Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Your Turn

People are saying that the photo above is anti-Christian. It is from a promo for the SuperBowl. The people opposed to it say that because Neil Patrick Harris is openly gay and that Tim Tebow uses the same tricks to promote Bible verses that NPH is promoting homosexuality and is taking a dig at Christianity. To me, it is an ad for the SuperBowl by a guy who is a star for the network hosting the event. What say you?


  1. Advert and a lotta people pissing and moaning about nuthin'!

  2. Wow. People are stupid. I'm so glad I live in Canada.

    1. You have no idea how lucky you are!

    2. You have no idea how lucky you are!

  3. I wish I had nothing better to do than complain about NOTHING.

  4. Jesus. I wouldn't have even been able to come close to making that leap (and I can make a lot of leaps) without you explaining it. It's a superbowl ad. I don't see any undertows.

    Though some people think football itself is anti-christian because it's its own religion. But whatevs.

  5. Seriously? This is controversial?

  6. some people have too much time on their hands...idiots

  7. Somebody's always gotta be offended by something. Lame. Of the offended I mean.

  8. Pretty sure Tim Tebow is not the first person to write shit on his eyeblack. Also, pretty sure Tim Tebow isn't playing in the Super Bowl. People need to give it a rest.

  9. I think they're overreacting, and need to get an effing LIFE.

  10. The thing is---NPH's ad is a knock-off of what Beyonce did to advertise her Superbowl appearance this year---EXACTLY the same. Google it.

    Nobody said then that it was anti-Christian.

    I think hating gays is anti-Christian, but what do i know? I just read what Jesus said.

  11. What?!?!?!&$#@+%
    Doesn't Beyonce have a similar ad running for Pepsi? What would that make Pepsi?

  12. I'd also like to point out that all Christians are not anti-gay, therefore it cannot be anti-Christian as a whole.

    1. @Amber: thanks for making the distinction. I can't stand it when people find the worst examples of a Christian (or any religious group) and then think all Christians are like that.

    2. Amen and hallelujah! I'm a Christian and am neither anti-gay or remotely offended by this ad. Also, NPH can do no wrong in my eyes.

  13. Yes, because Tim Tebow is the first football player to ever write on his eye black. Evangelicals and their persecution complex are so insufferable.

  14. That's the most idiotic thing I've heard in awhile. What a logic leap!

  15. Nothing gets under my skin more than judgmental Christians. Obviously Jesus is not your friend because Jesus would never be as cunty as you are.

    And how the ever living fuck do you even make that crazy connection?

  16. YAWN. Wake me up when they eye black says something like "Jesus sucks!" or "Let's worship Satan together, kids!" THAT'S anti-Christian.

  17. People with too much time on their hands... No one is saying that Beyonce is flaunting her heterosexuality in the same type of ad, are they? Ridiculous.

  18. If you have to dig that deep to piece things together that may be an insult, you need a hobby. Juggling is nice and keeps hands busy.

    1. auntliddy, I'm giggling over here!

  19. Lol @ Karen. Nph is so scandalous.

  20. What would Jesus do about this? He'd tell those crazy extreme Christians to go put a sock in it. Talk about making a big to do out of nothing........ I wish the rapture would come , take them away and leave all us heathens in peace.

  21. I didn't recognize that was NPH till you said something.

    And what "people"??? The Westboro Baptists??!!


  22. I'm a Christian, and I think it's funny. If you really believe, stuff like this is like water off a duck's back. Really, Jesus has bigger things to worry about.

  23. I say the people bitching need to know the true meaning of "persecuted".

  24. I didn't recognize NPH either. And as a Catholic, I never would have made that connection to Christianity unless someone said something. Some people need a life.

  25. Good Grief! People are over-reacting!

  26. Hollyweird is just one giant, obvious PR stunt anymore. Where has all the creativity gone?

  27. you keel harping on everything, everywhere, all the time, America...the rest of us will be moving on with life and away from your silly puritan bullshit.

  28. If by people you mean Tebow's team of publicity hungry suits to keep his name relevant in response to his mediocre, nay, super-shitty gridiron performance this year, then yes, those people are totally offended. In fact I see a lot more "offense" in the coming months now that the season is over

  29. No matter what you do, someone will be offended. We are a generation of cry babies that think everything is about us.

