Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Your Turn

Things you just don't do. Using the last piece of toilet paper and not replacing the roll. Eating the entire bag of potato chips and putting it back in the cupboard with just some broken pieces. Your turn.


  1. My biggest one is HOW DO PEOPLE NOT CHECK TO MAKE SURE THEY'VE PROPERLY FLUSHED?!?!!?!?!@? I have serious issues with public restrooms and every time I have to use one I get grossed the F out.

  2. Make a mess in the microwave and leave it there.

  3. Blast music from your phone in a public place. That's what headphones are for. No one wants to hear your shitty taste in music!

  4. ITA Amber, flush til you're finished!!!

  5. I'm with you, Amber. My pet peeve is people who don't courtesy flush in a public bathroom.

  6. Fail to say thank you when someone holds the door open.

    And, fake a pregnancy? Beyonce.....any thoughts on that?

  7. @Amber, right on. Look behind you, for fuck's sake! Make sure the seat is clean for the next person, too.

  8. Leave dirty dishes in the sink WHEN THERE IS A DISHWASHER RIGHT THERE.

    Sorry. Rough morning at my place before coming to work.

    1. Ugh. My husband has been doing this lately. But he's doing so many other projects around the house that I'm incapable of doing, that I haven't called him out on it yet and am choosing to fume in silence, and put the dishes in the dishwasher myself.

  9. Decide to not sit on a toilet seat, and make it impossible for anyone coming after to do so, because it's peed on. I am talking office bathroom, not train station. Makes me nuts! I even put up signs!!!!

    1. How about this?

      Standing on the toilet seat......with your shoes on.....(cause I can see the scuff marks)

  10. Not cleaning the lint trap in the dryer.

    Not rinsing dishes when you're hand washing them - just going from soapy water to drying them with a towel *shudder*

  11. Leaving the gas tank on the car with only fumes to run on. Surprise!! :(

  12. leave drawers or cabinet doors open.

  13. Put the container of ice cream with 2 bites left in it back in the freezer. Soo rude! Someone thinks they are getting a treat and instead a big bowl of disappointment is all that's there. My kids are horrible for this! Drives my hubby crazy!

  14. I also hate when people will put in an e-mail, "Let me know if you won't be attending," when they REALLY want to know if you WILL attend.

  15. Mine is a mom/carpool thing: people who refuse to obey the simple rules of the school drop off and pick up lane. There's a system in place, people! Your failure to leave the house on time does not give you an excuse to break every traffic rule in the book WHILE PEOPLE ARE DROPPING OFF THEIR, PRECIOUS, TINY, HARD TO SEE FROM A CAR CHILDREN.

    Sorry for the yelling - I've had to stifle myself since my 5th grader asked me to "stop freaking out" every morning. Feels good to let it all out.

  16. @NYer, my fiance and my male housemate are notoriously bad at closing drawers and cabinets. I'll walk into the kitchen and there will be four or five of them open and I just wonder WHY?!

    1. It's written into the male DNA to leave cabinets and drawers open! It makes a clean room look dirty.

    2. @karen, Sarah - it absolutely is written in the male DNA! Lemme tell ya, as a 20+ year veteran of marriage to a man, pick your battles. If he's a wonderful man who loves and respects you, consider just closing the drawers and doors as you pass them. Ditto about the wadded up socks left on the living room floor every night (sideeye to Mr. Frufra).

    3. Male DNA also means they can't see crumbs on the counter (side eye to Mr. Med) which annoys the CHITLINS out of me.

  17. Sneezing without covering your mouth is also a huge pet peeve of mine. Please cover your mouth, hide inside you're shirt, something! Germs, germs, germs.

    1. Omg yes! Or they sneeze in their hand and immediately touch something! Gross!

  18. Take something "clean" out of the dishwasher that has dried-on food ... then toss it back in there for a re-wash without scrubbing the food off. If it didn't come clean the first time, it's not going to the second time!

  19. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Not refilling/replacing ANYTHING. Don't eat the last granola bar and leave the box in the cabinet. Don't empty the toilet paper roll and leave it empty. Don't use all the gas in the car.

    Agreed also with the not flushing. In my last office building, SOMEONE on our floor never flushed...these are professional, adult women we're talking about...even at certain times of the month. It was nauseating. Turn around, look, and keep pushing that knob until everything's all clean again.

  20. My pet peeve is sitting across the table from someone who is talking with food in their mouth.

  21. @LottaColada: YES! So. Gross.

  22. @Frufra, my work parking deck has very clear arrows and it's all one-way. Still, people will go the wrong way just so that they can get to a more preferred spot sooner. There have been multiple e-mails about not doing this and it just FRIES me. I don't know why I care so much, but I do.

