't help him in the long run to shut up.

  29. You can "take the 5th" in any legal proceeding, including court, grand jury,depositions...anything that requires an oath to tell the truth.

    Miranda is not pleading the 5th ("taking the 5th") per se, but was decided under the 5th's self incrimination clause. Refusing to speak under the protections of Miranda and/or "taking the 5th" under police questioning is, for all intents, one and the same.

    Under law, pleading the 5th specifically cannot be used as a consideration of "a guilty mind" (whether or not jurors, judges, etc. unconsciously think it is another matter and a reason some lawyers advise clients to testify).

  30. I don't believe that robert wagner is blameless at all. however, this 'new' coroner evidence seems very shaky to me. 'fresh coroner report?' seriously, a fresh coroner report decades later? do not buy that it is legit.

  31. I think this is just going to be one of those unsolved mysteries ( awesome show btw) that we will never know the true answer. Kind of like JonBenet, Hoffa's body/ murderer, etc. Maybe someday if there's a God he can solve these for us. Or Nostradamas part 2

  32. How is the evidence "fresh?" Was she exhumed? If it's a new expert looking at an old autopsy and having a difference of opinion with the original medical examiner, it is not new evidence. It's a new interpretation of old evidence. Nothing will come of this. Why is Entry trying to turn this into a story? Speculative garbage.

  33. he's already gotten away with it. even if they arrest him tomorrow ( right after Lindsay Lohan) he's still lived his life and gotten away with it. Simpsons - I should lock you away where you can't kill or maim us, bt this is LA and you're rich and faaaaaaaaaamoooooooous

  34. Cocksucker beat the shit out of her because he caught her fucking Christopher Walken and dumped her overboard.

    1. I believe that was the prevailing theory when she died.

  35. If my mother/sister died mysteriously, I wouldn't care how long it took to get the truth.

    The family and friends deserve that at the least; talk of time gone by and/or old age doesn't mean shit when there is doubt involved. Possibly going to jail at his age would just mean that the crows have come home to roost; tough tit.

  36. I don't think RW is a violent man. I think that I wouldn't talk to police either. She also didn't have an affair with whats his name, she was just flirting with him, which pissed RW off. They got into a fight. They were like the Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor relationship.

    It's been 30 years. Let it rest now. The man is in his 70's/80's now. He's not a threat to society.

  37. The whole thing is such a tragedy.

  38. "It's been 30 years. Let it rest now. The man is in his 70's/80's now. He's not a threat to society."

    jesus christ. shit like that is what's wrong with society today.

  39. I don't know much about Natalie Wood, but her life was insane. Her mother was a stage mother to put Dina to shame, even going as far as to pull the wings off of a butterfly to get her to cry in a movie and repeatedly told her she would die in dark water. Natalie's 1st marriage to RJ broke up when she found him w another man. His bisexuality was pretty common knowledge for awhile, like Lee Majors. She was flirting with Walken and they had been heavily drinking and taking ludes. RJ flipped out and broke a bottle on the table screaming to Walken "Do you wanna f*ck my wife?!" of which he has admitted. Walken freaked and left, passing out in his cabin. RJ and NW had a huge knock down drag out fight, the end of which is supposed him throwing her off the boat then yelling drunkenly at her to "calm down, we'll be there to get you" as he sent the captain of the boat on a wild goose chase looking for NW on the boat instead of in the water.

    Again, all of this is alleged except for what he has admitted. Check out the book the captain wrote and her sister Lana's bio. I'm not here to hang RJ but something isn't clean in the milk, to quote MK.

  40. After reading how much they had been drinking all day in that bar on Catalina & then continuing back on the boat, I would be shocked if Robert Wagner remembers anything about that night.

  41. In the captain's book, he says that she was likely dragged across the deck. The scrapes on her skin were from the anti-slip paint on the deck, the stuff with grit mixed in. I can understand reopening a case if there is new evidence, but really, what's up with a new coroner's report. Did someone find something that has been over looked?

    That said, I don't care how old RJ is. If there reason to question him, then question him. If there is evidence against him or anyone else, then investigate and charge them with a crime.

  42. Cue Young/Old RW being carried off in cuffs while the ghost of Natalie Wood smiles and gives a thumbs up, Cold Case stylee.

  43. My opinion: He can't answer the question as to whether the two ever came to blows in their marriage, because it might be yes, and he could be charged with that Natalie was physical, too, in a "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf" kind of way, as I recall reading.

    I have no idea what happened, but if I wrote this as a movie with a twist, the answer would be the resentful captain sees actress flirting with/making out with guest, and her husband getting angry. Guest goes to his room. Husband has stormed off. Captain has a big ego and is a resentful type, after all this time wanting the star, he makes a play for her since he's learned she's no angel after flirting with the guest, and she says no. He gets enraged, mainly over class issues and ego, and puts her off the boat and goes far from where she is. He knows a lot about how she was dragged, and put in his book, because he was there. Surprise ending.

  44. Not too surprised at this. There have been rumors for years that he did it. He killed her.

  45. #lola, you''re close but off on a few points. you can be compelled to give certain things (e.g., dna and things found in a search pursuant to a legal warrant or otherwise legally authorized search) even if you do not consent and those things can be used against you. miranda is a supreme court decision imposing a requirement that police give the required warning prior to questioning; if they do not the questioning and answers cannot be used against the person being questined, except in specific circumstances articulated in court decisions.

  46. and my favorite urban legend is she found wagner and walken in bed together :-)