  30. Evangelical fundamentalists are delusional paranoids much like their middle east counterparts. Nuff said.

  31. Exactly Amotheramy! Well said.

    See folks this is what happens when everyone wins a trophy and you can't play dodge ball.

  32. It most get boring everyday looking for anti-Christian things. Do you think they actually pay people to do it? Just shows that some so called Christians have a lot of hatred in them.

    I am with Lulu, let the Rapture come and take them away.

  33. You'd think a religion responsible for The Dark Ages, The Inquisition, The Salem "Witch" Trials, The Holocaust and all sorts of heinous crimes against humanity would have spawned followers with much thicker skins.

  34. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Oh please. Really? Really? Get over it silly Christians. All groups have weirdos, so this isn't directed at Christians, a group that I. for all intents and purposes belong to. this is just silly. This is just homophobes searching for a way to protest NPH's huge popularity, he shouldn't be popular, because he's Gay and the bible says that's wrong. They're hear, they're queer, GET OVER IT. dumbasses.

  35. As a christian speaking to other christians: please stop! This is why people don't like us & Tim Tebow is playing the lot of us. Dude is screwing and some more stuff.

  36. You would be surprised at how many fairly normal Christians (as in not raving evangelicals) actually believe this stuff. Remember the Chik-Fil-A thing? Quite a few people that I found perfectly reasonable and friendly in real life were all over it, even planning parties on that date. Then the Hobby Lobby thing started last week, and it begins again.

    {sigh}Some people are perpetually offended.

    1. @DBZee - what do you mean about the Hobby Lobby thing last week? I assume you're referring to their bid to not have to pay for the morning-after pill. The bid that has already been struck down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court. Which SHOULD tell Hobby Lobby they're SOL, but apparently not?

  37. Are we sure some PR person didn't start this controversy in an effort to get us all talking? People can't be THIS stupid can they?? err, wait! Don't answer that..

  38. I agree that NPH's inherent, uncontrollable awesomeness, immense talent & animal magnetism in general are just a big bad threat to anti-gay people. The 'likable (insert minority term)' always is.

  39. Hobby Lobby is a good example of good Christian beliefs. They don't use security cameras in there so you can take whatever you want. They are so kind!

  40. Come on, people. EVERYONE knows that February 3rd is International Gay Recruitment Day!

  41. So over sensitive "christians" getting their panties tangled whenever someone gay promotes something. Unless I'm mistaken, NPH said NOTHING about his sexual orientation in this so why bring up the irrelevant? Same shit that happened to Ellen for doing a JcPenny (??) ad.

  42. I say people need to STFU; Tebow is probably gay himself; that's why he claims to still be a virgin.

  43. If only these doofi would take a vow of solitude and silence.

    A pole vaulter couldn't have made that leap!

  44. I don't get it. People should shut up. Don't dis the NPH.

  45. Has anyone else seen Billy Gardell (Mike & Molly) do a promo for the Superbowl with the same quotes? How can this be a gay agenda when other people that are obviously straight performing the same promo?

  46. wah, wah, wah, pretty fucking annoying coming from the same people who brought us the inquisition, middle passage, the burning times, the Magdalene laundries, looked aside during the Holocaust and so much more so just STFU!

  47. urban chaos got it--well played, CBS.

  48. I'm pretty sure there IS a true slant in society today to convince us that homosexuality is the norm and heterosexuality is not the norm.

    And I realize this comment will not be popular. Oh well.

  49. Love NPH. Think we're letting a few people make this a big deal. Kinda like Westboro actually being about 40 people yet their actions have led way too many people to believe this is how all Christians think when very few actually do. Nothing openly anything about that ad... he's gorgeous. And now I'll always remember what day the game is on. :)

  50. I have no interest in that "sport", being English football to me is the proper form we play here!

    But, I did see this elsewhere, and apparently another player did something similar but had an anti-gay message - he was banned and fined. Could be something to do with that?

  51. @omama, I agree with the part about pushing to make homosexuality normal because that's the right thing to do, they should be seen as normal and regular citizens. I as a heterosexual do not feel at all like I'm not the norm so I don't understand your statement.

