Friday, February 22, 2013

$1.2M In Child Support Owed

Three children from two marriages resulted in Robert sand owing over $1M in child support payments and being the world's worst deadbeat dad. Apparently he has not paid any child support in ten years and yesterday he pleaded guilty to not paying and could be sentenced to four years in jail when he is sentenced in May which means of course he will not be earning a living or paying child support.


  1. His ex wives have stated he deserves jail time and that for him to go
    to jail is a better lesson for the kids, who want nothing to do with him

  2. They absolutely should make him serve time.

    My first husband got thrown in jail for a year for no child support. When he got released I actually got a check from the county for around $1500.

    If he would have just gone away I would never have pursued him for child support.


  3. damn....and I'm upset my kids are owed $15,000 (non payment for 1.5 yrs).

  4. seriously, I never see any of these clowns serve jail time for non payment. Most pay on average, $200.00 every four months or so, when they're dragged into court, and the judges are cool with that, without ever seeing that's the only time they pay!!!!!!!!

    1. My cousin just went to jail for it, if it makes you feel any better. :)
      (i smile bcuz he's been a complete terror and thief to my fam and he owes for FOUR kids from four diff mamas. Totally deserves it.)
      Oops, this response is @OMAMA.

  5. That's a lot of money. His earnings must have been pretty high to have payments due of this magnitude. With that said, he should serve time n professional licences suspended!

  6. Wow...I wonder how these type of "lack of Manhood" men are able to look themselves in the mirror and say "Wow...I'm proud to be me. What a great guy I am."

  7. These guys are the worst.

    My granddaughter's father earned a good living in heavy construction. The separation came when the girl was just over a year old. He paid some at first then it dribbled to nothing. He fell into drugs and my daughter got only what the state sent, twenty dollars here and there.
    Finally when he had not paid, nor seen his daughter for eight years she had a lawyer draw up papers to forgive him all support if he would sign away all parental rights. He signed.

    My daughter provided a good life for her daughter, but not without a lot of self sacrifice.

    Prison should give him some time to think over the choices he's made.

  8. Oh men. If you make the babies you have to pay. My dad wouldn't pay all time. I actually just found out I have had a trust fund for the last 8 years I should have been getting money from. So he screwed my mom and wouldn't give her money. Now he is screwing me out of a trust he doesn't even control, he just hide it and didn't tell me. I would have been paid out 60,000 so far. :) my college education could have been paid for. But it wasn't.

    1. Can't you have him thrown in jail for that? It sounds like theft or misappropriation of funds.

    2. Hahahaha smiley. No. It is a trust fund set up by my great grandma. The attorney or "head" of the trust, who works for JP Morgan, didn't realize Jeff (my dad) had 3 children. He retired and the new person was checking the information and went "oh! These kids should be getting money". She can't go back and take the money from my dad, but yes technically he was "hiding" it from us. Legally there is not much we as children can do.

    3. No, that sounds hella illegal. Smash, you have any lawyer buddies? Why would someone just inform you about a trust you can't access?

    4. Unbelievable. Sorry you have such a shady dirtbag for a father. At least you found out so now hopefully you will get your share of the trust.

    5. Gem- you don't know what I am talking about clearly. I have no access to the trust whatsoever, other than getting a fraction of the trust it accumulates every month. It is called a sprinkle trust. The money never gets touched it is just the interest or dividends from stock that we get paid out. I got a letter from JP Morgan stating I was eligible to get money but it would be up to the head of the trust to divide that money. My dad and uncle get a major portion and the children split up a small portion every month. My brother (24) is pissed our (18) half brother is getting money straight out of the gate when I am 26 and he is 24, so we have both not been reciving payment. According to JP Morgan it was up to my DAD to inform them we need to get paid. So he it was my dads fault not the bank, the bank was just lazy and didn't fact check. Sorry if I misspelled or anything, I am not going back over that.

    6. A fraction on the interest is divided!! Sorry. The principle (amount originally put into the trust) is never EVER touched. So the amount paid out each month fluctuates every month.

    7. Ooooh. Wow. What an ass!

  9. We really don't know his circumstances. NOT that I am defending him. But did he have a job? A lot of people have lost jobs and what they were originally awarded just doesn't allow them to pay. And I say this as child of a deadbeat dad. But gotta look at all sides before we start doling out the punishment.

  10. This guy does deserve jail. I'm not taking light of the situation yes he's a dick bu ladies you make these mistakes too.

