Thursday, February 07, 2013

9 Year Old Gives Birth In Mexico - Got Pregnant At 8

I believe it was last year, I wrote a post about a girl who was 10 who had given birth. The year before I wrote a post about a 12 year old girl who gave birth. I don't ever want to write a post about anyone else in single digits giving birth. Apparently a 9 year old girl identified as Dafne has given birth to a 6 pound baby. Dafne got pregnant by her 17 year old boyfriend who police are looking for. What does a 17 year old see in a 9 year old? I'm also shocked that a 9 year old has sex. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm not sure I even knew what sex was when I was 9. To be a parent at 9? I know I'm going to sound like an idiot here, but I also have never known anyone who started menstruating at 8. Back in the day it seemed like most girls were in the 12+ range. I'm more shocked that someone can get pregnant at 8. That is like 3rd grade.


  1. I don't even know what to say about this except that this sickens me.

  2. It's not unheard of for a girl to get her first period that young. Hopefully they find the pedophile baby daddy.

  3. This is so sick. Girls seem to be developing a lot earlier now. Very sad for this child.

  4. Sweet Jesus. My baby boy is 8. He only knows Legos and Star Wars. :(

    1. I was thinking the same thing! My son is 7 and I cant imagine this!

  5. This is why it's important to have a government body that actually regulates what ends up in our food supply. So that there aren't massive amounts of Human Growth Hormone in milk which is linked with early menstruation in young girls.

    1. Yes, yes and yes to this.

    2. Didn't the govt allow it in the first place? Around the 50s/60s when the demand for meat started growing due to a healthy economy. Beef supplies were decreasing so hormones were injected to allow for more meat per cattle.

    3. 2nd the amen to this!! The crap in the food has girls developing as early as 7 or 8. Also a diet of alot of fatty fried foods eill do it.

    4. Yup agreed 100%

    5. Yup agreed 100%

    6. In total agreement.

    7. Thank you VIP! My friends daughter started her period and had boobs by 2nd grade. The doctors directly blamed the farmed food her mom was feeding her. Corporations who farm this food are very aware of what the side effects are but like most corporations , casualties and their resulting lawsuits are not as important as profit margins. I hope these food companies will have to pay back billions like the tabacco industries

    8. Thank you VIP! My friends daughter started her period and had boobs by 2nd grade. The doctors directly blamed the farmed food her mom was feeding her. Corporations who farm this food are very aware of what the side effects are but like most corporations , casualties and their resulting lawsuits are not as important as profit margins. I hope these food companies will have to pay back billions like the tabacco industries

  6. At 8 I was only vaguely familiar with where babies come from and also thought boys were icky. You'd think the child's parents would have done something long about the "boyfriend" before she got pregnant.

  7. Anonymous7:06 AM

    No doubt the child will be brought here so our tax dollars can take care of it.

    1. I know! All our money should go to war and weapons. Helping another human being is such a waste. But when we get really hungry Schmucky...we might take a bite out of you.

  8. Supposedly the bf ran away- what's not to say this wasn't abuse at the hands of a family member or Neighbour? Regardless, whomever is responsible needs to be punished fully- no way we can argue consent here, she was 8 FFS!!!

  9. This is really disturbing. Babies having babies.

    About the menstruating, I have a cousin that started menstruating at 8. Everyone is different.

  10. I cannot imagine a 9 year old going through childbirth - even a very developed one. It's not unheard of, but very unusual for girls to start their business that early. I have a relative who started at 10.

  11. Wow, this is disturbing. I didn't get my period until I was 14 - almost double her age when she got pregnant. I also have no idea what a 17-year-old sees in an 8-year-old but I hope they do something to make sure he isn't knocking up other girls that young.

  12. @Schmucky Putz <- THIS is why I hate the human race.

  13. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Can you imagine a 9-year old GIVING birth? Getting pregnant is bad enough, but that kind of trauma is NOT meant for children.

