Thursday, February 21, 2013

Put Your Number In My Phone

Apparently this works 75% of the time. That is crazy.


  1. I totally lol'ed when the guy looked away cuz he was about to laugh in the first girls face when she actually did it.

  2. If the guy were overweight, older or anywhere other than college campus, I don't think it would have worked as well.

  3. This is why guys should never complain about not being able to pick up chicks. It's so easy.

  4. I think it wouldn't be as successful if the guys were 100 pounds overweight, slovenly dressed, had back acne, and were smelly...

  5. @Cathy. Good point about the college campus! I doubt this would work as well for these guys on the subway in NYC.

  6. @Lynn Cloud, that's what I was thinking. LOL!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Meh. I feel like sometimes we do things without thinking when we are caught off guard. I just let some stranger take a picture of my baby because they asked. Plus this isn't that different than when people hand out business cards the moment they meet someone and that has a lot more information. In truth, we've all given out or taken numbers with no intention of calling of hearing from the person, and that is usually the end of it.

  9. Who is to say the number isn't bogus? Putting bad info in there is not a bad strategy for shaking off unwanted suitors.

    1. @lazyday - a strategy used many times by me and my girlies when we were single!

  10. @lazyday603 - exactly. Assuming this is real, don't tell me these girls don't have a pizza # memorized for moments like these.

  11. He did call a couple of them and verify it was their number. And I bet this wouldn't work as well at a different school. He was at BYU in Utah, which is a pretty squeaky clean place. The girls would assume he is just another nice Mormon boy. I doubt seriously he'd have as much luck at Columbia or another college located in a metropolitan area.

  12. Just tell the guy your name is Jenny & put the phone number 967-5309 in there.

  13. Whoops, mistype: 867-5309. Jenny, Jenny who can I turn to?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Exactly Lucas.

    Thank goodness one girl kind of balked but seriously they still all did it..What we saw at least. How many didn't say yes?

  16. And let's see this experiment with an ugly, awkward guy and see how it goes. This guy was very bold and everyone knows that confidence is an aphrodisiac.


    Because I said so...ok.

  18. Anonymous1:34 PM

    He was confident, not trying to hard, sure of himself, attractive, calm, dressed decently, had good hygiene from what I can see, there's not alot of reasons why a girl wouldn't give him their phone number. Guys have such a huge phobia about getting up the guts to talk to a girl, while they're wrestling with their nerves, some other guy is going to walk up and ask for their number in his phone! Guys rarely hit on girls, rarely, rarely, it's nice when a decent guy does talk to you in a non leg humping, non smarmy, human way.

  19. Wouldn't work in NY; people barely slow down to say excuse me when they bump into you so you can forget about women even taking the time for him to even ask. Most girls would roll their eyes and keep walking.
    Guys became hip to that wrong number thing a long time to ago. So ladies try this; if an annoying guy wants your number give him your father's number instead. Dads know how to deal with a holes

  20. Wouldn't work in NY; people barely slow down to say excuse me when they bump into you so you can forget about women even taking the time for him to even ask. Most girls would roll their eyes and keep walking.
    Guys became hip to that wrong number thing a long time to ago. So ladies try this; if an annoying guy wants your number give him your father's number instead. Dads know how to deal with a holes

  21. There used to be a rejection hotline that I would give as my phone number to guys that were jerks. They used to have numbers in different states but the only left now is 212-660-2245.

    It was super fun. Especially when they'd try to call from the end of the bar a few minutes later.

    1. Yup received the rejection hotline number a few times.

  22. @Lucas, speaking of squeaky clean image, did you hear about the serial rapist finding victims on Christian Mingle?

  23. This is an old trick from the Mystery Method. It's a book written that claims to teach seductive techniques.

    Similar to the Game, but more technical.

    The phone trick is supposed to work very well - People will play with things put in their hands, just by habit and instinct.

    By the way, the guys who wrote these tricks used them to hunt celebrity girls - And they're not attractive.

  24. I made the mistake of doing this with a coworker. I thought it would be work related. He started calling me "baby" and saying he "missed me." He totally creeped me out. I told him to back off, and he did. I learned my lesson though.

  25. Hmm... I would definitely say no go away, but I am married. If this was 7 or 8 years ago, and I was single, and the guy was hot... can't say I wouldn't give him my number. I think I probably would have.


  27. @lostathorne that was the worst part! If some guy said that to me I would tell him to f- off.

  28. It is because he is cute, confident and girls like to be hit on.

  29. That first girl. LMAO shm

  30. I had a guy try to ask me out by giving me a card in the bookstore at BYU. So this doesn't surprise me at all. I think he was more surprised that it didn't work. He thought he was being so creative! :)

    1. I had a guy give me a card at BYU outside the bookstore, but it was one of those, "You're breaking the dress to your Bishop" cards. I was in a sports bra and biking shorts because I was cycling through campus to go to Outdoors Unlimited ON MY BIKE.

  31. I grew up in Provo near BYU, the success of this is fully a cultural thing. Small town, super clean, everyone is in a huge ward (church) full of strangers coming and going, everyone trying to hook up and get married. This isn't that weird if you get this place.

  32. U would think in this day and age that girls would be wiser. In the 60 and 70's...I could see it happening, just like hitchhiking was normal...but not now a days...absolutely not. It's amazing how many girls are either desperate or stupid.


  33. the other question is how many girls of that 75% put down their actual phone numbers.....

  34. now you why it was so easy for Ted Bundy
