Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Mid-Life Crisis

This actor is A list as long as you confine him to television. Put him in a movie and he does not get anything close to a lead. he has had a crazy past two years. Big split with his significant other because of the affair he had with his co-worker. She decided that she wanted to give it another shot with her significant other and ended up breaking off the relationship which devastated our comedic actor. While he throws himself into several different projects simultaneously, he also has been going through every female at his production office and has been bringing an 18 year old blonde with him to work everyday to throw it in the face of his co-worker who dumped him. The actor and his teenager spend most of the day groping each other and barely spend any time apart. She does still live at home though which has caused a bit of a problem I'm sure. She was scheduled to go to school last semester and then again this semester but he talked her into not going just so she can hang out with him during the day at work. And it is just day. She has to be home by 10pm every night. His ex has heard the rumors but has never seen the teen. I would love to see that meeting.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Gob, no!!!!! Other actress is Christina Applegate.

  2. where are her parents???????

    1. At their house? The girl is 18 doesn't have to live with parents.

  3. I agree - Will Arnett

  4. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Will Arnett's not a bad guess. I got nothin'.

  5. Will Arnett first came to me.

  6. Man! I thought I'd be first, but no. Will Arnett/Amy Poehler/Christina Appelgate

  7. Matthew Perry popped into my head...

  8. Sounds like Will Arnett. Really pathetic if true.

  9. Will Arnett is A list Tv actor??
    "Signifiant other" are mean words for a wife if the guy is married

    1. @Frenchgirl- I think that significant other was directed at the co-worker he was cheating with. She the Co-worker wanted to try things again with her significant other.

  10. I was going to say Will Arnett too

  11. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Gob, no!!!!! Other actress is Christina Applegate.

  12. And the curfew is the only problem they have with this?!!! She obviously wasn't raised by Black grandparents because mine DID NOT PLAY. I can't imagine doing this or allowing my teenaged daughter to do this while under my roof.

  13. I thought of Will Arnett. how old is the teenager?


  14. No, not Gob!!! (although I think it might be....) :(

  15. Replies
    1. Gob is the name of Will Arnette's character on Arrested Development.

    2. Hahahaha! It took me that long too........pronounced Jobe.....like the houseplant stakes...haha

  16. Gob = Arnett's character on "Arrested Development." George Oscar Bluth.

  17. @French Girl, Enty uses "significant other" to mean anyone in a relationship; it doesn't exclude husbands/wives.

    It's not supposed to be rude; it just makes it so we have more people to guess from.

  18. I can't imagine letting an older guy, no matter how famous, hang out with my daughter. That's just creepy (kind of like the Modern Family episode last week). In any case, Will Arnett is a great guess.
    Poor Amy (and Christina, for that matter) -- hanging on for his mid-life crisis is only going to leave you broken and bruised. You (both) can do so much better.

  19. Why so much parent hate? Are they more responsible for their grown daughter seeing this guy than the guy is? 18 is a rebellious age, might be they're keeping as much control over her as they can until she's past this. As for him, ug, just using the poor star struck young'un. Yeah, I hate agreeing with Will Arnett, but I do :-(

  20. Oh please let this be Will Arnett. I've always thought he was a smarmy douche and this would confirm it.

  21. You guys are so good! I can totally see why enty would love to see the Amy/teenager meet up. The verbal spanking Amy would give would be amazing!

  22. Sounded kind of like Johnny Galecki, but he's dating Kelly Garner.

  23. Did anyone else see the block of episodes of Arrested Development on IFC this weekend?? I had no idea they aired it so often. I got sucked in. It was a few episodes around when Buster got his hook hand. "I'M A MOOOOONSTERRRRR!!!!!"

    Yes, this is so GOB.

  24. This makes me sad! If this is Will, I hope he pays as much attention to his kids as he does the teenager.

  25. It makes me sick to think that this might be Will Arnett, but everything fits. I feel absolutely devastated for Amy, but I'm glad she got out with her self-respect and left his sorry midlife crisis-having ass.