  14. As the mother of a 9 year old daughter, I'm horrified by this story. My 9 year old isn't even 100% certain where babies come from (we've had some talks but she's still puzzled why any girl would want to touch a boy. lol)

    A friend of my 16 year old daughter is pregnant and, well, it's providing a very important life lesson to my daughters (they're 17, 16, 9, and 7) about how much life changes when you add a baby. *smh*

  15. I knew a girl who had huge boobs in 2nd grade, but I can't remember if she had her period or not. That was ~22 years ago, and I'm not sure what the prevalence of chemicals in food was back then (I didn't care, I was 8ish). But she (and this girl), may have just been an anomaly. When you think about alllllllllllllllllllll of the girls in that age group, I'd be surprised if it was a significant amount that are capable of getting pregnant.

  16. When I was in middle school (8th grade), my classmate said she started her cycle at 8 as well. I was like "WHAT"?! And here I was like 13 and hadn't started yet...late bloomer in EVERYTHING!

    Sidenote: The youngest child (and I say child not woman because that's what she was) on record to have a baby was 5 years old.

  17. This is FUBAR.

  18. I didn't even think of human growth hormones. Gawd, I was 12 when I started, and thought I was having kidney failure. I didn't know you could get back cramps too! I cannot imagine how it would be for a second grader.

  19. @Putz - flee back to your home under the taxpayer-funded bridge!

    @VIP has right - a lot of the reason girls are developing early has to do with hormones injected into food. There have been some arguments that it's because we're more careful now with multi-vitamins, better health care, etc. My friend's daughter (now in 5th grade) starting developing (hormones, breast tissue, typical of what you'd see on a 10-12yo) when she was about 6 - they put her on the Depo-Provera shot because starting too early can cause a whole range of issues like bone cancer.

    But getting back to the main point - SICK F* who has sex with an 8yo? I wonder if there's some mental impairment going on, perhaps someone with the mental capacity of a 10yo and wouldn't think it was inappropriate... I don't know, I'm just sad for this girl and the child.

  20. The 17 year old bf is definitely disturbing, but how could the parents not have known? It's one thing for a teen/pre-teen do do things their parents don't know about, but why weren't the parents keeping tabs on their CHILD?

    1. Dafne, who is one of 11 children, lives in Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos, a poverty-stricken neighborhood 25 miles south of Guadalajara.  'Her parents work all day and were not watching after her,' said Lino Ginzalez Corona, spokesperson at Jalisco State Prosecutor’s Office, 'and therefore didn’t realize what was about to happen.'

      The DM article also states the mother who can't read or write had no idea what happened to her daughter was even a crime. You think to yourself how can that be possible but these people don't have an education, they just struggle to survive on a daily basis. Sad but that's how it is in lots of places around the world.

  21. Sorry I hate to jump on the blame the media bandwagon but young children these days are too over exposed to adult things.Yes I am only 24 but I didn't know about sex or what celebrity is dating who when I was 8 or 9 like these kids do. Hell I got my first non prepaid phone at 16. That's like a death sentence for kids today. It was strictly friends and homework in my spare time. I hate when I hear the younger children talking about facebook or who Taylor Swift is currently dating. I really fear for this generation and I can't imagine what children will be like when I'm ready to have kids. Please turn the TVs off, unplug the radios and computers and have family night. Children need to be told and assured that they are loved and special and that they have a bright future ahead of them that doesn't include auditioning for 16 & Pregnant. Also each your children about (safe) sex and hormones and puberty. Don't rely on the school systems to do it.

    1. *Teach not each. Damn you auto correct!

  22. If you look on Wikipedia it has an article with the youngest moms in history. I think the youngest they found was 6 years old. It is incredibly disturbing, I am looking at my 10 year old sister who is home sick and she is cuddling our chihuahua, I cannot imagine her having her own child. I can't even imagine having my own child and I am 23.

    FWIW I have no problem with my tax dollars helping a 9 year old child with her own baby because some sick 17 fucker couldn't keep it in his pants. Thank god not everyone is as cold hearted as Schmucky, I can only imagine what a hateful world it would be if everyone thought that way.

    1. Agree on everything. I have a 8 year old sister and I pray for her every night that she will be able enjoy her childhood and not grow up so fast.

    2. @JSierra, that kind of arrogance that schmucky has is why Americans are so hated around the world. The kind of American who thinks his shit don't stink gives the rest of us such a horrible representation.