    1. @karen - girl, this issue makes me stabby. Who do these entitled clowns think they are??

      Every night I pray that I'll get assigned traffic duty next year. Not really, but I think I'm going to start. Look for this headline:

      Crazy Oklahoma Educator Smashes Wayward Driver with One of Those Long-Handled Stop Signs.

      I'll have to work on the headline, but you get the gist.

  23. Shopping carts in the middle of the lot.

    Parking in the fire lane outside Target. I'm always afraid some kid is going to run out in front of the illegally parked car.

    ITA about people not flushing. Disgusting.

  24. Rummaging through an organized drawer and then leaving it a mess for the next person.

  25. You do not dare to bring your cell phone to my dinner table. Ever .

  26. People eating off their knife. SO rude.

  27. I fight with my teenager constantly about eating all but crumbs and then putting the box back.

    Same with drinking all but an ounce of the milk or juice and then putting it back in the refrigerator.

    My biggest one is 'guessing' what's going to happen OUT LOUD at the movies. Some genius kept doing this when I saw Silver Linings Playbook. Really? You think they are going to end up together? What else is going to happen? Blah.

    1. @jules. I just watched that! Absolutely loved it! Bradley cooper and jennifer lawence have really good on screen chemistry!

  28. People who leave the toilet seat down.

  29. Oh and waiters/waitresses that go to work sick. Stay the f*ck home.

  30. @Agent

    I forgot about that one! That drives me INSANE too. My fiance does that all the time and I want to snatch it out of his hand and smash it. He does it when we go out to dinner too.

  31. Oh, my DH leaves cabinet doors open! If I see he has done it, I'll open every single one and not say a word. It usually fixes him for a while.

  32. KPeony, resolve before marriage :)

  33. Wearing one of those phone earpieces, then starting to talk into it IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION. Gah. Incredibly rude.

  34. Taking single bites of a candy bar at a movie and lowering the wrapper with each bite. Do people not realize how noisy this is? Remove the whole bar!!!

    1. @nevernudes that is hilarious. I'm guilty of that crime.

  35. Everything annoys me. It one of the reasons I get stoned frequently.

    I grew up with 3 older brothers and they did almost everything mentioned above. Esp. not flushing.

    1. Lol as I was reading the comments yours was what I was thinking the whole time haha. 3 older brothers that got to do WHATEVER and I got stuck cleaning it all up

  36. Perfectly healthy people who take the elevator up 1 floor when the stairs are right next to the elevator

    1. How do you know that they are perfectly healthy? I'm in my mid-forties and I look perfectly healthy, but have had 4 foot surgeries, and I need another one, but cannot have it right now because I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer for which I'm getting chemotherapy. Stairs hurt my foot and I also get a bit of vertigo, especially going downstairs.

  37. Or, even worse....down one floor.

    1. Dangling car testicles

    2. @goheels-Sorry, somehow got tacked on to your post

    3. What is it with those? Someone is out shopping and all of a sudden thinks, "geeze. I need a set of balls for my SUV." Who wants to look at those things anyway?

    4. And... Someone thought," I need to sell fake plastic balls to hang on automobiles." WTF

    5. I always thought those truck testicles always signified a women who had metaphorically taken her man's balls. Keep in mind that I live in Oklahoma by way of Texas, and there are lots of truck-driving gals here.

      Also, keep in mind that I was with Enty and thought kids were smoking cigs whilst holding them with forks.

    6. OMG. The Opster and I talk about why the hell anyone would find truck nuts funny or attractive. Hate them.

  38. i'm on board with pee on the seat in public restrooms. HATE THAT!!!!

    also, standing in the aisle at the grocery store with your cart positioned so that nobody can get by you either way, and just browsing away like there's no one on earth but you.

  39. Open a food item that the buyer hasn't opened it 1st. Rude.

  40. Amber took one of my #1 pet peeves w/ the not flushing. The state of public restrooms never ceases to amaze and disgust me. It's one thing if the toilet is broken, but 9 times out of 10, it works and the person is just too lazy to flush.

  41. leave cabinet doors open...The Opster has no probs puttng down the toilet seat (although the flush portion seems to trip him up) but he cannot shut a cabinet door to save his life. And his sisters are the same

    Also talking during movies or tv shows..Wanna comment? Please don't do it over dialogue! My ex friend used to pause and talk and a 2 hour movie was never finished. NEVER see the end. Now if my husband does it I call him April.

  42. I hate it when someone leaves one farking ice cube in the tray. Grr.

  43. My son does everything on the list above. But one thing that makes me so mad is going to the refrigerator to get an ingredient or leftover and it is GONE because he has eaten it.