    And p.s. Arnett was on Kimmel about a month after his and Amy's split was announced, and Kimmel showed a picture of Will's new "buff body" and Arnett goes, "how's your midlife crisis going?" Also, a few months ago he was filming Up All Night, his 30 Rock cameos, and the Arrested Development episodes. So 'throwing himself into several different projects simultaneously' is completely accurate.

  26. @Cheryl - my grandparents and parents were white, and they would have locked me in my closet before they would allow this. Has nothing to do with race. Has everything to do with good/bad parenting (and grandparenting).

  27. Tacky.as.hell.

    Does this mean he and Christina fooled around? That's disappointing.

  28. @Jolene Jolene - I love to say that when I'm have a bad face/body day. I'm a monnnnnssstttterrrrrrrr!

  29. I love Arrested Development, but always got the feeling that Will was a lot like his character Gob (for those who don't watch, it's pronounced JOE-b, like Job from the bible). Very smarmy and full of himself.

    If this is him, good for Amy for getting out of there. (Her little ginger is absolutely adorable, too. Nothing to do with the story, I just think he's a little cutie.)

  30. Why would an 18yr old have a curfew? Isn't she legally an adult?

  31. Go Gob! Love Will Arnett - do not get the Amy Poehler love...maybe if she was funny I'd like her more.

    1. I don't either. I have no idea why people find her funny.

  32. How about David Duchovney ? Maybe he's living his Hank character in real life.

  33. I used to think that was his shtick the whole "uber douche" thing but this is just getting pathetic. Everytime I see that commercial of his where he's like "I know, I'm Will Arnett.." UGH! I just wanna smack him. I love Up All Night but I feel like even his character is oozing douche now with his new "hot body". Blech! I really hope Christina did not go there with him. She looked so happy with her fiance`.. they just had that baby together... :( makes me sad.

  34. @plrtz glrb, you live in Momma's house, you play by Momma's rules.

    Gang did we ever get "proof" that Christina and Will had a thing? If so fill me in please =)

    And wasn't he the top guess for the bozo dad dating the woman who said 'me or the kids' and he picked her?

  35. aaaaaaaaaaaaaand he has been looking a wee bit man/tanorixic.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This is disappointing. Why did Will Arnett have to be a such a douche? :(
    Amy remains awesome.

    1. Exactly. I feel the same way. :(

  38. I do not find Will Arnett funny. His show is awful. I don't know how some of that shit stays on the air.

  39. A day or two ago, they showed the "SVU" episode with Will Arnett as part of a ring of pedophiles. I have to say, his creepiness in that episode always seemed terribly natural. Same for the SATC episode he was in (as the guy who liked the thrill of being caught having sex).

    I never really got why anyone thought he was cute and charming with Amy; he always has had that creepy vibe to him, at least for me.

  40. honestly, regarding the will arnett guesses, it fits clue-wise, but I would hope that amy poehler would not have married a man who would date a teenager. an affair w/a woman about his age is bad enough, but the teenager thing is beyond disgusting.

  41. "I don't really care for Gob."

    So many men don't realize how good they have it, think the grass is greener, and fuck up their whole lives. They end up as broken-down perma-bachelors whose GF's ages never change...18-28. Until they get sick & die alone.

    This blind would totally explain those pics of him being such a cooperative co-parent & attentive to Amy a couple months back! He looked defeated & contrite, I knew it!

    1. @libby, bonus points for the Lucille quote! :)

  42. Before anyone thinks I meant that Gob being a good co-parent meant he was defeated, I just meant in those pics he looked like he was totally SUCKING UP to Amy. This blind would explain it.
    (He's always been an attentive father, as far as i know. i just wanted to be clear about my above comment. thanks.)

  43. Will/Amy/Christina is a much more current guess and it certainly does fit, but the name that popped into my head when reading this was Matt LeBlanc. Granted, "split due to affair with coworker" is a common affliction in Hwood anyway. But the description and situation fit. Just might have happened too long ago to be relevant to this BI.

