Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Can Katie Holmes Date?

Katie Holmes has been already dating a little, but backed off from one guy after a couple of dates. Here is what must make it really hard for Katie to date. Let's pretend that Katie is just Katie from Ohio who recently got divorced and you are out on a date with her. At some point aren't you going to want to know about the father of this child you might someday be helping to raise? Don't you want at least a little back story on the relationship and what happened? That past relationship might not be as important if there is no child, but there is. I think you want to know what those child hand offs are going to be like or if the dad is in jail or whatever. What can Katie tell you about her past relationship? At what point can she tell you anything? Are you going to have to sign something first? Don't you think most people are going to want some answers, and lots are going to want even more answers. What if one of the guys is a plant from Tom or Scientology to see if Katie is spilling things she shouldn't be. Oh, and yes, they would. Look who Nicole Kidman married. A guy who had his own big secrets from his addiction days. She keeps a secret. he keeps a secret.


  1. I hate Scientology! How many lives are to be ruined so they can continue? I'm so glad more and more people are coming forward to tell their stories and that the media is finally investigating more. Ok, rant over.

    About Katie, I don't know if she knew completely what she was getting into when she married Tom but she's doing the right thing now and getting her daughter away from those people so I'm hoping she can find a good man and some success.

    1. Ita, Eve. I think she was a starstruck young woman who was swept off her feet by a childhood crush who portrayed himself as Prince charming. Whatever she found once the illusion wore off wasn't for her so I applaud her for getting herself and her daughter out of that situation, especially if all the rumors are true

    2. David Miscavige's niece was on the view this morning talking about her book. Tony Ortega live blogged it.

  2. Again, the implication about little Suri- subtle Enty, subtle.! ;)

  3. Okay, can somebody translate that last part for me? Is Enty referring to Keith Urban? I'm not american so I have little to no knowledge about country-music or his life! I'd love if someone would fill me in?

  4. Also - poor Katie. Can't really trust anyone. What a sad existence, I hope she pulls through somehow.

  5. enty doesn't need to be subtle...if that was Tom's kid she would still be in LA and Katie in NYC.

    that would be non-negotiable.
    Ask Nicole Kidman.

    It's not his kid. Josh Hartnett has always been my guess ( and NO it is NOT Cruise's cousin, that was ridiculous then and even more laughable now)or *maybe* Chris Klein.

    Whatever happened to Hartnett? He pretty much dropped off the planet around the time this all went down.

    1. @jax

      Totally agree. I think Hartnett couldn't handle giving up access to his daughter and headed off on the old downward spiral. Also, if he got a good enough pay off he wouldn't have to work so much...

  6. @Ivs, I don't know that anyone has a lot of details, but Keith Urban used to use lots of drugs. After they married he apparently had a relapse and then spent six months (I think?) in rehab to make sure that he was ready to rejoin the world. I'm sure that there's a ton of stuff that he did while he was hooked that he wouldn't want conservative country music fans knowing about.

  7. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Veeery eenteresting... I always thought that Keith Urban pinged my gaydar. He's a known cokehead... so how far down the rabbithole do we want to go?? Nicole's big dark secret is??? She bangs her trainer? Gotta be way worse than that. Still no clue though.

  8. @Karen: aaaah I see. Thank you!

  9. Anonymous10:45 AM

    @ Jax, but Suri looks sooooooo soooo much like Cruise! I'd like to believe that it's not his kid, and your's and Entys theory is supported by the fact that Tom's let go, but she looks more like Tom than Katie even. I just don't know about that theory. It's got legs, but I don't see it.

  10. Who knew Enty is a conspiracy theorist. Katy is probably enjoying her new found freedom so much that a serious relationship is the last thing on her mind.

  11. Whatever, if Katie was Katie from Ohio her ass would be working at Dairy Queen. She is not a great actress and pulls her face the same way for every character. Boohoo, her ass has it better than most single moms. Scientology is fucking wierd but no one forced her to marry Tom Cruise.

