Friday, February 22, 2013

Blind Item #1

This B+ actress from one of the initial shows and not much else, although she would love a movie career is pregnant by her second cousin. She says it is fine. I wonder if her husband would agree.


  1. What is an initial show? :/

  2. Does one of the initial shows mean the first one before spinoffs? Like Law and Order, or CSI or something like that?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's some serious libel there.

  5. Aw, were doing so well for an hour and fifteen minutes! :/

  6. What are you talking about, Reese? I'm confused.

    Btw, all, "initial shows" are shows named for I mentioned above^^.

  7. Pauley Perette from NCIS? She's going through a nasty divorce right now....

  8. @Libby Writing it so it can be read by us mere mortals. He *done* good for over an hour! LOL

  9. Sounds like a real redneck!

  10. I don't understand what was so confusing about this blind (Enty has talked about "initial shows" before), or why all of a sudden this particular one is "libel" - how is it any different from any of the other blinds?

  11. This makes me want to vomit. I once worked with a girl who willingly fucked her first cousin, she said there had been sexual tension for years and it had just been building and building until one night they decided to fuck a couple times. Yeah, no thank you.

    OT Amber Tamblyn is my second cousin

    1. Hey jsierra, where you been hiding :)

    2. Ew. I went to high school with some boys whose parents were first cousins. They sure didn't look right.

    3. @Chris, my cousins brother in law is married to his first cousin. They have 5 kids. So gross. One of them has a heart defect.

    4. Know a few, yes a few first cousins who married from high school. Some didnt have to change last names..f-ing sick! But went to high predominantly mormon area. For them its "normal" but so is magic undies.

  12. @JSierra - did you get her pregnant? :P

  13. Sexual tension with her cousin? Wtf?!

  14. Thanks Reese....I saw the 'libel' thing, then your comment---I thought I was missing something obvious.

    I offered yesterday in the comments to be Enty's 5AMest final daily proofreader. FOR FREE....He knows how to find me. smh @ Enty.

  15. Is Jorja Fox from CSI married? How about Diane Neal from SVU?

  16. @JSierra, so do you know Enty? Isn't he supposed to be friends with Amber?

  17. Thank god!! Everyone always told me I "look" like her cuz we have black hair & bangs I guess. I always took that as an insult.

  18. Way funny Amber. JSierra, how well do you know your cousin? Spill the beans, if there are any.

  19. Alyssa Milano is in DM today and she was in the original Melrose Place

  20. I'm loving the magic undies myth.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Jorja Fox likes to eat at the "Y" so I doubt she could be impregnated by a wayward tongue.

  22. what is a "second cousin"? one of your cousin's child ? or a more distant cousin?
    in France,the marriage with a distant cousin is permitted

    1. @Frenchgirl, my mother and father's cousins would be considered my second cousins. My cousin's children would be my second cousins as well.

  23. In England, it's still pretty normal. Upper crust marry the cousins, keep the $ in the family.

    There's not even really that much difference in birth defects in cousin babies. Per (OH.MY.GOD.), the chance is 4-6 % versus 2-3% in regular couples.

    and 26 states allow first cousins to marry.

    Yes, I'm still a little creeped out.

  24. Please I got your stories beat.

    I went to high school with a girl whose Father had a kid with her maternal grandmother, left the grandmother for my friend's mother (grandma's daughter) and had 5 kids with her. So my classmate had an uncle who was also her 1/2 brother. Her mother had a stepson that was also her brother.

  25. First cousin marriage by state:

  26. Also from the cousin website:
    The United States is the only western country that has laws against cousin marriage (mostly the states in the middle).

    Charles Darwin married his cousin, so he wasn't worried. Ha.

  27. Only in the past century has 'cousin kissin and marryin' been looked upon as "EW!' Some countries even think it's normal for an Uncle to marry the niece.

    Since it is cousins, and the states, I'm guessing someone from the south eastern portion, or even FLORIDA.

    I don't watch enough TV though to even take a wild shot at this one. Love reading the comments though!

  28. Parminder Nagra- ER

  29. Defects only come about because you double the possibilities for recessive genes causing any given defect. You are at no greater risk having a child with a defect by marrying a cousin than you would marrying a non-relative with the same recessive gene for that particular defect.

  30. My initial thought was Elizabeth Shue, but she's still filming movies.

    My other guess is Mariska Hargitay (CSI) (Jane Mansfield's daughter). She would have loved a movie career, just like her mother wanted to outdo Marilyn.

