Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blind Item #1

This cable show is a really big hit. Big hits bring fighting. The thing is you should never fight with the boss who is also your co-star because she will hate you and you shouldn't expect to be back next season. You should kiss as much butt like the other co-stars who love being on the show despite their boss.


  1. The one she wants to fire being the 'plain-jane' gal. There was some quote by Lena that she's the only character Lena would ever 'kill off', so I got the feeling they wouldn't miss each other from that.

  2. Somebody help me with the name, is it the Mamet girl? NOT Brian Williams' daughter.

  3. 4 in a row--damn y'all!

  4. Yep. She is insufferable. Someone is getting too big for their britches. You can just see her head swelling in her interviews.

  5. Awww, i was hoping gor something with homeland.

  6. Never watch the show bur I'm assuming is that dwarft from Girls

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Can we just fire Lena. She is ugly and nerve grating. Love, the trolll

  8. I hope its not girls, but it sounds like it might be. unless of course this is a fake blind.

    I read the quote from lena about how she is always thinking of killing off mamet's character. it sounded strange. mamet is the only really talented actress on the show. brian williams daughter would never have gotten that part if she weren't the offspring of someone famous. she's just ok. nothing special.

    mamets daughter is deeply intelligent and I can see her having her father's personality. hope she doesn't get killed off, as the show would suffer.

  9. Shoshana's the character. But yeah, the Mamet. (Not sure why this is a blind- other than to explain why she might have said it)

  10. Damn, Shosh is the best one!

  11. I would not piss off David Mamet if I was Dunham.

  12. Thanks, annabella & Whitney for confirming. This isn't blind if I got it--Those quotes from Dunham were all over the place a few days ago.
    I was surprised, because with all the attention Allison Williams has been getting, I thought any fight would be between those two.

  13. I don't watch that show, but it's my understanding that the Shoshanna character was never intended to be long-term and wasn't part of Lena Dunham's vision for the show. Then the character just took off. So, not really getting a "hate" vibe from that at all.

    BTW, I did watch one episode of Girls. Did not find anything even remotely entertaining or satisfying about it. I think it's the new kid on the block now but everyone will be over it in another season or two.

  14. An honest question: I've never seen the show (though I did watch Tiny Furniture, which was okay)... WHO is actually into this show? All I ever see is people bitching about it, and especially about Dunham, on the internet.

    Why is everyone so hard on this show? Surely it would be easier to just not watch it.

  15. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Lena sounds like quite the haglet. She, Chelsea Handler, and Lisa Lampanelli are the trifecta of wannabe hipsters who are just smart enough to cause grief for everyone else.

  16. Imma let you all finish but Lena Dunham is overrated, annoying, and I am eagerly awaiting her fame-time to wane.

  17. ^ This is what I mean though. Everyone says she is overrated. Who actually rates her? NO one likes her, right?

  18. I love Girls. It is fresh and quirky. Smartly written and generally well acted. I knew the hate would come once Lena established herself and here it is. She and her show are not for everyone and if it ain't your cup of tea then don't drink that tea. I think The Big Bang Theory is the dumbest sow on TV. Why it is the #1 comedy is beyond me. But I don't sit here and bash the show and its actors. I watch a different channel. I hope Girls has a great run and I look forward to much more from Lena Dunham.

    1. @Ruby Bee - exactly.

    2. Love the show, the characters are grating and self centered but that's the point, she's talking about her generation, and they are grating and annoying!

    3. I'm sure there are celebrities and shows you bash as well so don't get upset if people bash this crappy show with that unattractive Lena. This is not a site to tell people to not bash something because this is the norm for this site.

    4. @Ruby Bee, I also find the show interesting and I understand not everyone will like it or Lena but it seems like most of the time when someone complains about Lena they always point out that she's not attractive, see above post by Nevermind. I understand if her personality is annoying but why bring up her physical appearance? Is it so bad that someone "average looking" is successful?

    5. Well if people like me are pointing out that she's not cute it's because she's not. We talk about how pretty or not so pretty celebs are all the time; why should Lena be exempt. Plus she just goes to show she's ugly on the inside and out.

  19. @tealily - I watch it. Lena Dunham, for all her faults, is a very talented writer and observer of the human condition.

  20. I don't get it on my cable for free so I don't watch it. But my beloved NYTimes had an article about it and even mentioned that Mamet's character was supposed to be short lived.