  12. I will not feel sorry for this money hungry ho.

  13. I'm fascinated by this whole mess.

  14. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Um, not trying to start anything but how is her walking away from a cushy lifestyle and settlement, then being celibate, not dating as far as anyone publicly knows, qualify her as a money hungry ho exactly?

    1. Her lifestyle is not cushy now? She is single, has gone out on dates. People are making her out to be far more saintly than she is. She has plenty of help taking care of her one child and has worked very little. I am betting that one broadway play has not paid all the bills. Tom Cruise did not convert to scientology during their marriage. She knew who she was with. This is not a victim. She is fine and better off than most divorced single moms. Save your sympathy.

  15. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Ok 400k a year in child support is plenty for most of us to live on, but with security guards, high security building, etc, things could add up. She got none of his 250 million dollar fortune, no spousal support, just child support for a few years. Here's the lhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/24/katie-holmes-tom-cruise-settlement_n_1827494.htmlink:

    1. She got less than half a million? Oh no! And none of the money HE earned making movies for decades! How does she manage?!

  16. I think Katie's private is going to be under scrutiny as long as she lives, bc she is one of the few people who have been inside Scientology and who know Tom Cruise. He is such an enigma that people are fascinated by anyone who has managed to have a relationship with him.

  17. Where's Shelly? I never bought that settlement story. I think she has an under the table deal with him.

    1. Helen Lawson, correct. She is set for life.

  18. OT - but I'm catching up on the last few pages and saw the great comments on Richard III. After the press conference yesterday there was a documentary on UK tv (channel 4) which I'd look out for if you can, it was very good, although the woman from e Richard III Society was a little nutso! Anyway, they done the big reveal of how he may have looked (going into the science behind it if course) and there's loads of articles and pictures about him today... I'll link one below, sorry I don't know how to make it clickable!


    Back on topic, I feel sorry for Katie... But there's definitely more to her story than meets the eye. True is stranger than fiction after all. In a 100 years time I'll bet there's going to be some great reveals about her and Tom!

  19. Maybe not a victim in the traditional sense but she certainly lives in a gilded cage.

    FWIW Jax, I'm inclined to believe Suri is Josh Harnett's daughter as well but I doubt we will ever get factual confirmation unless CO$ goes down in spectacular flames.

  20. Why are everyone saying suri was Josh Harnett daughter?

    1. @dragon because there are rumors of rumors of rumors that decades ago Mimi Rogers told a magazine that Tom Cruise is sterile, which makes it 100% FACT that he CANNOT be Suri's father, and supposedly (read: another fact) Katie & Josh were dating when Suri was conceived.

      I think Tom is her dad, she has looked just like him from the very first baby pictures. I have told this story before, but YEARS and years ago, before ONTD amounted to anything, a member submitted a post with some grainy photos they'd taken with their cell phone camera in an airport, swearing up and down it was Katie & Tom making out. Some people believed her, most people told her she was full of shit and to gtfo. A few months later was the Oprah couch incident.

  21. Relationships and dating are hard enough...without adding Scientology into the mix...

  22. I always thought Suri was conceived from the frozen sperm of L. Ron Hubbard. But then again if that were true there's no way they'd have let her out of California.

  23. I, too, believe Katie went into the marriage being a little naive. Maybe she didn't know much about Scientology, just like when you start dating someone and they say they are Methodist (or whatever) and you think, "ok, so what? shouldn't affect me in any way"

    Team Katie

  24. @alma...um. you know she WORKED on a hit show for several years and made plenty of her own money. Maybe not TC money but certainly millions.

    As much as I wouId like to think otherwise, I think Suri is Tom's...she looks exactly like him

    1. Exactly Lola, she is living off of old dawson's creek money and tom cruise. Not the impoverished poor victim. She was a grown ass woman who married a scientologist.

    2. My point, Alma, is if she's living off of her. own money, how is she a money grubbing whore? I don't think anyone thinks she impoverished. And Tom Cruise's money is, ostensibly, for some percentage of Suri's portion of their living expenses (since Katie is the custodial parent). Do you not think that Suri's has a right to not have her style of living hugely disrupted if her father is more than capable of providing? For how much money he makes, what she gets is not inflated (probably in the neighborhood of 95% of Suri's living expenses). Her father makes an enormous amount of money...she deserves to share in the fruits of her father's laborr, whether or not Katie knew the real situation is immaterial in this regard.