  44. Extreme PDA. If you want to express your affection with a kiss or hand squeeze, fine. If your actions are clearly leading you to a sexual encounter, please save it for a private moment.
    I do not need to see your lover grazing your breast, squeezing your ass, or sucking your tongue. Thanks.

    1. Oh my gosh, Sarah - I'm right there with you! Please get a room, folks!

  45. When my son throws his dirty laundry in front of the hamper!!
    When my husband leaves the bedroom closet door open!! Close the fucking door nobody wants to see the mess that you call a closet!!! arrrggg!!!!

    Also if you pee on the seat fucking wipe it off blech that is totally disgusting!!!

    People that make noise when they chew their food - I totally lose my appetite!!

    Oh there are so many things, I could probably write a book!!

    1. It takes longer to NOT use the hamper

  46. Not zipping the zip lock on refrigerator food. Both my teenage daughter and hubby are totally incapable of zipping! Drives me insane! It's not hard, people!

  47. lol@Dangling car testicles

  48. When people toss things toward a garbage can, miss and then just leaving their crap laying there, most disgusting thing to leave on floor by waste can? used Q-Tips!

  49. People that walk and text at the same time. LOOK where you are going moron!

  50. Hopefully I'm not going to end up on someone's shit list due to posting this (because I know how going off-topic riles up some people), but I missed Enty's open-season Your Turn recently, and I figure that, if I can get my friend some help, it'll be worth getting my butt flame-broiled on here:

    My friend Megan is trying to raise $5K right now via IndieGoGo over the next 15 days to pay medical bills and to try and get an appointment w/a specialist to deal w/her various issues. She has adult-onset epilepsy, possibly due to a benign brain tumor, and has been having all kinds of problems including seizures, migraines, etc. The doctors she's been dealing with so far have been, shall we say, less than helpful (frankly, based on what she's told us, they're incompetent bordering on malpractice, but she's been stuck w/them due to out-of-network specialists not being covered by her insurance), and she'd really like to be able to get her life back and be a far more productive member of society. If you'd like to make a contribution, or even just think good thoughts for her, I know she'd be very appreciative; here's the URL:

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled snarkfest... :-)

    1. Robin, you're so sweet to spread the word. If anyone flames you, I'll smash them with my long-handled stop sign thing.

    2. Definitely checking it out thanks Robin

  51. When people exit a building, get to the top of the stairs/escalator, etc and just stop there. They either look around or check their phone or what have you. Meanwhile there's a bottle neck behind them of people trying to get somewhere.

    Move to the side people!

    This happens to me every day when I leave the train station, both at the top of the stairs and when I leave the building.

  52. I put things away, I utilize the dishwasher, I close cabinets, doors, and put the toilet seat down, I write down "eggs" on the shopping list if I used the last one.

    The future Mr. Kay isn't capable of a lot of this :-/

    It's driving me nuts. Hopefully he'll get a little better before the wedding.

    1. Oh, sweet Em, focus on the Thor-like bits. He can be the sweetest man in the world, and try hard, but I wouldn't count on a big turnaround.

    2. EmEyeKay , watch the Everybody Loves Raymond episode about the Big Fork and Spoon. They do not change, you must provide them with creative structure to survive (the big one in addition the short one:)

    3. Oh my gosh, Agent, that episode is absolutely classic, and should be required viewing for all contemplating or currently experiencing marriage.

    4. You're right Frufra! An open cabinet isn't the end of the world. I never notice it when we're at his place, maybe I'm being territorial. Good thing we're looking for a new space together!

    5. Thank you Agent, will look it up! :)

    6. EmEyeKay: Don't let it get you down or discourage you. Opster never put down the seat lid when we first met. I told him I'd rather have him here with the up seat vs. The alternative. He always put the seat down afterwards (mostly) . I never bitch if on the rare occasion he forgets. Still can't get him to shut tge damn cabinet though.

  53. I love my housemates dearly, but they fairly regularly forget about their laundry after it is run through the wash--so I'll go to do laundry a few days later and there is gross, mildewy clothing in the washing machine. I either have to go get one of them to run it again or I have to pull it out, put it somewhere, and then put it back after I'm done with my laundry.

    This used to drive me nuts, but after almost 3 1/2 years I'm kind of resigned to it.

  54. Don't bring your baby on a long haul flight. unless they need life saving surgery, there is NO excuse. I don't care if you miss your cousins wedding or have to put off your tour of European castles. NO EXCUSE!!!

  55. O/T: Don't Trust the B in Apt. 23 was cancelled. :(

    1. @Em, I heard about that and am strongly trying to remember the blinds that kept referring to a soon to be canceled tv show. It's driving me crazy trying to look for them!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Robin, I hope your friend is successful, I will send her hopeful thoughts.

