Friday, February 22, 2013

Kate Major Sued For Hate Crime

I know you try and black out all things Michael Lohan and Kate Major from your mind, but at the beginning of last year, shortly before she announced she was pregnant by presumably Michael Lohan, Kate Major was arrested. She was arrested for assaulting a couple. She was so out of it that she tried to kick the police officers who arrested her and they put her in leg restraints. The couple is now suing Kate for her actions and have also tossed in some hate crime language because Kate called the female in the couple a Mexican wh**e. Nice. Michael Lohan says the lawsuit is ridiculous which means it must have merit and he is worried because he does not have many more Lindsay stories to sell and his new kid is not old enough to be earning Michael a paycheck.


  1. I hope that the hate crime she is being sued for is "procreating with Michael Lohan"

  2. @VIP, ha!

    Does that really qualify as hate crime language? I mean, what if I called her a white or a Jewish or a Latino wh**e? I personally think hate crime language only comes into play when it's an actual crime against someone BECAUSE of their race/sexuality, not in addition to it. (I'm not a lawyer, I only play one at the kitchen table when my kids are fighting... ;b)

    But I won't argue this point, VIP is right on.

  3. She is absolutely stunning.


  4. This is OT, but when I first saw the pic I thought it was Tara Reid:

    If you are not following Tara Reid on Twitter, YOU HAVE TO. @tarareid
    OMG so much drunk awesomeness.

  5. The women in Mesh's life certainly don't fare well, looks-wise, do they?! This one is around the same age as LL and they both look older than me! Good grief!

    LOLOLOL @ Vip. Mesh procreating should be a hate crime against humanity.

  6. Ha!Hopefully they will win and take the baby.

  7. A white woman calling someone else a " whore".
    The irony.

    1. Are you self-loathing or something?

  8. just curious making fun of "white" people.

    The unexpectedness.

  9. I just love the mugshots that are connected to the Lohans. So glamourous.and not at all embarrassing.

  10. +1 @Prolixe and Angela. Bam!

  11. I just hope that she pronounced it "huh-whoa" the way that Noo Yohwakuhz and low-class East Coast people pronounce it. "Yoo wuh huh-whoa!"

    1. Yes, because that is the exact way they pronounce it. Absolutely.

  12. It's pics like this that make such fun! Agree that Lohan family mugshots are a genre of their own.

  13. Whitefolks are funny.

    Ya hear the story about the cripple whiteboy who killed his girlfriend,idk,maybe becoz she had more limbs than him.
    Anyway,the case against him is so garbage,it looks like he may walk after all.

  14. i see what you did there.

  15. Well, at least she didn't call her a Mexican prostitution who-ah.

  16. Ignore the troll! He needs to get back under that bridge with Mary Kate and Ashley.

    Tara Reid's Twitter is funny, but kind of sad. It looks like a 16 year old is tweeting, not a 30 something.

    1. ".. He needs to get back under that bridge with Mary Kate and Ashley."

      There's no room left under the bridge,your ass consumes too much space.
      Dieting doesn't work for you so stick to the finger-down-your-throat method.

  17. These people are so trashy.

    Also, wouldn't it be funny if 'just curious' turned out to be a white guy? It would be like that Dave Chappelle skit.

  18. I'm now following Tara Reid on Twitter (AND ENTY!!), thanks for the tip.

  19. Leave him alone ladies, christ. Have we not gone over this before. Leave him alone or actually come up with something creative, geesh.

    This is the problem we have in America and elsewhere. Everything is turning into a hate crime. What Alec Baldwin did was called a hate crime. Using ugly words to spew at people is not a hate crime it is called hate filled language. A hate crime is if you are actually harming the person because of their race.

    Like she could have called her that name and been kicking her, that is a hate crime.

  20. I doubt that everything has become a hate crime in America. Is that not overstating things a smidge?

  21. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Wow, he really likes his women to be boozers! Look at that wrinkly, sloppy, drunkface she's making, and she always looks like that! Not a good look.
    Do any of these people actually work? Or is it all just prostitution, drugs and booze?

  22. This is disgusting and trashy as hell, but is it really a hate crime just to name an ethnicity and add 'whore' after it?

  23. I see trout mouth. Is this her Facebook Pic? lol