      You sound very resentful of Katie's settlementr

    3. Gah...Please disregard the double negative and spelling mistakes, I'm having trouble typing today.

    4. Lola, everytime the administrator at your psych ward grants you computer access it thrills me. Decades old Dawson's creek reruns pay for her Manhattan lifestyle? No when you marry a scientologist then freak out that you married a scientologist you do not deserve all of his money. Does anyone here not think his millions were part of what enticed her to marry him? Nice to see you on my balls again Lola. Now I'm sure it's time for your medication.

    5. Alma, I absolutely belive that his daughter deserves his money, I could care less about the circumstances of their marriage, Suri has nothing to do with that. He has a responsibility to support her in the style to which she is accustomed (Suri, that is) when the person who is the custodial parent is the poorer one, they, by necessity, are along for the ride...for better or worse.

      And I am sure she has plenty of money from her DC days. When her divorce was going on, everyone who knew her was adamant in the view that her father (a successful, wealthy lawyer) handled and invested her money very well and she was easily wealthy enough to afford her NYC lifestyle on her own.

      As to the rest of your comment, you have shown your own ass so well that there is no need for me to add anything.

  25. Another one thinking Suri looks just like Tom.

    Katie needs to have anyone she plans on dating checked out by a PI, which will cut down on the # of Co$ "spy" dates.

  26. @Thanks Seaward. I believe you!

  27. I think everyone already knows the story of "Tom." I would seriously question anyone playing dumb there.

  28. Gee Alma, who peed in your cornflakes?

    1. I accidently used your sour breast milk on my cornflakes. It made me violently il. If you don't like my comments feel free to ignore them. Witty though, tee hee she said pee!

    2. *I wasn't referring to you, Lynette. I was referring to the lovely response to you.

    3. Calm down Lola or they will up your dosage of sedatives.

  29. I agree that Suri looks like Tom, but that doesn't mean that Katie and Tom actually had sex to have her. I actually doubt they did.

  30. My problem with Katie and dating would be the raging cold sores she gets. Thanks but no thanks.

  31. I've begun to think Suri looks like Tom. It could have been artificial insemination. CoS has the dollars to isolate the best swimmers.

    I too think Kate was overwhelmed by her childhood crush and being swept into a glittery world of fame and money. From the early pics it did look like she was into him. C'mon, haters, she was young and swept off her feet. I mean this was TOM CRUISE, it's only in recent years, starting with the couch incident, that he's been torn down.

  32. Keith is many things but gay isn't one of them. One of his biggest problems has always been not cheating on the women he has been with as he really likes the ladies. It was surprising when he got with Nicole as she was not his normal "type".

  33. Anyone here listen to Howard Stern? Tina Fey allegedly said on Stern's show that Katie Holmes was one of the stupidest guest hosts on SNL while Tina worked on the show, so maybe Katie wasn't calculating and like Bella says above, she really was swept off her feet. All the more reason she should thank her lucky stars that she was able to GTF out.

    I never thought that Suri looked particularly like Tom Cruise until Suri's Burn Book posted those photos of Suri crying. She looks a lot like Tom and even more like his cousin William Mapother.

  34. I'd date her. Yes, I am shorter than Tom, but I don't care about having a wife who is taller. My ex-wife was from Ohio, a Catholic girls' high school girl, just like Katie.

    Katie, if you are reading this, drop me a line.

  35. @ Miz - Thank you for that link to the Guardian article! I just posted yesterday that I hoped they would do a facial reconstruction. It looks a lot like the painting of him in the National Portrait Gallery.

  36. Wait until Suri learns to Google. How awful. Reading Jenna's book today , she had a co writer and it's a good read. The fact that she is so young brings a really different voice to the table. Where's Shelly?

  37. Idk I have always though Suri looked a lot like Katie, to the point where it is hard to see the parts of the father. But I guess if you look hard enough you can see anything, eh?