    Either way, I guess we'll find out within the next 9 months.

  31. @ JSierra - This atheist loved your cousins show, Joan of Arcadia and they ditched it for that lame JLH show. It still pisses me off. The writing was incredible.

  32. Lotta I have no computer access at work :( it makes my day very sad with no CDAN.

    Under I wish I had some juicy stories! We don't keep in touch with that side of the family, I didn't even find out until I was a senior in high school and I saw my graduation announcements addressed to her mom and dad. I almost peed my pants with excitement when my Mom's response was "you didn't know that? Wasn't she on some TV show for a long time? Your Aunt always talks about it" how could she keep such a thing from me!

    Mango do you know anywhere online to watch Joan of Arcadia? I have looked everywhere but can never seem to find it.

  33. @jes7o - Pauley just got engaged a few months ago - don't think she is going thru a nasty divorce. Tho she was stalked incessantly (and still has a restraining order) on the guy from empire records - damn what is his name... must google. BRB

  34. Coyote Shivers... that's his name. She left him years ago because he was abusive and he stalked her for ever

  35. If an initial show is a show like CSI and there have been many, many CSI shows, is Enty talking about the initial initial show? Or a later initial show. Or the last initial show. Or the initial last show.

  36. In Canada, Alberta is the only province in which it's legal to marry your first cousin. My best friend's dad married his cousin (2nd marriage). This made her kids my friends second cousins and step-siblings.

  37. yikes, hope the baby is ok

  38. My grandparents are cousins. I think it's 2nd, but maybe it's 3rd. It's a second marriage and they never had kids, but everyone in the family thinks it's pretty gross! (I did enjoy freaking out my cousins who didn't know about it when I told them at a family function).

  39. Please dont reveal this.

  40. @Crila- Mariska is on Law and Order: SVU.

    1. @Veech "In the Hollywood justice system, Blind Items are considered especially heinous. In Blogger City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious Blind Items are members of an elite squad, known as the CDAN Reader Unit. These are their stories."

    2. @frufra. Im going post it in every blind lol.

  41. One of the many CSI shows, SVU, ER, The OC. What else? This story made me throw up in my mouth a little. Need a margarita to wash it back down.

  42. I went to school with a girl whose parents are first cousins. She's Middle Eastern, I think it's common in hat part of the world. She was a functional human but I still find the cousin thing icky.

    JSierra - you should get in touch to meet David Cross!!

  43. Ha! dragon...very good!

  44. Hate to clue most of you in, but you probably all have married first or second cousins in your ancestry. Communities were small and many people (in US) traveled very little. Would I do it? No, but I also understand it is part of our American heritage. And no, I am not a redneck. I live in NY.

    1. Hi Nightowl! NY here too! Proud to say though, I have a smidge of redneck in me :)

  45. Megan, really. Do the comments here always have to include some Mormon bashing? I'm a Mormon reader and I know there are others here as well. Pretty sure marrying your cousin isn't normal anywhere although in Utah everybody is distantly related anyway. And keep your opinions about my undies to yourself, please. I used to work at Victoria's Secret so I'm sure my lingerie collection rivals yours. :)

    1. Sire does, magic undies and all.

    2. Pot,
      Reserve my judgements for myself? On a gossip site? You realize that's what this is? A gossip site.
      Thats pretty hypocritical. Its alright to read and comment on the famous but not on something you choose to do.

  46. Hate to clue you in, but I briefly lived in NY and there are some rednecks in NY that would rival the best/worst that the South has to offer. ;)

  47. Guys we are all the brothers and sisters of mother earth :p

  48. The children of your cousins are not your second cousins, they are your first cousins once removed (first cousins a generation removed). Put another way, a cousin shares a grandparent with you, and their children share that same ancenstor, just on another generation level. A second cousin shares a great-grandparent with you as the closest relation, so your children and the children of your cousins are second cousins (same number of generations down from the common ancestor).

    One of my dad's cousins married his second cousin once removed (one's great grandparent is the other's great-great grandparent), so she gave birth to her own third cousins! Haha.

  49. My sister is married to our first cousin's 2nd cousin. There is no blood ties at all, but it is always funny to see people's reactions.

  50. The parents of first cousins are siblings (brothers & sisters). When two first cousins wed other people, the children from those marriages are second cousins to each other.


  52. Thanks @WUWT! It took me years to figure out the difference between the two, I wish I had seen your explanation when I was still so confused! But yes, that whole family delineation is something that I've found most people don't understand!
