Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Donald Trump Actually Sued Bill Maher

Apparently Donald Trump has way more money and time than sense. Donald had threatened to sue Bill Maher for a joke that Bill Maher made on Jay Leno and yesterday Donald actually filed the lawsuit and is suing Bill Maher for $5M. In case you didn't see what happened, Bill Maher made a joke about Donald Trump being part orangutan and that Bill would pay $5M to charity of Donald could prove it. Donald released his birth certificate and now says he wants Bill to pay up. Bill had making a joke in response to Donald's promise to the President of paying $5M if he would release his college applications and other documents from his youth. Has Donald actually proved he is not part orangutan? With hair like that? Kind of looks orangutan-ish.


  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I am not a fan of either of those two "gentlemen", but I dislike Maher more so Team Trump.

  2. Where's the proof Donald? I need to see documentation! Show me the documents!

  3. He needs to have a reason to stay in the news, right?

    This man either has absolutely no self-awareness, or just doesn't care. What an embarrassment to his children.

  4. Trump is a bafoon.

  5. I cant stand donald trump. All he does now of days is ride Obama's d*ck.

  6. Trump is such a self important blowhard. He's the laughing stock of new york. Douchebag extroidinare. This is all nonesense so ignore him.

  7. I prefer Maher, and he's right Trump has become a bad joke.

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I hope Trump sues the shit out of Maher. It's time for that lying schmendrick to put his money where his big fat mouth and smushed schnozz is!

  9. Could you imagine if Donald and Lilo had a baby? Now THAT would be an orangutan.

    What a weird word orangutan. The more I say it the weirder it gets.

    1. Omg @JSierra- orange-u-tan? Lol

      Donald Trump is an ass.

  10. What a great way to use up our court system's time!

  11. I feel most sorry for Melania Trump, who has to deal with that nasty hair day after day. She is so well-groomed herself, and it must drive her to distraction. It was looking better recently, length-wise, but the colour is ridiculous. I don't like the way he called out the President like that demanding proof of this or that. Who the hell does he think he is to do that? Money can't buy couth, I guess.

  12. @Lotta Exactly! Rich people's problems.

  13. @Tuxedo Cat - "Money can't buy couth" - well said.

    His insistence on seeing so many documents of Obama's is ridiculous & to me, borderline racist. He's never demanded these things from other Democrat candidates or presidents.

  14. Tuxedo Cat when you marry for money you pay a big price....too big.

  15. I'm having a shit-tastic day, so this pic is warming my black little heart!!

    Trump is a delusional blowhard. Team Maher!

    ...although I wonder what orangutans ever did to be negatively linked to La Douche? :/

  16. @JSierra: I've always had a hard time saying orangutan. I always want to put a *g* at the end. It doesn't roll off the tongue easily. Kinda glad I'm not the only one! =)

    1. @reeses - me, too! It's Wednesday & February.

  17. They are both asshats. Trumps dox were released yesterday and are all over the internet.

  18. @MISCH

    You are so right! They say that marrying money is the hardest way to earn it!

  19. Yes @schmucky putz, because the Donald isn't a lying schmendrick either! *rolling my eyes*

    Both these guys can suck it! But seriously Donald, retire the shtick already. It's embarrassing!

  20. Better idea, since we all know this idiot is far more revolting than your average poo-flinging ape, have him release all his bankruptcy records and all the documents that show what a piss-poor business man he actually is. Missed opportunity there, Bill.

  21. Aren't bankruptcy records public record? Lola, ??

  22. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Smush-nose Mah-Turd looks like Scottie Pippen's white midget brother! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  23. Anonymous7:10 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Fuckin' Maher made a racist joke comparing Obama to Wayne Brady by implying Barack was stereotypically black enough...and now one spoke LOUDLY enough to call him on it.Hollywood negroes need to start revoking these hood passes given out to shitty white folks(Paltrows,Bullock,etc).

  25. What does a birth certificate prove? Trump's mother could have had a fling with an orangutan and not told his father. We need to see DNA analysis, Donald! Long form DNA analysis. Long form!

    1. Just what I was coming on to say! I mean they do look alike.

  26. DNA, DNA,DNA ! Nice chant, need drums:)

  27. Can WE sue Trump? Looking at him is a form of assault, right?

  28. I will not rest until Trump produces a sex tape of his parents that can be proven to be taken at the time of conception! Unless he comes forward with that irrefutable proof, I maintain that it's an orangutan!!!

