Thursday, February 14, 2013

Katie Couric's Husband Is A Ghost

Police are investigating how a phone number that belonged to the deceased husband of Katie Couric keeps calling 911. It has called them 10 times. Although the line works there is no phone attached. Meanwhile, first responders have come to Katie's place each time thinking there was an emergency. Jay Monahan was a guy you loved watching on television. He was an attorney but spent most of his time talking about trials or giving his opinion. He died of colon cancer in 1998. What I am thinking is that he and Kurt Cobain have become friends in heaven and Kurt is trying to tell police something about the way he died. Could be Elvis too. Hungry. Wants a peanut butter and banana sandwich with pickles.


  1. Oooh creepy! I love stories like this.

  2. It would be much creepier if he had died in an emergency type situation. Super weird.

  3. FREAKY!

    The WORST would be if those ghost-911 calls only happened when Katie brought a date home. Maybe that's the rest of the story. eeeeek.

  4. My first thought is this must be hard on Katie but hopefully she's found some humor in it.

  5. That's really fucked up that someone is messing with Katie. Also not just once, but every Tuesday at the same hour. People have nothing better to do at 2am?

  6. 15 years gone and his phone number is still active?!?! How is that possible? This is just bizarre.

    1. I think it's a landline and she just never closed it.

      My brother in law still has my sisters cell phone # she had when she passed away. It's been 11 years. They had a family line so he canceled his and kept her #.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Read the article that Enty linked to under "investigating" that goes to the NYDaily News for info.

  9. There are apps where you can change your number to whatever you want. I called my ex stepmother once from 000-382-5968 among others. Yes I'm juvenile like that.

  10. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I agree, this is creepy. I love watching shows like Paranormal State, I get so freaked out. I love it when they bring the psychics in, like Chip Coffey and Michelle Bellanjay to confirm and say, yes there is a female/male spirit, they are saying.... gives me the willies every time. It's sad though that the guy that ran it, Ryan Buell is fighting pancreatic cancer. Get well Ryan! We're praying for you!

    1. I adore Chip. He seems very loving and truly cares about his work. His website advertises that he does phone readings .. However I don't have the $500 to spend for an hour .. Or at least I can't justify it. Le sigh.
      Get well Ryan!

    2. Alicia if you have something you need help on, I will do your tarot cards via online, for no charge.

  11. @lotta: Assuming he kept it for sentimental reasons, made this old gal tear up to think of that, Valentine's Day and all. I'm sorry for your loss.

    1. @meanie, don't want to make you tear up more but he did it to keep her voice on the voicemail. It's his voice now but it was very hard for him at first as you can imagine. Thank you for your kind words. and Happy VDay to you too :)

  12. Btw:

    Happy Akoma Day to one and all here at CDAN!! <3

  13. Oh, that does it...this sentimental old fool is crying. lol I understand: I wish I had my Mom's voice recorded. <3

  14. If the land line is still active, it's probably some kind of glitch in an alarm system or something.

  15. Kesha is so jealous, she's been looking for another paranormal peen.

  16. @ethorne: Okay, that Kesha comment seems so random and funny, so I'll bite and ask, "Huh?" LOL

  17. LMAO the kesha comment comes from her claiming to have had sex with a ghost.

    1. @Lotta-lololololol at your avi!

  18. @Meanie- Kesha has had sex with a ghost! She said it in an interview, along with some other crazy shit.

  19. I just hope the ghost used protection. Kesha looks stank.

  20. lmfao@ sexy times with a ghost. Hey, if it did the trick, who are we to judge? ;)

  21. Years ago my brother had one of those voicemail things that would record over old messages. The day my dad died, we went to his house afterwards and I was in the kitchen with him while he listened to his messages. He listened to a few current messages and then it brought up the last part of the message it had recorded over. It was my dad's voice saying good-bye. Really freaked us out. Major crying when that happened. (it was a genuine message from my dad from a few weeks before - he always ended his messages by saying goodbye)

  22. It is most likely just a glitch in the telecommunications system, and nothing more sinister. It's happened before.

    My favorite ghost phone story came from in Lebanon, IL. The guy who owns the shop now bought it a few years ago, and went to work gutting it and converting it to a modern restaurant with an old-fashioned feel. While he was fixing it up, he kept hearing the phone ring. When he got to it, it would stop. The phone has been disconnected for decades, and there was no electricity going to it at all. After a while, it just stopped. He never could figure out who was trying to call, but he still loves to tell the story.

  23. Now, Enty--enough w/the cheap shots at Courtney, OK? Besides, IIRC Elvis didn't actually have pickles in his peanut butter/bacon/banana sammich. :-)

    In some ways, it wouldn't be surprising if Jay's spirit was still hanging around--very often, ghosts are the spirits of those who died with unfinished business of some kind, and parents of young children (mothers in particular) are very apt to "stick around" to keep an eye on their kids. There are those who claim John Lennon did/does haunt the Dakota, and it wouldn't surprise me for similar reasons, as well as his dying suddenly and violently (another common factor w/ghosts). That said, I suspect it's either some kind of electronic glitch, or else Katie's being very cruelly SWATted by hackers, who really need to get a fucking life if that's the case.

  24. Paging john edwards, the psychic, van pragh and long island medium. Come in please!

  25. Yeah...super creepy. It's so bizarre that it's calling 911. Can't they find the location of where the call is coming from...not just find out the number?

  26. In a previous job I often worked with widows and widowers. It was common to call them and have their voicemail still be the deceased spouse's voice. At first it freaked me out a bit then I just saw that it was a typical part of the grieving process.

  27. This sounds like an episode of the old Alfred Hitchcock show. This old woman keeps getting phone calls, and when she answers there's no one on the line. The calls are finally traced to the cemetery so she drives out there. She finds a downed phone line draped over the grave of her husband-to-be who died decades before.

  28. It's Sarah Palin playing pranks.

  29. @Jason: love the total randomness of your comment!! lolololo
