Thursday, February 14, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Disneyland will never be the same Kyle Richards and Bethenny Frankel were there at the same time.
Madonna has decided Instagram means let me show off my body. So, pretty much everyday for her.
Justin Timberlake has also joined Instagram. Blinds other people who try and appear with him.
Meanwhile, Jessica Biel was hanging out with this guy at the Four Seasons. Probably hoping for a Bieber sighting.
Oz premiere was last night. Mila Kunis and Rachel Weisz flanked a demure Michelle Williams.
OK, so not that demure.
James Franco was there. Brought his deepthroating skills.
When you say something bad about the movie Waiting, this is what Ryan Reynolds does to you.
Antonio Banderas talks to food. I just eat it.


  1. Kyle's (now)horrible sister Kim was in the Disney Witch Mountain movies! Not super on topic, but I love cheesy 70's live action Disney crap.

  2. Nice Instatramp photo, Madonna.

  3. "Deepthroating skills." Is that a blind clue?

  4. Ewww, I so don't want to see Madonnas 50+ yr old Ass and peeks of her lady bits... (Even if is is in better shape than me) Its just wrong somehow..

  5. I thought Michelle's dress was very demure until I saw it from the side.

  6. I like Mila's dress. She's so lovely.

  7. Did any of y'all catch Franco on one of the late night shows last night - maybe KImmel? Dude TEACHES college courses - film making and English, I believe. Holy cow, Mr. Franco surely thinks very highly of himself. He's quite the intellectual :-p. I imagine he's insufferable to be around.

  8. Does anyone else think that Kyle Richards looks a lot like Demi Moore?

  9. What's with the James Franco deepthroat comment?

    Jessica Biel please get rid of the fringe. Let it grow.

    Madonna's instagrammimg skills are horrible.

  10. MaDonna's ass looks gross.

  11. @Rox - yes, I briefly wondered who let their kid be with her.

    Madonna has no idea she just looks more stupid each time she sends out one of those photos.

  12. Yes, I saw Fellatio on Kimmel last night. How he's managed to get more insufferable...and that he's still ABD and yet teaching. I mean, technically, he's got the same academic credentials that I do (except not really, not by a mile), but I wouldn't teach two classes while still working full-time as an actor. And that "art" of his that they showed...ugh.

    Dude is headed for a big fall.

    1. I forgot about the "art", B.; good Lord, how'd you like the beauty that incorporated the navy windbreaker?

    2. What did he say, he liked the line of the jacket? I was howling with laughter - that was rich!

    3. If Franco deserves his own art show, my 14 year old should be getting gallery space at MOMA or something.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I will sadly admit right here right now that I just finished reading Franco's book Palo Alto. It was awful. Awful. Fucking AWFUL.

  15. Put it away Madonna- poor Lourdes.

  16. James Franco re deep throating:

  17. Anonymous12:25 PM

    how fine is rachel! meeoowwwwww

  18. I never thought a picture of a man shushing a donut could look so damn sexy.

    I don't agree with some of Lainey's snark, but I think she has James Franco pegged.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Oh, Madonna, no no no no.

    I like Bethenny. Kyle, not so much.

    I never liked Michelle Williams. Not in Dawson's Creek, not in Halloween H20 and not now in her serious actress phase.

    I'm going to say it out loud: I like Jessica Biel.

  21. @Rox - totally! First time I saw RHOBH I was trying to figure out who Kyle reminded me of, then saw St. Elmo's Fire a couple of nights later and it clicked.

    Antonio can shush any food in my kitchen, any time.

  22. Are we sure that Madonna's instagram account isn't actually the ultimate prank by Sir Elton John? She cannot be approving these photos herself. Guppy with conjunctivitis, Let's Get Physical and now Wedgie Time? The gay mafia has struck again

  23. Mikey & Mala Propism:
    Yep, they look like they could be sisters.

  24. JT's pic is cute!!!

    I love both Michelle and Mila's dresses. I want them!!

  25. I love Mila's dress!

    Uhhhh....I think James Franco is cute..LOL...I know he's a freak, though.

    Gotta love Antonio Banderas!

  26. Does Madonna not realize that Instagram doesn't have photoshop? Cuz those photos are HIDEOUS. Like, I wouldn't choose those photos to publish if I was snapping photos of myself. One looked like her (weirdly shaped) chin was covered in drool? This ass and thigh photo is probably not the sexy shot she was hoping for.

  27. Ugh, Instagram. Like twitter before it, a platform for people to feel self important.

    Vapid tweets about what a great croissant you just ate - not important info to have out there.

    Pictures of your butt that you think are "arty" - also not really necessary to have out there.

    Just my opinion though.

  28. Hey, Antonio.

    Rachael looks hot.

    JT looks like an elf.

  29. Gawd is Antonio hot! He's aging well.

    Madonna must be clinically delusional. She still won't let go of trying to be sexy, and her poor kids. OMG my son wouldn't want to walk out of the house because of the humiliation.

  30. Justin looks like a hobbit, i don't know why ppl think he's attractive, and his new song is terrible. it's like he released so that ppl would tell him to keep acting...

  31. I do not like Justin's new song. Bleh.

    Mila looks so good in that photo. I don't think I've ever seen her look so good...and she always looks good.

  32. Love Rachel Weisz. I think I'm in the minority, but I do not dig Michelle William's style. I do not like that hair either. That yellow dress that she wore at the Oscars, years ago, was one of my all time favs, though. Perfect dress and hair. Other than that, meh.

  33. Mila's looking ultra-smokey

  34. Antonio Banderas.....the Donut Whispererererer!

    Me likey!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36.'s sagging....please stop!

    Antonio was so hot in Mambo kings and zorro....not so much now.


  37. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Madonna's pic only looks bad if u r are comparing her ass to a twenty year olds. Looks pretty good for 50+.

  38. Justin's ears are derpy in that pic! Lol.

    Franco's middle brother is a major art head who owns a gallery I believe.

  39. Tell me why the grown ass women have the mouse ears
    and not the girls?

  40. Love Mila's dress

  41. Ugh, look at how Kyle and B (sorry I can't stand to even say her name) are so narcissistic that they can't help by making the trip to Disney/photo about themselves; they are wearing the attention-drawing mouse ears and the Portia and Bryn don't even have a friggin Disney tshirt or tiara or Mouseketeer ears.

  42. Every time I see Michelle Williams lately I am reminded that she is dating Jason Segel who is cousins with a close family friend of mine. IT SHOULD BE ME DAMMIT! :( Although I couldn't put up with his smoking habit so it might be for the best...