  29. Yeah, Trump is kind of a visual hate crime. A tort is a tort, and I feel damaged from looking at his face.

  30. B and Agent, you two are cracking me up! Well played, guys :-).

  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Is Donald Trump fucking insane?

  32. Christ, they're both such pocks on society it's hard to pick which one I dislike most, but since I'm still amused by Maher's twitter post regarding the Scientology ad, I'm going to have to join the chanting.

    "DNA! DNA! DNA!"

  33. this is insulting to orangutans! Lol, they are my favorite animal and they are so smart. Trump isn't nearly intelligent enough.
    On an only vaguely releated note: one day I'll take my trip to Borneo and see orangutans up close!

  34. Anonymous8:05 AM

    this reminds me of two hookers fighting over a corner.

    1. Uh uh,2 homeless dudes fighting for a corner.I witnessed that shit with my own eyes.

  35. (Oracular orangutan, oracular orangutan, oracular orangutan...if you can say it ten times fast, kudos.)

  36. So is Donald proving he is part orangutan, or proving he is NOT? Because if not, yeah, bring on the DNA testing. :)

    What a dick, actually suing. It's called a joke, son. A joke. (Imagine Foghorn Leghorn-style voice)

    1. @Snap - +100 awesome points for you, bringing Foghorn Leghorn into this discussion! Love me some Looney Tunes, and one of my grandfathers talked just like Foghorn Leghorn.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Maher is a smug, self-important but highly intelligent twerp. Trump is smug, self-important and just...ugh. I'll take Maher any day.

  39. I wish Bill Maher were intelligent enough to not give himself license to comment on black issues and use cringeworthy faux ebonics.

    1. Dude,I used to like Maher back in the day but seriously,he's just like many white people: he onlys deals with Blacks when its play time (hanging out,partying,fucking).The fool dated Superhead!!!
      He thinks he knows what's best for negros based on popular media.That fool had jay Z on his show ,treating him like he's a fucking diplomat. I almost died.

  40. They are both idiots but Bill Maher is such a disgusting mysogynist that I could never in good conscience stick up for him in anything. I am suprised at the number of women who do give him a pass. I wish people would stop watching his stupid show so that he could become as irrelevant as he deserves to be.

  41. Longtime lurker, first time poster, my friend's husband works for the the law firm he uses, they once had to sue an author for writing the Don was a millionaire, and not a billionaire.

  42. Shut up, Primadiva! That's great inside poop!

    And hello, too :-).

  43. Hi, Prima!

    Holy cow, that's some INSANE ego!

  44. Hi Frufra & Prolixe!

    Yes, quite the ego on that man...5 million is nothing..he sued the author for 5 billion!!! He lost tho ;)


  45. They are both idiots, but I dislike Bill more than Donald.

  46. I cannot even imagine the size of Trump's ego, probably the only thing in the US that can make Maher's ego look small. Trump's stupid tweets the night of the election were comedy gold though, what an idiot.

    Yeah, he's a punk on many levels, but I'm with Maher on this one.

  47. Good...can't stand Bill Maher. Just looking at him makes my teeth cringe...and his annoying voice. Ugh.

  48. I watch Maher's show and I like it but don't agree with everything I hear from him. He's very arrogant but Trump is in another level with his arrogance, can not stand him! Team Maher here too

  49. Donald Trump isn't as rich as you'd think - Most of his money comes from licensing, which is selling his name to other developers to use.

    So he actually needs to keep his profile high and his name in the news. He does that by getting in these ridiculous flame wars with celebrities to keep his 'brand' trending.

    Seriously - Picture in your head a real billionare, like Bill Gates or Eric Koch, getting into a fight with Rosie O'Donnell or Bill Maher on twitter. Bill Gates might not even know who the fuck Bill Maher is, he's too busy with his business.

  50. My husband had to stay at one of his resorts recently on a business trip and said he just didn't get it. We were talking about how a person worth millions/billions could file for bankruptcy so often. Maher can be pretty disgusting at times, but he has made me laugh in the past. I'm curious to hear his response to this lawsuit.