  44. @annabella - perhaps she didn't know...when many men go through mid-life crises they behave in ways their S.O.s never thought they would. So just because he's going for teenagers now doesn't mean she would've had any idea that's what he was into when they got married.

  45. You guys are really good! Forgot about Will Arnett but it sure fits. Amy is most Definetely still awesome, can't say the same for Will and Christina if this is true.

  46. Oh I can imagine the meeting. Amy would look at her, open her mouth to say something but close it again and keep staring. And the 18 year old would squirm.

    I'd hang out with GOB if it meant eventually meeting Amy!

  47. I totally hope it's not Will, but that would explain Amy amping up her va-va-va-voom-ness of late. Still, I'd think it would say "wife" instead of significant other.

    Also, what kind of scum bag keeps a kid from going to school? That really gets to me.

  48. I am in denial about this being Will Arnett. Love him, love Christina Applegate, and I love Up all night/Arrested Development. Enty is making is sound like Will Arnett is a disaster when it comes to movies, but all I'm really seeing is that he voiced something in the animated Despicable Me and he was in Blades of Glory which had a cult following. Please don't let this be WA!!

    Someone up there guessed Michael C Hall from Dexter. I am a diehard Dexter fan, but I would much rather this be him!

  49. And Cheryl - I thought your comment about your Grandma was funny! Michael K from Dlisted is always joking about his hardcore Mexican Abuelita too. From my experience (I'm white), a lot of white grandparents are made to feel they can not discipline/correct their grandbabies without incurring the wrath of their adult children.

    1. southern parents in general are hardcore discipliners lol...my mom was strict and my grandmother was even stricter to her growing up

    2. southern parents in general are hardcore discipliners lol...my mom was strict and my grandmother was even stricter to her growing up

  50. Up All Night hasn't even been on air for 2 full seasons, so we're supposed to believe that Arnett had an affair with Applegate not only while his own wife was pregnant, but while Applegate had only recently had a baby herself? It's obviously not unheard of, but its pretty unlikely considering the individuals involved. Especially since one of the costars on the show is one of his now ex-wife's best friends. This whole blind just reads like a rumor that someone heard - which is actually one of the ways that Enty actually comes up with his blinds, so take things with a grain of salt.

  51. The only thing I like about Up All Night is Maya Rudolph's character. She's funny.

  52. This sounds like a plotline for Episodes, Matt LeBlanc's show.

  53. I've made a huge mistake.

    (And I love Will Arnett just because of GOB. I think I always will, no matter what skeezy thing he does).

  54. @ Joan Reed - sorry you don't get the Amy love - I think she's wonderful. I miss the fact that she's not rail thin anymore ONLY because she won't be able to play the Kaitlin character anymore ("Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick!"). That character used to slay me. Other than that, she just keeps getting better. Amy forever!

  55. Up All Night was so wonderful during Season 1...now NBC has fucked with everything about it, and it's kind of sucky now. These new episodes will now have a laugh track, which utterly disgusts me. I'm only staying loyal because I am a huge Maya Rudolph fan and was a huge fan of Will Arnett, but even if this blind isn't him I'm thinking the split had something to do with him :(

  56. If Will Arnett got some Applegate, he just gained a shit load of cool points in my book. Kelly Bundy at 40 > any 18 year old out there, and I don't say shit like that often. I'd give 3 toes for a night with her.

  57. Nooooo Christina!!!!

    I concur with the Micheal C Hall guess

  58. Danny Devito _ Rhea Pearlman

  59. Sunny - Funny, but true. NONE of my children's grandparents had any trouble disciplining them, either in front of me or when I was away. It was just understood that they were extensions of the parent, and the children would be treated accordingly.

    Maybe I'm not fully in the game, but didn't Christina just have a baby not to long ago? After her double-mastectomy? With her SO?

    I find it hard to believe this is her.