  21. To be different: Naomi Campbell is exec producing "The Face" which is getting good reviews.

  22. It's nice to see people actually posting that they like the show! I can't for the life of me figure out why all these people who hate it continue to watch it. There must be SOMETHING compelling about it. I'll have to give it a watch at some point.

    And @Ruby, I'm with you. I don't find Big Bang funny in the slightest. But I pretty much only watch Simpsons reruns and Netflix these days.

    1. @Tealily - I don't think they do watch it. At least not REALLY watch it. They may watch long enough for Lena's tits to come out and then decide that is the show in a nutshell.

  23. I like the show and Lena. Its refreshingly different.

    I think Lena gets the hate because she doesn't conform to our ideas of being traditionally beautiful, yet she is not afraid to show her sexuality or her nude body in the show, and I think that's awesome.

  24. I've never seen "Girls" but my husband's review of it after watching 1 episode is too funny:
    "It's about a bunch of naked, ugly chicks banging everybody"

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @ Ruby Bee - Judd Apatow,is that you? Or your skeletor-faced wife. We know Lena is your "girl" and u got ur hands in those pockets, figuratively speaking, not literally. At least I hope not! *shivers* Imagining u 2 ugly chuds getting it on is enough to dry up any woman's vagina and send any guys weewee into a turtle-like retreat.

  27. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I doubt that many hate Lena because she expresses her sexuality. People hate her because she comes across as a know-it-all who isn't nearly as quirky, worldly, or astute as she's told herself she is.

    This is coming from the POV of having read several interviews/articles about her. If I don't like her from that, I'm sure not going to bother watching her show.

    Normally, the know-it-all type doesn't bother me. But there has to be a certain charm there. And charm is something Lena's interviews just don't have.

  28. I think it's human nature to hate beautiful women who become very successful in the public eye. We want women to be successful, but not too much so or they are full of themselves and too egotistical. It is similar to what makes successful, strong business women bitchy in much of society's eyes. Women are often damned in society for wanting it "too bad"...and it tends to be women who vilify other women the worst.

    Lena Dunham
    Anne Hathaway
    Angelina Jolie
    Jennifer Aniston

    Just to name four big ones off of the top of my head. But go read any post here or anywhere else about a woman whois driven and has become super successful in Hollywood, especially if she's beautiful too...the comments ooze contempt and loathing.

    And I'm not saying people don't have the right to hate whomever they want, or that hate is never justified. What I'm talking about goes deeper (societally) than that.

    1. Let's be real Lena is far from beautiful
      Also women who are less talented than the ones you mention gets a lot of contempt and loathing as well. Jessica Biel, Blake Lively and Jessica Simpson just to name a few.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. hahahaha - Lumping Lena in with Anne and Angelina! i guess beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder! LMAO!

    1. @poop...

      And with that comment it is clear that you totally missed the entire point.

  31. I hate the show (and I usually love offbeat entertainment but there is nothing to latch onto with this show.) I also find Lena Dunham to be insufferable (I even hated her BEFORE I found out she was a privileged Oberlin brat. I've never met anyone who went to that school who wasn't annoying.)

    However, I'm also totally convinced that if Lena were a man, the buzz around her would be very different indeed. She's ego-maniacal, conceited and believes her own bullshit, qualities which are eagerly celebrated in men.

  32. @Lola, then how do you explain Jennifer Lawrence, who is beautiful, successful in the public eye AND liked?

    It's not that these women are so beautiful and successful that we hate them. It's their personality. And Lena Dunham does NOT have an attractive personality.

    1. @Seachica, I don't think with everyone that it necessarily happens immediately. Anne Hathaway is a good example of this.

      And as so far as JLaw...Haven't you noticed comments to posts with her in it have begun to veer into the "I'm sick of this trick" territory lately?

  33. Was it here that one of fab readers commented on Lena being a lesser version of Jennie garafaolo? IMO, it was pretty spot on.

    I tried to be open to Girls because at times it takes a few episodes for me to give something a fair assessment but its still, meh for me.

    This is also the consensus of the of majority in my circle. I'm lost on her hype.

  34. Even though I like the show (lena being my least favorite), the show really only has one good season left in it after this one. She's already running out of things to talk about.

