Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Having Twins Twice At The Same Time

A woman in Houston last week gave birth to two sets of identical twin boys. The odds of that happening are about 1 in 70 million. The couple were not using any fertility drugs and already have a 2 year old son. When Tressa Montalvo was 10 weeks pregnant her doctor told her they were having twins. The next time Tressa came in the doctor said she was having two sets of twins. Two boys shared one placenta and the other two shared another. The husband says he wants a girl so they will be having more babies.


  1. Wow! That is amazing! I hope all are healthy and have wonderful lives!

    /ignoring that last sentence because I'm in a damn fine mood and feeling very well and getting into that will just piss me right the fuck off!

  2. I read this yesterday. THEY said THEY still wanted a girl. Nice try, Enty. Sheesh.

  3. Shoo, let him have the next batch..

    1. Exactly! I tell my bf all the time, if you have the first, I'll have the second ;)

  4. Oh wow- congratulations, but wow. I hope she had a C section. Trying for MORE? Yikes!!!

  5. Wow, quadruplets are one thing, but two sets of twins? Crazy!

  6. That is pretty amazing, good luck to them.

  7. Adding that they had more quotes from the father than the woman who just expelled 4 babies. duh.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It is refreshing to learn that they didn't use fertility drugs

  10. Yeah I read the original article too and BOTH parents want a little girl.

    Texas woman has two sets of twins

  11. I think if I had five boys I'd probably want to try once more for a girl--but I bet that my future husband would get a vasectomy to make sure that didn't happen--he only agreed to four kids.

  12. It was a c-section, Christopher.

    They already have a 2yo son. Imagine caring for five boys under 3. They named the newbies Abel, Blaine, Cash, and Dylan. Way to make them feel unique!

    And yes, I think Mr. Montalvo will be lucky if he ever gets laid again...

  13. I'm sorry but with five kids, I would shut down the baby making. That is so expensive.

  14. I'm thinking that raising 4 wee ones at once may put a dart in the heart of the "MOAR BABIES" thing, but we will see. Congrats to the family

  15. @Henriette: Not to mention completely exhausting...

  16. I'd say, don't worry too much about the future babies. Your hormones are wacko right after you give birth; I swear, it's nature's way of insuring the continuation of the species. I remember absolutely mourning not being pregnant any more. But then reality sets in after a few weeks of caring for a helpless, needy, baby 24 hours a day. And they're going to be caring for four of them, plus one who's on foot - yikes!!

  17. Holy crap she's having a litter.

  18. The next 18 years will be a blur.

  19. That poor woman. I had one and my body was going nuts.

  20. Ask them about having another baby iin 6 months. I am sure the answer will change.

  21. That is a lot of kittens to look after. Congratulations!

  22. @Della, I was going to say the same...once reality sets in they won't be talking about trying for a girl for awhile :)

  23. Very interesting! I know someone with quads, it's not easy but the family adjusts.

    I am probably going to get some flack but I don't get the obsession with having children of a certain sex. I have two boys, love 'em to pieces, never had a plan to keep going until I got a girl (if I had two girls, I wouldn't have kept going until I had a boy). I mean, little girls are adorable and if I had one, I'd love her to pieces, too, but there's only so much $ and c/s scars to go around the Pro household. My little sister had a girl last year and I get to be "spoiled buying her purple hats" auntie.

    To each their own, I suppose.

  24. The prospect of having 4 children instead of 1 is terrifying. By the time an ultrasound would reveal that, would it be past the point of a legal abortion in the United States? Scary stuff. I wonder if all the chemical hormones in the environment that mimic female hormones can up fertility rates like that? The idea of being saddled with 4 kids at once when you expected one, nope...I wouldn't do it.

  25. @prolixe, no flack here. I never understood that either, there's no guarantee "the next one" will be the sex you're trying for.

    With hearing about the costs of daycare, etc I could not imagine having 4 babies at a time!

    Good luck to the Montalvo family! I'm gonna take a nap for those parents when I get home from work. ;)

  26. She may change her mind after a few months of raising 4 babies and a toddler!! Good luck to her and family! And welcome to babies!

  27. whoa.... 2 at a time was hard enough, I could not imagine 4. Hope they have lots of help and are richy rich cause those babies get pricey!

  28. Holy crap, FIVE boys--good luck parents. I have two and our house is teeming with energy. Love them dearly, but five is more than enough.

    I agree with Prolixe and Curly...when you say you plan to try to have another, you should only do so if you are fully prepared for EITHER sex. My dear cousin is debating on having a baby, but she has a very set idea in her mind of one girl. As much as I love her, the universe works in mysterious ways and you don't always get what you think you want; I can't help but find the humor when someone gets the opposite of what they "planned" in a family.

  29. I dated someone whose parents wanted a girl and at this point had 3 boys. So mom gets pregnant and winds up with triplets! 1 girl out of the group. She was smart and gave each of the kids a "baby" of their own who helped. He used to say, Sally was my baby. Cute.

  30. Count me in with hating the whole "trying for the right sex" train. I have fraternal twin sons, but my hubs always wanted a little girl. I was just happy to get have a baby. The twins will be two this year, and I'm not really too keen on another baby. Two is more than enough for me.

  31. I had one set of twins and almost went out of my mind with scheduling all their everything...naps, changings, feedings...etc. I can't imagine 4 newborns...whoa. I am betting this woman is in her 40's. having two sets of twins with supposedly no fertility drugs makes me think other factors like age and genes come into play. Maybe twins run in her family? As for trying again for a girl...I'd say their odds aren't good. lol

  32. The woman is only 36. Anything is possible, but I seriously doubt they will have more.

  33. I have 1 13 week old son and he has already pushed me to the point of a nervous breakdown due to lack of sleep. I have already decided he will be an only child (decided before he was born, actually - shit pregnancy).

    4 boys? I want to sit in the corner and rock back and forth just thinking about it.

  34. Do you think it's time to get the added hormones out of our food supply in the US???? Isn't it enough 10 year old girls are menstruating? Do you think it's kinda strange you have average size humans with sled feet?? Should humans with six fingers or toes just become the new normal?

    It's way past time to get Monsanto under control and take back our food supply. /rant ovah

  35. I know a family in Michigan with a set of quintuplets that contain two sets of identical twins. The mother went through IVF. They put in three fertilized eggs, with the hope that one would implant. All three did, and then two split. So they ended up with two identical boys, two identical girls, AND a fifth baby.