  38. I think Suri looks like katie. it just me tho.

  39. bet then again I think Conner cruise looks like him a little. thats not his biological son or is he?

  40. I thought the rumor was that Suri is actually the daughter of Katie's ex-best friend and assistant's husband. From what I understood about this rumor was that Katie is devout Catholic and having a baby out of wedlock was big no-no, not to mention a baby from an adulterous affair. So, she took on Tom up on his offer of 10 year-bride to save face and reputation. I mean, we have to admit Katie got married awfully fast, like she was in damn hurry for some reason. If this rumor is true; I think she sacrificed a lot. Her career, her and her daughter's life and peace of mind (i.e. having to put up with scientologists).

  41. Totally on the josh Hartnet train. The reason people think she looks like Tom is because Josh and Tom have similar features. Plus the whole secrecy surrounding Suri's birth. She was born earlier and kept hidden til people woukdnt notice the baby was too old to be a newborn. I used to think it was Chris Klein but they were together for years and used to be engaged, I honestly think if he invested that much time with her he would have taken care of it. She looks soooo much like Hartnet the older she gets.

    1. And agree w @maria with the recent for the fake me out being her Catholicism.

    2. @onyx, my only question in the catholic logic is that didn't she have Suri before her and Tom were married? I might be rmembring wrong though

  42. She really does look like a Mapother, if not Tom then his cousin:


    William Mapother

  43. I'm sure a date with Katie would entail her saying "amazing" a lot. On the bright side, you can always have the Scientology stalkers pay the bill at the end of the night.

  44. I think Katie is living off more than old Dawson Creek reruns too. No WAY were they going to let the public know how much she got. She got more than a half mil. The docs are sealed so we'll never really know for sure.

    Dragon, you are not the only one who thinks Suri looks like Katie. So do I. I just don't see any Tom in her at all. BUT, this picture of Mapother and crying Suri may change my mind. At the very least it's obvious she has Katie's coloring.

  45. Mimi Rogers told Playboy in 1993 that he was sterile, that was the same interview where she said he had studied to become a monk.
    Now, whether or not he was sterile or just told her that because he didn't want to have kids with her is anyone's guess (or hell, maybe she made it up because SHE didn't want kids)

    I seem to recall the whole 'Katie grew up with a poster of Tom on her wall' myth being debunked early on. It was a poster of John Stamos (which makes more sense, given her age and him being..well, John Stamos) Anyone else recall this? I can't find hide nor hair of it on google. Not a shock, considering what she decided to marry into.

  46. Suri does not look like Josh Hartnett. She looks like Chris klien more than Josh.

    I still believe Suri is Cruise biological kid.

  47. Did Tom Cruise ever have posters?

  48. "Tom was seriously thinking of becoming a monk. At least for that period of time, it looked as though marriage wouldn't fit into his overall spiritual need. And he thought he had to be celibate to maintain the purity of his instrument."
    Either Scientologists have scrubbed the internet of any record of Mimi calling Tom sterile in Playboy, or she said it in a different interview. Or, as no one wants to actually admit, she never called him sterile.

  49. I think what she actually said was that he was celibate and she couldn't get pregnant because he wouldn't have sex with her. Later that got changed to him being infertile. Nicole Kidman states that she miscarried early in their marriage.

    Somewhere I read some speculation that the fact that he only has 3 of his 4 front teeth proves he is infertile because it is a sign of some genetic disease which renders the carrier infertile.


  50. Brenda L
    Top Gun comes to mind. There are at least 3 I remember being popular back in the day. Cocktail as well (only 1 I can think of) not too mention the 'fan' posters that were probably sold at every Spencer's you could come across.

    You're right seaward! It wasn't during the Playboy interview that she said he was sterile. It was an interview with a German magazine.

    May want to check this out, interesting (though take it for what it's worth. Like wiki it's full of opinions that may or may not be correct) The fact that he sued is a matter of record, however


  51. *to, not too. Sorry about that

    Lola, I missed your post:) In the link I provided Mimi was saying that he was left sterile due to a childhood injury. Then again she's loony toons as well. She's the one who introduced him to Scientology.