  58. And for the record...women are PIGS (and I am insulting pigs by saying that) in public restrooms. Far moreso than men. Why they do things in public restrooms they would never even THINK of doing in a private residence...ugh.

    I kinda thought enty was asking what WE don't do. For instance, I am terrible about emptying the dishwasher and won't do it until another load is ready to go.

    In the spirit of how everyone else is answering...not putting dirty clothes in one of the 2 hampers AND not turning clothes right side out. Drives me nuts.

  59. When individuals leave scuzzy food junk in kitchen sink strainer when there is a fully functional garbage disposal underneath waiting for it. Oh but no let ME get it I always get it!!

  60. Just reading all your comments has left me almost hyperventilating. I have so many pet peeves it's not even funny.

    Just now, I was sharing the elevator with a young woman who was wearing several different scented products, plus perfume, and on top of that, she had just had a cigarette. She probably thinks the perfume masks the smell of smoke, but it almost enhances it. It was gross. I almost lost my appetite.

    Almost. I still ate my tacos, TYVM.

  61. Haha FSP. Cute story, when I went on the first date with my bf we met at his apt for dinner. When nature called I excused myself and (since he lived alone) of course the seat was up. Once nature had been answered (and the toilet properly flushed) I put the seat back up.
    He later told me that thought that was the coolest thing in the world.

    The shopping cart thing, my mom taught us from an early age to ALWAYS leave it at the between aisles so that other people could more easily move back and forth and to put it where it belongs when you are done with it (either in the parking lot kiosk or back inside the store)

    Something my ex taught me: Never drink the last of a man's bourbon.

    Another thing I wish my neighbor's paid attention to: don't let your little kids run around with no adult present. Same with your dogs.

    1. ABlake your bf is a lucky man.

  62. Agree also on the waiter/waitress coming to work sick. I feel the same about parents sending sick children to school, along with anyone in the public service industry showing up when they are contagious.

  63. People (side eye to Mr. B) who take a TV remote and start. clicking. through. each. fucking. channel. on. our. TV. where. we. subscribe. to. every. fucking. channel. And then stopping, watching something until a commercial and. then. starting. to. click. on. each. fucking. channel. again.

    If I kill him over this, if there is just one married woman on the jury, I'll get off the murder charge.

    1. @Susan - ha! You totally will be acquitted.

      Mr. F isn't a flipper, but he'll watch 25 minutes of a 30 minute show, and then just turn the damn TV off! I'm all, "hey, let's see how it ends!", and he's all, "ahh, it wasn't that good, I'm going to bed". Whaaa? I'm seeing it through to the end, good, bad, or indifferent. I've already invested 25 minutes of my life!! Then I seize the remote and commence eye rolling.

    2. SusanB, I still can't stop laughing.

  64. @Agent, I found it - season 7, on Netflix, called "Baggage". Will watch it now...

  65. @FSP: That's what I keep telling him;)

    Frufra in my apt complex the driving is horrible. The parking lot is small and one way but just about 50% of the people here don't pay attention to the signs. It's not uncommon to see 2 cars playing chicken and waiting each other out to see who backs up first.
    So I would like to borrow your idea and thwap them with the one way signs.

    1. @ABlake - please do. With enough sign-beating, maybe morons will get the memo.

  66. I'm cryin' at some of these! Glad to know I'm in good company. Mr. Slacker is guilty of some of these offenses (socks lying around, leaving cabinets opened), but the one that drives me nuts is: NOT PUTTING THE CAP BACK ON THE TOOTHPASTE!

    Also: not emptying the coffee filter so it's clean and ready to go the next morning. That's one thing I don't want to deal with as I'm getting ready for work!

  67. Piss on toilet seat/unflushed toilet.
    Used Q-tips left on sink. Gross!
    Used Kleenex left around. Gross!

    My boyfriend claims to be lactose-intolerant, but has NOOOO problem eating all the ice cream. I would buy ice cream only when it is BOGO. I tell him choose yours and I'll choose mine. He usually gets Moose Tracks, which I can't eat cuz I'm allergic to peanuts. He'll eat his AND mine! Within 2 days! So, I no longer buy ice cream.

    Please replace the toilet paper!! Is it that difficult?!?!

  68. Rinse dishes. Always. Grrrr. Again, not hard to do!

  69. Oh Frufra, the perils of the remote.
    My guy sleeps with it on his side of the bed. No matter how loudly he's snoring or how quiet I am, as soon as I touch it he is wide awake. It's like he has some sort of radar.

