Monday, February 04, 2013

Justin Bieber Bodyguard Assaults A Fan

So there you are at Best Buy and lo and behold you see the skinniest, palest looking 12 year old girl in front of you and you realize that it is actually Justin Bieber. Even though you are not a fan, you think to yourself that a photo will be fun to play with and you really have wanted to practice photoshopping. So, you take out your cell phone and take the photo. You then feel a huge hand on your shoulder and a big guy tells you that you need to delete the photo of Justin immediately or else. Not wanting to get beat up over eat, the guy deleted the photo and then called the police. At that point Justin and his entourage rushed out of the store. Police took a report and would like to talk to Justin.


  1. I hate getting beat up over eat. Much better to get beat up over drink, I say

  2. Dammit! You beat me to it Seachica.

  3. Didn't this exact thing happen with CB where he was the phone snatcher and the police were called? Nothing ever happened.

    So now Justin Bieber owns all cell phones ever in existence. Give me a fuckin break!

  4. You know, I'd almost take a bodyguard beatdown over legally taking a picture of someone in public. Just you try explaining that assault and battery to the cops and to the jury in the lawsuit I would bring.

  5. Haha Seachica...I will cut a bitch over eat, especially if it involves chocolate.

  6. I have to laugh at the bodyguards that stars use, most are 350lbs, and I doubt would manage to catch you if you ran with your phone.
    whens the last time you saw a serious dignitary with a mountain of a bodyguard?

  7. Well just don't take pics of Justin when he's trying to buy Boyz 2 Men greatest hits to romance a lady during her tongue lashing.

  8. Aside from the fact that some food is worth fighting over, I guess it's one thing for Biebs to moon people (pitiful moon such as it was), but it's another to take a picture of his back while he's scandalously shopping at Best Buy.

  9. when the hell are we going to have some proper laws about a person's right to eat!

  10. I don't understand how these people think they have the authority to monitor what a civilian and complete stranger has on their cellphones. Lets see what photos you have on your phone big guy.

  11. This little jerk will be NOBODY soon. His fan base is aging up and growing away from him, he is not working to garner new fans and he is pretty much useless at this point. In a few short years we will see a picture of him smoking pot with La Lohan and wonder to ourselves... "gee, whatever happened to that little twerp?"

  12. When is Blohan going to take him out with a stolen car while she's on another bender?

  13. Wow he looks like he needs an exorcist in that picture.

    Beibs, you need to google Leif Garrett...this will be YOU someday.

  14. Doesn't this idiot let people take pics of him smoking pot? But his bodyguards freak out over some nothing picture of him on line at Best Buy?

  15. Anonymous9:06 AM

    big fucking deal. That's part of the bodyguards job nowadays isn't it?
    to regulate what gets out there, to regulate photos, fans, etc? It's not like the guy was assaulted or hurt, let it go. Everyone's getting on the bieber hate bandwagon. But let's keep in mind he's always been a little kid, he's started out in fame as a baby, and he's still a baby. I don't give a fuck about him, but this is a bit much.

  16. What a ridiculous thing! What could be so scandalous about him being at Best Buy?! Was he jacking off with Selena's CD cover? Lol

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. WHOA! I thought "holy s* crackers, Edward's really mad there!" So mad he lost his sparkles!

  19. I respectfully request bieber free month soon.

  20. I'm on board with the Bieber free too. No way would I erase a picture on my phone for some hulking bodyguard..But then I wouldn't find this little girl worthy of my phones' memory.

  21. LOL @ 12 yr old, pale girl

  22. @Where's Shelly (love the name btw) but Bieber isn't the issue. The issue is a bodyguard thinks he can make a person delete a picture. When you are a public figure out in public you are free game. Only the manager of the Best Buy could of kicked the person out. The bodyguard had no legal right to do what he did.

  23. Oh, touching someone's shoulder is considered assault now? I don't understand why the police were called, and I really don't understand why the police are actually willing to pursue it, and I ESPECIALLY don't understand why Justin is the one the police want to talk to. I'm assuming there is more to the story than this write up? I don't care enough to go look, I already exerted too much energy writing this comment.

  24. @seaward, some states have "implied assault" charges - you can be charged with assault for making a real and credible threat. I imagine a 6'9", 350 lb bodyguard standing over a scrawny Bieber fan might constitute a very real and credible threat!

  25. I would like to know why JB (and by extention his bodyguards) think they have any right to tell anyone what to do. I would have told them to fucked off and that if they laid a finger on me I'd scream bloody murder and then call the cops (followed closely by the news).

  26. @seaward Threatening to beat someone up is assault. Touching someone's shoulder is battery. This bodyguard just committed assault and battery.

  27. That's bullshit...F*CK HIM! You wanted fame little man you got it. And as for the "bodyguard"...hit me...I'll sue and sell my tale to the tabloids! I do NOT believe in frivolous lawsuits but these celebrities are getting WAY out of hand! Oh...and I would NOT delete the pic!

  28. I just went back and reread it, I didn't catch the "or else" the first time around. Still seems a waste of police resources to me.

  29. I hate very few people, but this twit is on my list...

  30. That's complete BS, that bodyguard has no right to threaten a person for taking a picture. If it was a Bieber event, like a concert and there was a no-photos policy, sure. But this is BS.

    A very large friend of mine nearly got into a fight with a bodyguard once. We were in Las Vegas, it was crowded, and this bodyguard started shoving/pushing people, shouting at them to MOVE! My friend was pissed, and said "No. You ASK me politely, and you don't touch me." Bodyguard yelled again, "MOVE!"

    This went on for a minute or two, my friend would not back down. Eventually, the bodyguard somewhat caved. Ass. We were not in the way of anything, and it wasn't so crowded or noisy that he had to be so rough. He didn't work for the hotel, he was just there with whoever, just like we were.

  31. Anonymous5:14 PM

    @Zeeky: Your friend is awesome!

  32. Is a hand on the shoulder assault? That's stupid.

  33. ok, what if the senerio was JUST a little different? i take pictures of products all the time. then i compare them or post them on a web site i have. what if the body guard thought the peraon took a picture of justin, but they actuallytook a picture of something else? if the perason couldn't produce the picture the bodyguard expected, would you get your ass beat? i agree with thw fuck JB crew.

  34. I think calling the cops over this was a little much.

    What is this picture? He looks like Angry Edward/Robert is bothered.
