Saturday, February 16, 2013

Amanda Bynes Wants To Weigh 100 Pounds

Besides plugging every brand of clothes or companies that she would like free items from, Amanda Bynes spent her 2 minute interview with US Weekly telling the world exactly how much she would like to weigh. 100 pounds. You must be telling yourself that she is the same height as Snooki or something. You would be wrong. Amanda is 5'8". Currently she weighs 121 pounds because she lost four pounds since she moved to New York. Her goal weight is 100 pounds and she considers herself fat right now. A woman who is 5'8' should weight about 145 pounds and on the very very low end could weigh 126 pounds. Obviously 100 is crazy. This is Amanda Bynes we are talking about here. I wonder if she blames it all on munchies after smoking pot 24/7.


  1. She's nuts. She's going to die. Someone needs to help her.

  2. This is such a sad situation....I loved her when she was a child actor on nickelodeon. She really seemed like she had potential to be a huge star.

  3. When I was her age I was very very slim (naturally - blessed with genes and super fast metabolism) and weighed 115 - and I'm just below 5"6. This girl is a mess.

  4. I would imagine it would be easy to lose weight after moving to NYC, since you walk everywhere. Bynes doesn't need to lose weight, she needs therapy. Something isn't right.

  5. God, I hope there is someone in this girl's life who gives a flying fuck and is trying to help her!! And, yes, I called her a girl: she's just a kid, FFS.

  6. I hope she gets the help she desperately needs.

  7. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Morning everyone. I'm 5'9 and the lowest I could ever get to was 135, and that was with extreme dieting and exercise, I ate dinner only and exercised two hours a day. There's no way she can get down to 100 and be healthy. Mental health intervention. If she's a danger to herself at what point should her parents call in a 5150? She needs to be evaluated by a professional.

    1. The dad has publicly said she doesn't have any problems. Has said she doesn't drink or do drugs. Maybe he says that to not embarrass his daughter any more than she already has but I think he is in denial. The parents let her loose with the likes of Dan Schneider so I don't think they have really been in tune with her for years. Shameful.

  8. She has circles under her eyes in that photo.

    I can't believe her parents let her go to NYC by herself. At least, I believe they did. Isn't there anyone who cares about her?

    #6 in her list is, "I'm addicted to online shopping."

    Wasn't there a blind about this a week or two ago and the popular guess was Amanda?

  9. I think 121 at 5' 8" is probably normal for Hollywood and modelling, but she is going to look skeletal at 100. This is classic anorexic thinking. She's probably not exercising right now, and what she sees isn't fat, it's untoned muscle.

    I think this is a call for help, and I hope her family and real friends pay attention.

  10. I'm just under 5'9", and I weighed about 115 lbs until I was 22ish. I could not gain weight and that tall at a size 0/2 I looked freakish. She will absolutely destroy her system if she gets down to 100 lbs.

  11. I'm 5-9 and got down to 120# after my Mom died. And, I wanted to be even thinner and I'm glad NOW that I didn't.

    I truly hope someone steps in for her: the humanist in me likes to think people are trying... and she's resisting. If she's using anything other than pot, she's likely not in her right mind. Oh man, this is giving me the sads. :/

  12. 5'8" and 100 lb is frightening, especially with what I see as her body type. Even the skinniest models are in the 5'9 and 110 lb range. Is she serious or is this just stuff she spouted out of her ass while she was high?

  13. Parents can't force a grown woman not to go somewhere. She's going to have to crash and burn on her own before she can be helped. It's sad.

  14. She can only be forcibly commited if she is a danger to others or herself (threatening suicide, harming others, etc.). I don't think her parents could call in a 5150.

  15. As long as she has money there is nothing anyone can do or like Puggle said try to hurt herself.

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  18. I'm 5'9" and at my lowest I was 115#. I looked like crap. I did like being 120 but.130 looks best. She's going to kill herself one way or another, this one. She has some serious mental issues that need to be addressed. This is really sad.

  19. As Puggle said, involuntary commitment is impossible based on that statement. Sounds like body dysmorphic disorder in a major way. I fit gets ti the point she weighs 70 lbs, they could most likely get an injunction forcing a feeding tube. Other than that, it's watching the unrelenting machine of Hollywood spitting out yet another ruined life.