  70. Ooooo, that's mine, too. Push the GD buggy back up to the store or cart return. WTF is wrong with people?? They will walk three miles around Wally World, but pushing the buggy back is just too much?? Dang!

    1. Agree completely - this is my pet peeve. Why would you leave a grocery cart where it can get blown into someone's car when it takes seconds to put the cart in the cart return area? I've seen people who are parked right next to the cart return literally leave the cart right NEXT to the return, rather than taking the two seconds to put it in the return.

  71. One thing I found that helps re: the TV remote - I got two for the living room, one for each of us. If he REALLY gets on my nerves I just start using mine which usually is enough to make him stop for a while.

    1. Susan, I'm cracking up again! That's a hilarious mental image - dueling remotes!

  72. It irks me when the kids use something and then they never put it back where it belongs and then I can never find it and they and my hubby also drive me nuts always leaving the lights on when they leave the room( the electric bill is 600$ a month!)or leave the door open when they go outside so I have to follow them around the house and turn the lights off or shut the door behind them,and I hate it when my hubby acts like an uncultured loser like eating with his fingers,drinking right out of the milk container,wearing shoes in the house, etc. and then setting a bad example for the kids.

    1. @Pogue - I'm sorry to laugh at your pain, but "uncultured loser" is cracking me up!!

  73. And as far as people leaving a wet toilet seat, I'm old enough I just don't care any more - if I enter a restroom as the guilty party is leaving, I'm going to yell at them in the store or restaurant or whatever, I don't care if they get embarrassed and I don't care if people think I'm being a bitch. I'll make sure everyone in earshot knows what a pig just left the rest room.

  74. Scraping the bottom of your ice cream bowl hundreds -- IF NOT THOUSANDS -- of times with your spoon, frantically clanging and dragging the metal against the bottom repeatedly...trying. to. get. the. very. last. drop. of. ice. cream. when. the. rest. of. the. BRAND. NEW. gallon. of. ice. cream. is. in. the. freezer!!! Hint: If you need more, there's plenty left. May I get you some more so you don't have to scrape, Dear?!?!??!!

  75. I just got back from the grocery store and had to listen to an obviously sick women coughing her lungs out. Not once did she attempt to cover her mouth, cough in her elbow or turn her head. The poor checker had to deal with this woman who continued coughing & spewing everywhere as she talked about how sick she was. Times I've been sick in the store because I had to buy something, I bring a tissue & cough in that. I came thisclose to saying something.

  76. @Pogue Mahone ITA -- leaving the lights on after they've left the room. You turned them on when you went about turning them off when you're through. LOL SMH @$600 electric bills...I'm right there with you

  77. for those commenters who think leaving drawers/cabinet doors open for others to walk into/hit their head on is a guy thing, check out the movie Date Night.

  78. Fru, ABlake and SusanB, I am dying laughing here.I just touch the remote.. just nudge it .. and he jumps straight up from a dead sleep on the couch. I once hid it in the crock pot for 48 hours as punishment. I like SusanB's non violent solution, get 2 .

    1. @Agent**it, I hid the remote under the couch for a few days, hubby drives me crazy with this remote obsession and the constant flicking!

  79. Wow. I am sincerely sad at the level of disrespect some of you regularly experience in your own home - not to mention in the work place. Just wow!

  80. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Co-workers eating stinky and/or noisy food in small workspaces, e.g. egg salad or tuna salad sandwiches, loudly crunching carrots/celery/chips/crackers/whatever. Someone brought a bag of McDonald's in here yesterday and the whole place stunk like farts for an hour afterwards. Gross.

  81. Forgetting to replace the paper towels on the roller-thingy we have in the kitchen. It drives my wife nuts and I'm guilty of this apparently heinous trespass forty times over.

  82. My ex used to floss obsessively and would leave pieces of floss sitting around everywhere...bathroom, kitchen, dining room table, coffe table, bedside table...DISGUSTING. (Used floss, to clarify; not new unused strands).

  83. I think you all mentioned all my pet peeves, I guess I'm easily annoyed but my top one has to be anything toilet related like not flushing, seat up, dirty seat and a wet handle...yuck!!!

  84. Jouise you just reminded me of a mishap I had in college.
    I had discovered a nearby korean place that served octopus with a yummy sauce. So I got it to go and headed back to the dorm. I lived on the 22nd floor so entered the elevator with another guy carrying a McDonalds bag and his cute friend.
    By floor 3 the elevator began to reek. It was an old building so it was super slow to begin with.
    By floor 10 cute friend looked at McDonalds guy and said "Dude, what did you GET?" (my bag was in my backpack so he just assumed that the McDonalds guy was the culprit) "I don't know man, they brought back the McRib but I think I was given a rotten one"

    I finally slinked off and I'm pretty sure they figured it out once the smell went away. Ever since then I've been super aware about other folks and their right to have an odor free environment.