  52. We may be very divided as a society these days but one thing is clear...too many people out there with thin skins and I say this for people on both sides of the spectrum. You can't just wave a magic wand and make everything politically correct and conversely there are a lot of people that need to get with it and become a part of the 21st century.

    On this particular issue...I think NPH is a riot and looks great here ;>

  53. Gotta love how those holy rollers don't read the bible they worship. If they did they'd see that it says over & over & over & over & over again DO NOT JUDGE! It says it in many ways too. If they were true christians they would realize this & stop judging everyone.

    I'm an atheist & I live a more christian life than most christians I know. Which is pretty sad if you think about it. I think it's bull crap for them to be against gay people. Who's business is it who they sleep with? I honestly believe you're either born straight or gay. If god created us & he makes no mistakes then how is being gay evil?

  54. @Omama - I think the slant you speak of is not that heterosexuality is not "the norm" but that it is ridiculous to call someone abnormal for loving whomever they chose.

  55. @ObamaIsBroko

    I'd say there's movement to accept differing orientations as normal, but not to make homosexuality "the norm" per se.

    Heterosexuals outnumber everyone else by such a large majority that I can't comprehend that part of your comment.

  56. I'm a Christian and I don't see what's offensive about it.....

  57. Oh for heavens sake!

  58. Pretty goldurn sure no one is saying that heterosexuality is abnormal. Just that homosexuality isn't either.

  59. Omama I don't see heretosexuality being pushed as not normal. Could you give an example? I'm not trying to ask to get into an argument or anything. I just haven't seen or heard anything that I find showing heterosexuality as abnormal.

  60. And what a pathetically first world problem is this silly brouhaha.

  61. This whole "controversy" was brought to you by World Nut Daily, the same people who invented that birther nonsense. Move along, folks, nothing to see here!

  62. @figgy, perfect!

    "no one is saying that heterosexuality is abnormal. Just that homosexuality isn't either."

    You get my vote for today's best comment :)

  63. Could someone fill me in on the Hobby Lobby thing?

  64. huh, i missed this. no idea if it is. not bothered either way. freedom of speech and all.

  65. Yeah I didn't hear about the Hobby Lobby thing either...

  66. I can't imagine what kind of space must be in a brain that would make this kind of paranoid leap. I would go with the idea that Tebow's people are trying to keep him relevant, since unemployment is just around the corner.

  67. Err:


    Just another old man thinking he has the right to decide what a woman does with her body.

  68. oh, and love me some NPH.

  69. Please ! No-body has any say over what you do or do not do with your body and/or soul. That is up to you.

  70. Looks like I wont be shopping at Hobby Lobby anymore. Not until they change policy. They should learn, as Chic-fil-A did, that one day of boosted profits does not make up for all those lost the rest of the year.

  71. Well I hope that all this drama means that more people will watch NPH and be won over by his awesomeness.

    Way to go, Doogie!

  72. If you're a creative dynamo and happenin' inspirational artiste why not make up your own promotion campaign? Why you gotta rip off other peoples' stuff?

    At the end of the day, it's a tribute to Tebow and gets attention. That's all. If there is an anti-Christian sentiment, why call attention to it?

  73. Oh for f$&@ sake are they serious? Some ( some!!! ) Christians are so cray they remind me of certain xenu haters. This is clearly a publicity stunt on the part of some church .. I can hear the fire and brimstone speech from here!

  74. This is my favorite quote of the week so far and should be a t-shirt:


    See folks this is what happens when everyone wins a trophy and you can't play dodge ball.

  75. I recognized Neil Patrick Harris, but I just thought they are advertising to the gay football fans, kewl. Or, that maybe they just wanted him bc people like him and he's a familiar face.

    The complaining is from the subgroup of a subgroup of a subgroup of loud evangelical Christians who actually believe that if they are not "witnessing" (aka trying to convert you) that their own mortal souls are in jeopardy. This is why they can't help themselves. These are Protestant, not Roman Catholics.

    What pisses me off about Tim Tebow and his ilk is that there are hundreds of Christian (and athletes of other faiths) who live in their faiths quietly and respectfully, and don't use their religion to further their own brand (and thus, career) and stand out from the crowd.