    1. ABlake, I would believe either way. There was a conspiracy theory when Tom left Nicole and said, "Nic knows what she did." that it was because she had gotten pregnant by another man (which Tom knew because he was sterile) and subsequently miscarried. Nicole was supposedly adamant that it was his baby and later said that the miscarriage occurred early in their marriage.

      IMO, a lot of the hatred toward Nicole stems from when he left her and made that statement. At the time he hadn't lost his marbles yet and was a well loved A+++ star. Everyone assumed she had wronged him. Also, imo, a lot of the "ice queen" image that emerged afterward was a result of insulating herself from the public condemnation and humiliation she suffered at the time.

      Just my 2¢

  52. Suri looks a lot more like Tommy Davis than anyone else. I'm firmly convinced he's the donor.

  53. Is there a site other than wiki answers that talks about him suing a German magazine over it? I am not trying to call you out in any way, this is genuine curiosity, but the only lawsuits I see are recent ones with him saying he hasn't abandoned Suri, and one from 2001 about him being called gay.

  54. I completely agree with you Lola!
    In order to keep a career in Hollywood she almost had to become the ice queen (interview wise especially) because just imagine the amount of spies all around her who could (and would) make her life hell and roles disappear.
    Creepy to think about it, early on she seemed so vibrant. Now she's going through the motions. I certainly doubt Katie will fair as well, though 'nic' actually has much more talent than 'kate' (Notice how Tom has to shorten their names?)

    Long story sort that has nothing to do with what I typed, I don't think Suri has one drop of his DNA.
    That doesn't mean he isn't her father, since he's raised her from day 1. That's a true daddy.

    1. ABlake, I like Nicole quite a bit and think she's very talented. I've enjoyed seeing her this award season, she seems to be bringing the fashion again and seems to have recaptured a bit of the vibrancy she used to have. Maybe she finally feels "safe" since the Holmes/Cruise divorce exposed Tom so horribly.

  55. Here you go seaward, a quick google turned this up:

    "Tom Cruise is suing a German magazine for $60 million for calling him a sterile man with ''a zero sperm count.'' The Mission: Impossible star said Bunte magazine fabricated quotes and passages that questioned his virility. A spokesman for the publisher said the company stands by the story. Cruise's lawyer, Bert Fields, says the actor's career depends on his fans' ''willingness to believe that he does or could possess the qualities of the characters he plays.'' The lawsuit says the 34-year-old Cruise is not sterile and ''can produce children.'' The actor and wife Nicole Kidman have two adopted children."

    1. Thanks, ABlake. I've been trying to google but it's a bitch on my phone, I kept getting google+ shit.
      So did the magazine actually speak with Mimi Rogers, or was she uninvolved? I wonder how much Germany's anti-Scientology stance played into this, on either side of the dispute.
      Anyway. Too much Tom Cruise thoughts tonight. I gotta go to bed before I waste my whole night.

  56. Suri's a female William Mapother...


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. My guess is she got pregnant by Josh, Tom saw an opportunity to rebuild his image - they paid Josh a lot of money to sign over rights to the kid, hid Katie for a few months post-birth to throw everyone off the fact that she could not have the correct gestation with that particular child if she's Tom's. Josh then kinda fell back from public view.

  59. tried to make a tiny url of William Mapother and Suri...


  60. If Suri really was Toms child, she would be living with him as the poster child for CoS.

  61. I hear ya seaward:) I hate trying to do stuff via phone, gets a bit disjointed.

    Weird, I really though she mentioned the sterile thing in Playboy but now I can't find any sort of mention at all on google as to why he sued (I'm looking at you CO$) I did find this though
    (snip) ''I think he outgrew her,'' said Clarkson of the split. Cruise's career had exploded with Rain Man (1988) and Born on the Fourthof July (1989). But the media had other theories: The couple was childless, and rumors about Cruise's fertility ran rampant. It didn't help when Rogers joked in a 1993 Playboy interview that ''Tom was seriously thinking of becoming a monk...he thought he had to be celibate to maintain the purity of his instrument.'' Her own instrument, she added, ''needed tuning.'' (snip)

    Of course that doesn't in the least imply sterility, just that he wasn't that into her. Strange though that it wouldn't be wiped clean along with the other that he sued over.