  85. Getting on an escalator and just standing there.. On the left side! That's the passing lane, people.
    Also, chewing with the mouth open. Especially if someone just asked you a question and you decide that before you answer it you really need to shove another hand full of Goldfish in your mouth

  86. Aw, thanks, Frufra! You're way too sweet! :-)

    I know I have lots of pet peeves, but it seems as if plenty of them have already been covered, and I'm sure I'm guilty of plenty of others myself. At least my roommate is usually good about putting the seat down & closing the lid on the toilet, if I can just get him to actually help CLEAN the bathroom, eh? (I really should just ask, but--irrationally on my part, I'm sure--I keep thinking that he ought to volunteer or just grab the Comet and do it.) I got in the habit of keeping the lid down when my first cat, Mojo, was a teeny kitten--I was always afraid that he'd manage to jump in the toilet and drown while I was at work, so I started putting down the seat, and it's been a habit ever since. Besides, that way everyone has to lift something in order to use the can, right?

    (Obligatory celebrity reference: when I was living in Athens, GA, I once went to a party at which Michael Stipe was also in attendance, and ended up using the bathroom right after him...and you guessed it, he left the seat up. ;-)

  87. I am loving this Your Turn - so many laffs! I honestly think that pet peeves and related grousing about them would make an excellent blog. Although I'm sure there are blogs out there that exclusively cover this very topic. I'm just too lazy to google. I'm sorry if laziness is your #1 pet peeve :-p.

  88. My kids leaving used plates, cups, and glasses by the TV in the den.

    My son leaving the Cheerios box open (to get stale), and spilling Cheerios all over the just-swept floor, also by the TV.

  89. Set recycled good on the counter for me to take out instead of taking them out themselves, cooking something in my kitchen and not cleaning up after yourself, rummaging through my pantry like it's yours and my grocery budget is endless. People who put their cart in the middle of the aisle, blocking both directions, and act like there's no one there but themselves. omg... my son's girlfriend has no manners. Sprawls herself on my table, interrupts continually, talks with her mouth full of food and then gets up without clearing her place...even when everyone else does. I hate thoughtless, selfish people.

  90. Sites that use blind items from other media sites, but rewrite them a bit to make it seem like they discovered the blind. Sites should attribute the source of the blind if they get it from another media outlet.

  91. You never go commando in another man's fatigues

  92. especially while doing lunges

    Hi, I'm Chandler. Can I BE wearing any more clothes?

  93. Dog owners who leave poop deposits at the park on the sidewalk...FUCKIN clean up or don't own a dog.

    I'm always the one to radomly step in shit!! And my lab luvs to point out piles of shit before she tries to eat it. ARGH

    I never said "leave it" so much in my life!!

  94. Run pop-upson a popular gossip website in 2013!

  95. I never leave a dirty kitchen. Counters table stove all wiped off. Something funky in the sink? That gets mild formula bleach soak.

  96. OK - My REAL answer is "What @Me said". I have 2 HUGE dogs, with HUGE poop, and I pick that shit up (hee hee) even when I'm juggling my 2 toddlers, have the stomach flu or having volatile morning sickness (Sorry for the puke in your bushes, Mr. Neighbor. I couldn't help it!) If there is dog poop to step in, my zapatos will find a way. EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I threatened to do a stakeout/citizen's patrol in front of my old condo building, but my husband reminded me that I have a life. Ha ha!

  97. I absolutely agree about the not flushing toilets. Seriously who raised you???? No one wants to see that!

    My hubby leaves every single light on. Even the closets and pantry. I'm constantly following him around turning them off. Just how I want to spend my time.

    Also- as a mom with small kiddos who still use strollers, it annoys the crap out of me when people who are perfectly capable of taking a nearby escalator instead use the elevator. I end up having to wait until every single one of them gets on (bc no one is polite enough to let the mom & kids on first) and then of course there's no room for me and my kids. Drives me nuts!

  98. OMG my mother in law constantly lets you see her food. She opens her mouth with partially chewed food and the trip up with the next load takes a long time. Sadly she has dimentia so it's not entirely her fault.

  99. The worst food-related is when someone partially or completely empties the coffee pot, and puts it back on the burner. Hello, stink!

    Ditto on people who whiz (or worse!) on the toilet seat. Ladies, this is a professional company, not the "2 Girls 1 Cup" research center!

    The toilet seat and lid should always be down when flushing. Flushing spews tiny particles of fun through the air, all making a beeline for your toothbrush. Yum.