    Quit fucking scumbags.

    1. Shut up. No one fucks a dude knowing these things. My ex husbands check for half a years support just bounced. And it took 3 years to get him to pay. Also, he's an officer in the Army with a new wife who's CIA. And he only has to pay $200 a month. For some dudes, it's out of sight, out of mind.

    2. Don't know if telling me to shut up was necessary but ok.

      My mom didn't get shit for me because the douche wouldn't sign my birth certificate. I'm extremely pro single mothers. Its all I've had.

      When i was in the Navy we've had guys get arrested right as we pull in after tour because of not paying child support. I've seen it. So i don't know what to think of your sorry.

      Did you read the part where i said he should go to jail? I never once condoned his actions.

      Your right no one knows. Would love to explain better what i meant to say but i better listen to you and shut up.

    3. The blaming women for fucking scumbags was way harsh. And when I was an Army wife I saw plenty of 'men' skating on child support. I also have a cousin who's Army ex hasn't paid in 9 years. Just because some of them do get caught doesn't mean I'm telling a 'story'. And can't you get a DNA test? You and your mom have legal options.

  11. Devils advocate: they set child support way too high for these guys to have their own life. Meanwhile the ex is sitting at home, bills paid, eating bon bons and not also supporting the child. Everyone forgets the ex wife needs to be half responsible for the kids she made, and it doesn't cost $500 a week (times 2 if she actually kicked anything in) to raise a child. Sorry everyone!

  12. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! My weekly grocery bill is more than my monthly child support. You couldn't even feed six cats with it.
    Sorry crazycatlady!

  13. Anonymous1:39 PM

    As someone who has been through this... I can almost guarantee the children would rather forget about their father than have a father that had been in jail. Honestly, that is so much harder on the psyche than not having money from someone you don't even know. Only a vindictive ex would prefer hard time to a paycheck. What a great example for your kids.

  14. This dude owes $120,000 a year in child support and everyone wants to call him a deadbeat.

    Are you serious? That's insane. Its supposed to cost a couple hundred dollars to raise a kid to 18 and this guy owes 6 times that?

    Everyone is okay with that?

    I'm a single father. I get no child support. I support my kids on my own. I'm not chasing after the mom. I'm not crying to everyone who listens that I should be getting money. No I just raise my kids the best I can.

    1. He hasn't paid in TEN YEARS. Are *you* serious? Over a mil for 3 kids for 10 years isn't crazy.
      You should be chasing mom for money. Consider yourself very fortunate you can afford to raise them with one salary.

  15. i mean a couple hundred thousand

  16. Unknown - he has several kids, not one child.

  17. He has not paid a thing for ten years! Even if he lost a good job, in ten years, he could've gotten one and at least paid something. He could very well have felt in over his head with the paying for support, as well as his cost of living. Even if that were true, he still paid zip for a freaking decade. There is no excuse. None!

    Women don't have a special power that determines which men will pay child support. Sure, some men make it obvious, but not all. "Quit fucking scumbags" is easier said than done, when the man doesn't present himself as one to begin with.

  18. When we finally got to court for his non-payment and attorney asked for jail time, the judge responded "if I put him in jail your client really won't see a dime". Thanks justice system. Still I'm the winner. I have sole custody and he hasn't bothered to see her on 12 years. I've seen her happy face every day of her life. Live with that loser!

  19. You know, child support is not to raise a child in the very minimum style to keep them alive (unless the parents are poor to begin with). It is to support a child in somewhat the style they are accustomed to.

    If this guy made a tidy income, $120,000 is well within the realm of fairness. And why shouldn't the kids benefit if they have a wealthy parent?

  20. I wonder if he realizes that after he turns 65, his child support owed can be taken from his Social Security old-age and disability insurance benefit? That might come as quite a shock to him.

  21. This guy is from my town.

  22. Why don't people just have joint custody so men aren't always stuck paying these women so they spend most of the money on themselves.

  23. Just to lazy brother and his lazy wife live off the child support she gets for the two kids with the ex. They don't work, live on welfare and support their child with the child support for the other two. Lazy bums disgust me. Don't even look for work. Not right. The ex-husband has the two kids three and a half days a week, my bro and his wife the other three and a half days.

  24. I'm neither pro-moms or pro-dads on this subject. There's a lot of people who cheat and misuse the system.

  25. Too all the single moms and dads out there's. You guys rock. Thanks for being there.