  62. Oh and I had no idea Emilio Estevez was his best man when he married Mimi. It would be pretty funny if they tried to get Charlie to join the church.

    Seriously. I want to see that happen. Them trying to get Charlie to join.

  63. Holy cow PotPourri
    That's great!

    Can you do one with Josh? He kinda has the same squinty look

  64. I can remember reading a rolling stone interview with Katie and her family where her dad and her brother leak her major crush on Tom Cruise. So no myth there.

    I'm so old i remember the mimi rogers bombshell that he was sterile and that's why she divorced him.

    I still think suri is his but. same dead cold eyes.

  65. This is the most fun and funniest post comments I ever read. All these theories= mind blown lol

  66. Tommy Davis. That's who Suri looks like....not Tom Cruise. Is there a resemblance? Yup, but I don't believe it's his. I believe the Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman theory of him being unable to have kids. His movie star status however, wants us to believe he's the be all, end all (fertile). Otherwise, he wouldn't be such a hot commodity.
    As for the whole Katie knew what she was getting into....I think she is not really all that bright and she saw stars when she met and started dating her teen crush. Haven't we ALL been a little blinded by someone in our youth? There's a big difference between saying, Yea, I know he's into the whole Scientology thing, but I love him and he treats me well and This cult is taking over my whole life and I can't breathe. BIG DIFFERENCE. I thought I could handle my husband going to the casino with his friends once in a while. I had NO IDEA he was a gambling addict with a huge debt. I seriously thought he was just watching sports with his friends, not going to the casinos and blowing all our money. Not a true story, but it's believable. You can call me foolish for believing it, but we've ALL been there. Sometimes we choose to believe one then when we don't want to see the bad. She fell in love with her teen crush.
    If Christian Slater called me up today, I'd totally over look the whole boob grabbing incident! C'mon, IT'S CHRISTIAN SLATER, FFS!! Only later would I realize he's just like Mario Lopez....
    I need to stop the coffee this morning!

  67. I have been tracking this story since early "tomKat days and find the story fascinating. I have never been able to put the pieces together about Toms fertility issues. He never had kids with mimi and no bios with Nicole although I distinctly remember nicole's miscarriage early in their marriage being announced in the media. She also said she was preg when Tom left her and miscarried right after.

    When Nicole got preg with Sunday She claimed she was shocked to be preg as she didn't think she could conceive. What? Although there was also speculation that she was born a hermaphrodite back in the day. I used to read the blog freeKatie where all these details were discussed endlessly...

    Anywhooo, I think the truth lies in the fact that while Tom is a multimillionaire he gives Suri only 400k per year which is not much in the world of very short, emotionally stunted egomaniacal multiple millionaires like Tom with his need to overcompensate. Even more telling is that apparently he never sees her cause if he did the photos would be splashed all over the place. He would make sure of it.

    If Tom is the bio dad he got Katie preg within six weeks of "dating" which is super fast even for a verile stud which Tom is not. Maybe he got his frail sperm jacked up on steroids and Katie had in vitro. That is the only possible way she could have got preg so quick. The she ( or her dad) blackmailed him to let Suri go or they would spill all the secrets.

    On a side note, if you put a photo of Bella next to one of David miscgsvaige there is a very strong resemblance. So much so that it is erie. I bet no one counted on that when Bella was adopted.

  68. @AB, that's all fascinating. I'm serious, you did some research! Good for you!

  69. I had at least 12 posters/pictures of Tom Cruise in my bedroom when I was a tween, with posters of Mickey Rourke, River Phoenix but TC was the one!
    I also had bed sheets with Michael Jackson cover picture of Bad on them, which technically makes him the first man I ve ever slept with.
    Not that this thread is bringing back all these memories, I realize I really knew how to pick role models :-D