  23. I read somewhere that she was one of (and maybe the youngest) 11 children (!), and her parents didn't pay much attention to her. No kidding. I also read that now the police aren't even sure that the 17-year-old boyfriend actually exists.

    1. She also had a cesarian delivery. The article didn't say why but I can guess that her little 9 year old body wasn't capable of birthing a 6lb baby. Very sad story.

  24. My 8 yo son doesn't have the slightest clue (or real care) where babies come from. I'm pregnant and the idea of someone that young having to deal with the crap that comes with it, nevermind childbirth, horrifies me.

    As for the 17 yo "boyfriend" I think the term "abuser" would be more accurate. After all a child that young can't really consent.

    1. @emma, it's time to read him "Where Did I Come From?" If you don't do it soon, he won't find out about it from you first.

  25. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @Rafi- I thought I was the only intelligent one here! Great post.

  26. This is so sad and disturbing.

    In other sad news, I did go to school with a girl who ended up pregnant in 5th grade!!!! and then by senior year had four children! When I think about it now, I am amazed that she still went to school.

  27. The average age of menarche for black girls in the US is about 9 years old, for white girls it is about 10; so this should not be a complete surprise.

    As far back as when I was in college 40 years ago my psych text book was putting the average in the US at 12 and decreasing at 6 months every decade. This is not a by product of rBGH.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I know plastics causes early development in girls, but I still can't wrap my mind around an 8 year old getting pregnant. It's beyond sad. She's pretty much lost her childhood.

  30. Boys are also starting to physically mature at younger ages.

    @Schmucky Putz, being a legend in your own mind is the antithesis of intelligence.

  31. So sad, that's not much of a childhood.

    I started wearing a bra when I was 9 and my period when I was 10. Hated it. I knew nothing. We have so many hormones and extra stuff in our food now, so I am not surprised young girls are starting earlier.

  32. The youngest girl was five. There is a picture of her nude with her swollen belly that is heartbreaking. The doctor helped her a lot. Her father was arrested but released. Someone sent me a vid. I thought it was a joke but that is just so sad and perverse.

  33. I wouldn't be surprised if the "17 year old boyfriend" ended up being an older brother, relative or her father. All in all a tragic case of child abuse :(

  34. I seriously doubt this is a by-product of the media. This girl probably doesn't have a tv! The idea that she wanted to have sex is ridiculous. She was raped! Also, I have never judged someone on CDAN before, but Schmucky, the the fact that you read this story and thought of yourself and how this might affect your bank account is sickening. You really need to reevaluate your character.

  35. Anonymous8:41 AM

    @Alma- I might be down for that... What do you look like? ;-)

    1. Oh Schmucky! You tickle me in the bad way. I look just like your fantasy. I look like a .38 magnum with boobs. ;)

  36. This is heartbreaking. My 11 yr old still sleeps with her stuffed animals. The boy would have to pray the police got to him before I did.

  37. Emma F, if your 8 year old really has no idea where babies come from and you are pregnant, it IS the time for you to have the talk. Buy a good book on it and read it together. You are risking the other boys will inform him about the process in much worse way

    1. Agree 100%.
      I freaked out and had to buy a book for my 10 year old. I was worried that I would be too frank and horrified of the idea of my 15 year old stepson trying to explain anything.

  38. @Schmucky Putz

    I think I remember you from somewhere. You don't like Canucks. Why would they bring the child to the US?

  39. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Don't like Canucks? I was born in North Windsor, Ontario. I use the term endearingly.

  40. Anonymous9:13 AM

    In Michigan, Windsor is often referred to as South Detroit. Like the Journey song.

    1. @Schmucky - no, Windsor is not considered South Detroit. FFS, you're just making everyone think you're dumber with every post.

  41. Schmucky - you are certainly living up to your name. I don't want to give your trolling post much attention, but apparently that's what you're after making incendiary comments. It's easier to stand out here with this incredibly compassionate group than to go blend in on the Fox News site, correct?

    I do believe that what we put into and on our body affects everything. Bottom line - I tend to agree with that saying: try organic, or what your grandparents referred to as "food". Yes, in the past puberty has begun earlier for a few boys and girls, but what has been happening in the past decade is an epidemic.