  76. I often wonder if these Christians ever ask themselves that if there is indeed a heaven, and God is in charge of who gets in and who doesn't, would God really want a bunch of whiny, miserable crybabies that do nothing but moan, complain and bitch over EVERY little thing they don't agree with populating his heavenly kingdom?

    Nah, didn't think so.

  77. I agree with you Enty, it boggles my mind that people can see and twist what they want into the most innocent of things

  78. All this time, I thought Christianity was about Christ, NOT TEBOW!!!!

  79. @Frufra, yes, the issue of Obamacare. (For those who haven't heard, HL refuses to participate in Obamacare because it mandates that companies offer plans that include contraception options. HL is owned by a staunchly religious Catholic family that doesn't believe in contraception and says it won't offer any plan that includes that option.)

    THere's a call for "Christians" to shop online or at a HL this Saturday (Jan 12) to show their support with, of course, Mike Huckabee leading the way. I put Christians in quotes there because not every Christian, including myself, supports it.

    It was struck down, but they're appealing, meanwhile facing $1.3 million per day in fines.

  80. Also - I believe in a company's right to choose their own values and morals, but contraception isn't just about birthin' babies. I have PCOS and for many suffering from it, birth control pills are a lifesaver.

    Someone said that birth control pills are like a gateway drug to abortion. I think they're like a gateway drug to smart family planning and better health for people with hormonal imbalances, but what do I know? I'm just a woman.

  81. RE: ObamaCare
    I thought there was a pretty hefty exemption list for companies/corporations that didn't want to participate in ObamaCare. From my understanding, as long as companies filed and met the deadline they were excused? Am I wrong on this? I'm not going to lie - we're a pretty strictly cartoon household here, and I peek at USA Today on my phone (yeah, I know) just so I have a small clue of the world's happs

  82. And I'm a Christian and think all this is ridiculous. I am pretty relaxed and open minded about most things, so it drives me mashugana when the Evangelical Christians make the rest of us look bad by being hateful. You don't have to make out with your gay neighbor, dude. Just be tolerant and loving dammit!!

  83. My bad, it was *last* Saturday.

    @Sunny - religious organizations are exempt, but a federal judge ruled that they don't qualify for that protection because they are a corporation, not a religious organization. The lawyers responded that they run their business "in harmony with God's laws" and focus on people more than money."

  84. @Sunny, forgot to add - one article I read said that reporters were interviewing people at Hobby Lobby stores and most of the customers had no idea about the lawsuit, they were just there to buy their craft stuff and that Saturdays were always busy.

  85. DBZee
    I thought one of the first companies I saw on the list was 24 Hour fitness (It was alphabetical and did the numerical names first). I was so disgusted I stopped reading, but scrolled down long enough to see maybe 300 companies/corps
    I will google and leave you fine folks alone :)

  86. I had no idea Jesus made such a definitive proclamation on a game that was invented in a country that didn't even exist when he was on Earth!

  87. I truly wish that bible thumpers would get thumped to death with their bibles and stop fucking up the country for the rest of us. Their biggest influence on our country is torpedoing the electability of GOP candidates.

  88. DBZee, Sunny--I just went looking this up recently and I think specifically for religious organizations, the insurance company pays directly and leaves said organizations out of the loop (and therefore those organizations can feel morally at peace, or something). I guess insurance companies are willing to do it because it's a much lower payout than pre-natal care and birth.

    I really don't understand how non-religious corporations can get exempted. (Well. Corporations may be people but they still can't hold religious beliefs, AFAIK.)

  89. The problem with the internet and all the news channels is that 3 (crazy) people get offended about something and it gets blown up and made to seem as if half the Country is up in arms. Every group has their fringe or nutty people that make them look bad (I'm looking at you Westboro Baptist idiots), it doesn't necessarily represent all people who are religious. I'm sure this has been said, but I didn't have time to read all the comments.

  90. Maja With a J: Loves it!

    And yeah, is there anyone standing up and admitting to this statement that this is taking a dig at Christianity? Sincerely it could just be PR...

    JoElla-great line!