  20. @ Mango...she is in her 20s long past the age of having to listen to her parents. It's not like she is still a minor. There is only so much parents can do once their kids reach legal age.

  21. I thought that was a picture of Lady Caca.

  22. @mybrothehero

    "Other than that, it's watching the unrelenting machine of Hollywood spitting out yet another ruined life."

    Well said, mybro. That speaks to so many celebrities who get lost in the privilege and abundance.

  23. I'm a shade over 5'8 and the lowest I ever weighed as an adult was 129...I looked positively skeletal! I realized I was not supposed to weigh my "magic weight" of 120. 100 lbs? Very dangerous.

    All of these Amanda Bynes stories sound exactly like a friend of mine who eventually had to be committed to the mental hospital. She was diagnosed as being Bi-polar level III, body dysmorphia, and schizo-effective disorder. Very sick - it's taken a lot of work but 5 years later she is doing a lot better. Her goal is to begin working again this year.

  24. i'm 5'9, currently 127lbs and i look fine. thin, yes, but healthy.

    100lbs is too thin, though. and everyone is correct: she is feeding into the gross, twisted hollywood mentality of what a healthy body is.

    i hope she can let go of the toxic people around her and start to heal.

  25. There was a blind item about someone who shopped online non stop, but didn't even use the stuff. It said they used a $1,000 dress as an ashtray.

  26. My friend who as been starving herself is still losin weight. Not as rapidly or as much, but still shrinking bit by bit. She was a 10-12 in High School & she has gotten smaller than that. She would wake up literally shaking, unable to drive. Her & her husband would joke about the shakes, her blood pressure has been dangerously low. She went to the doctor who found nothing wrong, because the effects of starvation take a while to negatively affect your blood results. She has no tone, her arm skin hangs off the bone & flaps in the breeze, her husband jokes about that too. Her beautiful skin, no longer glowing, dull and wrinkled, & still she starves. I hope Amanda receives help, but even when you express concern, if the husband & parents don't want to see it, let alone your friend, what do you do?

  27. I'm 5'3" and change, and my ideal weight (the one I feel most comfortable at) is around 115-120. When I was training for a marathon, I got down to 105 and the difference 10 lbs makes on a short person is the difference 20 lbs would make on a tall person. If she gets to 100 lbs at 5'8", she'll look like a bobble head and will be seriously damaging her system and bones.

    So sad. I remember a girl I used to babysit adored her and we watched her show together.

  28. I'm 5'3, 104, and my hubby doesn't like it. I'm actually trying to gain weight. I've lost 30 lbs since we got married in June. I can't imagine being so tall and weighing less than I do now. She needs help from a friend, family member, or someone who can get through to her stat.

  29. I'm 5'2" and 360 lbs. This girl needs to get her self a few cats and some morning Mountain Dew juice. Than I think she'd rethink the whole 100 lb thing.

  30. Poor girl...someone needs to step in and help her.

  31. Speaking of unreasonable weight limits - I saw this article on photoshopping celebs the other day. She-who-shall-not-be-named-in-Feb" is at the top, but scroll down to the retouch Ralph Lauren did on Filippa Hamilton. She was fired for being overweight, and they photoshopped her to looking like a giant head on a skeletal frame.

    Also Madonna, Britney, Kiera Knightley, Demi, & Penelope Cruz (amongst others) in the article.

  32. Ugh. Not interested in her. Let's not let Bynes become a thing.

  33. Since we are all sharing our heights, I top out at 5'5". You guys are all tall!

    I'm wondering how much of this shit show is real and how much is just looking for attention. I think she is nuts and for some dumb reason, she sees these shenanigans as a great way to keep her relevant and popular. Which is what is happening, minus the popularity and add in a dash of pity and lack of respect.

  34. 5'1" here. Short folks rock! I think Bynes has a legit mental illness. I really don't see things getting into Lohan territory. From what I have seen from her family, they are no where near the enabling douchebags that the Lohan's are.

  35. I used to love her so much on nickelodeon...damn what do they do to these child stars in Hollywood? Hilary Duff is the only normal one I can think of. I really hope her family gets her some help.

  36. I use to love her.I thought she was a stable young star. so sad to see how quickly she's gone down hill.