  42. just beyond sad ... but, this was all sad before the baby, too. the youngest of 11 kids, illiterate parents who are rarely around ... living in poverty and likely hopelessness ... everything about this is sad. the baby part is just disgusting, and the "father" should NOT be referred to as a boyfriend for f*k sakes. Whoever impregnated this child is a f*cking child molester, unless of course it's another 8 year old or 9 year old, and then this is just all sorts of sad and pitiful all over again. And, for crying out loud, the last thing that concerns me about this article is my tax dollars helping. I'd much rather see my tax dollars going to support education and health care for people born without a single prayer of a chance in life like this than on endless wars and missions to the moon.

  43. WHAT! this is horrifying and disturbing, to say the least. :(

    what 9 y/o has a 'boyfriend'? this is so many kinds of sick. that little girl was raped and this is about to become yet another of of those tsk-tsk-sad sigh-move it along things for the mexican government.

  44. Anonymous9:34 AM

    @yawnathon- Where are you from? It's fine if you don't like me, but you make yourself look asinine commenting on things you know nothing about.

    1. @Schmucky. I'm from St Clair Shores, bitch.

  45. Ahahaha FSP!! Love your avie (GO RAVENS!)

    yawnathon, not to jump into the discussion (as I jump into the discussion) but when I lived in Detroit some of the locals did indeed refer to Windsor as "Detroit-Lite", same with how some natives in Toronto referred to them when I went there on vacation. That was over 10 years ago, so not sure how it's seen now.

    I agree with Rafi as far as spending more time with your family and unplugging the rest of the world when you do. That's great advice for every culture/country. I cannot imagine a 9 year old giving birth. Just.cannot.
    Hopefully all of this media attention will at least prove beneficial to this little one and her siblings. Maybe child services will get involved? I don't know how it works in Mexico.

  46. Michigan born and bred. Never have I heard a Detroit native refer to Windsor as south Detroit.

    1. @Puggle - my mom's entire family - 6 sisters and a brother all with multiple kids (Catholic, duh) have lived in and around Detroit for over a century. A major road is named after my great-Uncle. I've never heard this and I have over 30 cousins.

    2. Wouldn't it be North Detroit? ;-)

  47. It's sad today how quickly kids grow up. That being said I also think they reach puberty sooner due to all the growth hormones in the milk and meat.It's unnatural and these additives are unhealthy and should be banned. When I was growing up girls didn't usually menstruate until 12 or 13. Back in my mother's day it wasn't until 14-16. It gets earlier and earlier all the time. I wouldn't be surprised in this case if the 9 YR old who had the baby wasn't raped, perhaps even by a relative.

  48. Anonymous11:15 AM

    @Puggle and yawnathon- Windsor is south of Detroit. When "Don't Stop Believing" came out everyone wanted to know where "South Detroit" was. The joke answer being Windsor. You won't find it on a map, it's not an "official" geographical name. Bitch.

    1. @Schmucky - I know where Windsor is. You and your one friend may have had that hiiiiilarious joke, but it's not exactly widespread like you claimed in your post above. Go back to making shitty comments about immigrants.

    2. And if you're in Windsor, why the fuck do you care about "our" taxes paying for this baby?! Dipshit.

    3. That's a weird geographical oddity. I'm off to look at a map!

  49. Yeah ok, a 17 year old is not "having sex" or "the boyfriend of", or "dating" an 8 year old. He is sexually abusing and exploiting a child.

    I hope he is in jail for a very long time.

  50. How terribly sad. I cannot fathom that at all. This is one of the most tragic things I ever heard.
    I've had the talk with my girls before and we regularly chat about 'body issues'. My eldest is about to start menstruating and I think it's good to keep an open line with them.
    I have also just used this story as another teaching tool (an edited version). I like to talk about not just the physical changes but also the emotional side of sex and relationships.I always try to explain how precious and valuable their bodies are and that it is an amazing thing to experience, but only with the right person. But...If they know bad things can happen they will be more aware too, I hope.
    I really hope this girl is ok and that the poor baby won't be faced with the same sad life it's mother has.
    And that scumbag who got her pregnant is a peodophile. Anybody who is sexually attracted to pre pubescent children is a peodophile, even if they are a teenager themselves.