    1. @zeeky, 2 girls, 1 cup Research Center!!! You should make a sign with that line on it and post it in the bathroom! Lol

  100. I never leave the Brita empty ( I call it making water )

    I never leave dishes in the sink ( no dishwasher so this is very important )

    I never smoke the last bowl ( solo )

  101. Towels on the floor sort of bothers me, people that let their dogs run loose (worse when the dog comes to my house, and there's no phone number or address), when the kids complain about their computers being slow, when they haven't done a disk clean in two months.

  102. I have OCD tendencies and am very impatient, so my list is long... but pretty much what everyone else here has said!

    *Non-flushers (GROSS). Even worse - I clean our church weekly and there have been times where people haven't flushed, or left their feminine products floating, or have made a mess on the seats. I keep sanitizing wipes in every bathroom, but apparently that doesn't quite give the hint.

    *Dishes in the sink/on counters/around the house - I keep the dishwasher empty, there is no bloody excuse for anyone to not put their dish right in.

    *Dirty laundry on the floor. Every bathroom has a hamper, there's no reason your laundry should be anywhere but in that hamper or in your closet.

    *Slow drivers and drivers who come to a nearly complete stop making a right turn. JUST TURN ALREADY.

    *Loud stuff - neighbors who crank the music, cars without mufflers, people who talk *really loud* into their phones in the grocery store, early morning joggers who hawk really loud loogies as they pass your window at 4AM, neighbors who let their ginormous dog out in the yard all day barking at the other neighbors who let their tiny pair of yipping dogs annoy the loud dog. Makes working at home in the summer such fun...

    Heh, it sounds like I'm an old crank - really, I'm actually a pleasant person. I just keep it all in and then rail at Mr. It cracks him up. :b

  103. Inside out socks in the laundry-to-be-washed basket.

    1. That is mine also. Don't want to be handling your stinky sweaty socks!

  104. Things I just don't do?
    Assume the worst of people.

  105. People who eat while they are speaking. One morning I was at work when a woman called for information. It sounded as if she was eating cereal because there was the DING DING of the spoon hitting the bowl (and I swear it it sounded like a dog's collar hitting its bowl) and then then SLURP! as she put the spoon in her mouth, and then she enthusiastically chewed her way through each question. It was horrible and I almost wondered if I was being punked, it was so bad. The conversation went on and on what seemed like FOREVER when finally I said, "I'm sorry, would you might not eating while we finish up? I'm having trouble hearing you." and she seemed genuinely surprised and said, "Oh, okay!". Meanwhile, I could hear a pin drop in the office as two of my colleagues froze in horror. They later told me that they were appalled at what I said and that if our director had been in the office I might have been fired. My lucky day, I guess.

    Ditto what everyone said about the restrooms. I think it's a passive aggressive thing thing unless those women are pigs at home.

    I never leave my cart in the middle of the parking lot. Is it really so hard to walk it to the cart corral? I used to like to park near the cart corrals so I could put the cart there after shopping and quickly leave, until someone told me that cars parked near those have higher rates of getting dinged because lazy people will just push their carts in the general direction of the corral and the carts will sometimes roll into cars. Nice!

  106. All of the above.

    My last roommate would take a nasty, nasty, ginormous shit and then wouldn't double flush. So I and my guests would walk up to a toilet with nice chunky poop particles floating around in it. The worst was when you could see what she had eaten. Definitely curbed my appetite for a while.

    When people come to a complete stop to make a right hand turn. Really? Keep it movin guys, no need to dead stop.

    When you are watching TV with friends, you flip to a channel and that one obnoxious friend yells "Oh my god, what's going on? Why is he doing that? Who is she?" I DON"T FUCKING KNOW! I just turned on the show too, we both just started watching it together! What am I, psychic?

    Also, when watching a TV show or movie an you start it from the beginning but there is always that one person who doesn't pay attention and you have to spend the entire time explaining it to them.

    And lastly, when people in a crowded mall are walking, do dee doo, and suddenly they just dead stop and you smack into them. Or when you are trying to walk around them and no matter how hard you try, they keep on fanning out and somehow thwarting your efforts no matter how hard you try.

    Oh yeah, fucking wedge sneakers. Wear one or the other because otherwise your shoes look stupid IMO.

    1. Omg, yes, the Costco shoppers! Gigantic cart, huge store, and they stop right in the middle if the aisle to look at something or get food samples or whatever. Some of us just want to get our stuff and go!

    2. Lol JSierra I am totally that annoying friend yelling at the television screen " what is going on???" my only excuse is its more of a rhetorical question than anything ...