  35. People don't like her b/c she is a snotty, rich wannabe hipster who is neither worldly nor profound.

    1. Do agree with you Kloie! Cant stand her smugness.

  36. Love the show Mamet is the best actress, can't see Lena getting rid of her. But of course when women work together there has to be fighting and if women get into a disagreement that means they hate each other.

  37. lena's head is so far up her own ass it's amazing! Have you noticed no one really talks about the show, they only talk about her? she has made her and her character interchangeable which is a recipe for disaster.

    I may have some hood Lena gossip in the next few weeks though. I'm hearing some shit from production on that show. She's an asshole. Stay tuned...

  38. I've seen "Girls" and it is both incredibly off-putting and fascinating. Those characters are real! Real annoying, true, but real. That's something in this plastic Kardashian day and age.
    I think credit to Lena Dunham, both for writing and acting authenticity, is due. Same for her co-stars. I hope it doesn't go to her head but it probably will. Dang.

  39. She looks like the generic version of the poor man's Jennifer Jason Leigh. Only dirtier and less talented. Than the generic version.

  40. Tealily I enjoy the show and try to watch every week. People just don't like everything. I don't like Downton Abbey or Homeland, so and so doesn't like Girls. The only difference is I don't go on a rampage every time Damian Lewis or DA is mentioned.

    Lucas ITA I'm sure most of the people on here who talk so much shit about the show have never seen an episode, just like my little angel Honey Boo Boo. If you don't like Lena, cool whatever. But don't talk about what shit the show is when you have only seen 5min of 1 episode.

  41. I'm not a big fan of David Mamet's work. His female characters are devoid of personality. I've also read an essay or two by him and didn't like those either, like one talking about how Americans really weren't traumatized by 9/11 blah blah. His daughter seems annoying. I wouldn't be surprised if Lena wanted to get rid of her.

    1. Mamet's book "The Secret Knowledge" was an interesting read.

  42. I have never seen Girls and no nothing about Lena Dunham except that I just read the Entertainment Weekly article on her and she said she grew up in a studio-yes her parents were artists but she worked as a teenager and seemed somewhat humble. She just bought a condo in Brooklyn Heights for $450,000.

  43. I agree with Jazzy. I can't see how this show's plot can go on more than another season. I watch it, and sometimes I like it, and other times I only half watch it and have to keep rewinding it because I'm not paying attention. But after seeing her speeches and interviews I am having a hard time separating her from the character, which might make me lose interest all together.

  44. I have tried more than a couple of times to get into this show but I just can't. There is something about it that completely turns me off and I want so bad to like it.

  45. I can't stand her or the show.

  46. To be clear, I'm not telling anyone not to bash anything (I mean come on, gossip website). I'm just very curious, as a non-watcher of the show, because I have never seen anything positive written about it, only ever people talking about how overrated it is. This is honestly the most level-headed discussion I have read on the show, and also the only one that contained any positive comments.

    I'm just very intrigued by all the hoopla about Dunham and the show, because everyone talks about it but no one seems to like it. I guess I stand corrected and there are a few fans out there.

  47. Someone else should play the character, or Shoshana should leave. Shoshana is the least believable one, and I think the actress and not the writing. Her screen time is very painful to watch, even when she's sitting in the background. Her facial cues, the voice, the timing, none of it seems very human. I'm sorry, but she isn't doing well with it.

  48. I haven't seen Girls, but my bff "love, love, loves it". I keep meaning to check it out on Netflix.

    @Ruby Bee - exactly.

    @ Lucas - If I understand that reply ^^, I take it you are agreeing with Ruby Bee that if she doesn't watch a show "I don't sit here and bash the show and its actors. I watch a different channel.", yet when there's a Housewives thread, you take the time to post a comment that "You don't care" or something along those lines.

    No, it's not bashing, but if you truly don't care, why even bother?

  49. She is no more obnoxious than the characters on Seinfeld. Selfish self-absorbed narcissists can be very funny. I like the show.

  50. I hate when people hate on Lena for her looks. It makes me feel bad about hating her for legitimate reasons.

  51. @eris hilton, thank you! You have managed to perfectly articulate how I, and many others I'm sure, feel about Ms Dunham. Ugh.

  52. @Mikey
    A $450,000 condo?

    It's a pity they don't mention in EW the $3.5M advance for her book.