  51. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Perhaps if you would venture out of your lily-white suburban enclave once in a while, you might learn something about the area you live in. I never said I was in Windsor. Nice mouth on you. You sound like a classy eastsider.

    1. You said you were born there. Btw, I haven't lived in MI since high school but go back multiple times a year. Nice try though, you stereotypical piece of crap. Notice I would never shit on a city in Canada. Just you. Because you write moronic things.

    2. Oh, and Go Wings!

  52. I second what urban chaos said. Every word.

  53. I'm 43 & developed breasts at 11 & had to start wearing a bra in primary school. The next year I went to High School (turned 12 in July, was the youngest person in my school) & I had to wear an underwire bra & was a C cup. I didn't menstruate until I was 13.
    This poor girl. Just another example of why free/cheap, easily accessible birth control is a must. Not for her, for the parents so they didn't have 11 children that they couldn't look after. All the comments about Octomom, but at least you have a support system so those children have a chance. Hope however raped this girl has their dick cut off.

  54. Anonymous12:02 PM


  55. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I happen to be Wings fan. :-p

  56. At least there's something redeeming about you ;)

  57. On behalf of all Canadians: sorry. Glad Schmuky lives with you guys now. Loser.

    I know, stop feeding the troll.

  58. DTA fans, it's totally out of context but funny picturing the Dowager saying that to a troll :)

  59. @Lynette

    I don't think we want Schmucky.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. For some reason whether it is the food we eat or the chemicals in them or chemicals in the environment or maybe each generation is healthier in some respects, but adolescence is coming on earlier than before.

    Early puberty for girls. The new ‘normal’ and why we need to be concerned

    I was 11 and 1/2 in 1971 and I thought damn because my mother was 16 so I figured I had lots of time, but she lived through a war and food rationing. And I was pretty much in sync with most of my friends.

    But they also say just because menstruation starts doesn't mean any eggs are dropping yet. So to have eggs dropping at age 9, yikes.

  62. Can you imagine a 9 year old girl throwing a temper tantrum while PMSing? Haws, I'm close to throwing a tantrum from pms right now, and I'm 41.

  63. Wow, this is so sad and disturbing.

    I wish we had an ignore option. It's funny how a troll can twist a news item like this and make it about him.

  64. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I'm verklempt. It didn't realize you guys cared so much about me. Now I know you really do. Thanks guys. I was actually done with this thread, but I felt obligated to acknowledge your loving and compassionate words.

  65. Mango did you check out the CB thread? There is some pretty good ignoring going on over there. I have also discovered that if you click (on the web version, not mobile) in the empty white space of someone's comment it collapses it so you don't have to see it anymore. It comes in handy when you just get tired of looking at shit.

  66. The record is 5 years old, in Peru. Yes, I said 5 years old.

  67. Schmucky, I bet you have been lurking for awhile, waiting to get mentioned. Also, if you are from Canada, you shouldn't give two fucks about someone in the US "wasting" your tax dollars. A fucking third grader now has a baby to take care of, and you decide to take time out of your day, to show what an insensitive piece of shit you are. Please stay in Canada, we have enough assholes to deal with on the states.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. That 17 year old is no boyfriend. He's a pedophile and it wouldn't come as any surprise to find out it's one of her siblings. With 11 kids it sounds like the parents spend much more of their time making kids than parenting them. Sadly no one in that family seems to know anything at all about birth control and this 9 year old has a really good chance of becoming a grandmother by the time she's 18 or 19. This is a really fucked up world we are living in these days.

  70. That poor little girl, and her child as well. I was 10 when I got the curse, and was most offended by the inconvenience and mess of it all. 6mths later I looked about 16...on the outside. Still 10 on the inside. Some guys didn't care, even after they found out. My mother did, and made sure they knew it. She's kinda awesome. I wish that little girl's mom was like mine.

  71. Per Steve Perry, he made up South Detroit because it scanned:

    I would bet that this poor child was being abused and no one thought about pregnancy until it happened. So God only knows how longs it was going on. Just horrific.

  72. actually they think it's the stepfather...and she's not the only one knocked up
