Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former B list actress who would never make anyone's list as a best actress contender got paid way more than she should have as an actress. She never spent any of her money, but now that she is married she is spending her husband's money right and left. In the short time she has been married, she has spent almost $1M.


  1. ^ great guess. I'm on board with Biel.

  2. It's a toss up between Jessica Beil and Blake Not So Lively for me.

  3. Is Blake Lively considered former since she's not doing anything these days?

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I read this as Biel

  5. I saw Biel on my flipboard today, some kind of cozy interview thing. Hopping on the Biel train!

  6. Holy fudge. Hope she enjoys spending his hard earned NSync money- I helped contribute to that!!

  7. I wish enty would've mentioned what kind of things she's spending the money on. I'm interested in what suddenly urged the need to spend.

  8. Biel's in the DM, on a shopping trip with an assistant lugging multiple bags.

  9. I want to believe this is Biel, but it says former actress. Biel still considers herself a current actress and is trying to get work. Don't think this is her.

    Same with Lively. She still wants to work and hasn't announced her retirement since marriage.

  10. @chi, I read it as former b-list, not former actress.

  11. @Chigirl, Enty means former B list not former actress

  12. I felt this was a Blake one

  13. if he meant former B list, wouldn't he say "..and now ___ list"? I'm on the "former actress" train here.

  14. Love the Biel guess. I'm buying a ticket for that train!

  15. If it's Jessica she signed a very tight pre-nup, maybe she's buying things of value to sell later....

  16. Blake's not former. It's Bangs Biel

  17. Must be nice to have a rich hubby. One that lets you spend all his hard earned cash. I too wonder what she's spending it on.

    I'm also on the Biel train. Enty is always saying what a crap actress she is.

  18. I too wonder what she spends it on. Biel looks pretty low maintenance. Every time I see her in a movie I always think of how interchangable she is as an actress. Her parts could be played by anyone, and most actresses would be more interesting than her.

  19. Well, she can't spend his money if he doesn't give her access. So he/JT must be fine with it.

    I'm no fan of Biel, but this just doesn't sound that bad to me. She was on a tv show and did a few (crappy) movies, but it's not like she's got a fortune squirelled away. Then she gets with JT, propelling her into a new level of stardom. After Tom and Katie tied the knot, didn't he schedule fittings for her with all the high-end designers so she would always look "amazing"? Maybe this is JT treating her to guilt-free shopping and a sartorial makeover?

  20. Reviewer in the local paper once called Biel, "the best actress in Hollywood from the neck down." I don't think I've ever seen her in anything, so that's how I think of her.

  21. I have no issues with this. I wish it was me.

  22. I guess Justin is paying for all that cheating after all!

  23. I second NomNom. Maybe he wants her to look a certain way and is more than happy to foot the bill.

    Am I remembering this correctly; that Daniel Craig's ex-girlfriend had his AMEX card and when she found out he was cheating on her, went on a shopping spree to the tune of a million dollars?

    1. Haha Sherry, that reminds me (kinda ot), I used to work in a call center for a vacation company. There were a handful of times a husband would call in, make reservations for himself and his mistress, and tell us to keep it a secret from his wife. We could put a note in the account about his secrecy request, but if the wife's name was on the account, we could still tell her everything.
      They always got caught. Some of them had a confirmation letter sent to their home addresses, some had it sent to their wife's email. Idiots.
      So anyway, there were a few times I had a pissed off wife on the phone who would ask which credit card was on file (I had to tell her if she was an account holder), then if it was the husband's card she would just go to town spending money. Vacations out the ass, it was like something out of Oprah. YOU GET A VACATION! YOU GET A VACATION! YOU GET A VACATION!
      Fun times.

  24. I second NomNom. Maybe he wants her to look a certain way and is more than happy to foot the bill.

    Am I remembering this correctly; that Daniel Craig's ex-girlfriend had his AMEX card and when she found out he was cheating on her, went on a shopping spree to the tune of a million dollars?

  25. She could be furnishing a home....

  26. I don't know if this proves or disapproves the Biel guess but I remember this article:

    I would still think Biel is B though because of the Timberlake factor and I don't think she has tons of money socked away because I don't think she's had huge paydays.

  27. Well we read that Biel got hosed on the pre-nup, so I guess she found a way around it.

  28. @sugar-I'm with you. I would do the same.

  29. Oh Seaward. That is priceless!

  30. Both Biel and Blakely fit this blind, but I think it might be Biel. Thought it might also be Megan Fox, but her husband isn't rich enough.

  31. smart. When he dumps her she would have some money in the bank.

  32. Anonymous1:24 PM


  33. YAY!!! I think it's my 3rd or 4th time commenting, but my first time actually guessing the same as the major majority...BIEL!!!!

  34. I remember when she was on 7th Heaven and Trading Spaces was on. They did a Trading Spaces episode with jessica biel and her blond co-star girl sharing an apartment with each other and then two other male actor brothers living together and they each redid their apartments. I'm thinking that she was a penny pincher and this sounds like her....I bet she gets knocked up pretty fast - you go girl

  35. Def JBiel-TimbertoesSucka

  36. It's become obligatory when talking about jessica biel to mention what a crappy actress she is. How humiliating for her.

  37. @sherry yes i remember hearing about daniel's exes $1 million shopping spree.

    werent they together for like 10 years and then BOOM he up and marries rachel weiz. but IIRC he let her keep everything (and i think even let her do more shopping...?)

    forget cried my tears after 3 good years... more like spent 1 million after 10 years givin

  38. I thought I read that somewhere BIM. And yeah, he didn't argue too much if the story is true. Hmmmm seems as though someone might feel guilty?

  39. Just to be different I'm gonna say elsa pataky(sp?) Spending Chris hemsworth's money.

  40. I think this is Kate Hudson, actually!

  41. I think this is Kate Hudson, actually!

  42. I was thinking Biel too or Megan Fox.