  53. Bleghhh I hate that hipster, racist Dunham. The article she wrote about her trip to Japan was so offensive, she's just a spoiled rich, ignorant hipster ogre.

  54. Love the show, love that she shows her teeny, tiny, tits and big ass every episode - - she's not trying to be likeable!! So refreshing to see a real looking woman in an interesting role, creating other interesting roles for beautiful and non-beautiful people. We need more of this type of talent, not less!!

  55. I have tried to watch the show to give it a fair shot, but all of the characters were mumbling and I couldn't understand what they were saying. Sucks to be me and hard of hearing, I guess. I will try again in the future with closed captioning. I deem it mumblecore on that basis. ;)

  56. Anyone who sees Girls as anything but a satire is completely missing the point. The characters are not supposed to be likeable. Period. I'm so bored with Girls and Lena hate.

  57. Sorry $450,000 for a "modest one bedroom apartment".
    Here is a link to the article if anyone is interested.
    Like I said I don't know anything about her, so the article made me not hate on her as much.

  58. @Jolene, I completely agree!

    Also, I wonder how many people have seen an actual video interview with Lena? I've only seen one and it was with Jon Stewart so I don't know if I got an accurate impression from that either but she came across as polite and self-deprecating and honest in a way that seemed to completely contradict the image of her I constantly read online. Granted, I generally like 'Girls' so I may be biased, but I also think that her sense of humor may not translate well to text and that the general distaste for her colors the way people both write about and interpret what they read when it comes to her.

    And I think the fact that so many's people's arguments against her boil down to 'she's ugly and she keeps showing her boobs' is beyond asinine and offensive.

  59. Aww, I hope,they don't kill off Shoshanna! She's my favorite!
    I thought the episode with Lena and Patrick Wilson was hot, even though Lena got a bunch of crap about being too fat and ugly to ever hook up with someone like Patrick's character. I'm sure some of you are shocked. ;)

  60. I watch the show for one reason: Alison Williams. Eye candy.

    Lena Dunham: Confidence is sexy, but there's a fine, dangerous line between confidence and denial.

  61. Shosh is the pooh and Jessa is my runner up. I'm not in their demo. and despite Lena being a little tough to take, that show can be punch you in the uterus good. The last three episodes have been so so good. Don't kill off Shosh please!

  62. Count me as another who likes Girls and is sick of the Lena Dunham/Girls hate. It's incredibly immature to continue to comment on something you don't like. There are many shows I don't like that are featured on this website, I just choose not to comment on them. How ridiculous do you all look to continually bash a young woman you don't even know, and a show you must have seen 5 minutes of?

  63. I've been watching Girls mostly for a single reason: many sources who had recommended in the past show that I ended up loving are ecstatic about Girls.

    So, I've tried... and tried...

    Sure, Dunham might write TV history by defying some long-standing prejudice. She's a woman, she's young, she's not particularly attractive and doesn't use her sexuality to seduce male viewers. She goes against lots of bigotry in this particular business.

    But, from an artistic point of view, "Girls" isn't very interesting. It's enlightening for people who focus a little too much on TV to get their share of modern creation. But it's basically Freaks and Geeks meets John Cassavetes' New York films, without being as fulfilling as these.
    Too many people feel obliged to defend her and Girls because of the morons, frat boys and male chauvinist pigs who call her ugly on the Internet. She doesn't deserve that. But she also doesn't deserve most of the praise she gets now.

  64. I watched an episode when the show was new and I absolutely hated it! It made me uncomfortable and I just didn't get it. A few weeks later, I was hanging out with a friend as she watched the show and I changed my mind. I think it is just an acquired taste.
    It is not my favorite show, but I do really enjoy it. I think it is honest about the generation (my generation) and, like others have said on here, it does not seem as if the characters are supposed to be likeable (the goal seems to be to make them flawed and realistic).
    Shoshanna is the least enjoyable of all of the characters, in my opinion, so I wouldn't be sad to see her go. It does seem as though she was just introduced to give Jessa a place to stay in the beginning, but then just kept getting written in.
    I have only seen/heard Lena interviewed on The Daily Show and on Howard Stern (he did the same thing that I did- hated the show at first, but then ended up watching again and liking it. But people were only reporting the negative things that he said about her, so he had her call in so that he could clear things up) and she seemed perfectly normal to me. I don't understand the hate for her.