  107. After watching the ice bloopers video I was reminded of people that don't knock the icicles off their houses. It's so dangerous.

  108. Coming to a blog every day and constantly bitching about how you hate the things the blogger posts.

  109. Steal your food and coffee creamer from the company fridge, even if you've put your name on it. Oh, ***** won't mind. She'd be cool with that. No.

    There are also people up here in the Pacific NW who have no understanding of "right of way" in the supermarkets. If you are in the main aisle, you have "right of way". If you're coming off the dog food or some other aisle, you need to yield to the people coming through in the main aisle, okay?

  110. @otherjulia- how about getting to the top of the escalator then stopping? This happens in airports all the time. Hmmm - which way is my gate? Meanwhile I'm rising up their ass and bracing for impact.

    My other one is not sending thank yous. Drives me nuts.

  111. @Mooshki

    Add another yea to that.

  112. One of our male coworkers pees on the seat and doesn't clean it off, this is disgusting. I want him drawn and quartered for starters.

  113. Ugh..the Pop IN

    Just happened. Not only did ex-roommate pop in but he brought his new dog (a pit) to meet my dog (shih-tzu) who is currently wearing the cone of shame because he has an eye issue. I don't think we need to do the math on what dog is in a constant pissed off mood since he can't scratch his ears or lick whatever.
    Then the pit decides to jump on the bed and ex-room is laughing and saying isn't that sweet? No, no it is not. My own dog isn't allowed on the bed and is staring bullets from the crate I put him in because I do not trust pitbulls and you telling me 'we just got her, she was abused' does NOT make me any more comfortable.

    (not a pit rant, really. More about pop-in's involving pets. That's simply rude. I had to give him 2 packages of pet treats to make him go away)

    Seriously thinking about putting up a sign on our door saying "if you don't have an appointment, we are probably having sex" or something. Of course we are probably watching something boring but the pop in is annoying. Call first! Don't bring pets!

  114. Oh and geez, by appointment I don't mean..yeah that sounded bad.
    I just hate pop in. Easier to call and say "Hey I'm going to be in the area later, is it okay if I stop by?"

    Then I can set up the UNO game.

    But when we are both in our pj's and all the outside world pretense is done, it's really not cool to come a'knockin.

    (I am so sorry for this rant, just kinda pissed)

  115. People who won't clean up after themselves in a fast food joint or food court. Slobs who throw garbage from their car or cigarettes on the ground.

  116. Drinking anything out of the carton and putting it back in the fridge. If you're gonna drink for the carton the cardinal rule is you must finish all beverage in said carton.

  117. see car coming an RUN IN FRONT OF IT. why do humans do this? even rabbits are smart enough to stop and turm around.

  118. "Not zipping the zip lock on refrigerator food. Both my teenage daughter and hubby are totally incapable of zipping! Drives me insane! It's not hard, people!"

    Apparently it is hard as I live with a graduate-educated professional male who cannot zip the ziplocks to save his life. I don't buy food with a ziplock so that it can go stale.

    Another vote for peeing on the seat. Ladies, put your ass on the seat - you won't get herpes, really. Also, what is with the girls having cell phone conversations in the toilet? Peeing, flushing, etc. all while chatting away. GROSS.

  119. Lol Alicia I am pretty sure that is how my friends are most of the time, I'm just the smart ass who feels the need to give an answer to every question. Ok I am adding myself to this list now that I think about it...

  120. People popping in unannounced and uninvited! Omg, hell yes to that one.

    I'm severely hearing-impaired: 75% deaf here. When I first moved here, one of my b/f's friends just walked in. I was in the kitchen, the water was running and I turned and the guy was standing there. I screamed bloody murder. Honestly, I screamed so loud my throat hurt for days. After I reamed him and the b/f...who told me I needed to chill out!...guy never did it again. The story, of course, has gone thru the neighborhood and I guess I'm antisocial because I don't like drop-ins. I wouldn't even do that to my family: call first! I'm sick quite a lot and may not feel up to having company and I do not like to be made to feel obligated to put on a fresh pot of coffee and socialize after I've been yakking up for 3 days! FFS! B/f's Mom likes to drop in: she lives 2 hours away: that's not dropping in! You have a cell phone: call first!! That is rude and obnoxious!

  121. All About Eve - I did make a sign a long time ago, pre- "2 Girls 1 Cup." Not exactly sure what it said, but it was something that questioned exactly WHY they want so badly for me and others to sit in their pee. They were more offended by the sign, than finding out the sign was true... the hard way.

  122. Pee on the seat and not clean it off.

  123. Flushing the toilet with your foot. Use your hand and then go wash your hands. WITH SOAP!

  124. lol Mooshki for the win
