Monday, February 04, 2013

Blind Item #4

This C+ list all movie actress was shooting a scene with this A+ all movie actor last week. It was a kissing scene. The actress said she kept laughing during the scene and could not stop. She told the actor it was just a case of the giggles, but she says that the reason she kept laughing is that she was thinking to herself if he had ever kissed a woman and should she try and pretend she was a guy so he would be more into it. At one point she started crying because she was laughing so hard with these thoughts in her head.


  1. Who's shooting with Tommy?

  2. Emily Blunt is filming with Tom Cruise, but I thought that she was B/B+ list.

  3. Tom Cruise/Emily Blunt was my first thought as well, but I'm not sure of her ranking on the A-Z list.

  4. yeah, I thought she was more B too

  5. Charlotte Riley (Tom Hardy's fiancé) is also in the movie that Blunt and Cruise are shooting so maybe it's Cruise and Riley.

  6. Charlotte Riley is also filming with Tom cruise, but she had some TV movie credits

  7. I would say Emily's higher than C+, but who knows. I just love the image of her character from Devil Wears Prada getting a case of the giggles while smooching Caesar Flickerman!

  8. Emily Blunt deserves to be at least B+ for the Elmo/Cookie Monster voice scene with Alison Brie in The Five Year Engagement. That was the funniest scene I've seen in years.

    Elmo say you should pick a cookie and take a bite

    1. Cosign, that was the highlight of that movie, and hilarious.

  9. not very professional of her

  10. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Emily's B to C as far as I'm concerned. Tommy Girl and Emily (love that name) Blunt. or The Charlott Riley guess, good one Seachica. I would absolutely get a case of the giggles if I had to kiss Tom Cruise. Can you imagine how flustered he'd get? Why isn't my power turning you on earthling? Can't you feel my thetans? (Whatever the hell those are)

    1. @Where's Shelley? Space cooties.

  11. @FSP leave my RDJ alone he loves his women just as much as he loves his men. LOL. Plus RDJ isn't filming anything right now and the blind said last week. Iron man is in post production.

    Tommy boy FTW or Bradley Cooper.

  12. @nimro in one of those pix she's got a sh*t eating grin on her face as if to say, yeah CDaNers, it's me. ;)

  13. Anonymous9:59 AM

    George Clooney?

  14. I couldn't pick Emily Blunt out of a lineup, so her rank seems about right. All these newer actresses all look alike.

  15. I don't see what's so funny. Gay guys could play straight roles. just ask ur husband.

  16. Cooper doesn't work actually

  17. It's hard to find a movie the last couple of years that Emily Blunt wasn't in. Salmon Fishing in Yemen, Looper, The Five Year Engagement, Your Sister's Sister, The Adjustment Beareau. For a while there last month it seemed like every new movie from Netflix had Emily Blunt in it.

  18. I agree, that's awfully childish of her.

  19. Somehow I got sucked into an interview with Tom on youtube and he came across as such of a jerk. And so rehearsed..And seems very manipulating.

  20. @ dragon
    dragon- Your comment cracked me up, but who are you addressing that to?

  21. lmao to Emily Blunt. Its a joke tho.

  22. But is it possible they were filming that movie last week? Isn't it already out?

  23. @Lazyday603 -- Emily Blunt might have been in all of those movies, but I didn't see a single one of them. I couldn't pick her out of a crowd. C to me.

    Not much of an actress if she can't get herself under control, even if it was with someone as nutty as Tom. Very unprofessional.

  24. Lazy day I saw all those favorite Emily Blunt character is and will always be in the Devil wears Prada!
    "I'm sorry, do you have some prior commitment? Some hideous skirt convention you have to go to?"

    Silly blind. If it is Tom Cruise and Emily he was laughing on the inside along with her while he pretends she is David Miscavige.

  25. I don't usually criticize the blinds, but this one is stupid. She kept wondering if he ever kissed a girl? If he is A+, wouldn't she have seen it before? I think Tommy Girl & Johnny Cakes are as gay as the next Cdan reader, but I have also seen both of the them kiss dozens of women.

  26. I think Emily is definitely a B-List all-movie. She's been nominated for an Oscar, Golden Globes, etc. and has been critically acclaimed in almost every movie she's been in. Also, as others said, she's been in a ton of movies in the past few years, almost all female lead parts opposite A to B-list leading men. I don't think this blind is her. I like the Charlotte Riley guess though I have to say I don't know who she is...

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Emily is not a C+ by any stretch. I'd say just shy of A at the moment! Maybe not by name recognition but by awards recognition.

  29. Hey @Dragon perhaps you should make a few dollars and understand the experience of having women come after you for your money instead of typing with one had while you beat off in your basement homeboy...Then come talk to me Capt Douche!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. @ Hey single man. Make that men coming after me then we can make it work.

  32. Could also be Olga Kurlenyko - Tall russian model/actress who has a kissing scene with Tom Cruise in Oblivion.

  33. The description "All movie actress" doesn't fit Emily. She has quite a few British TV credits. She won her Golden Globe for Gideon's Daughter which was on TV.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I was thinking it was a younger actor if she was wondering if he's ever kissed a girl. Maybe someone from a recent franchise that boosted him to A+. That being said, I don't have any guesses.

  36. I do remember one of Tom Cruises' female co stars talking about a kissing scene with him where she was trying to kiss as well as she could and he stopped and told her all about how to "kiss like a professional" I will have to search who it was but I remember she was super hot. I would have loved to have a kissing scene with her.

  37. Think Rosamund Pike fits better than Emily Blunt