  91. It's just an advertisement for the super bowl-what's the big deal? blah.

  92. This is an adventure into nothing but people getting pissed over an 'idea' or 'thought' meant to make Christians look bad.
    It's stupid. If you follow football you would know Tebow is pretty much not even on anyone's mind at this point.
    The road to the Superbowl goes through Denver. It's probably going to end up a Brady/Manning match. Personally I hope my Ravens do a great mix-up with that and that my friends Texans do the same but I think all true football fans see the writing on the wall.

    By no means did I intend to interrupt the Christian bashing, though. When will the lions be released?
    (heh, no football pun intended)

  93. I'm Christian, and I love NPH way more than football, he can wear whatever he wants on his face. The Saints aren't in it, I could give a crap.

  94. Re: the Hobby Lobby situation.

    Hobby Lobby is headquartered in Oklahoma City, and so am I :-). I believe the Green family, who owns the company, would define themselves as Evangelical Christians, not Catholics. They object specifically to being made to pay for "the morning after pill", which in their mind is the same morally as abortion. I don't believe they object to paying for more traditional birth control.

    They have appealed their case to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, and were not granted an exclusion. Although they are religious folks, their company cannot be excluded from this provision in Obamacare, as their business is not religious in nature. And, just an editorial note; if the Oklahoma Supreme Court rules against your conservative stance, you should really just accept defeat. Oklahoma is among the most conservative states in the Union.

  95. Yup. Watch out for them there evil gays! They're gonna get you!

  96. Something nobody's mentioning about that ad...

    CBS is making them with many of their shows' stars! Harris is not the only one.

    There's one with Michael Weatherly, Jon Cryer, Alyson Hannigan and Josh Radnor, and some others I don't remember now. Every one of those people have the same stickers with the date of the Super Bowl.

    This "anti-gay" Tebow jab is a NON-STORY. It's as made-up as that story in the 1990's, where they had to rename marshmellows to marshmallows, because Stan Marsh from South Park, CO threatened to sue. His case was "I'm not mellow!"

    (You probably never heard that story before. It's because I just invented it, pulled it straight outta my Zeekin' ass!)

  97. that's a stretch and prob not even true

  98. and people think Muslims are overly sensitive


  99. Omg I'm so sick of these Christian bigots. What a crappy, boring life they must have.

    I love that picture and NPH with his cute little family!

  100. I say I'm sick and tired of the liberals and everyone always being offended about everything so easily and expecting everyone to be PC. There are too many BS rules now-a-days. Either toughen up your skin, ignore the BS, or ask the world to stop and get off...who needs you anyway.

    I think this is an add that is absolutely adorable, I love NPH and he's hosting the event...so it would make sense. If it were Anne Hathaway hosting the event, or some other actor...I'm sure it would be that person posing in the photo.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. "Silly puritan bullshit" has developed to where NPH, a gay American, has been chosen to advertise a football game that will have 110 million viewers. What can be better than that?

    Much ado about nothing, as usual.

    Most offensive eyeblack : Toronto Blue Jays shortshop Yunel Escobar. Google is your friend.

  103. Wow. So the above picture didn't offend me but a lot of these comments have. Do some of you realize that as you decry Christians for being judgmental and intolerant, that you are displaying the same behavior? And speaking of thin skinned, it's a little thin skinned to be so completely outrage by a few other people's outrage.

  104. @Crystal, so you suggest we turn the other cheek and let gay people be discriminated against by those who profess to 'love man'? Sorry while I am see a glimpse of what you are trying to say, in actuality your comment doesn't make a lot of sense. Sorry to offend but I am wondering what you suggest people say or not say? Nothing?

  105. I didn't get that message at all from Crystal's comment. "A few other people's outrage" - she is referring to where this started , see Joseph and Elizabeth Farah and WDN, conservative evangelicals, which in no way represent the majority of Christians, and certainly not Catholics.

    1. Thanks Agent. And to clarify, Lulu, I'm not saying people shouldn't stand up and say they think the protestors are wrong. I'm saying comparing American Christians to Islamo Facists (who literally stone gay people) and wishing all Christians would die is taking the "protest" too far.

  106. I say....Super Bowl is on my birthday this year??! NPH has my b-date written on his face, cool, love it!!



    Michael Weatherly, Alyson Hannigan, Josh Radnor and others are in the same ad.


  108. Are you all still discussing this?
