Friday, February 08, 2013

Joe Giudice Should Be Going To Jail Soon

It has taken two years since his arrest, but on February 25, a judge will finally set a trial date for Joe Giudice.  Joe, the husband of Real Housewives - New Jersey star Teresa Giudice has been charged with stealing his brother's identity to get a drivers license. Reason? Joe's was suspended because of a DWI conviction. For two years this has dragged out. The reason? He knows he is going to jail and keeps hoping a miracle will happen. I was hoping they would still be taping RH-NJ during the trial, but they won't be. Maybe at the reunion though something will be mentioned. Teresa is supposedly going to testify but I don't see what she can add and the prosecution might start asking about other things she doesn't want to answer.


  1. Buh bye Fuckface...Goodfellas

  2. are one pathetic loser.

  3. Enty, agree with "should be going to jail" , doubt it will happen in real life.

  4. The sick part is how Tre will spin this to make the most money for herself.

  5. Wanna be thug. Lmao

  6. I'm no fan of the Guidices, but this really an offense someone should be sent to jail for?? Pretty much a victimless crime. This should be a fine+probation sitch. This is why there jails are overcrowded and tons of tax $ are spent housing/feeding jailbirds. And I know from whence I speak (he said mysteriously...) Plus...if Joe goes to jail we'll have to deal w/ a year of weeping Teresa Us cover stories and probably a reality show spin-off about Teresa surviving on her own in that giant empty house w/ all those ugly-faced daughters

    1. Identity theft is not a victimless crime. He was pulled over using another persons driver license. Identity theft laws are very serious now, as it should be. If you've had your credit and name stolen you would know why.

  7. This is not a case of damaging identity theft. This is a situation where he used his brother's ID to get a drivers license so he could drive. I'm sure the brother was aware...and he didn't go out and get credit cards, etc. and ruin his life & credit. So, in this case, it's fairly harmless. In the case of ACTUAL damaging identity theft where a stranger (or whomever) steals your identity/abuses your credit/makes your life hell, then yes...tough sentences and jail time make sense. You can't punish all situations the same way.

  8. Whatever. If Lilo hasn't gone to jail again, this jackass isn't either.

  9. I have a feeling that if he goes to jail the madness with her family will stop and she can have peace. For what little I've seen of RHONJ, every time she and her brother are on good terms her husband would create new drama.

  10. What are the things Theresa doesn't want to discuss? Hmmm. I assume something illegal--- but what??

  11. Is that a Dumb & Dumber quote, FSP? LOL

  12. Will he really go too jail and for how long? I can see the identity theft issue. You cannot pick and choose what damage it did or did not do. Really seems like a waste of resources and a burden on the system in this case but guess that is the penalty.

  13. I don't disagree that going to jail seems a bit much for a victimless crime, except the reason he lost his license in the first place was over a DWI. Still, would love probation with a severe fine. Now THAT would hit him where it counts.

    Also, just curious if he got up to anything else with his brother's ID...

  14. Is it identity theft if his brother let him use his ID?

  15. Overkill for sure. If I remember correctly the reason it is going to trial because the jail time offered by the prosecution was a long long time. I would fight it too. He'll probably wear an ankle bracelet and why not, that would be a lot cheaper. Unless the state of NJ wants to make him an example of what they do to celebrities...ahem...California.

    Just for fodder for the Housewife ladies to trash talk the Guidices over and over again, because you know then they can hide the problems with their own situations.

  16. This dude is choked on a chicken bone stupid. I hope he gets the additional year on the suspended list for driving while suspended w/DUI. And they would run those consecutively, not concurrently.

  17. At least they got him for something!

  18. Um, this isn't about identity theft, it's about a convicted, habitual drunk driver committing fraud to get back on the road again! If he had killed someone you loved, you'd be asking why they didn't lock his ass up for a good long time!

  19. Gladys, I know that Teresa has always lied and said she had no idea what Juicy was doing with his finances, so she's probably afraid of getting mixed up in his other troubles. Also, she probably knows about other illegal stuff he's been into. And regardless of what Don Caro says, we know these guys are connected.

  20. I so cannot wait for this trial. I hope they stream the trial live on TV or internet. This is going to be AWESOME!
